Kamel Bidari

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Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Rahmoune, Fayçal; Makdeche, Said (2015). "Effect of Stress-Strain Conditions on Physical Precursors and Failure Stages Development in Rock Samples". Acta Geophysica. 63: 62–102. Bibcode:2015AcGeo..63...62B. doi: 10.2478/s11600-014-0206-9 . S2CID   129228813.
  • Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Makdeche, Said; Rahmoune, Fayçal (2012). "Effect of temperature on the physical precursors of rock block failure". Acta Geophysica. 60 (4): 1007–1029. Bibcode:2012AcGeo..60.1007B. doi:10.2478/s11600-012-0038-4. S2CID   140588697. [13]
  • Baddari K, Frolov Anatoly D (1997) Modeling of the fractal structure of a geophysical field. C.R Acad Sc Paris, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 325, 925-930. [14]
  • Baddari, Kamel; Makdeche, Said; Bellalem, Fouzi (2013). "Probabilistic model to forecast earthquakes in the Zemmouri (Algeria) seismoactive area on the basis of moment magnitude scale distribution functions". Acta Geophysica. 61 (1): 60–83. Bibcode:2013AcGeo..61...60B. doi:10.2478/s11600-012-0064-2. S2CID   129934223. [15]
  • Kamel Baddari; Anatoly d. Frolov (2011). "Regularities in discrete hierarchy seismo-acoustic mode in a geophysical field". Annals of Geophysics. 53 (5–6). doi: 10.4401/ag-4725 . [15]
  • Baddari K, Ferahtia J, Aifa T, Djarfour N (2011) Seismic noise attenuation by means of ananisotropic non-linear diffusion filter. Computers & Geosciences 37 456–463. [15]
  • Djarfour N, Ferahtia J, Babaia F, Baddari K, El-adj S, Farfour M (2014) Seismic noise filtering basedon Generalized Regression Neural Networks. Computers & Geosciences 69 1–9 [16]
  • Bouchelaghem H.E, Hamadouche M, Soltani F, Baddari K (2016) Adaptive clutter-map CFAR detection in distributed sensor networks,” AEU-Int. J. Electronics Commun.70, No. 9, 1288. [17]
  • Baouche R, Aïfa T, Baddari K (2017) Intelligent methods for predicting nuclear magnetic resonance of porosity and permeability by conventional well-logs: a case study of Saharan field. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10:545. [18]
  • Baouche R, Aïfa T, Baddari K (2017) Intelligent methods for predicting nuclear magnetic resonance of porosity and permeability by conventional well-logs: a case study of Saharan field. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10:545. [18]
  • Baouche R, Baddari K (2017) Prediction of permeability and porosity from well log data using the nonparametric regression with multivariate analysis and neural network, Hassi R’Mel Field, Algeria. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 26, 7763-778. [19]
  • Bouchelaghem H. E, Hamadouche M, Soltani F, Baddari K (2019) Distributed Clutter-Map Constant False Alarm Rate Detection Using Fuzzy Fusion Rules (2019) Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, Vol. 62, No. 1, 1–5. © Allerton Press, Inc. [20]
  • I.Ali Zerrouki A, Geraud Y, Diraison M, Baddari K (2019) A Preliminary study of relationships between thermal conductivity and petrophysical parameters in Hamra Quartzites reservoir, Hassi Messaoud field (Algeria). J. African Earth Sciences, Vol 151, 461-471. [21]
  • Baddari Kamel, Aifa T., Djarfour N., Ferahtia J. (2009): Application of a radial basis function artificial neural network to seismic data inversion . Computer and Geosciences, 35, pages 2338–2344.
  • Baddari Kamel, Aifa T., Djarfour N., Ferahtia J. : Acoustic impedance inversion by feedback artificial neural network – Petrol J.—Zci. Eng. 76. [8]
  • Baddari Kamel, Guerin R., Djarfour N., Ferahtia J. : Application of signal depen- dant rank-order mean filter to the removal of noise spikes from 2D electrical resistivity imaging data. Near surface geophysics, 7 (3), pages 159 – 169. [11]
  • Baddari, K., Frolov, A. D., Tourtchine, V., & Rahmoune, F. (2011). An integrated study of the dynamics of electromagnetic and acoustic regimes during failure of complex macrosystems using rock blocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 44(3), 269-280. [22]
  • Zerrouki, A.A, Geraud, Y, Diraison, M Baddari, K Preliminary study of relationships between thermal conductivity and petrophysical parameters in Hamra
  • "A Preliminary study of relationships between thermal conductivity and petrophysical parameters in Hamra Quartzites reservoir, Hassi Messaoud field (Algeria)". Journal of African Earth Sciences.
  • Books

