Leadership of the United States Special Operations Command

Last updated

Seal of the United States Special Operations Command United States Special Operations Command Insignia.svg
Seal of the United States Special Operations Command

This is a list of all commanders, deputy commanders, vice commanders, senior enlisted leaders, and chiefs of staff of the United States Special Operations Command. Note that articles in red text are yet to be created.


Current combatant command staff

List of commanders of the United States Special Operations Command

Commander of the United States Special Operations Command
United States Special Operations Command Insignia.svg
Emblem of the United States Special Operations Command
GEN Bryan P. Fenton (2).jpg
since 30 August 2022
United States Department of Defense
TypeUnified combatant commander
AbbreviationCDRUSSOCOM [5]
Reports to President of the United States
Secretary of Defense
Seat MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, U.S.
Nominator Secretary of Defense
AppointerThe President
with Senate advice and consent
Term length 2–3 years
Constituting instrument 10 U.S.C.   § 167
Formation16 April 1987
First holder Duane H. Cassidy
DeputyDeputy Commander, United States Special Operations Command
No.CommanderTermService branch
PortraitNameTook officeLeft officeTerm length
GEN James Lindsay 1986.jpg
Lindsay, James J.General
James J. Lindsay
16 April 198727 June 19903 years, 72 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Carl W Stiner.jpg
Stiner, Carl W.General
Carl Stiner
27 June 199020 May 19932 years, 327 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Wayne Downing.jpg
Downing, Wayne A.General
Wayne A. Downing
20 May 199329 February 19962 years, 285 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Henry Shelton official portrait.jpg
Shelton, Henry H.General
Hugh Shelton
(born 1942)
29 February 199625 September 19971 year, 209 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Raymond C. Smith Jr 1992.jpg
Smith, Raymond C. Jr.Rear Admiral
Raymond C. Smith
25 September 19975 November 199741 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Lt. Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker.jpg
Schoomaker, PeterGeneral
Peter Schoomaker
(born 1946)
5 November 199727 October 20002 years, 357 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Holland cr.jpg
Holland, Charles R.General
Charles R. Holland
(born 1948)
27 October 20002 September 20032 years, 310 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
GEN Bryan Brown official portrait.jpg
Brown, Bryan D.General
Bryan D. Brown
(born 1948)
2 September 20039 July 20073 years, 310 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
ADM Eric T. Olson.jpg
Olson, Eric T.Admiral
Eric T. Olson
(born 1952)
9 July 20078 August 20114 years, 30 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
ADM William H. McRaven 2012.jpg
McRaven, William H.Admiral
William H. McRaven
(born 1955)
8 August 201128 August 20143 years, 20 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Votel official photo USSOCOM.jpg
Votel, Joseph L.General
Joseph Votel
(born 1958)
28 August 201430 March 20161 year, 215 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
General Raymond A. Thomas III (USSOCOM).jpg
Thomas, Raymond A.General
Raymond A. Thomas
(born 1958)
30 March 201629 March 20192 years, 364 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Gen. Richard D. Clarke, Jr. (2).jpg
Clarke, Richard D.General
Richard D. Clarke
(born 1962)
29 March 201930 August 20223 years, 154 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
GEN Bryan P. Fenton (2).jpg
Fenton, Bryan P.General
Bryan P. Fenton
(born 1965)
30 August 2022Incumbent2 years, 155 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

List of deputy commanders of the United States Special Operations Command

No.Deputy CommanderTermService branch
PortraitNameTook officeLeft officeTerm length
Lt Gen Harry A. Goodall.jpg
Goodall, Harry A.Lieutenant General
Harry A. Goodall
16 April 1987May 1988~1 year, 29 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Maj Gen Hugh L. Cox III.jpg
Cox, Hugh L. IIIMajor General
Hugh L. Cox III
May 1988July 1990~2 years, 61 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Lt Gen Donald Snyder.jpg
Snyder, DonaldMajor General
Donald Snyder
July 1990May 1991~304 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Maj Gen Thomas E. Eggers.webp
Eggers, Thomas E.Major General
Thomas E. Eggers
June 1991July 1993~2 years, 30 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
RADM Irve C. Le Moyne (2).jpg
Le Moyne, Irve C.Rear Admiral
Irve C. Le Moyne
July 1993May 1996~2 years, 305 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Maj Gen James C. McCombs.jpg
McCombs, James C.Major General
James C. McCombs
May 19961997~1 year, 46 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Raymond C. Smith Jr 1992.jpg
Smith, Raymond C.Rear Admiral
Raymond C. Smith
19972001~4 years, 0 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
GEN Bryan Brown official portrait.jpg
Brown, Bryan D.Lieutenant General
Bryan D. Brown
20022003~1 year, 0 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
RADM Eric Olson 2003.jpg
Olson, Eric T.Vice Admiral
Eric T. Olson
(born 1952)
2003July 2007~4 years, 15 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Lt. Gen. Francis H. Kearney III.jpg
Kearney, Francis H. IIILieutenant General
Francis H. Kearney III
July 2007~April 2010~2 years, 274 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Fridovich, David P.Lieutenant General
David P. Fridovich
~April 2010December 2011~1 year, 244 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Lt. Gen. John F. Mulholland Jr.jpg
Mulholland, John F. Jr.Lieutenant General
John F. Mulholland Jr.
(born 1955)
August 2012July 2014~1 year, 334 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Pybus, Sean A.Vice Admiral
Sean A. Pybus
(born 1957)
July 2014July 2016~2 years, 0 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Lt. Gen. Joseph L. Osterman.jpg
Osterman, JosephLieutenant General
Joseph Osterman
(born 1960)
July 201615 October 2018~2 years, 92 days Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Vice Adm. Timothy G. Szymanski.jpg
Szymanski, TimothyVice Admiral
Timothy Szymanski
(born 1962)
15 October 201816 December 20213 years, 62 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Vice Adm. Collin P. Green.jpg
Green, Collin P.Vice Admiral
Collin P. Green
(born 1962)
16 December 202120 January 20242 years, 35 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Lt Gen Sean M. Farrell (cropped).jpg
Farrell, Sean M.Lieutenant General
Sean M. Farrell
27 March 2024Incumbent311 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force

