Student Guidance Department (Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Kim Bo-sung) Band Department (Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) Dance Department (Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min, Defconn)
Team Mission Have the highest amount of team funds at the end of the race to receive a prize Individual Mission Without being the bottom 3 with the highest penalty points to avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Defconn and Kim Bo-sung Wins Dance Department received ₩4,000,000 worth of gift vouchers. Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook and Lee Kwang-soo, who were the bottom 3 had to write a 400-word apology letter, which will be posted on RM's official Instagram account as a penalty.
January 31, 2021 (January 18, 2021)
Uneasy Sisters: My Little Old Brother (쉽지 않은 누나들-미운 우리 형제)
Cha's Family (Cha Chang-hwa, Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Jeon So-min) Kim's Family (Kim Jae-hwa, Haha, Lee Kwang-soo) Shin's Family (Shin Dong-mi, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan)
Being the Top 3 with the most money to receive a prize and without having the least money at the end of the race to avoid penalty [b]
Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo and Shin Dong-mi Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo and Shin Dong-mi each received a strawberry gift set, which Yoo Jae-suk and Lee Kwang-soo gave theirs to Cha Chang-hwa and Kim Jae-hwa. Haha, Ji Suk-jin and Kim Jae-hwa, who were the bottom 3 had to cook meals for themselves after filming as a penalty.
Need Communication Yoon-kyung Team (Bae Yoon-kyung, Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Yang Se-chan) Eun-jin Team (Ahn Eun-jin, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo) Penalty Men Team (Lee Sang-yi, Lee Kwang-soo, Jeon So-min) What About Apples Penalty Men Team (Lee Sang-yi, Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Jeon So-min) Yoon-kyung Team (Bae Yoon-kyung, Haha, Yang Se-chan) Eun-jin Team (Ahn Eun-jin, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo)
Final Mission Red Team (Yoo Jae-sukP, Lee Kwang-sooP, Jeon So-minP, Ahn Eun-jinP, Lee Sang-yiP) Blue Team (Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Bae Yoon-kyung)
Collect as many mission funds to discard penalty tickets so as to reduce the chances of the ticket number getting chosen through lottery to avoid penalty[c]
Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min and Bae Yoon-kyung Wins Yang Se-chan was exempted from the penalty through a game of luck. Haha, Ji Suk-jin and Lee Kwang-soo received water cannon penalty alongside penalty men Yoo Jae-suk, Ahn Eun-jin and Lee Sang-yi, who were grouped in the losing team.
Yellow Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Yoon Jong-hoon) Blue Team (Haha, Jeon So-min, Ha Do-kwon, Park Eun-seok) Red Team (Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan)
Being the Top 3 with the most trophy stamps to receive a prize and without being the bottom place to avoid penalty
Haha, Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo Wins Haha, who had the most trophy stamps received a Korean beef set, Kim Jong-kook received a rice cake set and Song Ji-hyo received a Korean pork set. Ji Suk-jin, who had the least trophy stamps, chooses Lee Kwang-soo to receive kite flying penalty together.
February 21, 2021 (February 8, 2021)
Running Investment Conference: Masters of Investment (런닝투자대회-투자의 귀재들)
Being the Top 2 with the most R money to receive a prize and without being the bottom place to avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk and Yang Se-chan Wins First-placed Yang Se-chan received a 40kg rice bag and second-placed Yoo Jae-suk received a 20kg rice bag. Ji Suk-jin, who had the least R money, had to carry Yoo Jae-suk and Yang Se-chan's rice bags to their van by himself as a penalty.
Mission Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan)
Suk-jin Team (Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo)
Being the first member to find the hidden gold and avoid penalty
Suk-jin Team Wins Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook and Lee Kwang-soo each received a golden R ring. Haha and Song Ji-hyo were chosen by Ji Suk-jin to record Ji Suk-jin's birthday celebration video after filming as a penalty, which will be posted on RM's official Instagram account and YouTube channel.
Human Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Kim Dong-jun, Park Sung-hoon)
Evil Spirits (Jang Dong-yoon, Keum Sae-rok)
Human Team's Mission Identify and apprehend both of the Evil Spirits through 3 rounds of trial and without having the least rice Evil Spirits' Mission Finish all of the hidden missions without being apprehend by the Human Team
Evil Spirits Wins Jang Dong-yoon and Keum Sae-rok each received a western fruit and macaron gift set. Lee Kwang-soo, who had the least rice among members in the losing team, received the flogging penalty by Yang Se-chan.
