Lagarcito Formation

Last updated
Lagarcito Formation
Stratigraphic range: Albian
Type Geological formation
Underlies San Roque Formation
Overlies La Cruz Formation
Primary Sandstone
Other Mudstone
Coordinates 32°30′S67°00′W / 32.5°S 67.0°W / -32.5; -67.0
Approximate paleocoordinates 38°00′S38°42′W / 38.0°S 38.7°W / -38.0; -38.7
Region San Luis Province
Extent Marayes-El Carrizal Basin
Relief Map of Argentina.jpg
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Lagarcito Formation (Argentina)

The Lagarcito Formation is an Albian geologic formation in Argentina. Pterosaur fossils have been recovered from the formation. The formation overlies the La Cruz Formation and is overlain by the San Roque Formation. The sandstones and mudstones of the formation were deposited in a fluvial and mostly lacustrine environment. [1] The fossil association and the geological evidence indicate that the Lagarcito Formation represents a perennial shallow lake situated in an alluvial plain where detrital sedimentation and semiarid climatic conditions predominated. [2]


Fossil content

The following fossils have been found in the Lagarcito Formation: [3]

See also

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Further reading