List of Lucha Underground tournaments

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Lucha Underground has held a number of professional wrestling tournaments involving wrestlers that are a part of their roster as part of their television series.



Trios Tournament

Lucha Underground Trios Championship Tournament (2015)

Lucha Underground held a tournament to determine which team of three wrestlers would become the first to hold Lucha Underground Trios Championship. [1] The matches took place over four weeks, starting with Episode 21 ("Uno! Dos! Tres!) and culminating on episode 24 ("Trios Champions"). [2] [3]

Tournament participants
First roundRound 2
Big Ryck, Killshot and The MackPin
Pentagon Jr., Sexy Star and Super Fly
Big Ryck, Killshot and The Mack
Son of Havoc, Ivelisse and AngélicoPin
Son of Havoc, Ivelisse and AngélicoPin
Fenix, Drago and Aero Star
King Cuerno, Cage and Texano
King Cuerno, Cage and TexanoPin
Prince Puma, Johnny Mundo and Hernandez
1Son of Havoc, Ivelisse and Angélico defeated The Crew (Bael, Cortez Castro and Mr. Cisco)Finals of the Trios Championship Tournament, No disqualification match

Lucha Underground Trios Championship Tournament (2016)

Lucha Underground held a tournament to determine which team of three wrestlers would become the new Lucha Underground Trios Championship The matches took place over four weeks, starting with Episode 11 ("Bird of War") and culminating on episode 16 ("Graver Consequences"). The champions were allowed a bye to the finals beings the defending champions.

Tournament participants
1 Dragon Azteca Jr., Prince Puma & Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Fenix, Jack Evans & P. J. Black, and Cortez Castro, Joey Ryan & Mr. Cisco and Ivelisse and Son of Havoc (c) [4] Finals of the Trios Championship Tournament.
(c) – the champion(s) heading into the match

Tournament 4 A Unique Opportunity (2016)

Semifinals Finals
1 Willie Mack Pin
4 Cage
The Mack Pin
Son of Havoc
3 Son of Havoc Pin
2 Texano

Battle of the Bulls Tournament

Lucha Underground held a tournament to determine which wrestler would become the new Lucha Underground Championship number 1 contender and face the winner of the match between Sexy Star and Johnny Mundo, which resulted to be the latter. The matches took place in fatal four-way matches over three weeks, starting with Episode 14 ("Bulls of Boyle Heights") and culminating on episode 16 ("The Battle of the Bulls").

1 Cage defeated Texano, Joey Ryan and Dr. Wagner Jr. (with Famous B and The Beautiful Brenda)Fatal Four-Way Semifinal match
2 Willie Mack defeated Mil Muertes (with Catrina), El Dragon Azteca Jr. and Marty "The Moth" Martinez Fatal Four-Way Semifinal match
3 Jeremiah Crane defeated Dante Fox, Killshot and Mariposa Fatal Four-Way Semifinal match
4 P. J. Black defeated Angélico, Jack Evans and Son of Havoc Fatal Four-Way Semifinal match
5 Willie Mack defeated P. J. Black, Jeremiah Crane and Cage Fatal Four-Way Elimination Final match

The Cueto Cup

A 32-person tournament, part of Lucha Underground Season 3. The tournament was announced on episode 21, and began on episode 22.

1st Round 2nd Round Quarterfinals Semifinals Finals
1 Aerostar
32 Drago W
Pentagon Dark W
17 Pentagon Dark W
16 Argenis
Pentagon Dark W
9 Willie Mack W
24 Mala Suerte
Willie Mack
Texano W
25 Famous B
8 Texano W
Pentagon Dark W
Mil Muertes
5 Vibora
28 Paul London W
Paul London
Mil Muertes W
21 Veneno
12 Mil Muertes W
Mil Muertes W
Jeremiah Crane
13 Jeremiah Crane W
20 Killshot
Jeremiah Crane W
29 Joey Ryan
4 Taya W
Pentagon Dark
Prince Puma W
3 Brian Cage W
30 Vinnie Massaro
Brian Cage
19 Mascarita Sagrada
14 PindarW
Fenix W
11 Marty the Moth W
22 Saltador
Marty the Moth
Fenix W
27 Fenix W
6 Mariposa
Prince Puma W
7 Sexy Star
26 P. J. Black W
P. J. Black
Prince Puma W
23 Ricky Mandel
10 Prince Puma W
Prince Puma W
Dante Fox
15 El Dragon Azteca Jr.
18 Dante Fox W
Dante Fox W
Son of Havoc
31 Son of Havoc W
2 Son of Madness