March 21, 2021 (February 23, 2021)
Yoo Daesang VS Kim Daesang: The Dignity of Daesang (유대상 VS 김대상-대상의 품격)
Two-Body Hide-and-Seek Yoo Daesang Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Lee Kwang-soo) Kim Daesang Team (Kim Jong-kook, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan) Do As I Say Yoo Daesang Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Jeon So-min) Kim Daesang Team (Kim Jong-kook, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) The Uncanny Quiz Yoo Daesang Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan) Kim Daesang Team (Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo)
Being the first place with the highest score to receive a prize and without being the bottom two with the lowest score at the end of the race to avoid penalty
Lee Kwang-soo Wins Lee Kwang-soo received a thumbs up trophy and was exempted from the penalty. Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo, who were the bottom two, chooses Jeon So-min to pick up 3 "R" flags around the mudflat together as a penalty.
Artists (Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Jessi, Wooyoung) CEO-turned-Artist (Ji Suk-jin)
CEOs (Haha, Lee Kwang-soo, Jeon So-min)
Artists' Mission Being the Top 4 with the most funds to receive a prize and without being the bottom 3 with the least funds to avoid penalty CEOs' Mission Being the Top 2 with the most funds to receive a prize and without being the bottom with the least funds to avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan each received a Jeju hallabong gift set. Ji Suk-jin, Jessi and Wooyoung, who were the bottom 3 artists each received a penalty of signing 100 autographs alongside Haha, who was the loser among other CEOs.
Turtle Team (Yujeong, Yoo Jae-suk, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo) Main Vocal Team (Minyoung, Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min) Big Eyes Short Hair Team (Eunji, Yuna, Ji Suk-jin, Yang Se-chan)
Being the Top 3 with the most trophy medals to receive a prize and without being the bottom 3 with the least trophy medals to avoid penalty
Minyoung, Yujeong and Yuna Wins Minyoung, Yujeong and Yuna each received an idol fatigue-eliminating gift set. Yoo Jae-suk, who had the same number of trophy medals as Haha and Kim Jong-kook, was exempted from the penalty through a game of rock paper scissors. Haha, Kim Jong-kook and Lee Kwang-soo received the shredded paper, water and ink water shower penalty respectively.
April 11, 2021 (March 15, 2021)
10 Minutes VS 1 Hour: Sweet Savage's Off Work Road (10분 VS 1시간-달콤살벌한 퇴근길)
Crazy Speed Quiz Seol In-ah Team (Seol In-ah, Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min) Lee Cho-hee Team (Lee Cho-hee, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) Jung Hye-in Team (Jung Hye-in, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo)
Roll Around in Rhythm No Teams
Match with the opposite gender to avoid penalty Additional mission: Have the highest number of votes to receive a gold bar
Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Lee Cho-hee and Seol In-ah Wins Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan and Seol In-ah, each of whom obtained two votes, received a gold bar respectively. Yoo Jae-suk was exempted from the penalty having obtained a voting abstention right. Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo, Jeon So-min and Jung Hye-in, all of whom failed to find a match, each received a water slap and a face rub with black ink on their faces as a penalty.
April 25, 2021 (March 29, 2021)
Time Machine Race: Semester '91 Is BACK! (타임머신 레이스-91학번 Is BACK!)
Win as many presents to receive a prize and without being the bottom 2 to avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo and Jeon So-min Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo and Jeon So-min each received a vintage item. Song Ji-hyo and Yang Se-chan, who were the bottom 2 with the least presents, had to record an 1-minute Running Man advertisement after filming as a penalty, which will be posted on RM's official Instagram account and YouTube channel.
May 2, 2021 (April 19, 2021)
May 9, 2021 (April 5, 2021)
Card Payment Race: If You Go to The Radio Station (카드 결제 레이스-방송국에 가면)
Win as many missions to reduce the number of marbles on hand and without being the ones owning the final 5 marbles to finish during the marble race to avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo and Yang Se-chan Wins Yang Se-chan had 0 marbles, hence was automatically exempt. Jeon So-min was exempted from the penalty for winning the consolation race. Haha, Ji Suk-jin and Lee Kwang-soo each had to wear a criminal wig and cangue while staying in the building concourse for 5 minutes during off-hours as a penalty.
May 16, 2021 (April 12, 2021)
The Clever Escape Race: Empty Head Land (똑똑한 탈출 레이스-깡깡랜드)
Genius Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan)
Dunce Team (Haha, Ji Suk-jin)
Escape from the room within 6 hours
Genius Team Wins Genius Team received all the prize ₩ 3,000,000 and the medal. Dunce Team had to record Yang Se-chan's Empty Head Video after filming as a penalty.
