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This article shares a list of characters in the American remake of the supernatural drama-comedy television series Being Human . This series is based on the British hit series of the same name. The show stars Sam Witwer, [1] Sam Huntington, and Meaghan Rath [2] as three characters in their twenties sharing a house in Boston, trying to live a normal social life despite being a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost, respectively.
Aidan Waite (Sam Witwer) is the American counterpart of Mitchell from the original British series, named after the actor who played Mitchell in the original series. He is a quiet, calm, soft-spoken, and somewhat jaded vampire who is 257 years old, having been sired by Bishop during the American Revolution. Though he attempted to live with his wife Suzanna and their son Isaac, Aidan loses them due to a preacher who lusts for Suzanna and ultimately drowns her on the grounds that she is a witch. After taking revenge on the clergyman, Aidan became Bishop's right hand and aided him until the 1950s when he no longer believed in Bishop's conviction to the vampire cause and decided to resist the urge to feed upon humans. While in Montreal in the 1970s, Aidan met Celine and had a relationship with her.
In the time before the beginning of the series, originally out of pity, Aidan saves Josh. Josh was being tormented by Marcus and before the he and Aiden became good friends. Aidan got Josh a job as an orderly at Boston's Suffolk County Hospital, where Aidan has been working as a nurse. The two later become roommates with a mutual intent to fit back into society. The series begins with Aidan relapsing into his blood-drinking ways with fellow nurse Rebecca, Aidan is forced to call Bishop and Marcus to clean up his unintentional murder before later learning they turned Rebecca into a vampire. While organizing a neighborhood watch association to deal with a local vandal, Aidan ends up catching the attention of a police officer who is the son of a man he killed in the past. Though he tries to erase the officer's memory of him so Bishop could not turn him, Aidan later learns of the officer's suicide. Aidan also attempts to help Rebecca by setting up a co-dependent relationship, feasting on each other's blood rather than live blood, but she eventually backs out.
When Aidan discovers Bishop has begun recruiting new vampires from dying hospital patients against his wishes, he confronts the hospital chaplain, who has been turned into a vampire by Bishop while dying of terminal cancer. Aidan manages to de-fang the chaplain, rendering him unable to feed on blood anymore. Rebecca later acts on Bishop's order to sway Aidan's thoughts on her by sending him a DVD where she has sex with a man before draining him dry of blood. Though he promises Josh and Sally that he will get rid of the DVD, Aidan secretly keeps it. This results in a nasty turn of events when Aidan forms a bond with a neighborhood child named Bernie, who reminds him of Isaac, and the boy accidentally finds Rebecca's DVD with Aidan branded a sex offender and unable to save Bernie after he was mortally wounded. When he learns that Rebecca turned Bernie into a vampire, though he sees not good to come from it, Aidan decides to accept until a scheme by Bishop and Marcus force Aidan to reluctantly kill Bernie on the notion that he murdered his bullies.
With a furious Rebecca refusing to help him when the vampires abduct Josh to serve in a dog fight to entertain the Dutch, Aidan joins Bishop as the Dutch are arriving to deal with the latter for increasing the vampire population in Boston. But upon discovering that Bishop has planned for the Dutch's betrayal by drugging them with juniper-laced blood in his blood den workers, Aidan is only able to save Heggeman with Rebecca's help once she learns the truth of Bernie's death being arranged by Marcus. After Heggeman leaves to tell the other vampire clans of Bishop's planned coup, Aidan honors Rebecca's wish to die rather than live as a vampire.
Several days later, Aidan is reunited with an elderly Celine, learning she came to Boston to live with her daughter while receiving lung cancer treatment, even though she does not plan on living through the treatment. He offers to turn her into a vampire, but she declines while hiding the actual reason why she did not leave Montreal with him. Later that night, saving the house and Sally from a fire set by Danny, Aidan is almost staked in the heart by Bishop when he crashes through their living room window. Josh has Nora treat Aidan, without telling any specifics, but he remains weak and Bishop plans on fighting him, notifying him through Josh. Celine goes to comfort Aidan, and decides to offer him her blood. Reluctantly, Aidan drains Celine of her blood, killing her, but allowing him to heal completely. Expecting that Josh would attempt to fight for him, Aidan has Sally trap Josh in the hospital basement while he decapitates Bishop in their fight to the death.
After Heggeman crowns him as the new head of the Boston vampires, Aidan learns that Mother wants to meet with him over the matter of Bishop's orphaned vampires. When Aidan suggests the orphans can be reformed, Mother decides that the orphans should all be culled and that Aidan will not lead Boston, but instead assist her daughter Suren in taking over with his freedom from vampire society as a reward. As his first task for Suren, Aidan is told to turn Cecilia, a cop she has met, to serve as their new police liaison. Aidan refuses, knowing he will bleed Cecilia dry, and ends up at a bar where he meets Julia, a new doctor hired by Suffolk County Hospital, and begins an intimate relationship with her. Aidan begins using donated blood to satisfy his blood lusts while with Julia to keep her safe. However, when it is revealed that Julia is the same Julia who was Josh's ex-fiancé, and when the hospital puts higher security on the blood supply, Aidan breaks up with her. After suffering blood withdrawals, Aidan ends up starting a relationship with Suren while learning his protégé Henry Duram, who was responsible for Suren being buried alive eighty years ago, is organizing Bishop's orphans. Suffering visions of Bishop from over drinking blood, Aidan tracks down Henry and finds himself unable to kill his "son" while deciding to help Henry find a way to reintegrate him into vampire society.
Aidan's plans, however, are waylaid with various troubles that include Suren questioning Cecilia's disappearance and Atlee investigating what became of Heggeman, the former revealed to be the work of Brynn and Connor McLean who Aidan decides to blame for Heggeman's death. Forced to leave Cecilia to be killed, Aidan kills Connor the next day and presents his corpse to Atlee while telling the vampire to never come back to Boston. A week later, while helping Sally with her Reaper issue, Aidan learns that Suren has lied to Mother about culling all of Bishop's orphans. Aidan approaches Henry to gather all of the orphans at the house of a man who sells passage through the threshold so he may save the orphans and reintegrate Henry into vampire society. That night, he offers the orphans passage to Baltimore, where the vampires have no hold, before rushing himself and Henry out of the house. Unbeknownst to Henry and the orphans, Suren has had her living representative purchase the house from the man and has all of the vampires uninvited, causing them to crumble into ash. Aidan presents Henry to Suren who takes her revenge for his actions 80 years ago by flaying him alive. Aidan brings the skinned Henry to the brownstone, so he may recuperate while on the blood of Beth and Holly. However, when Aidan's mental coercion starts to wear off on the girls, he is forced to kill them with Henry able to fully heal by taking his fill.
