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Khayerkhal is a village located in the Maynaguri block under Padamati I Gram Panchayat in Jalpaiguri District, West Bengal, India. The village spans approximately 4 to 4.5 km in length. As of 2006, the total population was 2,471, comprising 1,315 males and 1,156 females, residing in 560 households. The total number of families was 282, out of which 237 were classified as Below Poverty Line (BPL).


Assets and resources at Khayerkhal

Human Resources: Professional Levels Medical: There is one homeopathic doctor who has a chamber at Bhotepatti and has been providing services to the poor for the last 20 years. Engineering: There are no technical or engineering professionals in this area, though many youths have graduate and master's degrees. Agriculture: Most households are engaged in agriculture. There are 353 families solely dependent on agriculture, though a few have recently shifted to tea plantation. Quack: One quack doctor in this sansad is reputed for providing health services, and many villagers rely on him as a local doctor. People with Special Knowledge Bhupali Roy from 'Arjunerbari' is an artist specializing in ceramic materials. A Lokogiti (folk music) group, led by Anjali Roy Dakua, has gained district and state-level recognition and is actively involved in various awareness-generation programs. Gender Distribution Khayerkhal Sansad has a total population of 2,473 people, comprising:

1,241 males 1,232 females 1,035 youths 521 boys 514 girls Most young women, including elderly women, are part of Self-Help Groups (SHGs). A total of 23 SHGs have been formed by the Panchayat, with approximately 250 women involved in a bank linkage program. Additionally, 37 men, including youth and elderly farmers, are leading socio-economic initiatives under the Farmers’ Club. Governance is improving as community members actively participate in planning and implementing activities.

The deprived sections of society receive social support from various stakeholders during emergencies, such as weddings, serious health issues, etc.

Formal and Informal Groups Both formal (e.g., SHGs, Farmers’ Club) and informal (e.g., SUS, artist groups) institutions have evolved at the local level. These groups contribute to community development and local governance.

Common Rules Community members must participate in activities undertaken by formal and informal groups, with the involvement of PRI members and GUS. The outcomes of all activities must be shared on open platforms and reported to the GP Pradhan. Documentation and bookkeeping for SHGs, Farmers’ Club, etc. are managed by Khayerkhal SUS. SUS and GUS are responsible for conducting meetings and mobilizing stakeholders. Collective Representation GUS and other stakeholders identify and address development issues. Some issues are resolved internally, while others are escalated to PRI. The district and block-level agriculture department, along with SUS and GUS, organizes meetings on different crops to maximize yields. Community-developed People’s Planning is recognized and appreciated in SRD (P&RD Dept.) programs. Children’s school enrollment and scheme implementation have improved due to collective representation by SUS and GUS. 44 households under the Farmers’ Club have been linked with banks for socio-economic activities initiated by GUS and SUS. Leadership: A significant number of trained and motivated leaders have emerged from the community, particularly from SHGs, GUS, Farmers’ Club, and SUS. These leaders are empowered to plan and implement activities and are actively involved in innovation efforts.

Natural Resources Land and Soil: Most of the land is used for agriculture, with a river flowing through the sansad. A significant portion of the land comprises lowlands, known as "Chakchaka/Magoshani Dham."

The soil is a mixture of clay on top and sand underneath. The fertile soil has medium permeability, making it suitable for agriculture. Cropping Pattern and Shifts The main crops cultivated include:

Rice, wheat, potato, jute, cabbage, cauliflower, and vegetables. Farmers harvest crops three times a year. The cropping pattern has remained unchanged for 15 years, but recently, some farmers have converted their fields into tea gardens due to lower profits in agriculture and the long-term benefits of tea cultivation. Water and Aquatic Resources: Drinking water availability is better in some habitations due to PHE tap water, but others rely on hand tube wells (HTWs) and open wells. Irrigation water comes from the river and lowlands, but insufficient pump sets limit coverage. A mini RLI (River Lift Irrigation system) has been defunct for the last 6 years. There are 31 ponds, some of which retain water year-round and have potential for better utilization. Trees and Forest Products: The sansad has historical trees and medicinal plants. There is no significant forest, although individuals have planted small private forests. Physical Resources: Roads and Transport: One cobbled main road runs north-south, connecting Bhotepatti and Padamoti-II GP to Maynaguri town. Three mud roads connect to the main road. No government transport is available, but private minibuses and trackers operate. Shelter and Buildings No emergency shelters for floods/natural disasters exist. ICDS centers and primary schools have brick and tin-sheet buildings. A new small building was constructed by the PHE department for drinking water supply. Water Supply and Sanitation PHE pipeline water supply (10 taps) covers 150 out of 534 households. 312 families received sanitation materials from the GP, but many have not installed them due to low priority. 180 families (including private ones) actively use sanitation facilities. Energy: Long-standing demand for electricity remains unmet. Only 110 families have electricity connections. No solar energy sources are available, and many families use batteries for television and lighting. Financial Resources Savings: Over 200 families opened bank accounts, initially depositing ₹300-500 each through SUS initiatives. Villagers now deposit approximately ₹6 lakh collectively. Credit: Villagers access loans from formal and informal sectors. 44 households borrowed ₹3,55,000 from banks at 4-7% annual interest. Some rely on moneylenders, charging 10% monthly interest. One SHG took a loan from an NGO at 15% flat annual interest. Migration and Remittances: 14 households receive remittances of ₹3,000-6,000 every six months from migrant family members working in Tamil Nadu, Mumbai, and Rajasthan. Three households send money outside the village for their children’s education.

Abbreviations: KVIC:Khadi and Village Industries Commission. STW:Small Tube Well. SHG:Self Help Group. HTW:Hand Tube Well. ICDS:Integrated Child Development Scheme. SRD:Strengthening Rural Decentralizations. SSK:Sishu Sikha Kendra. CBO/CBI:Community Based Organization, Institution. GP:Gram Panchayet. NREGA:National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. PHED:Public Health Engineering Department. GUS:Gram Unnayan Samity. PRI:Panchayeti Raj Institutions. RLI:Rural Level Irrigation NABARD:National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. DDM:District Development Manager. LMP:Local Medical Practitioner. ADO:Agriculture Development Officer. SC/ST:Scheduled Caste/Tribe. *SUS:Sarbik Unnayan Samity (Local based institution/organization)
