List of Tennessee Confederate Civil War units

Last updated

Two unidentified soldiers from Tennessee in Confederate uniforms with rifles and pepperbox pistol LCCN2012648963.jpg
Two unidentified soldiers from Tennessee in Confederate uniforms with rifles and pepperbox pistol
Major Philip Van Horn Weems of Co. H, 11th Tennessee Infantry Regiment in uniform LCCN2017648725.jpg
Major Philip Van Horn Weems of Co. H, 11th Tennessee Infantry Regiment

This is a list of Confederate units from the state of Tennessee . The list of Union units from Tennessee is shown separately.



Consolidated Infantry


24th (Maney's) Battalion, Sharp Shooters was Captain Frank Maney's Company, Light Artillery, which was organized September 7, 1861; surrendered at Fort Donelson; reorganized December 1, 1862 as light artillery, but armed temporarily as infantry. It fought in the Battle of Murfreesboro with the 1st (Feild's) Tennessee Infantry. It never was re-armed as artillery, but instead two companies, which had been organized in December 1862 were added to it, and it was formed into a battalion with the election of Captain Frank Maney as major. reorganized May 1, 1863; served as Sharpshooters for Maney's Brigade, Cheatham's Division, Army of Tennessee; as part of 1st Consolidated Tennessee Infantry Regiment.Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver A. Bradshaw. This regiment was surrendered and paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina, May 1, 1865.




Mounted Infantry


Heavy Artillery

Light Artillery

Horse Artillery



Partisan Rangers


Local Defense Troops

See also


  1. Hancock, R: "Hancock's Diary: or, A History of the Second Tennessee Cavalry C.S.A.", page 586. 1887.