When Aidan confronted by Josh over Henry, the two put their differences aside to help Sally as she is possessed by the Reaper by revealing their true natures to Zoe. During that time, when he falls into temptation after Zoe is knocked out, Josh convinces Aidan to take his blood instead. Though Aidan feels a buzz after drinking, he starts convulsing in pain from the werewolf blood, vomiting and letting out an earsplitting scream that manages to snap Sally out of it. With the house unlocked, Josh leaves and Aidan, with blood oozing from his orifices, goes to rest. Sometime later, Aidan and Suren feel confident that they have been working to fulfill Mother's requirements of the two of them, so Aidan begins to teach Suren how to live as he does among humans. After an awkward dinner date with Josh and Julia, during which Suren realizes Aidan and Julia were once together, Aidan reassures Suren that she will always have a place in his life. However, when Mother comes to Boston to congratulate the two on fulfilling their duties, Aidan learns his freedom is actually an excommunication from vampire society under penalty of death. However, Aidan has Henry get a message to Suren so they may live on the run together.
While at a small motel with Suren, Aidan attempts to get Atlee's help in providing him and Suren refuge from Mother. But after making a deal, Aidan finds that Suren returned to Boston to protect Aiden from Mother's wrath. Refusing to give up, Aidan decides to assassinate Mother with Henry's help. Unfortunately, Aidan falls into Mother's trap before being used as a final test for Suren to prove herself as Mother's successor. But after watching Suren get staked when she cannot follow through, Aidan is sentenced to be buried alive. Before he is buried alive, Aidan tells Mother that he will be fine, but she will be the one to live with the fact that she has killed the only person who has ever unconditionally loved her. For a few months, Aidan fights to maintain his sanity until a human takes him out, only to sell his "pure" blood to diseased vampires. However, as news of Aidan's return circulates around Boston, Atlee arrives at the location Aidan is being held captive and rescues him. Aidan then learns that a flu most humans have contracted is killing off all of the vampires, who believe his blood may be able to cure them, as he has not fed from disease-stricken humans. Yet, Atlee soon reveals that he has rescued Aidan only to serve the diseased Council, and as Aidan vehemently objects Atlee decides he would not be able to provide enough blood for all Council members so he attempts to take what blood he can, but after seeing Aidan's blood has not cured him of his disease he ultimately ends up disintegrating. Aidan is then left at the side of the road, seeing visions of his friends and Bishop before the former find him.
As Aidan learns more about the disease and how few vampires there are left he stumbles across Henry once more, learning that he is now happily in a relationship with a human who was not affected by the flu killing off all vampires, and after Henry offers Aidan to feed from her Aidan discovers that Henry had merely compelled her and he is holding her captive. Aidan attempts to reason with Henry on how what he's doing is wrong and he is stronger than such behavior, but Henry refuses to let her go and Aidan must release her secretly. After Henry becomes aware of her disappearance he chooses to trust Aidan on his survival, waiting as Aidan delivers "clean" human for him to feed from, however, in a bout of weakness Henry feeds from a tainted bag of blood at the hospital and soon after becomes diseased. Aidan is then forced to watch him die as Henry does not want any more of Aidan's help, coping by having an impromptu party. Eventually Aidan resumes his job at the hospital where he meets Kenneth, or Kenny, a teenage boy who has Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder and must live within an airtight chamber. After befriending Kenny, Aidan accidentally reveals his vampire nature and Kenny pleads for him to turn him into a vampire once he turns eighteen. Aidan refuses to curse Kenny, however, once another vampire, Blake, agrees to turn Kenny in exchange for all the clean blood she may want Aidan decides to save Kenny from her grips and promises to turn him once he is of age.
Sally Malik (Meaghan Rath) is the American counterpart to Annie Sawyer from the original British series. She is a bubbly and sarcastic but insecure ghost who haunts the house she and her fiancé lived in while she was alive, and is unwilling to leave it due to not being sure how to "move on". Sally appears in the clothes she was wearing when she died which change subtly depending on her state of mind. She is introduced as a very insecure ghost who does not trust herself to unlock the past with her ex-fiancé Danny, although she does not believe he did anything wrong. She possesses the power to move objects with her mind, shake the house she lives in with Aidan and Josh, can alter the pipe lines in the house, and can project thoughts into others' minds (she does so to warn her friend, Bridget).
Sally is at first finally glad that Josh and Aidan can see her, and Aidan finds another ghost to teach Sally how she can leave the house and do more with her ghostly powers, and reveals that once they are done on Earth, they receive a door to the other side. She first uses her newfound freedom to stay with Danny until he begins dating their once mutual friend Bridget. Sally tries to break them up until Josh helps her realize that she has to move on just like they have. Things take a turn for the worse when a plumber Danny has hired to fix the pipes in the house that Sally has been subconsciously clogging. The plumber reveals a ring in one of the sinks, which Danny and Sally recognize as her engagement ring. This triggers Sally's memories of the events that actually led to her death. Sally had taken the ring off to wash up before bed when it fell into the bathroom sink's drain. Danny became enraged that she was taking it off, believing she was dating other men, and yelled at her and gave her a push that made her fall down the stairs to her death. Later that day, she uses her poltergeist powers to enact revenge on Danny, wrecking his apartment and leaving a spiral of debris in the middle of the room, ending with her ring. When Danny begins to try to get rid of the ring, only for it to fall into Sally's possession, and becoming one of the only objects she can physically manipulate. She uses this to continue to torment Danny, but inadvertently causes him to harm Bridget when he believes Bridget is the one who continues to make the ring return, prompting Bridget to give the ring to Josh and Aidan. Sally attempts to retaliate for Bridget's injury, but Danny taunts her, realizing that she is haunting him and that he is not scared. She attempts to tell Bridget that Danny is the one that killed her, but Danny tells a lie about the events leading to the death, and Bridget tells Sally to stay out of their new life.
