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Scientific classification

Wehrli, 1936
L. concinna
Binomial name
Leptepistomion concinna
(Warren, 1894)

Leptepistomion is a monotypic moth genus in the family Geometridae described by Wehrli in 1936. Its only species, Leptepistomion concinna, was first described by Warren in 1894. It is found in Tibet. [1] [2]

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  1. Savela, Markku. "Leptepistomion Wehrli, 1936". Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms. Retrieved June 22, 2019.
  2. Beccaloni, G.; Scoble, M.; Kitching, I.; Simonsen, T.; Robinson, G.; Pitkin, B.; Hine, A.; Lyal, C., eds. (2003). "Leptepistomion". The Global Lepidoptera Names Index . Natural History Museum . Retrieved June 22, 2019.