This list of Fuller Theological Seminary people includes notable current and former faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary as well as alumni of the institution.
David Augsburger, Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care and Counseling (1990–2018), Anabaptist author
Warren S. Brown, director of the Lee Edward Travis Research Institute and Professor of Psychology in the School of Psychology; principal editor and contributor to Whatever Happened to the Soul?: Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature (1998); editor and contributor to Understanding Wisdom: Sources, Science and Society (2000)
William Dyrness, dean of the School of Theology 1990–2000, professor of theology and culture
Joel B. Green, associate dean for the Center for Advanced Theological Studies and Professor of New Testament Interpretation
Seyoon Kim, Professor of New Testament and former associate dean for Korean Doctor of Ministry Program
Nancey Murphy, philosopher of science and Christian theologian, known for her works on religion and science, author of Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning, winner of prizes from the American Academy of Religion and the Templeton Foundation
Former faculty
Gleason Archer, influential Biblical scholar and theologian; taught at Fuller 1948–65
Justin L. Barrett, Director of the Thrive Center for Human Development, Thrive Professor of Developmental Science, and Professor of Psychology
Edward John Carnell (1919–1967), author of Introduction to Christian Apologetics, A Philosophy of the Christian Religion, and many other books; seminary President, 1954–59
Oliver D. Crisp, Professor of Systematic Theology; expert in philosophical theology
Richard J. Foster, former Fuller professor, theologian; author of Celebration of Discipline, named by Christianity Today as one of the "100 Best Religious Books of the 20th Century"
John Goldingay, David Allan Hubbard Professor of Old Testament
Charles H. Kraft, linguist and anthropologist; proponent of the Third Wave of the Holy Spirit Movement; Sun-Hee Kwak Professor of Anthropology and Intercultural Communication at Fuller
J. Edwin Orr (1912–1987), professor of missiology, and authority on European and American Protestant Revival movements and history
Robert N. Schaper (1922–2007), former dean of the Chapel and Arthur DeKruyter/Christ Church Oak Brook Professor of Preaching and Practical Theology
Lewis B. Smedes (1921–2002), influential theologian and writer; author of Forgive and Forget; former Professor of Theology and Ethics who taught at Fuller for twenty-five years
Glen Stassen (1936–2014), Christian ethicist, son of Harold Stassen, former Lewis B. Smedes Professor of Christian Ethics at Fuller
Thomas Talbott, professor of philosophy at Willamette University who is controversial in theological circles for his vigorous defense of the doctrine of Christian universal salvation; taught at Fuller for three years early in his career
Miroslav Volf, influential theologian; Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology at Yale Divinity School; author of Exclusion and Embrace, named by Christianity Today as one of the 100 most important religion books of the 20th century; taught at Fuller 1991–1998
Mel White, former Professor of Communications and Preaching; infamous within Evangelical Christianity due to his sexuality and ministry to homosexuals following his departure from the EvangelicalProtestant movement
John Wimber, pastor, founder of the Vineyard Movement; directed the Charles E. Fuller Institute of Evangelism and Church Growth 1974–1978, later served as an adjunct professor at Fuller
David H. Stern (M.Div), Messianic Jewish theologian and author; his books include Jewish New Testament Commentary and Messianic Judaism (original title Messianic Jewish Manifesto)
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