Aidan introduces Sally to a closed-off wing of the hospital where several lost souls gather to try to get their message to their loved ones when they die. This leads Sally to meet Nick, a teaching assistant she had a crush on while she was in college who has also since died. They go on dates, but when Nick disappears in a rush, Sally goes out to find him where he is reliving his death from when he drowned in a boating accident. Sally tries to help him, but he helps her realize that she should not take on his problems on top of her own. Sally also meets a vindictive ghost who constantly torments her ex-boyfriend, which makes Sally unsure of how she has been treating Danny. Later, Danny and Bridget return to the house after Sally has stopped haunting them, only to have brought along a medium with them who Danny has asked to exorcise Sally from the house. Sally finds herself unable to fight back, but in one last-ditch effort manages to possess the medium and lashes out at Danny through her body. When Sally is ejected, the medium now knows what Danny did to Sally and ends the exorcism rites knowing that Danny will get what he deserves from a now freed and scarier looking Sally (Josh would later compare her to the vengeful ghost from The Grudge ).
Sally manages to cause Danny to cut himself with a straight razor, regaining her normal appearance and realizing that the vengeful ghost she met earlier was right in how she was to act. However, Danny comes to the house and confronts Sally, revealing that the exorcist Ilana had told him that there was another way to get rid of a ghost: by destroying the place it haunts. He begins to set fire to the house, but Sally manages to trap him in with her long enough for Aidan and Josh to return, both revealing their supernatural abilities to Danny. Aidan threatens to kill him, at Sally's behest, but Josh convinces them that Sally does not need blood on her hands. Instead, Sally appears too Danny and threatens that he does not confess to her murder, she will make his life a living hell. Danny turns himself in for the arson as well as Sally's murder the year before, and as everyone is celebrating their good fortunes, Sally's door to the other side appears. She is hesitant to go through, but is interrupted when Bishop attacks Aidan. She goes to help him, but when she returns to the house the door is gone and she also discovers that she can interact with other physical objects. Sally uses this newfound power to trap Josh in his room under the hospital and to distract Bishop long enough for Aidan to kill him.
After reuniting with her friend Stevie at her high school reunion, she confronts the recently deceased former prom queen, making her find her own Door. To make her feel better, Stevie tells her ghosts can sleep and dream, but when she tries it later she encounters a dark force that she believes is out to get her. While spending time with Stevie and his friends Dylan and friend "Boner", she learns that ghosts can possess humans who are willing, or otherwise inebriated. Stevie warns her not too, but she follows Dylan and Boner to enjoy having a physical body. Dylan suggests they should have sex, but Sally knows that it is essentially raping the body she has borrowed. He forces himself on her until Stevie pulls them out of their bodies, leading to a fight where Stevie "shreds" Dylan, removing his spiritual essence permanently. Sally finds this disconcerting, and Stevie disappears on her afterward.
Sally goes to the hospital to accompany Josh and Aidan at work. While looking in the nursery, she is approached by nurse Zoe Gonzalez, a human who can see ghosts. Zoe oversees the nursery so she can decide if ghosts are worthy of being reincarnated into babies. Sally tries to convince her to let her be reincarnated and even has her meet with Josh and Aidan to plead her case, but because she nearly killed Danny, Zoe turns her down. Sally tries to plead with her, as she believes she is being followed by the dark entity from her dreams, but Zoe will not hear of it. At the hospital, after a janitor cleans up a line of salt Zoe uses to keep ghosts out of the nursery, Sally tries to take things into her own hands, but the dark entity attacks her. Sally later recalls these events to Zoe who agrees to help her out. During this time, Sally is reunited with her mother Rena who has recently died in the hospital. Their reunion is made short when Rena only wants to spend time with their old neighbor and secret lover Jerry. Rena later expresses that she is upset that Sally is still living in the house that she was murdered in, before she reunites with Jerry. While talking to Zoe, Sally realizes she has become smitten with new doctor Tim Forest, and Sally does her best to coach Zoe into a date with the doctor. Zoe also convinces Sally to attend the support group she holds for ghosts, where Sally meets with Nick, again. Believing they have reconciled after their breakup, Sally gloats about the events to Zoe who reveals that Nick is her boyfriend. When Nick confirms this, Sally's heart is broken, until she encounters Dr. Forest with his girlfriend Janet. Sally uses the opportunity to possess Janet so she can feel Dr. Forest's love for his girlfriend. However, this begins to weaken her. Aidan warns her to stop, but she does not heed the warning and gets stuck in Janet, without any actual knowledge of the woman. Dr. Forest's mother comes to visit, but Sally's erratic behavior in Janet's body culminates when the dark entity attacks her, separating her from Janet's body. Later, Janet comes to the brownstone, with Josh still believing Sally is stuck in her body, but Sally reveals she is not, causing them distress as Janet seems to have taken some of Sally's memories. Sally goes to console her, but Janet is feverishly drawing the dark entity that attacked Sally, labeling one of the drawings as "Reaper".
When Aidan informs Sally that her mother is dying, Sally is jarred. When her mother passes, they reunite but at her mom's funeral, Sally sees her kissing the ghost of their neighbor, who died a decade earlier, and realizes the two had been having an affair. The two ghosts come over for a "dinner" party as Sally has it out with her mother, not happy about all this and saying she does not want to see her mom again.
Sometime later, poltergeist activity starts up in the house, which Aidan and Josh blame on Sally, but she claims she is not responsible. Things escalate when Sally is attacked by an unseen force that has Danny's voice. She goes to see Aidan, believing that Danny has sent a "Reaper" after her, but Aidan discovers Danny died while in prison. He teaches her to use iron to disperse ghosts, which she attempts to use on Danny when he appears in front of her. However, Danny's death in prison has made him stronger, leading to him gaining the upper hand. She is saved by the entity she believes is the Reaper, who soon takes on a human form to talk to her, saying that her passing up the Door has caused an unbalance that he needs to right. He gives Sally a week to say her goodbyes, but he instead finds a loophole that will let her live, so long as she becomes the new Reaper. Her first task is to reap Stevie, who the Reaper claims has shredded Boner as well and that he is waiting for his high school bully to die to shred him. When Stevie admits he might shred the bully, the Reaper shreds him in front of Sally. However, when Boner appears to Sally asking where Stevie went, she becomes suspicious. Zoe and Nick suggest she seek out the help of the support group, but the Reaper appears and shreds all of the ghosts, and Zoe becomes fearful of her. Nick goes to see her, saying she needs help, but Sally believes the Reaper is after her when it appears again and starts to shred Nick. She pleads with the Reaper to stop, leading to the Reaper to reveal that he does not really exist and is only a figment of her imagination. Sally realizes she has been shredding ghosts, and shreds Nick, before attacking Josh and Aidan, but Aidan uses a fire poker to disperse her.
