The land imprinter [1] is a no-till device for establishing grass cover in arid environments and deserts. The imprinter consists of a metal roller, with steel angles welded to the surface in various configurations. [2] The angled teeth of the imprinter cut through weeds and brush to form a mulch, while the teeth press seeds of grasses and other plants into the soil. The imprints remain stable for approximately two years. [3] During that time, imprints funnel water toward seedlings, protect them from wind, and concentrate nutrients for plant growth.
Much of the world depends on grassland for the grazing of domestic livestock. [4] Due to overgrazing, erosion, and other environmental factors, half of the world's rangeland is now lightly to moderately degraded, and 5% is severely degraded. [5] Desertification is expanding and threatens one-third of the world's dry land. [6] Plants and their root systems increase the quantity and size of macropores in soil, allowing rainwater to infiltrate. [7] When ranges and grassland are overgrazed, soil becomes stripped of cover plants. Denuded soil has reduced macroporosity, reducing water infiltration and leading to runoff. [8]
The natural state of grassland is rough and open. Plants create small crests and troughs in the soil surface, making it rough. Root systems create macroports at the bottom of the troughs, into which water can infiltrate. At the same time, the small ridges allow air to escape. [9]
Desertification causes the soil surface to be smooth and closed. [7] Reduced soil macroporosity inhibits infiltration. Rainfall cannot infiltrate through macroports, and air becomes trapped. [9] A sealed soil surface prevents rainwater infiltration, partly because air contained within soil macropores cannot escape, and water is unable to displace the air. [10]
Imprinting reverses the desertification process by pressing V-shape imprints into the soil with steel angles on a heavy roller. [11] Rainwater then funnels into the troughs of the imprints, where the water infiltrates into the indentation and air exhausts from the crests. [7] Seedlings are protected from wind, and organic material is concentrated at the base of the troughs to provide nutrients to the seedling. [7] Wind protection attenuates evaporation at the base of the seedling, maximizing water availability to the plant during the rainy season. The seedbed may remain dry for some time before water infiltrates and germination occurs. In the meantime, the stable imprint protects the seed from wind erosion and desiccation from exposure to the sun. [12]
Broadcast seeders can be attached to the frame assembly or grain boxes mounted in front of the imprinting roller, so that seed is dropped in front of the roller which presses the seed into the soil. [2] The weight of the imprinter can be adjusted to be appropriate for various soils and planting conditions by filling the roller and ballast tanks with water. [2]
The land imprinter was initially developed to revegetate desertified land in the southwestern United States and has been used to plant 20,000 hectares of land with grasses and other plant species in Arizona. [11] Imprinting is most effective on loam soils that have some moisture but are not wet, which can cause soil to become compacted into the imprinter teeth. [3] Imprinting has been conducted on slopes of up to 45% grade. For those applications cables can be used to tow the imprinter up the incline. [3] The land imprinter is not well adapted for shallow soil or extremely rocky soil and is not well suited to mulching large stands of brush. [3] Large shrubs must be chopped or removed prior to imprinting. [8]
The land imprinter is typically used directly on unprepared soils, without initial tilling. The heavy roller and angled teeth crush weeds and brush into mulch, which remain as a nutrient base for new seedlings. Accordingly, it can be used on land that has been burned either intentionally or in wildfires, where remnant vegetation should be retained. [2]
Imprinting is best suited for seeding on loose soils, and where there is either no existing plant cover —or light to moderate brush cover—before planting. [2] Haferkamp and colleagues compared seed drill planting to imprinting on loose and firm seedbeds on a Wyoming big sagebrush and needlegrass habitat. Drilling produced more seedlings on firm seedbeds, whereas imprinting produced two times more seedlings on loose soils, compared to drilling. [13] Haferkamp and colleagues used brushbeating plus disking to create the loosened soil treatment in that study. [13] Ripping or chisel plowing can be used as alternatives to disking when soil is deeply compacted, as they are less destructive to soil components than disking. [8]
The land imprinter creates microdepressions in the soil that effectively reduce erosion and runoff. [14] Imprinting has been found to be superior to drilling at research sites in Utah, [15] and superior to chaining after aerial broadcasting on burned seedbeds in Oregon. [16]
Tillage is the agricultural preparation of soil by mechanical agitation of various types, such as digging, stirring, and overturning. Examples of human-powered tilling methods using hand tools include shoveling, picking, mattock work, hoeing, and raking. Examples of draft-animal-powered or mechanized work include ploughing, rototilling, rolling with cultipackers or other rollers, harrowing, and cultivating with cultivator shanks (teeth).
Sowing is the process of planting seeds. An area or object that has had seeds planted in it will be described as a sowed or sown area.
Soil erosion is the denudation or wearing away of the upper layer of soil. It is a form of soil degradation. This natural process is caused by the dynamic activity of erosive agents, that is, water, ice (glaciers), snow, air (wind), plants, and animals. In accordance with these agents, erosion is sometimes divided into water erosion, glacial erosion, snow erosion, wind (aeolian) erosion, zoogenic erosion and anthropogenic erosion such as tillage erosion. Soil erosion may be a slow process that continues relatively unnoticed, or it may occur at an alarming rate causing a serious loss of topsoil. The loss of soil from farmland may be reflected in reduced crop production potential, lower surface water quality and damaged drainage networks. Soil erosion could also cause sinkholes.