Aztec Warfare

Aztec Warfare I

Lucha Underground held a 20-person intergender elimination match where a wrestler could be eliminated by pinfall or submission and has to take place inside a ring and not by throwing over the top ropes and having both feet must landing the floor. There are no count outs and no disqualifications. The match took place on October 5, 2014 and was broadcast as Episode 9 of Lucha Underground on January 7, 2015. The 20 wrestlers entered the match at timed intervals, every 90 seconds. The previous week (Episode 8, "A Unique Opportunity") Mil Muertes defeated Fénix, giving Muertes the last entrant and Fénix would start the match. [5] In the end Prince Puma pinned Johnny Mundo to become the first ever Lucha Underground Champion. [5] [6]

Aztec Warfare I entrances and eliminations
DrawEntrantOrderEliminated byElimination move
1 Fénix 15GuerreroPinned after being hit over the head with a steel chair
2 Johnny Mundo 19PumaPinned after a 630° senton
3Mr. Cisco1MundoPinned after an End of the World
4 King Cuerno 9MundoPinned with a Crucifix pin
5 Son of Havoc 4PumaPinned after a Benadryller
6 Pimpinela Escarlata 2HavocPinned after a Shooting star press
7 Prince Puma WinnerN/A
8 Ivelisse 3CuernoPinned after a Thrill of the Hunt
9 Drago 8CuernoPinned after a Thrill of the Hunt
10 Bael 5PumaPinned after a Standing shooting star press
11 Cortez Castro 6MundoPinned after a Running knee strike
12 Ricky Mandel 7RyckPinned after a Ryck Bottom
13 Big Ryck 14Guerrero and FénixPinned after a End of the World by Mundo, a running shooting star press by Puma, and a 450 splash by Fénix
14 Pentagón Jr. 11GuerreroPinned after being hit over the head with a steel chair
15 Super Fly 10GuerreroPinned after being hit over the head with a steel chair
16 Chavo Guerrero Jr. 16StarPinned after being hit over the head with a steel chair
17 Mascarita Sagrada 12RyckPinned after a Clothesline
18 Sexy Star 17MuertesPinned after a spear
19El Mariachi Loco13MuertesPinned after a Flatliner
20 Mil Muertes 18Puma and MundoPinned after two springboard 450° splash each from Puma and Mundo

Aztec Warfare II

Lucha Underground held the second ever Aztec Warfare match during the second season, which featured 21 participants in total with the Lucha Underground Championship at stake. The match was recorded on December 12, 2015. [7] The match was broadcast as Episode 9 of Lucha Underground's second season on March 23, 2016.

Aztec Warfare 2 entrances and eliminations
DrawEntrantOrderEliminated byElimination move
1 Fénix (c)12MatanzaPinned after a Wrath of the Gods
2 Rey Mysterio 20MatanzaPinned after a Wrath of the Gods
3 King Cuerno 2MysterioSubmitted to a Cross armbreaker
4 Argenis 1MysterioPinned after a 619 followed by a Frog splash
5 Johnny Mundo 3PumaPinned after a Standing shooting star press
6 Joey Ryan 16MatanzaPinned after a Triple rolling gutwrench
7 Prince Puma 19MatanzaPinned with a Bridging German suplex
8 Jack Evans 9AerostarPinned after a Diving front flip piledriver
9 Taya 7FénixPinned with a Bridging German suplex
10 Cage 6TayaPinned after being hit over the head with a cinder block by Mundo
11Mascarita Sagrada5GuerreroSubmitted to a La De A Caballo
12 Marty Martinez 4Mysterio and SagradaPinned after a Diving splash drop by Mysterio
13 Drago 8BlackPinned after a Brainbuster
14 Willie Mack 13MatanzaPinned with a Bridging German suplex
15 Chavo Guerrero Jr. 18MatanzaPinned after a Standing shooting star press
16 P. J. Black 10TexanoPinned after a Sitout powerbomb
17 Aerostar 14MatanzaPinned with a Bridging German suplex
18 Dragon Azteca Jr. 17MatanzaPinned after a Chokeslam
19 Texano 15MatanzaPinned after a Sitout powerbomb
20 Mil Muertes 11Puma and MysterioPinned after a Diving splash drop by Mysterio
21 Matanza Cueto WinnerN/A

Aztec Warfare III

Lucha Underground held the third ever Aztec Warfare match during the third season, which featured 20 participants in total with the Lucha Underground Championship at stake. The match was recorded on April 9, 2016. The match was broadcast as Episode 11 of Lucha Underground's third season on November 16, 2016.