With Sally out cold, the boys approach Zoe for help, but the Reaper takes over, trapping everyone in the house while Aidan is going through blood withdrawals and it is also the night of the full moon. Zoe goes into Sally's mind to try to free everyone before Aidan relapses or Josh turns, finding Sally in an intricate fantasy where she is alive and the Reaper is her fiancé "Scott" who is pressing her to move out of the brownstone, so he may actually take over her ghostly body. Zoe manages to get through to Sally who realizes the fantasy is not where she should be, taking control of her spiritual form once more and freeing everyone. However, Scott reappears, reminding Sally that he is a part of her and will be waiting for her to slip, again.
While doing her best to try to ignore "Scott", Sally learns that Janet has been committed to Suffolk County Hospital's psychiatric ward, Sally pleads with Josh to talk to Janet through him so she can free her, as "Scott" presses her to give up hope. Just as Sally runs out of hope, Nora helps her speak to Janet, and once Janet learns the truth, Sally feels a weight lifted, and "Scott" disappears. Sally's next step is to apologize to Zoe, but Zoe has given up doing anything concerning ghosts since Sally's actions under the Reaper's influence. Sally's pestering gets through to her, just as a solar eclipse causes the ghosts Sally has shredded to reappear. Sally reminds Zoe that she shredded Nick in the house she shares with Josh and Aidan and promises to meet her there. Sally finds Nick, and Danny, are both back, where Nick reveals that he and the others are in an existence that keeps them prisoner, home to both shredded ghosts and those who take other ghosts' Doors. But when Zoe arrives, Nick says he is at peace, making her happy just as the eclipse ends. When Aidan and Josh have their plans to save their loved ones, Sally possesses Ray's wife to lure him into the woods where Josh can kill him, but the Reaper appears once more, as she slipped. Sally seeks out her mother Rena's help, asking her to shred her so she can go to Limbo to save the others, just as Nora finds her where Sally reveals the truth. Sally returns to the house to find her mother waiting for her, realizing that Sally has become so strong in death and she is proud of her, just as her mother's Door appears. Knowing that Sally can take her door, Rena offers it to her so she can go to Limbo, as the Reaper eggs her on to give into another wrong desire. While grateful, Sally takes matters into her own hands and shreds herself, destroying the Reaper along with her own essence. Later, as Aidan is being buried and Josh is in his standoff with Ray and Nora, Sally's voice comes on over a radio in the house, revealing she has made it into Limbo but she needs her friends' help to get out.
In the season 3 premiere, Sally is in limbo, trying her hardest to try to get back to the other side. She is with Nick, who is constantly drowning again, and Stevie, who is hanging from a tree and watching his family go on without him, while her eternal punishment is fruitlessly trying to get back to the other side. Josh and Nora call upon the witch Ms. Gilchrist who they believe will bring Sally's spirit back, but instead, she brings Sally's soul back into her body, bringing her back to life, along with Stevie and Nick by association with Sally.
In season 4, Sally is discovering her new powers now being half-witch and also finding herself romantically involved with Aidan.
Joshua "Josh" Levison (Sam Huntington) is the American counterpart of George Sands. He is a neurotic, socially-awkward hospital worker with a heart of gold who suffers from being a werewolf; transforming once a month on every full moon. In the first episode, it is revealed that he chose to leave his family because of his situation, having been gone from them for about two years now. Josh wavers between wanting a normal life, and feeling that he needs to isolate himself as much as possible because that life is impossible for him because of what he is. He ends up finding his sister one day at the hospital, who was visiting her girlfriend, and she tries to find out why he left and pry herself back into his life. Josh tries to distance himself as much as possible from her, for fear of what might happen if she finds out what he is. One full moon, however, she follows him to the place he transforms in, determined to find out what he is trying to hide from her. Josh tries to get her to leave only for her to shut the door and still try to stay. Full of fear that he might kill her once in his wolf state, he calls Aidan and Sally for help, and Aidan ends up coming to the rescue to pull her out just in time. He tells her that Josh has some unspecified medical condition, and takes her away to safety. The following day when Emily tries to talk to Josh about what happened, Josh rejects his sister and tells her not to contact him again for her own good.
When Josh meets Ray, who reveals that he is another werewolf, Aidan has Ray teach Josh how to survive as a werewolf in the modern world and avoid detection, eventually leading Josh to hit on a nurse at the hospital named Nora, although she rejects his advances as potential sexual harassment. Although Josh is reluctant at first, he and Ray hit it off until Ray convinces him to attack the vampires' blood den, with Josh attacking Bishop's second in command Marcus. However, Josh later has Ray leave his life after Ray reveals that he was the one who turned Josh into a werewolf in the first place. Some time later, Emily moves in with Josh and Aidan when she breaks up with her girlfriend. Aidan takes her to a bar to rebound where she is ambushed by Marcus in an attempt to get back at Aidan. Josh and Emily return to their parents' house, where his psychologist father confronts him about how he believes Josh is suffering from clinical lycanthropy due to Josh's extensive journals where he has been trying to seek out a cure.
