Jin-sun,also spelled Jin-seon,is a Korean masculine name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the given name. There are 43 hanja with the reading "jin" and 41 hanja with the reading "sun" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names. [1]
People with this name include:
Hee-kyung,also spelled Hui-gyeong,Hui-kyong,or Hi-kyung,is a Korean unisex given name,predominantly feminine. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 25 hanja with the reading "hee" and 54 hanja with the reading "kyung" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
Jin-hee is a Korean unisex given name,predominantly feminine. Its meaning depends on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 48 hanja with the reading "jin" and 24 hanja with the reading "hee" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
Mi-kyung or Mi-kyoung,also spelled Mi-gyeong or Mi-gyong is a Korean feminine given name. It was South Korea's most popular name for baby girls in 1968. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name.
Ji-min,also spelled Jee-min,is a Korean unisex given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 46 hanja with the reading "ji" and 27 hanja with the reading "min" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names. Ji-min was South Korea's third-most popular name for baby girls in 2008,with 2,792 being given the name.
Ho-jin is a Korean masculine given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 49 hanja with the reading "ho" and 43 hanja with the reading "jin" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
Ho-sung,also spelled Ho-seong,is a Korean masculine given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 49 hanja with the reading "ho" and 27 hanja with the reading "sung" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
Sun-woo,also spelled Seon-u,Sŏn-u,or Seon-woo,is a Korean surname and unisex given name. It may also be written without the hyphen after the 'n',particularly when used as a surname.
Sang-wook is a Korean masculine given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name.
Hee-jung,also spelled Hui-jeong,is a Korean unisex given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 24 hanja with the reading "hee" and 73 hanja with the reading "jung" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
Hyun-jin,also spelled Hyeon-jin or Hyon-jin,is a Korean unisex given name. Its meaning depends on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 35 hanja with the reading "hyun" and 43 hanja with the reading "jin" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
Hye-rim,also spelled Hye-lim,is a Korean feminine given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 16 hanja with the reading "hye" and nine hanja with the reading "rim" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
Jin-hwan is a Korean masculine given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the given name. There are 43 hanja with the reading "jin" and 21 hanja with the reading "hwan" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
Jung-hwan,also spelled Jeong-hwan or Jong-hwan,is a Korean masculine given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 75 hanja with the reading "jung" and 21 hanja with the reading "hwan" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
Jin-sung,also spelled Jin-seong,is a Korean unisex given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 48 hanja with the reading "jin" and 27 hanja with the reading "sung" and on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names.
Jina and Jinah are Roman-alphabet spellings of either of two homophonous Korean feminine given names with different hangul spellings. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name.
Seon,also spelled Sun,is an uncommon Korean family name,as well as an element in Korean given names. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write it.
Jin-hyuk,also spelled Jin-hyeok or Jin-hyok,is a Korean masculine given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 48 hanja with the reading "jin" and nine hanja with the reading "hyuk" and on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for used in given names.
Jin-woo is a Korean masculine given name. Its meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name.
Mi-jung,also spelled Mi-jeong,is a Korean feminine given name. The meaning differs based on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 33 hanja with the reading "mi" and 75 hanja with the reading "jung" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be registered for use in given names.
Hee-jin,also spelled Hui-jin,is a Korean unisex given name. Its meaning depends on the hanja used to write each syllable of the name. There are 24 hanja with the reading "hee" and 43 hanja with the reading "jin" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names. People with this name include: