Lena Tracy Hanks (1879–1944), sometimes credited as Lenda Tracy Hanks, was an American algologist and botanist who specialized in studying North American algae and flora. She is credited with the discovery of Geranium laxum . She worked at the museum of the New York Botanical Garden with John Kunkel Small. [1] [2] [3] The standard author abbreviation Hanks is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name . [4]
Trillium erectum, the red trillium, also known as wake robin, purple trillium, bethroot, or stinking benjamin, is a species of flowering plant in the family Melanthiaceae. The plant takes its common name "wake robin" by analogy with the European robin, which has a red breast heralding spring. Likewise Trillium erectum is a spring ephemeral whose life-cycle is synchronized with that of the forests in which it lives. It is native to the eastern United States and eastern Canada from northern Georgia to Quebec and New Brunswick.
John Torrey was an American botanist, chemist, and physician. Throughout much of his career, he was a teacher of chemistry, often at multiple universities, while he also pursued botanical work, focusing on the flora of North America. His most renowned works include studies of the New York flora, the Mexican Boundary, the Pacific railroad surveys, and the uncompleted Flora of North America.
Persicaria maculosa is an annual plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae. Common names include lady's thumb, spotted lady's thumb, Jesusplant, and redshank. It is widespread across Eurasia from Iceland south to Portugal and east to Japan. It is also present as an introduced and invasive species in North America, where it was first noted in the Great Lakes region in 1843 and has now spread through most of the continent.
John Kunkel Small was an American botanist.
Tiarella, the foamflowers, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae. The generic name Tiarella means "little turban", which suggests the shape of the seed capsules. Worldwide there are seven species, one each in eastern Asia and western North America, plus five species in eastern North America. As of October 2022, the taxonomy of Tiarella in eastern North America is in flux.
Jane Colden was an American botanist, described as the "first botanist of her sex in her country" by Asa Gray in 1843. Although not acknowledged in contemporary botanical publications, she wrote a number of letters resulting in botanist John Ellis writing to Carl Linnaeus of her work applying the Linnaean system of plant identification to American flora, for which botanist Peter Collinson stated "she deserves to be celebrated". Contemporary scholarship maintains that she was the first female botanist working in America, which ignores, among others, Maria Sibylla Merian or Catherine Jérémie. Colden was respected as a botanist by many prominent botanists including John Bartram, Peter Collinson, Alexander Garden, and Carl Linnaeus. Colden is most famous for her untitled manuscript, housed in the British Museum, in which she describes the flora of the Hudson Valley in the Newburgh region of New York state, including ink drawings of 340 different species.
Per Axel Rydberg was a Swedish-born, American botanist who was the first curator of the New York Botanical Garden Herbarium.
William Trelease was an American botanist, entomologist, explorer, writer and educator. This botanist is denoted by the author abbreviation Trel. when citing a botanical name.
Edward Johnston Alexander was an American botanist who discovered three species and one genus. He is the author or one of the authors of 205 entries in the International Plant Names Index. He was born in Asheville, North Carolina and studied at North Carolina State University from 1919 to 1923. He was a longtime assistant and curator at New York Botanical Garden (NYBG), originally under the guidance of Small. While at the NYBG, he served as an editor of the Garden's botanical journal Addisonia for about thirty years, until the journal ceased publication in 1964.
Anna Murray Vail was an American botanist and first librarian of the New York Botanical Garden. She was a student of the Columbia University botanist and geologist Nathaniel Lord Britton, with whom she helped to found the New York Botanical Garden.
John Hendley Barnhart was an American botanist and author, specializing in biographies of botanists.
Arisaema acuminatum is a species of flowering plant in the arum family Araceae. It is a member of the Arisaema triphyllum complex, a group of closely-related taxa in eastern North America. The specific name acuminatum means "with a long, narrow and pointed tip", which describes the shape of the spathe hood. The species is commonly known as the Florida Jack-in-the-pulpit.
Quercus margarettae, the sand post oak or dwarf post oak, is a North American species of oak in the beech family. It is native to the southeastern and south-central United States from Virginia to Florida and west as far as Texas and Oklahoma. There are historical reports of the species growing in New York State, but it has not been seen there in years.
Patricia Holmgren is an American botanist. Holmgren's main botanical interests are the flora of the U.S. intermountain west and the genera Tiarella and Thlaspi. Holmgren was the director of the herbarium at the New York Botanical Garden from 1981–2000, and editor of Index Herbariorum from 1974–2008.
Violetta White Delafield, née Violetta Susan Elizabeth White, (1875–1949) was an American botanist, mycologist, scientific illustrator and horticulturist.
Pyrularia is a small genus of shrubs or small trees in the sandalwood family (Santalaceae) which contains two species, Pyrularia pubera and Pyrularia edulis. P. pubera grows in the eastern United States and P. edulis grows in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, and Nepal. Both species are parasitic plants, specifically hemiparasites, which while still photosynthetic, will also parasitize the roots of other plants around them.
David Hieronymus Grindel (1776-1836) was a botanist (bryologist).
Symphyotrichum potosinum is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Mexico and the U.S. state of Arizona. Commonly known as Santa Rita Mountain aster, it is a perennial, herbaceous plant that may reach heights of 15 to 45 centimeters.
Stephen Conrad Stuntz (1875–1918) was an American botanist and fiction author.
Geraldine Anne Allen is a botanist, professor of biology, and herbarium curator at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. She obtained formal education at the University of British Columbia and Oregon State University, earning a Doctor of Philosophy degree in botany and plant pathology from the latter in 1981. During her career, she has authored or co-authored over 50 publications, including genera chapters for Flora of North America and the Jepson Manual. She also has authored several species of the Erythronium genus.