After Josh shows his kinder side to Nora, she begins to reciprocate his feelings, and when she confronts him about his flightiness in their relationship on the verge of a full moon, they have sex. He tries to scale back the relationship once more, when he begins to have nightmares about transforming into a werewolf and harming Nora, but he ultimately decides to stay with her. Shortly after, Josh is captured by thousand-year-old vampires and put into a werewolf version of a dogfight. He wins, killing the other wolf, Douglas, and this causes great emotional trauma. He protests alongside Sally to Aidan going back to Bishop's "family", even though Aidan says it is the only way to free Josh from the vampires. When he returns to see Nora, she reveals she is pregnant with his child, and Josh decides it is best for him to be there for her. When Nora suspects the child has a birth defect due to strange hormone levels, Josh worries that he has passed on lycanthropy to his child, but an ultrasound reveals that the baby is healthy, although twice as far along in the pregnancy than they thought. After this discovery as well as Sally's resolution of her issues, he decides to return to medical school and become a doctor to support Nora and his child, but this celebration is cut short by Bishop's attack on Aidan. Josh makes the decision to kill Bishop, but Sally reveals that Aidan had asked her to keep Josh out of the fight, and she traps him in the hospital basement. Nora discovers Josh in his hospital hiding place where he is transforming, and he accidentally scratches her as he ushers her out of the room. He transforms into the wolf completely in front of Nora, and reveals the truth to her later, although she hides the fact that she was scratched and infected in the process.
On the next full moon, with Nora now part of the house, Josh prepares for his next transformation, with Nora inquisitive about the events. That night, Josh is driven out to the woods by Nora, who initially feels relieved that she is not a werewolf, but she begins to transform in the car. Josh realizes she is in danger, but Heggeman appears and shoots Josh with a silver bullet, having been tasked by Mother to kill Josh to free Aidan of distractions. Injured, but not shot directly, Josh tries to get away but Nora, who has fully transformed, kills Heggeman and saves Josh. The next day, Josh and Nora attend a mixer for MIT students, but Nora's erratic behavior after the change raises eyebrows, until she reveals that she has miscarried their baby. This prompts Josh to un-matriculate from med school so he may focus on curing themselves. To this end, he rents out two storage units and buys camera equipment to film them during the change. Nora is reluctant at first, particularly after Josh's ex-fiancée Julia comes to town and is revealed to be Aidan's current lover. After Nora confronts him that he wanted to keep Julia safe from the wolf, but not her, he is worried that she will be in danger, particularly after she reveals that she remembers the events of her first change. However, Nora appears at the storage facility later, convinced that she is a danger at the full moon.
Near the next full moon, Josh is approached at work by a young woman named Brynn who reveals that her twin brother Connor has been put in the psych ward, and that they are both werewolves. Josh reluctantly frees Connor, who comes to thank him later by taking him out to an upscale dance club. Connor and Brynn reveal that they are purebred werewolves, born rather than changed. When Josh mentions he is seeking a cure, Connor offers to fund the research necessary. When Josh mentions he is looking for the trigger that activates the change, Connor and Brynn reveal they want to be wolves all the time, which initially turns Josh off from their offer, but he reconsiders. Josh introduces Nora to the twins in the same week that Nora's abusive ex-boyfriend Will comes to town. As the full moon is near, Josh is convinced by Connor to retaliate against Will for hurting Nora, attacking him during the day until Nora interferes. Josh backs off, realizing he would be no better than Will if he seriously hurt him, unaware that Nora has been giving into her animal desires and stalking Will. That night, Josh goes to the storage unit while Nora, Connor, and Brynn attack Will as their wolves.
The next day, police ask about his whereabouts, but he cannot tell them the truth. They reveal they are actually looking for Nora, who has been absent since the full moon. After trying to get in contact with Nora through the twins, who piss him off, Josh tries to get help from Aidan, as they have a new vampire cop liaison, but Aidan is distracted by visions of Bishop. Josh takes things into his own hands, contacting Cecilia himself, and offering up the twins to her as the werewolves who killed Heggeman. When the detectives find him at the storage unit, Cecilia shows up and uses her abilities to convince the detectives that Josh is not responsible. That night, Josh follows through on his end of the deal, leading Cecilia to the twins. Nora arrives at work a week later, on the night of another full moon, and is surprised when Josh says he tried to contact her through the twins, but they would not send along the message. After Nora meets the twins, she reveals to Josh that the twins believe Aidan sent Cecilia after them after she covered up the murder. That night, Josh arrives to a cabin the twins and Nora use to change in, when Aidan also arrives, as he is looking for Cecilia. The wolves reveal they have hidden Cecilia in the woods so they may hunt Aidan as the wolves, when Josh reveals he is the one who sent Cecilia after them. All four transform and hunt down Aidan and Cecilia, and end up killing Cecilia when she gives up so Aidan may live.
The next morning, Nora reveals that they only met because Josh wanted to be human, but her transformation has made her embrace her wolf self. This causes them to break up, leading to Emily to come to Boston to try to bring Josh back to his former self. They plan to go drinking, but when he leaves work early, he finds that Emily has been out drinking with Julia. Josh and Julia trade jabs over drinks until Emily needs to be taken back to Julia's place. Julia demands to know why Josh left, and he admits that after the attack he became a monster (without elaborating on being a werewolf) and that he did not want to hurt her. At work, Josh and Julia agree to become friends, just as Josh is met by the ghost of his friend Stu who died in the werewolf attack. Stu tries to push Josh and Julia apart, as he knows it will put Julia in danger, but when Julia starts to fall in love with Josh, again, Stu takes over Josh's body and has sex with Julia. When Josh awakes to realize what has happened, he is angry at Stu for using him, as he can either put Julia in danger of the wolf or break her heart, again. When Julia wakes up to cuddle up with Josh, he ultimately decides to stay with her, as he is still in love with her. When he returns home, he finds Aidan seeing Henry (who Josh had seen without his skin) and a moving company off, realizing that Henry could only have healed after drinking blood, which he sees in the moving boxes. They fight until they walk inside to see Sally shred Nick. After they approach Zoe to save Sally, the Reaper entity traps them all in the house. That night is the full moon, so they work fast to try to free Josh, who can only think of the blood still lingering in the house, and the fear he may kill Zoe. Josh rushes to lock himself into the fridge if they cannot save Sally, but has to offer up his blood to Aidan to save Zoe when he tries to feed on her. Josh's blood seems to sate Aidan's thirst until he violently reacts to it. The events help save Sally from the Reaper, letting Josh leave the house to transform in the woods.