Married Corporation (Lee Yong-jin, Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin) Corporation (Sung Si-kyung, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo, Yang Se-chan) Clients (Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min)
Being in the Top 3 position in the winning company at the end of the race to receive 3 gold bars
Married Corporation Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin and Lee Yong-jin, who were the Top 3 position in the company, each received a gold bar.
Without being the three who were drawn with the punishment stick
Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan Wins Kim Jong-kook, who was a supervisor at the end of the race, chooses Lee Kwang-soo to receive a 1++ Korean Beef set together, but both of them were also drawn with the punishment stick, so they received the washing three meals dishes penalty after the filming along with Ji Suk-jin, who was also drawn with the punishment stick.
Member's Mission: Help Lee Kwang-soo to reduce his 1,050 year-prison sentence while acquiring the most photos with him to receive prizes and avoid penalty. Kwang-soo's Mission: Help all the members to acquire the same amount of photos in order for them to receive gifts from him.
Everyone Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min and Yang Se-chan each received a hoodie, a designer's clutch bag, a set of branded clothes, a soundbar, a bedding set, a bottle of sweet champagne and a picture frame, respectively. The production team gave a commemorative golden plaque to Lee Kwang-soo as a farewell present.
June 20, 2021 (May 31, 2021)
County Blood Day: The First Entertainment Enthusiast Jungmo (현피Day-제1회 오락 마니아 정모)
Being the Top 2 with the most integral to receive a prize and without being the bottom 2 with the least integral to avoid penalty
Haha and Yang Se-chan Wins They received a tomahawk steak and melon gift set respectively. Song Ji-hyo was chosen through a game of luck to receive ink water gun shooting penalty by Ji Suk-jin.
Final Standings
Yang Se-chan
Yoo Jae-suk
Kim Jong-kook
Jeon So-min
Song Ji-hyo
Ji Suk-jin
June 27, 2021 (June 7, 2021)
Pleasant & Unpleasant: Bliss Men and Women Vacance (유쾌 & 불쾌-쾌걸남녀 바캉스)
Get chosen by the roulette wheel to receive a prize but without being the Top 2 with the most votes and become two unpleasant men after the final voting to avoid penalty.
Heo Young-ji Wins Heo Young-ji receives a ₩ 150,000 Vacation fee. Ji Suk-jin and Jeon So-min, who became the Unpleasant men after the voting went inside the natural valley and received the stream water penalty.
Upper Rank (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook) Lower Rank (Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan)
Offset all 100 mintay fish by KST 3:00PM, otherwise one penalty man will be added every hour (base on 2 penalty men).
Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min Wins Haha and Yang Se-chan was chosen through a game of luck to hit and pick up 10 baseballs after the filming as a penalty.
Song Ji-hyo Team (Song Ji-hyo, Haha, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Ha Do-kwon) Nam Ji-hyun Team (Nam Ji-hyun, Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Chae Jong-hyeop)
The two who were drawn by the wish box to make their wishes but without were drawn by the price box to avoid penalty
Jeon So-min and Chae Jong-hyeop Wins They made their wishes of the production team will tell herself the answers to the English and Chinese questions and Haha will help him purchase high-quality speaker respectively. Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo, who were drawn by the price box received the shredded paper and ink water shower penalty respectively.
Choose the final choice after the mission is finished to get the filial piety
Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo Wins They received ₩ 911.5 thousand, 95 thousand, 1.02 million and 780 thousand filial piety respectively. Jeon So-min, who was the bottom in filial piety chose Haha and Yang Se-chan and fell to the abyss of ₩ 0 filial piety together after she failed her challenge.
Heo Young-ji Team (Heo Young-ji, Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan) Lee Young-ji Team (Lee Young-ji, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo)
Being the Top 3 with the highest marks to receive a prize and without being the bottom 2 with the lowest marks to avoid penalty
Kim Jong-kook, Heo Young-ji and Lee Young-ji Wins They each received korean beef and ganoderma lucidum sets. Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min were chosen to wear down jackets to receive hot foot bath penalty.