List of vice commanders of the United States Special Operations Command

No.Deputy CommanderTermService branch
PortraitNameTook officeLeft officeTerm length
General Eric E Fiel.jpg
Fiel, Eric E.Lieutenant General
Eric E. Fiel
11 June 201019 July 20111 year, 38 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Lt Gen Bradley Heithold, USAF.jpg
Heithold, Bradley A.Lieutenant General
Bradley A. Heithold
19 July 201116 June 20142 years, 332 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Trask, Thomas J.Lieutenant General
Thomas J. Trask
16 June 20142 August 20173 years, 47 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Howell, Scott A.Lieutenant General
Scott A. Howell
(born 1965)
2 August 201729 July 2018361 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Lt. Gen. James C. Slife.jpg
Slife, James C.Lieutenant General
James C. Slife
(born 1967)
29 July 2018June 2019~321 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Lt. Gen. Tony D. Bauernfeind.jpg
Bauernfeind, Tony D.Lieutenant General
Tony D. Bauernfeind
31 June 20209 December 20222 years, 162 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
LtGen Francis L. Donovan.jpg
Donovan, Francis L.Lieutenant General
Francis L. Donovan
~15 December 2022Incumbent~2 years, 48 days Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps

List of senior enlisted leaders of the United States Special Operations Command

No.Senior enlisted leaderTermService branch
PortraitNameTook officeLeft officeTerm length
Portrait gray.png
Command Master Chief
Rudolph E. Boesch
April 1987April 1990~3 years, 0 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Portrait gray.png
Chief Master Sergeant
Michael I. Lampe
(born 1949)
April 19911997~6 years, 0 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Portrait gray.png
Command Sergeant Major
Melvin L. Wick
1997August 2000~3 years, 134 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Portrait gray.png
Command Master Chief
Richard M. Rogers
August 200027 August 2003~2 years, 364 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Portrait gray.png
Command Chief Master Sergeant
Robert V. Martens Jr.
27 August 200323 January 20062 years, 149 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
CSM Thomas H. Smith.jpg
Command Sergeant Major
Thomas H. Smith
23 January 200627 September 20115 years, 247 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
James C. Faris.jpg
Command Sergeant Major
James C. Faris
27 September 201115 October 20143 years, 18 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
William F. Thetford (1).jpg
Command Sergeant Major
William F. Thetford
15 October 20147 July 20161 year, 266 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Patrick L. McCauley.jpg
Command Sergeant Major
Patrick L. McCauley
7 July 201611 July 20193 years, 4 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
CMS Gregory Smith.jpg
Command Chief Master Sergeant
Gregory A. Smith
11 July 20194 August 20223 years, 24 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Shane W. Shorter (3).jpg
Command Sergeant Major
Shane W. Shorter
4 August 2022Incumbent2 years, 181 days Military service mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

List of chiefs of staff of the United States Special Operations Command

No.Chief of StaffTermService branch
PortraitNameTook officeLeft officeTerm length
Portrait gray.png
Major General
Joseph Lutz
April 1987June 1990~3 years, 72 days Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Portrait gray.png
Brigadier General
Gary W. Heckman
December 1997August 1998~243 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Lt. Gen. Dell L. Dailey.jpg
Major General
Dell L. Dailey
(born 1949)
August 19982000~1 year, 317 days Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
BG Joseph Votel official portrait.jpg
Major General
Joseph Votel
(born 1958)
~3 May 2010May 2011~1 year, 12 days Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Gen Mark A. Clark.jpg
Major General
Mark A. Clark
May 2011August 2012~1 year, 92 days Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
LtGen James B. Laster.jpg
Major General
James B. Laster
August 20122014~1 year, 319 days Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Walter Lee Miller, Jr.jpg
Major General
Walter Lee Miller Jr.
~2014~October 2015~1 year, 107 days Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
J. Marcus Hicks.jpg
Major General
J. Marcus Hicks
October 2015June 2017~1 year, 243 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
James C. Slife (3).jpg
Major General
James C. Slife
(born 1967)
June 2017June 2018~1 year, 0 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
MG James B. Linder.jpg
Major General
James B. Linder
July 2018July 2019~1 year, 0 days Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Tony D. Bauernfeind (2).jpg
Major General
Tony D. Bauernfeind
July 2019August 2020~1 year, 31 days U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Collin P. Green (3).jpg
Rear Admiral
Collin P. Green
(born 1962)
15 October 2020September 2021~335 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Marcus S. Evans (6).jpg
Major General
Marcus S. Evans
(born 1970)
September 2021August 2023~1 year, 334 days Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
RADM Milton J. Sands III (2).jpg
Rear Admiral
Milton Sands III
31 July 2023July 2024~336 days Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
MG Guillaume N. Beaurpere.jpg
Major General
Guillaume Beaurpere
July 2024Incumbent~215 days Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

See also

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  1. "Brigadier General James T. Blejski, Jr. (USA)". www.gomo.army.mil.
  2. 1 2 https://www.socom.mil/FactBook/2023%20Fact%20Book.pdf
  3. "National Guard Biography". www.nationalguard.mil.
  4. "Major General Steven M. Marks - General Officer Management Office". www.gomo.army.mil.
  5. "DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, January 2021" (PDF). jcs.mil. Retrieved 15 May 2021.