Josh wants his relationship with Julia to advance, so he invites her over to the house for dinner, even though Aidan has broken her heart. Aidan invites Suren over, and after an awkward dinner where Suren realizes Julia and Aidan were together, events turn out better. Just as their relationship grows, Nora returns to Boston, seeking her old job at the hospital, and hoping to rekindle things with Josh. However, Josh's love lies with Julia, again, even when she asks him to make sure he is making the right choice. When he finds that Nora has helped Sally, he makes up his mind. After Aidan leaves, Nora approaches him one more time to reveal Brynn has told her of a way to lift the werewolf curse. Josh has to kill the werewolf who turned him: Ray. Josh mulls this over in his mind, going as far to track Ray down where he discovers Ray has reunited with his family and now has a better life. Josh changes his mind and instead decides to tell Julia the truth, pushed even more when their old friend Chelsea comes to town and she tells him to do the same. Just as Josh begins to reveal the truth to Julia, the solar eclipse affecting the ghosts causes him to partially transform. He runs away from Julia, but when he reaches a dead end, he turns to face her just as he feels another intense pain. This causes Julia to back up into the street where she is hit by a car. Josh, still transforming, leaves the scene only to return later to find that Julia has died. As she admits she always loved him, her Door appears, and she passes through it. Josh goes to her funeral, but Emily keeps him from entering the service. As she talks to him, he receives a call from the hospital, as Nora is in observation after she was affected by the solar eclipse as well. Nora reveals she is glad that Josh did not follow through with killing his maker, as it would have cured her as well, and she knows he should not be a murderer. Josh makes his final decision to kill Ray, using Heggeman's rifle. With Aidan's promise that he will meet up with him at the shack in the woods, Sally helps Josh lure Ray to the woods by possessing Ray's wife. With Ray fallen into the trap, Josh leads him to the shack where he plans on killing him, but Nora, who has learned the truth from Sally, distracts him, causing Ray to escape. As Josh chases him, Ray knocks him down, preparing to kill Josh as well. Nora arrives with a gun of her own, and the three end up in a standoff: Ray with the rifle aimed at Josh, Nora with a handgun aimed at Ray, and Josh telling Nora to kill him instead. Both guns are heard going off after the scene changes.
In the season 3 premiere, it is revealed that the shots fired were one into Ray, grazing him, and the other flying off into the night. Ray then turns on Nora, and Josh uses the confusion to bludgeon Ray to death. During the next full moon, Josh is revealed to be cured of his lycanthropy, but the same cannot be said of Nora. They spend the next 15 months trying to find both Aidan and Sally, and Josh has advanced his medical degree and works at Suffolk County Hospital in a residency. They go to the witch Ms. Gilchrist who asks of them to bring her the heart of someone they have killed to bring Sally back, so they retrieve Ray's heart for the incantation, and then Sally's body from her grave. Josh is later survives an attack by Liam a full blooded werewolf, and later gains the ability to transform without the full moon and retain some control over himself demonstrated when he doesn't attack Nora. Josh and Nora then become married and later have twins.
James Bishop (Mark Pellegrino) is the American counterpart of Herrick from the original British series. Bishop is the head of the local vampire clan and the main antagonist in season 1. Originally an Englishman who became a vampire during the 17th century, Bishop travels with his sire Carlo to the Thirteen Colonies and eventually turns Aidan, his wife Susanne, and Marcus during the American Revolution. During the 1950s, Bishop had fallen in love with a Suffolk County Hospital nurse named Jane who was aware of his vampiric nature. When the powerful Dutch vampires visit and kill off Carlo, Bishop is made the new head of the Boston clan with an ultimatum: kill Jane or leave the vampire clan to live with her. His initial hesitation leads to the schism between himself and Aidan, but he ultimately decides to stay in the vampire clan, killing Jane while she is working at the hospital.
In the present day, Bishop keeps up public "human" appearances by owning a mortuary and by acting as a lieutenant in the Boston Police Department. These positions allow him to cover up the crimes that his fellow vampires commit. It is under these circumstances that Bishop finds Aidan back in his life when Aidan accidentally kills fellow nurse Rebecca, siring her to get back at Aidan while attempting to bring him back to the fold. But when Aidan repeatedly refuses, Bishop moves forward with his plans and begins offering to turn terminal patients into vampires. Though Aidan warns him that the hospital is off-limits, offering to help him with Mike Garrity, Bishop reneges on their deal as he brought a vampire priest from outside the city to be the hospital's chaplain so he can recruit dying patients. Aidan responds by defanging the priest to send Bishop a message that these acts will not be tolerated.
When Marcus attacks Josh's sister, Aidan confronts Bishop, but Bishop does not reprimand Marcus, as it is the proper way to retaliate for Josh's attack on Marcus. However, when Marcus continues to seek revenge, Aidan goes back to Bishop who reveals that he has been increasing the vampire population in Boston in an attempt to reveal themselves to humanity and take over as the dominant race. He also reveals that he sees Aidan as a weakness amongst vampires, while he sees Marcus as a mistake he made. In response, having assisted in the death of Bernie's bullies to trick Aidan into killing the boy, Marcus goes to the Amish Country to reveal Bishop's plans to the Dutch. With the arrival of the Dutch in Boston, Bishop has Josh kidnapped to entertain them in a werewolf death match, releasing him after Aidan agrees to return to his side. Believing that they have come to kill him, Bishop resolves an ultimatum from the Dutch: either cull the population or die. However, during a feast the next day before he revealed that he knew Marcus told them of his plans, Bishop poisoned the Dutch with juniper, laced into the blood of feeding-den prostitutes. Savoring his triumph, Bishop proceeds to kill the paralyzed Dutch one by one before Aidan saves Heggeman who goes off to notify the other vampire clans of Bishop's betrayal.
Bishop retaliates by ambushing Aidan in his home, despite being uninvited, breaking the threshold and staying long enough to stake him before forced to leave. Fortunately, the stake narrowly misses Aidan's heart. Bishop later goes through Josh to tell Aidan that they will settle this in a fight to the death, but Josh uses the opportunity to set up the fight on the night of a full moon so he will kill Bishop. Aidan sees through this, having Sally trap Josh in the basement room so he and Bishop can fight. Having taken Celine's blood at her request, Aidan became equally matched to Bishop as he is decapitated when garroted by barbed wire. However, whenever Aidan drinks too much live blood, a hallucination of Bishop reappears. He pushes Aidan to hunt down Henry to kill him, but when Aidan cannot follow through, the vision of Bishop predicted this, as the father cannot kill the son.