August 29, 2021 (August 16, 2021)
Find The Best Price Doll: Strict Doll Appraiser (최고가 인형을 찾아라-매서운 인형 감별사)
First Mission Doctor Yoo Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Yang Se-chan) Song Ji-hyo Team (Song Ji-hyo, Kim Jong-kook) Jeon So-min Team (Jeon So-min, Park Ki-woong) Ahn Hee-yeon Team (Hani, Yoon Shi-yoon) Second Mission Doctor Yoo Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Yong Shi-yoon, Yang Se-chan) Song Ji-hyo Team (Song Ji-hyo, Kim Jong-kook) Jeon So-min Team (Jeon So-min, Ji Suk-jin) Ahn Hee-yeon Team (Hani, Park Ki-woong)
Third Mission Doctor Yoo Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Park Ki-woong) Song Ji-hyo Team (Song Ji-hyo, Yoon Shi-yoon) Jeon So-min Team (Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan) Ahn Hee-yeon Team (Hani, Ji Suk-jin) Final Mission Doctor Yoo Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Park Ki-woong) Song Ji-hyo Team (Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) Jeon So-min Team (Jeon So-min, Yoon Shi-yoon) Ahn Hee-yeon Team (Hani, Kim Jong-kook)
Being the Top 2 highest score to avoid being picked by the Bottom 2 lowest score for join a penalty with them
Yoo Jae-suk and Song Ji-hyo Wins Yang Se-chan and Yoon Shi-yoon chose Kim Jong-kook to receive squat 100 times penalty together after the filming.
September 12, 2021 (August 30, 2021)
Catch The Mafia: The Messy Running Man (마피아를 잡아라-혼돈의 런닝맨)
Catch the Mafia 1 & 2 Civilian Team (Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) Mafia Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Jeon So-min) Catch the Mafia 3 Civilian Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan) Mafia Team (Haha, Ji Suk-jin)
Catch the Mafia 4 Civilian Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) Mafia Team (Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min)
Being the Top 2 with the most money to receive a prize and avoid being the Bottom 2 at the end of the race for a penalty
Kim Jong-kook and Yang Se-chan Wins Kim Jong-kook and Yang Se-chan each received the highest grade chocolate gift set. Haha and Ji Suk-jin, who were the Bottom 2 had to buy the highest-grade chocolate gifts for Kim Jong-kook and Yang Se-chan as a penalty.
Guess the Rank Glasses Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Lee Mi-joo, Lee Sang-joon) No Glasees Team (Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Lee Young-ji) Trainer (Kim Jong-kook) Captain (Yang Se-chan) T.S.S Championship Mi-joo Team (Lee Mi-joo, Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan) Young-ji Team (Lee Young-ji, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min, Lee Sang-joon) Trainer (Kim Jong-kook) Captain (Yoo Jae-suk)
Badminton Pool Young-ji Team (Lee Young-ji, Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo) Mi-joo Team (Lee Mi-joo, Kim Jong-kook, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Lee Sang-joon) Trainer (Kim Jong-kook) Captain (Yoo Jae-suk)
Being the first place with the most money at the end of the race to be a second new trainer on the next episode.
Yoo Jae-suk Wins Yoo Jae-suk will be a second trainer on the next episode.
Grasshopper Gym Trainer (Yoo Jae-suk) Athletes (Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Ahn Hye-jin, Kim Yeon-koung, Park Eun-jin, Yeum Hye-seon)
Tiger Gym Trainer (Kim Jong-kook) Athletes (Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo, Kim Hee-jin, Lee So-young, Oh Ji-young)
Trainer's Mission Being the most money at the end of the race to receive prizes and avoid penalty Athletes' Mission Being the Top 3 with the most money to receive prizes and avoid being a candidate for penalty with the Bottom 2 which can choosing 2 more people
Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Hee-jin, Lee So-young and Yeum Hye-seon Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Hee-jin, Lee So-young and Yeum Hye-seon received the highest grade korean beef set. Haha and Yang Se-chan, who were the Bottom 2 chooses Kim Yeon-koung and Oh Ji-young to play a game of luck with Kim Jong-kook, who was the loser trainer. Through a game of luck, Kim Jong-kook, Kim Yeon-koung and Oh Ji-young received the different color whipped cream penalty.
Being the Top 2 with the most prize badge to receive a prize or avoid getting penalty ball draws by Production Team for a penalty
Yoo Jae-suk and Song Ji-hyo Wins Yoo Jae-suk and Song Ji-hyo each received Italian ingredients gift set. Haha, whose penalty ball was drawn by Production Team received the water slap penalty by Ji Suk-jin and Yang Se-chan whose penalty ball also was drawn by Production Team.