Aztec Warfare 3 entrances and eliminations
DrawEntrantOrderEliminated byElimination move
1 Matanza Cueto (c)15MysterioPinned after a Sunset flip powerbomb
2 Johnny Mundo 17StarPinned after a Flying crossbody press by Angélico
3 Son of Havoc 3EvansPinned after a Standing corkscrew moonsault
4 Jeremiah Crane 1MatanzaPinned with a Bridging German suplex
5 Pentagón Dark 4MundoPinned with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb by one of the Black Lotus Triad
6 P. J. Black 12Mack and StarPinned after a Stunner by Mack
7 Mariposa 2MatanzaPinned with a Chokeslam
8 Rey Mysterio 16MundoPinned after a Wrath of the Gods by Matanza
9 Dr. Wagner Jr. 10MatanzaPinned after a Wrath of the Gods
10 Marty "The Moth" Martinez 8MysterioPinned after a Sunset Flip
11 Jack Evans 11MackPinned after a Stunner
12 Sexy Star WinnerN/A
13 Ricky Mandel 5BlackPinned after a Package Piledriver by Pentagón
14 Mascarita Sagrada 6MatanzaPinned after a Wrath of the Gods
15Famous B7MysterioPinned after a 619 followed by a West Coast Pop
16 Willie Mack 18MuertesPinned after a Flatliner
17 Joey Ryan 9MuertesPinned after a Flatliner
18 Mil Muertes 19StarPinned with a Diving double foot stomp
19 Kobra Moon 13DragoPinned with a Crucifix pin
20 Drago 14MatanzaPinned with a Car Bomb Slam

Aztec Warfare IV

Lucha Underground held the fourth ever Aztec Warfare match during the fourth season, which featured 20 participants in total with the Lucha Underground Championship at stake. The match was recorded on February 24, 2018. The match was broadcast as Episode 1 of Lucha Underground's fourth season on June 13, 2018.

Aztec Warfare 4 entrances and eliminations
DrawEntrantOrderEliminated byElimination move
1 Killshot 3HavocPinned after a Shooting star press
2 Willie Mack 1KillshotPinned with a Roll-up
3 Son of Havoc 9PentagónPinned after a Back Stabber
4 Joey Ryan 2PentagónPinned after a Pentagon driver
5 Mr. Pec-Tacular 4PentagónPinned after a Superkick
6 Pentagón Dark (c)WinnerN/A
7 Tommy Dreamer 6PentagónPinned after a Moonsault double foot stomp
8 Mariposa 5HavocPinned with a Cutter
9Vinnie Massaro7PentagónPinned after a Pentagon driver
10 Hernandez 8PentagónPinned after a Superkick and arm broken by Pentagón
11 Johnny Mundo 15MartinezPinned after a Tombstone Piledriver by Vibora
12 Ricky Mundo 10MundoPinned with Moonlight Drive
13 Fenix 13ChavoPinned after a Brainbuster
14 Jeremiah Crane 12PentagónPinned after a Pentagon driver
15 Mil Muertes 11FenixPinned after a Moonsault double foot stomp
16 Daga 14MundoPinned after an End of the World
17 Chavo Guerrero Jr. 18PentagónPinned after a Superkick
18 King Cuerno 17ChavoPinned after a Gory bomb
19 Dragon Azteca Jr. 16CuernoPinned after a Frog splash
20 Marty "The Moth" Martinez 19PentagónPinned after a Package piledriver

Battle royales

Season 1

Episode 8 battle royale
OrderWrestlerEliminated by
1Famous BEscarlata
2 Ricky Mandel Bael, Cisco and Castro
3 Pimpinela Escarlata Muertes
4 Sexy Star Guerrero
5 Cortez Castro Mundo
6Mr. CiscoGuerrero
7 Bael Muertes
8 Chavo Guerrero Jr. Mundo
9 Johnny Mundo Muertes
Winner Mil Muertes -
Episode 37 battle royale
OrderWrestlerEliminated by
1 Ricky Mandel Famous B
2 Argenis Famous B
3 Killshot Daivari
4Vinny MassaroDaivari
5 Super Fly Sagrada
6 Mascarita Sagrada Himself
7Famous BDaivari and Martinez
8 DelAvar Daivari Fénix
9 Marty Martinez Fénix
Winner Fénix -