    Pr Baddari during the implementation of the idea a student a tree Pr Baddari pendant la mise en oeuvre de l'idee- un etudiant un arbre..jpg
    Pr Baddari during the implementation of the idea a student a tree

    Kamel is the author numerous books:

    • Physique de la terre. OPU. 388 pages
    • Equations de la physique mathématiques appliquées. OPU – 404 pages. [23]
    • Théorie et pratique des fonctions d’une variable complexe. OPU- 350 pages. [24]
    • Filtrage Analogique-Numérique. Dar El Djazairia Alger,
    • les Seismes Et Leur Prévision. Opu Alger 2002, 355 P,
    • assurance Qualité Dans L'enseignement Supérieur - Conduire Et Réussir L'autoévaluation. Opu Alger 2013, 146 P.
    • Comprendre et pratiquer le LMD, OPU, 140p. [25]
    • Conduire et réussir une au- toévaluation institutionnelle – OPU – 198p.
    • Indicateurs de qualité dans l’E.S. - OPU (2012)
    • Bien enseigner avec le LMD – OPU – (2014)
    • La recherché d’information – OPU – (2016)

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    1. "Kamel Bidari takes office as minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research". Algerian Press Service. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
    2. "President Tebboune conducts ministerial reshuffle". Algerian Press Service. Retrieved 22 September 2022.
    3. 1 2 3 "Biographie de BADDARI Kamel" (PDF). Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique (in French). Retrieved 10 February 2023.
    4. 1 2 CHALABI, samira. "Rector Word | University of M'sila" . Retrieved 2020-01-07.
    5. 1 2 "L'arrêté n°1636 du 29 octobre 2016 portant création d'une commission nationale de pilotage et de suivi de la mise en œuvre du programme d'accompagnement pédagogique au profit de l'enseignant chercheur" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 2019-03-12.
    6. 1 2 Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Rahmoune, Fayçal; Makdeche, Said (February 2015). "Effect of Stress-Strain Conditions on Physical Precursors and Failure Stages Development in Rock Samples". Acta Geophysica. 63 (1): 62–102. Bibcode:2015AcGeo..63...62B. doi: 10.2478/s11600-014-0206-9 . ISSN   1895-6572.
    7. 1 2 Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Makdeche, Said; Rahmoune, Fayçal (2012-04-20). "Effect of temperature on the physical precursors of rock block failure". Acta Geophysica. 60 (4): 1007–1029. Bibcode:2012AcGeo..60.1007B. doi:10.2478/s11600-012-0038-4. ISSN   1895-6572. S2CID   140588697.
    8. 1 2 Baddari, Kamel; Djarfour, Noureddine; Aïfa, Tahar; Ferahtia, Jalal (April 2010). "Acoustic impedance inversion by feedback artificial neural network". Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 71 (3–4): 106–111. Bibcode:2010JPSE...71..106B. doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2009.09.012 . ISSN   0920-4105.
    9. Sobolev, G. A. (1975), "The Study of Precursors of Failure Under Biaxial Compression", Earthquake Prediction and Rock Mechanics, Birkhäuser Basel, pp. 45–49, doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-5534-1_4, ISBN   978-3-0348-5536-5
    10. Djarfour, Noureddine; Aïfa, Tahar; Baddari, Kamel; Mihoubi, Abdelhafid; Ferahtia, Jalal (June 2008). "Application of feedback connection artificial neural network to seismic data filtering". Comptes Rendus Geoscience. 340 (6): 335–344. arXiv: 0811.2743 . Bibcode:2008CRGeo.340..335D. doi:10.1016/j.crte.2008.03.003. ISSN   1631-0713. S2CID   56243995.
    11. 1 2 Ferahtia, Jalal; Djarfour, Nouredine; Baddari, Kamel; Guérin, Roger (2009-03-01). "Application of signal dependent rank-order mean filter to the removal of noise spikes from 2D electrical resistivity imaging data". Near Surface Geophysics. 7 (3): 159–169. doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2009006 . ISSN   1569-4445. S2CID   110813366.
    12. Saoud, L. Saad; Rahmoune, F.; Tourtchine, V.; Baddari, K. (July 2013). "Complex-valued forecasting of the global solar irradiation". Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 5 (4): 043124. doi:10.1063/1.4818618. ISSN   1941-7012.