Quiz Game Majority Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Luda, Yeji) Minority Team (Haha, Yang Se-chan, Bibi, Jeong Jun-ha) Rapid Response Game Majority Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Yang Se-chan, Bibi, Jeong Jun-ha, Luda, Yeji) Minority Team (Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook)
Intuition Game Minority Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Bibi) Majority Team (Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Jeon So-min, Jeong Jun-ha, Luda, Yeji)
Get the higher rank by collecting a point to receive prizes and avoid penalty which selected by the penalty ball that was drawn by Production Team
Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Bibi and Jeong Jun-ha Wins Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Bibi and Jeong Jun-ha each received a fruit set. Jeon So-min, Luda and Yeji, who had a lower rank than 8 received penalty to do an instant choreography by today's guest's song for 1 minute after the filming, which will be posted on RM's official Instagram account.
Final Standings
Kim Jong-kook
Song Ji-hyo
Jeong Jun-ha
Ji Suk-jin
Yang Se-chan
Yoo Jae-suk
Jeon So Min
October 31, 2021 (October 18, 2021)
The Rehabilitation Project: Icon of Bad Luck (갱생 프로젝트-불운의 아이콘)
Being the Top 4 with the most chocolate to receive prizes or avoid having the lesser amount of chocolate than Kim Jun-ho's for a penalty
Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min Wins Haha, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min each received a Korean pork set. Kim Jun-ho, who was the sixth at the end of the race, had to read a fairy tale and write a book report with Yoo Jae-suk and Yang Se-chan who were at the bottom together as a penalty after the filming, which will be posted on RM's official Instagram account.
Final Standings
Jeon So-min
Song Ji-hyo
Kim Jong-kook
Ji Suk-jin
Kim Jun-ho
Yoo Jae-suk
Yang Se-chan
November 7, 2021 (October 25, 2021)
Get to Know Each Other Race: The Mountaineering Club I Paid For (서로 알아가는 레이스-내돈 내산 산악회)
Being the Top 2 with the least expenditure to receive prizes and without two different name's penalty balls draw by Production Team to avoid penalty
Haha and Jeon So-min Wins Haha and Jeon So-min each received Gangneung Specialties gift set. Ji Suk-jin and Yang Se-chan, whose penalty ball was drawn by Production Team, went to find the Gangneung signage and took a photo as a penalty after the filming, finally they went to Yangpyeong Station finished the penalty.
MONIKA Crew (MONIKA, Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Yang Se-chan) LEEJUNG Crew (LEEJUNG, Haha, Kim Jong-kook) Aiki Crew (Aiki, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min)
Being the least penalty badges at the end of the race to receive prizes and without being the most penalty badges to avoid penalty
MONIKA Crew Wins MONIKA receives the trophy and the new sports camera. Aiki Crew, who had the most penalty badges, will receive the penalty. Through a game of luck, Song Ji-hyo and Aiki received the whipped cream penalty.
November 21, 2021 (November 8, 2021)
Running Man VS Production Team: 2021 Running Man Penalty Negotiation (런닝맨 VS 제작진-2021 런닝맨 벌칙협상)
Civilian Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min, Arin, Jin Ji-hee, San)
Nostra (Haha) Damus (Yang Se-chan)
Nostra and Damus's Mission Without being apprehend by the Civilian Team or being the Top 2 with the Highest votes on the final voting to avoid penalty Civilian Team's Mission Identify and apprehend one or both Nostra and Damus to receive prizes and without being the Top 2 with the Highest votes on the final voting to avoid penalty
Civilian Team Wins Yoo Jae-suk receives ₩ 150,000, Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo each receive ₩ 50,000, Jeon So-min receives ₩ 100,000, Jin Ji-hee receives ₩ 95,000 and San receives ₩ 175,000 Cash prizes. Haha and Ji Suk-jin, who were the Top 2 with the Highest votes on the final voting received the soapy water slide penalty.
Parents Team 1 (Yoo Jae-suk, Jeon So-min) Parents Team 2 (Ji Suk-jin, Song Ji-hyo) Parents Team 3 (Kim Jong-kook, Haha)
Birthday Boy (Yang Se-Chan)
Being the Top 2 with the highest amount of money collected through scratch cards to receive prizes but without being the Bottom 2 with the lowest amount of money to avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook Wins Yoo Jae-Suk received a korean pork set, Kim Jong-kook received a chicken set and Yang Se-chan, who was the Birthday boy, received a korean beef set. Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min, who were the Bottom 2, had to sing a birthday song to Yang Se-chan with massage vibrator on them as a penalty.