Nora Sargeant (Kristen Hager) is a nurse at the hospital where Josh and Aidan work. She is based on Nina Pickering from the British series. After being convinced by Ray to try having sex just before his monthly transformation, Josh awkwardly comes on to Nora and she rebuffs him by threatening sexual harassment charges against him if he ever speaks to her again. However, her opinion of Josh later changes when she sees him cheer up one of her patients on his day off, and she agrees to go on a date with him. After a series of tepid dates due to Josh being apprehensive of what will happen near the full moon, Nora confronts him just before his transformation. Overcome by animalistic urges, Josh and Nora make love. Sometime later, Nora reveals to Josh that she is pregnant with his child. In the events of the first-season finale, Nora finds Josh just as he transforms one last time, but he saves her from being attacked by his wolf form. However, the transformation also affects her pregnancy and she miscarries. The next morning, Josh tells her the truth about everything that has happened, and she accepts his apology. After he leaves, Nora checks a scratch she received from Josh after he transformed the previous night.
One month later, while she worries that she has also been infected, she continually asks Josh what happens before he transforms, fearing that she has the symptoms. Her fears are temporarily assuaged when after she drops Josh off in the woods on the next full moon rises, and she does not immediately transform. However, as she prepares to drive off, she also transforms into a werewolf as Josh is being hunted down by Heggeman. She is shown fully transformed and she kills Heggeman. When Josh learns that she has been infected by him, and that she miscarried, he decides to search for a "cure", rather than return to medical school. Now able to see Sally, Nora consoles her after her encounter with Stevie and Dylan, revealing to the audience that she knows she killed Heggeman even though she told Josh she could remember nothing of the transformation. When Josh rents out storage units for them to transform in, Nora is initially reluctant to use it so Josh may observe them during the transformation, and is turned off even more when Josh reveals she murdered Heggeman, and she reveals it's a fact she already knows. Nora's ability to remember her actions during her transformed state make her unique as a werewolf that isn't a full blood. The strain is exacerbated when Josh's ex-fiancée Julia appears in Boston, and Nora initially feels that Josh loved Julia more, as he left her when he was a werewolf and he infected her, instead. That evening, Nora finds herself by the wolf compelled to stalk Julia, but she stops herself and decides to use the storage unit.
Nora returns weeks later, asking for Josh's forgiveness, but Josh's love now lies with Julia. She tells him that Brynn changed after Connor's death, as he was the one holding her back and not the other way around. After she unsuccessfully asks for her job back, she comes across Sally who asks for her help to help Janet. Sally manages to reveal the truth to Janet through Nora, but this action causes Josh to pick Julia over her. Later, she approaches Josh to tell him that Brynn told her a way to remove the werewolf curse: Josh has to kill the werewolf that changed him. Sometime later, Josh is alerted to the fact that Nora is in the hospital, as she fell down a flight of stairs during the solar eclipse. She is happy that it happened though, because it shows her that Josh did not become a killer, as killing Ray would have lifted the curse off of both of them. However, when Sally reveals that she helped Josh lure Ray to kill him, she goes out to the woods to stop them. In the end, she has a handgun trained on Ray, who is threatening to kill Josh with the silver bullet rifle. As the scene changes, both guns are heard being shot.
In the season 3 premiere, it is revealed that Ray was killed at the hands of Josh, but a month later only he has been cured of his lycanthropy, leaving Nora a werewolf. They spend the next year trying to find both Aidan and Sally, succeeding with bringing Sally back to life with the help of the witch Ms. Gilchrist. Josh and Nora then become married and later have twins in Season 4.
Suren (Dichen Lachman) is the daughter of the powerful vampire known only as "Mother" (she is also her biological daughter). Suren is around 700 years old, and her biological father was a Mongol warrior who taught her how to skin animals and humans alike. During the 1930s, Aidan and his protégé Henry were watching over Suren, who formed a relationship with Henry when Aidan restrained himself from her affections. However, Henry could not keep himself satiated with Suren as a lover, leading to her finding him with another woman at a ball at the Halloway Hotel the night before she and Mother are to leave Boston. Killing the woman in front of a room of human onlookers, all of whom were slaughtered under Mother's order to ensure their kind's existence is not exposed, Suren is punished for jeopardizing all vampires by being placed underground for eighty years.
After Bishop's death, Mother decides to release Suren early to take over the Boston vampire instead of Aidan and is stationed in the hotel where she ironically caused the bloody massacre. With Aidan as her second in command, Suren first picks a new police liaison in Cecilia and personally sires her when Aidan refuses to. Regardless of her dissatisfaction with Aidan, she throws the Dutch out the trail when Heggeman ends up missing as a result of his death at newly transformed Nora's claws. When Suren decides to bring in a mobster into the vampire fold, Aidan protests, even though the mobster has caught one of Bishop's orphans who attacked children in broad daylight. When Aidan acquiesces later, he begins feasting on the mobster when he should be turning him. Suren is pleased at this turn of events, knowing it is what Aidan needs to become the vampire she knew ages ago and become her lover. However, Mother is less than thrilled that they have been enjoying each other rather than working and orders Suren and Aidan to hunt down Bishop's orphans. Months later, Suren has told Mother that they have culled all of the orphans, leading Aidan to use his renewed relationship with Henry to gather up the orphans. Suren, who has been watching, orders that the owner of a house who gets paid for vampires to pass the threshold to transfer ownership to her human liaison. She then orders the orphans to be uninvited, killing everyone but Henry and Aidan. Aidan later presents Henry to her, and she decides that in order to be properly punished for his actions 80 years ago, she will skin Henry alive, a painful procedure that as a vampire he will survive from.
Later, Aidan convinces Suren to experience the "mundane" aspects of his life, which begins by having dinner with Josh, Julia, and Sally. After impressing Josh with her love of Antiques Roadshow , she realizes that Aidan had been in a relationship with Julia, but puts off everyone's fears by making the situation better. That night, she expresses her fears that she does not fit in with Aidan's world, but he assuages the fears. The next day, Mother returns to Boston to express her gratitude that Suren was able to shape the city back up. She rewards her by placing her in charge of New England, while excommunicating Aidan from the vampire clans. To escape the oppression, Aidan and Suren run away together to a hotel to start, but Suren soon grows hungry. After Aidan is attacked by other vampires, she asks him to give up, and she will return to Boston. Aidan promises her that he will find a way, and he leaves Suren alone in the hotel, where she goes through withdrawal and thinks about the past. She decides to return to Boston to take her place as its leader, eventually telling Aidan that she did it to save him from Mother's oppression. At Mother's going away party, Mother names Suren as her successor, but gives her one last task to show she is truly strong: Suren must kill Aidan. Suren refuses, as she loves him, and falls to the carpet. As Mother cuddles her, she stakes Suren, and she crumbles to dust in front of Aidan.