    13. Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Makdeche, Said; Rahmoune, Fayçal (August 2012). "Effect of temperature on the physical precursors of rock block failure". Acta Geophysica. 60 (4): 1007–1029. Bibcode:2012AcGeo..60.1007B. doi:10.2478/s11600-012-0038-4. ISSN   1895-6572. S2CID   140588697.
    14. Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D. (December 1997). "Modélisation de la structure fractale d'un milieu géophysique". Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série IIA. 325 (12): 925–930. Bibcode:1997CRASE.325..925B. doi:10.1016/s1251-8050(97)82371-3. ISSN   1251-8050.
    15. 1 2 3 Baddari, Kamel; Ferahtia, Jalal; Aïfa, Tahar; Djarfour, Noureddine (April 2011). "Seismic noise attenuation by means of an anisotropic non-linear diffusion filter". Computers & Geosciences. 37 (4): 456–463. Bibcode:2011CG.....37..456B. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2010.09.009. ISSN   0098-3004.
    16. Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Rahmoune, Fayçal; Makdeche, Said (February 2015). "Effect of Stress-Strain Conditions on Physical Precursors and Failure Stages Development in Rock Samples". Acta Geophysica. 63 (1): 62–102. Bibcode:2015AcGeo..63...62B. doi: 10.2478/s11600-014-0206-9 . ISSN   1895-6572.
    17. Bouchelaghem, H.E.; Hamadouche, M.; Soltani, F.; Baddari, K. (September 2016). "Adaptive Clutter-Map CFAR detection in distributed sensor networks". AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. 70 (9): 1288–1294. doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2016.06.016. ISSN   1434-8411.
    18. 1 2 Baouche, Rafik; Aïfa, Tahar; Baddari, Kamel (December 2017). "Intelligent methods for predicting nuclear magnetic resonance of porosity and permeability by conventional well-logs: a case study of Saharan field". Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 10 (24). doi:10.1007/s12517-017-3344-y. ISSN   1866-7511. S2CID   133696320.
    19. Rafik, Baouche; Kamel, Baddari (September 2017). "Prediction of permeability and porosity from well log data using the nonparametric regression with multivariate analysis and neural network, Hassi R'Mel Field, Algeria". Egyptian Journal of Petroleum. 26 (3): 763–778. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpe.2016.10.013 . ISSN   1110-0621.
    20. Bouchelaghem, H. E.; Hamadouche, M.; Soltani, F.; Baddari, K. (January 2019). "Distributed Clutter-Map Constant False Alarm Rate Detection Using Fuzzy Fusion Rules". Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. 62 (1): 1–5. doi:10.3103/s0735272719010011. ISSN   0735-2727. S2CID   132820865.
    21. Ali Zerrouki, Ahmed; Geraud, Yves; Diraison, Marc; Baddari, Kamel (March 2019). "A Preliminary study of relationships between thermal conductivity and petrophysical parameters in Hamra Quartzites reservoir, Hassi Messaoud field (Algeria)" (PDF). Journal of African Earth Sciences. 151: 461–471. Bibcode:2019JAfES.151..461A. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2019.01.005. ISSN   1464-343X. S2CID   134298816.
    22. Baddari, Kamel; Frolov, Anatoly D.; Tourtchine, Victor; Rahmoune, Fayçal (2010-12-28). "An Integrated Study of the Dynamics of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Regimes During Failure of Complex Macrosystems Using Rock Blocks". Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 44 (3): 269–280. doi:10.1007/s00603-010-0130-5. ISSN   0723-2632. S2CID   129714185.
    23. "Equations de la physique mathématique appliquées – Bibliothèque de l'ESTI" (in French). Archived from the original on 2020-01-11. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
    24. "Théorie et pratique des fonctions d'une variable complexe | Office des publications universitaires". www.opu-dz.com. Retrieved 2020-01-07.
    25. "Comprendre et pratiquer le LMD ( Licence – Master – Doctorat ) | Office des publications universitaires". www.opu-dz.com. Retrieved 2020-01-07.

    Kamel Bidari
    Photo Baddari 6 (cropped).jpg
    Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research
    Assumed office
    9 September 2022
    Flag of Algeria.svg

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