Being the Top 2 with the prizes ball was drawn the fastest by the Production Team to receive prizes and avoid penalty
Yoo Jae-suk and Haha Wins Yoo Jae-suk and Haha each received a champagne present. Ji Suk-jin, whose prizes ball was not drawn by the production team, had to wear the clothes which were worn by himself during the next episode opening as a penalty.
Jae-suk Team (Yoo Jae-suk, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Jeon So-min, Cha Chung-hwa)
Jong-kook Team (Kim Jong-kook, Song Ji-hyo, Yang Se-chan, Ha Do-kwon, Heo Young-ji)
Being the fastest team to finish cooking three sets of food using eggs but without being the bottom with the least eggs to avoid from being the candidates with the losing team's members to receive penalty
Jong-kook Team Wins Kim Jong-kook, Yang Se-chan, Ha Do-kwon and Heo Young-ji each received the higher grade body wash and lotion present. Song Ji-hyo, who had the least eggs at the end of the race would be the candidates with Jae-suk Team who was the losing team. Through a voting, Haha, Ji Suk-jin and Jeon So-min received the following filming penalty on SBS Entertainment Awards Day.
Jung Hyung-don is a South Korean comedian and television host. He is best known for his roles on the variety shows Infinite Challenge and Weekly Idol.
Three Meals a Day is a South Korean reality cooking show broadcast on tvN. The cast live in a small rural or fishing village for three days a week and are tasked to use whatever food they find there to cook three meals a day. They also experience village life while interacting with the locals and entertain various celebrity guests for dinner.
Yang Se-chan, is a South Korean comedian and singer.
Han Hyun-min is a South Korean-Nigerian model and actor, who gained national recognition by becoming the first Korean model of African descent to walk the catwalks in South Korea and internationally.
Park Jin-young's Party People is a South Korean television program hosted by Park Jin-young. It airs on SBS on Saturday at 00:15 (KST) beginning 23 July 2017. It is mainly a music talk show with the atmosphere of a club, with alcoholic drinks.
Ong Seong-wu is a South Korean singer and actor. He is known for his participation in the survival reality show Produce 101 Season 2, where he finished in fifth place, and is a former member of the show's derivative boy group Wanna One. Following Wanna One's disbandment, Ong made his acting debut with cast At Eighteen (2019). He also established his career as a solo artist with the release of his first extended play, Layers, on March 25, 2020.
Yoo Seon-ho is a South Korean actor, singer, and model. He is best known as a contestant on the survival reality show Produce 101 season 2 and acting in the drama Under the Queen's Umbrella. He has been a cast member of the variety show 2 Days & 1 Night since 2022.
Sixth Sense is a South Korean television program that aired on tvN, from September 3 to October 29, 2020, every Thursday at 20:40 (KST), and from June 25 to September 24, 2021, every Friday at 20:40 for its second season.
The Penthouse: War in Life (Korean: 펜트하우스) is a South Korean television series starring Lee Ji-ah, Kim So-yeon, Eugene, Um Ki-joon, Yoon Jong-hoon, and Park Eun-seok. The series, directed by Joo Dong-min and written by Kim Soon-ok, spins the story of a real estate and education war, a desire to be number one. It depicts the solidarity and revenge of women who turned to evil to protect themselves and their children. It premiered on SBS TV on October 26, 2020.
The eighth season of the South Korean television mystery music game show I Can See Your Voice premiered on Mnet and tvN on January 29, 2021.
↑ Lee, Kyung-ho (February 5, 2021). "박은석·윤종훈·하도권, '런닝맨' 게스트 출결[공식]" (in Korean). StarNews. Archived from the original on March 14, 2021. Retrieved February 5, 2021.
↑ Jung, Hee-yeon (April 27, 2021). "이광수 '런닝맨' 하차 [공식입장]" (in Korean). Sports Donga. Archived from the original on April 27, 2021. Retrieved January 27, 2021.
↑ Lee, Se-hyun (May 24, 2021). "이광수, 24일 '런닝맨' 마지막 녹화" (in Korean). Sports Kyunghyang. Archived from the original on June 7, 2021. Retrieved May 24, 2021.
↑ Hwang, Chae-hyun (August 3, 2021). "'런닝맨' 9일 녹화 재개 [공식]" (in Korean). Sports Kyunghyang. Archived from the original on August 3, 2021. Retrieved August 3, 2021.
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