Publicity materials for season 2 indicated that the character was to be named Izumi, but this was apparently changed during production.
Vampires are fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The concept of the vampire has been depicted by Marvel to varying degrees of significance. Bearing a strong resemblance to their literary counterparts, Marvel vampires are mostly an undead species of humans that sustain their immortality and paranormal power by drinking the blood of living humans. Unlike most other depictions of the creature, these vampires have their roots in both the supernatural and biology. Victims are converted to vampirism via enzymes carried in the vampire's saliva, which cause reanimation once introduced into the bloodstream during feedings.
Big Wolf on Campus is a Canadian television series created by Peter A. Knight and Christopher Briggs that ran from 1999 to 2002. The central plot revolves around a teenage boy named Thomas "Tommy" P. Dawkins, who was bitten by a werewolf during a camping trip in the woods a week before his senior year of high school. After the bite transforms him into a werewolf, he fights against vampires, werecats, ghosts, zombies, and other supernatural entities to keep his hometown of Pleasantville safe - even though almost everyone in Pleasantville believes that their protector, dubbed the "Pleasantville Werewolf", is dangerous.
Sookie Stackhouse is a fictional character and protagonist of The Southern Vampire Mysteries book series, written by Charlaine Harris. In HBO's television adaptation, True Blood, Sookie is portrayed by Anna Paquin.
Bug-a-Booo is a Brazilian comic strip, created in 1963 and part of the Monica's Gang series. All of the characters are monsters or other supernatural creatures, none of them being a human being. The main location for their stories is a cemetery. However, their stories are not intended to be scary, they are sometimes classified as “Terrir”, which is a Portmanteau of the Portuguese words "Terror" (horror) and "Rir" (to laugh). In some of the stories, they have to deal with the fact that vampires, ghosts, zombies and mummies are no longer appreciated as characters of horror films. People instead are opting for assassins, psychopaths, serial killers, etc.
Being Human is a British supernatural comedy-drama television series created and written by Toby Whithouse and first broadcast on BBC Three in 2009. The show blends elements of flatshare comedy and horror drama. The pilot episode starred Andrea Riseborough as Annie Sawyer, Russell Tovey as George Sands, and Guy Flanagan as John Mitchell – all of whom are sharing accommodation and attempting as well as they can to live a "normal" life and blend in with the ordinary humans around them, striving to fit in more.
Damon Salvatore is a fictional character In L. J. Smith's novel series The Vampire Diaries. He is portrayed by Ian Somerhalder in the television series. Damon is one of the two main protagonists along with Stefan Salvatore, especially in the story's main setting, Mystic Falls.
Being Human is a supernatural drama television series, based on the BBC series of the same name. It followed the same premise as the original, and starred Sam Huntington, Sam Witwer and Meaghan Rath as a werewolf, a vampire, and a ghost, respectively, who live together as roommates.
Anna Clare "Annie" Sawyer is a fictional character in the comedy-drama television series Being Human, portrayed by Lenora Crichlow. The female lead for the duration of the show's first four series, Crichlow appears as Annie in thirty-one episodes altogether, more than any other character in the series. She also appeared in three Being Human novels.
George Sands is a fictional werewolf in the comedy-drama television series Being Human, portrayed by Russell Tovey. The male lead for the duration of the show's first three series appeared in 24 episodes of the drama, as well as in three Being Human novels.
John Mitchell is a fictional vampire in the comedy-drama TV series Being Human, portrayed by Guy Flanagan in the pilot and afterwards by Aidan Turner. The male lead for the duration of the show's first three series appeared in 23 episodes of the drama, as well as in three Being Human novels.
"As I Lay Dying" is the 22 episode and last of the second season of The CW television series, The Vampire Diaries and the 44th episode of the series overall. It originally aired on May 12, 2011. The episode was written by Turi Meyer, Al Septien and Michael Narducci and directed by John Behring.
Hal Yorke is a fictional vampire in the comedy-drama TV series Being Human, portrayed by Damien Molony. The male lead for the duration of the show's last two series appeared in 14 episodes of the drama.
The first episode of the first series of the BBC fantasy television show Being Human was broadcast on 25 January 2009.
Being Human is a supernatural drama television series developed for North American television by Jeremy Carver and Anna Fricke, based upon the British series of the same name created by Toby Whithouse. The series premiered on Syfy and Space Channel on January 17, 2011, with a thirteen episode first season and tells the story of Aidan and Josh, a vampire and a werewolf respectively, who move into a new apartment only to discover that it is haunted by the ghost of a previous tenant, Sally. Together, the three of them discover that being human is not as easy as it seems. Season 2 began on January 16, 2012, and adds Kristen Hager to the main cast as Josh's on-and-off girlfriend and fellow werewolf Nora, as well as Dichen Lachman as Suren, the would-be vampire queen of Boston and an old flame of Aidan's.
Being Human is a supernatural drama television series developed for North American television by Jeremy Carver and Anna Fricke, based upon the British series of the same name created by Toby Whithouse. The series premiered on Syfy and Space Channel on January 17, 2011, with a thirteen episode first season and tells the story of Aidan and Josh, a vampire and a werewolf respectively, who move into a new apartment only to discover that it is haunted by the ghost of a previous tenant, Sally. Together, the three of them discover that being human is not as easy as it seems.
Being Human is a supernatural drama television series developed for North American television by Jeremy Carver and Anna Fricke, based upon the British series of the same name created by Toby Whithouse. The series premiered on Syfy and Space Channel on January 17, 2011, with a thirteen episode first season and tells the story of Aidan and Josh, a vampire and a werewolf respectively, who move into a new apartment only to discover that it is haunted by the ghost of a previous tenant, Sally. Together, the three of them discover that being human is not as easy as it seems.
The Being Human novels are a series of three fantasy novels written by Simon Guerrier, Mark Michalowski and James Goss. The novels are based on the British television series Being Human, created by Toby Whithouse.