In agriculture, a harrow is a farm implement used for surface tillage. It is used after ploughing for breaking up and smoothing out the surface of the soil. The purpose of harrowing is to break up clods and to provide a soil structure, called tilth, that is suitable for planting seeds. Coarser harrowing may also be used to remove weeds and to cover seed after sowing.
A seedbed or seedling bed is the local soil environment in which seeds are planted. Often it comprises not only the soil but also a specially prepared cold frame, hotbed or raised bed used to grow the seedlings in a controlled environment into larger young plants before transplanting them into a garden or field. A seedling bed is used to increase the number of seeds that germinate.
The stale seed bed or false seed bed method is a weed control technique used at both the farm and garden scales. In this that the young weeds can then be easily eliminated. By destroying them early, the farmer or gardener eliminates most of that season's annual weeds, which reduces their labor and improves their crop yields.
No-till farming is an agricultural technique for growing crops or pasture without disturbing the soil through tillage. No-till farming decreases the amount of soil erosion tillage causes in certain soils, especially in sandy and dry soils on sloping terrain. Other possible benefits include an increase in the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil, soil retention of organic matter, and nutrient cycling. These methods may increase the amount and variety of life in and on the soil. While conventional no-tillage systems use herbicides to control weeds, organic systems use a combination of strategies, such as planting cover crops as mulch to suppress weeds.
A seed drill is a device used in agriculture that sows seeds for crops by positioning them in the soil and burying them to a specific depth while being dragged by a tractor. This ensures that seeds will be distributed evenly.
The roller is an agricultural tool used for flattening land or breaking up large clumps of soil, especially after ploughing or disc harrowing. Typically, rollers are pulled by tractors or, prior to mechanisation, a team of animals such as horses or oxen. As well as for agricultural purposes, rollers are used on cricket pitches and residential lawn areas.
Soil moisture is the water content of the soil. It can be expressed in terms of volume or weight. Soil moisture measurement can be based on in situ probes or remote sensing methods.
In agriculture, a living mulch is a cover crop interplanted or undersown with a main crop, and intended to serve the purposes of a mulch, such as weed suppression and regulation of soil temperature. Living mulches grow for a long time with the main crops, whereas cover crops are incorporated into the soil or killed with herbicides.
Hydrophobic soil is a soil whose particles repel water. The layer of hydrophobicity is commonly found at or a few centimeters below the surface, parallel to the soil profile. This layer can vary in thickness and abundance and is typically covered by a layer of ash or burned soil.
Tiger bush, or brousse tigrée in the French language, is a patterned vegetation community and ground consisting of alternating bands of trees, shrubs, or grass separated by bare ground or low herb cover, that run roughly parallel to contour lines of equal elevation. The patterns occur on low slopes in arid and semi-arid regions, such as in Australia, Sahelian West Africa, and North America.
Surface runoff is the unconfined flow of water over the ground surface, in contrast to channel runoff. It occurs when excess rainwater, stormwater, meltwater, or other sources, can no longer sufficiently rapidly infiltrate in the soil. This can occur when the soil is saturated by water to its full capacity, and the rain arrives more quickly than the soil can absorb it. Surface runoff often occurs because impervious areas do not allow water to soak into the ground. Furthermore, runoff can occur either through natural or human-made processes.
In soil, macropores are defined as cavities that are larger than 75 μm. Functionally, pores of this size host preferential soil solution flow and rapid transport of solutes and colloids. Macropores increase the hydraulic conductivity of soil, allowing water to infiltrate and drain quickly, and shallow groundwater to move relatively rapidly via lateral flow. In soil, macropores are created by plant roots, soil cracks, soil fauna, and by aggregation of soil particles into peds. Macropores can also be found in soil between larger individual mineral particles such as sand or gravel.
Wildfires consume live and dead fuels, destabilize physical and ecological landscapes, and impact human social and economic systems. Post-fire seeding was initially used to stabilize soils. More recently it is being used to recover post wildfire plant species, manage invasive non-native plant populations and establish valued vegetation compositions.
A Liman in Israel is the name for an artificial earthen construction used to collect floodwater by damming a desert wadi. The runoff water is slowed by the dam, thus flooding a small area and allowing the water to infiltrate into the soil. This way, a small groves of trees can be sustained in the desert. The JNF-KKL has been funding the construction of limans in the Negev Desert.
Large swathes of the Sahel region, which were once covered by grasslands, savannah, woodlands and scrub, suffer from land degradation. Soils have become degraded in locations where farmers have cleared perennial vegetation to grow crops and graze animals, exposing the soil to erosion by wind and water. In total, one-third of the world's population lives in drylands where land degradation is reducing food supplies, biodiversity, water quality and soil fertility.
Soil regeneration, as a particular form of ecological regeneration within the field of restoration ecology, is creating new soil and rejuvenating soil health by: minimizing the loss of topsoil, retaining more carbon than is depleted, boosting biodiversity, and maintaining proper water and nutrient cycling. This has many benefits, such as: soil sequestration of carbon in response to a growing threat of climate change, a reduced risk of soil erosion, and increased overall soil resilience.
Post-fire hillslope stabilization treatments are treatments aimed at stabilizing fire-affected slopes by counteracting the negative impact of fire on vegetation and soil properties. The final objective of these treatments is reducing the risk of catastrophic runoff and erosion events and protecting valued resources downhill. Post-fire hillslope stabilization treatments are also called post-fire mitigation treatments and emergency stabilization treatments.