Other accomplishments

Golden Aztec Medallion

Season 1 holders

#HolderEpisode wonNotes
1 Fénix S1E27 "Ancient Medallions"Defeated Cage, Killshot, King Cuerno, Pentagón Jr, Sexy Star and Willie Mack.
2 Jack Evans S1E30 "Submit to the Master"Defeated Argenis
3 Aero Star S1E33 "Death vs. the Dragon"Defeated Cage, Marty Martinez and Willie Mack.
4 Bengala S1E36 "The Beginning of the End"Defeated DelAvar Daivari. Taped April 11, 2015, aired on July 15, 2015. [8] [9] [10]
5 King Cuerno S1E36 "The Beginning of the End"Defeated Killshot. Taped April 11, 2015, aired on July 15, 2015. [8] [9] [10]
6 Sexy Star S1E36 "The Beginning of the End"Defeated Marty Martinez, and Super Fly. Taped April 11, 2015, aired on July 15, 2015. [8] [9] [10]
7 Big Ryck S1E37 "PenUltima Lucha"Given a medallion backstage segment. Taped April 18, 2015, aired on July 22, 2015.
1 Fénix S1E37 "PenUltima Lucha"Defeated Argenis, DelAvar Daivari, Famous B, Killshot, Marty Martinez, Mascarita Sagrada, Ricky Mandel, Super Fly, and Vinny Massaro. Taped April 18, 2015, aired on July 22, 2015.

Season 2 holders

#HolderEpisode wonNotes
1 Texano S2E12 "Three's a Crowd"Defeated Daga
2 Aero Star S2E13 "Monster Meets Monster"Defeated Drago
3 Cage S2E14 "Cage in a Cage"Defeated Johnny Mundo in a Steel Cage match
4 Willie Mack S2E15 "No Mas"Defeated Marty Martinez
5El Siniestro de la MuerteS2E15 "No Más"Defeated King Cuerno
3 Chavo Guerrero Jr. S2E15 "No Más"Stole a medallion given to Cage.
6 Sexy Star S2E15 "No Más"Defeated Mariposa in an "I Quit" match
7 Joey Ryan S2E16 "Graver Consequences"Defeated Cortez Castro and Mr. Cisco
Episode 22 holders
#HolderEpisode wonNotes
1DagaS2E22 "Fame and Fortune"Defeated Mascarita Sagrada.
2, 3, 4.El Siniestro de la Muerte, Killshot & Marty Martinez S2E22 "Fame and Fortune"Defeated Cortez Castro, Mr. Cisco, and Joey Ryan
5, 6 Mariposa and Sexy Star S2E22 "Fame and Fortune"Defeated Ivelisse and Taya
7 NightClaw S2E22 "Fame and Fortune"Given a medallion backstage segment.

Season 3 holders

#HolderEpisode wonNotes
1, 2, 3 Paul London, Saltador and Mala SuerteS3E30 "Bloodlines"Defeated P. J. Black, Taya and Ricky Mandel
4 Son of Havoc S3E33 "Havoc Running Wild"Defeated Son of Madness in a Biker's Brawl match
5 Drago S3E34 "Career Opportunities"Defeated Willie Mack
6 Cortez Castro S3E34 "Career Opportunities"Defeated Joey Ryan in a 5-0 Street Fight
7 Pentagón Dark S3E35 "Cien"Defeated El Dragon Azteca Jr.

Season 4 holders

#HolderEpisode wonNotes
1 El Dragon Azteca Jr. S4E2 "Darkness and the Monster"Defeated Drago
2 King Cuerno S4E4 "Pain, Love and Sacrifice to the Gods"Defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr.
3 Ivelisse S4E5 "Sacrificio"Defeated Joey Ryan
4 Willie Mack S4E5 "Sacrificio"Defeated Son of Havoc and Killshot
5 Son of Havoc S4E5 "Sacrificio"Earned a Medallion for not getting pinned in the three-way match.
6 Mil Muertes S4E5 "Sacrificio"Defeated Cage
7 Dezmond X S4E6 "Break the Machine"Defeated Paul London

See also


  1. "Lucha Underground Trios Title Tournament Results". Cagematch.
  2. "Uno! Dos! Tres!". Lucha Underground . Season 1. Episode 21. April 1, 2015. El Rey Network (US), UniMás (MX).
  3. "Trios Champions". Lucha Underground . Season 1. Episode 24. April 22, 2015. El Rey Network (US), UniMás (MX).
  4. "Lucha Underground TV Taping - Season 2 Episode 16". The Internet Wrestling Database. Retrieved March 17, 2016.
  5. 1 2 "Aztec Warfare". Lucha Underground . Season 1. Episode 9. January 7, 2015. El Rey Network (US), UniMás (MX).
  6. "Lucha Underground Spoiler".
  7. "Lucha Underground TV Taping Results - December 12, 2015".
  8. 1 2 3 Boutwell, Josh (2015-04-26). "Viva la Raza! Lucha Weekly for 4/26/15". Wrestleview. Retrieved 2015-04-26.
  9. 1 2 3 Boutwell, Josh (April 18, 2015). "Viva la Raza! Lucha Weekly for 4/18/15". WrestleView.
  10. 1 2 3 "The Beginning of the End". Lucha Underground . Season 1. Episode 27. June 15, 2015. El Rey Network (US), UniMás (MX).