List of attempts to escape Oflag IV-C

Last updated

Below is a list of attempts to escape from Oflag IV-C , the famous prisoner-of-war camp.


Color Key:
No colorDetected before escape
GreenSuccessful escape
OrangeEscaped but recaptured
RedInjured/Killed during escape

1941 escape attempts

March 18Lt. B Cazaumayou
Lt. J Paillie
March ???Flt. Lt. W. Gassowski
Flt. Lt. W. Gorecki
PolishCut bar in canteenDetected
March ???Lt. A. Boucheron
Lt. J. Charvet
FrenchCanteen windowDetected
April 5Lt. J. Just
Lt. R. Bednarksi
PolishEscaped from train en route to Königswartha Hospital Recaptured
Kraków, Poland
April 11Lt. A. Le Ray FrenchHe hid in a park during a game of football.Successful Escape
April 25Lt. K. Dokurno
Lt. P. Zielinski
Lt. S. Bartoszewicz
PolishCeiling above canteenDetected
May 8Lt. P. AllanBritish Escaped inside mattress Recaptured
Vienna, Austria
May 8Lt. J. Hyde-ThomsonBritish Escaped inside mattress Detected
May 9Lt. M Chmiel
Lt. M. Surmanowicz
PolishHid in German quartersDetected
May 10 Capt. P. Reid
Flt. Lt. H. Wardle
May 12Lt. M. Chmiel
Lt. M. Surmanowicz
PolishBedsheet ropeDetected
May 13Lt. J. JustPolishEscaped from solitary confinement Recaptured
Rhine river
May 17Lt. C. Moura
Lt. R. Boutellier
FrenchOver roof of kitchen houseDetected
May 20Lt. J. JustPolishEscaped from Villingen Hospital Recaptured
May 29Lt. Col. G. German
Capt. P. Reid
Capt K. Lockwood
Capt H. Elliott
Capt. R. Barry
Capt. R. Howe
Capt. J. Lados
Capt. C. Lewthwaite
Flt. Lt. N. Forbes
Flt. Lt. H. Wardle
Lt. P. Storie Pugh
Lt. G. Wardle
Lt. Z. Mikusinski
British / PolishCanteen tunnelDetected
May 31 Lt. R. Collin FrenchHid in rafters of park pavilionSuccessful Escape
May ??? ???Polish / French ???Detected
June 9 Lt. P. Mairesse Lebrun FrenchHid in rafters of park pavilion, dressed as civilianRecaptured
June 18Lt. P. OdryFrenchHid in rafters of park pavilionRecaptured
Gross Sermuth
June 25Lt. E. BouléFrenchAttempted to walk out disguised as a woman.Detected
July 1Lt. P. Mairesse Lebrun FrenchVaulted over barbed wire fenceSuccessful Escape
July 2 ???PolishHole in chapelDetected
July 16Lt. J. StepniakPolishEscaped from hospitalRecaptured
Kraków, Poland
July 18Lt. TatistcheffFrenchThrough wire from Schützenhaus campSuccessful Escape
July 20Capt. H. Elliott
Capt. J. Lados
British / PolishEscaped through Terrace HouseDetected
July 23Capt. J. LadosPolishFrom solitary down west side of castleRecaptured
Swiss border
July 28Lt. A. Thibaud
Lt. R. Perrin
FrenchThrough an air shaft into Kommandantur, then as workers through gate.Recaptured
July 31Flt. Lt. F. Flinn
Lt. P. Allan
Lt. T. Elliott
Lt. Cheetham
Lt. Middleton
Lt. Hyde-Thomson
Lt. Barton
Lt. Arcq
Lt. Verkest
Cadet Officer Karpf
British / Polish / Belgian"Toilet Tunnel"Detected
July ??? ???FrenchTunnel in French quartersDetected
November 17Cadet ensign J. Hageman
Cadet ensign F. Geerligs
DutchDisguised as members of the league of German girlsDetected
August 4Flt. Lt. D. Thom
Lt. J. Boustead
BritishWalked out dressed as Hitler Youth Detected
August 13 Capt. D. Dufour
Lt. J. Smit
DutchHid inside wellRecaptured
August 14Capt. W. LawtonBritishPark walk with orderliesRecaptured
August 15Lt. Gerrit Dames DutchThrough hole in park wire, intended as diversion for Hans Larive and Francis Steinmetz escape.Detected
August 15Lt. Hans Larive
Lt. Francis Steinmetz
DutchHid inside wellSuccessful Escape
August 20Lt. KronerPolishEscaped from Königswartha Hospital Successful Escape
August 21Lt. P. DurantFrenchPark walk with orderliesRecaptured
August 23Capt. Machiel van den Heuvel
Capt. N. Hogerland
DutchCut bars in canteen windowDetected
August 28 Lt. A. Neave BritishWalk towards gate disguised as German officerDetected
August 29Lt. R. MascretFrenchEscaped from Schneckwitz Hospital Recaptured
August ??? Capt. P. Reid BritishEscaped through window of solitary confinementDetected
September 1Lt. Col. G. German
Sqn. Leader B. Paddon
Maj. A. Anderson
BritishTunnel through kitchen basementDetected
September 19Maj. Cornelis Giebel
Lt. Oscar Drijber
DutchHid inside wellSuccessful Escape
September 25Lt. A. BoucheronFrenchEscaped from Zeitz Hospital, recaptured then escaped en route to Düsseldorf prisonSuccessful Escape
September 28Lt. Proutchenko
Lt. Jurowski
Lt. Wbcholzew
FrenchThrough wire from SchützenhausRecaptured
October 6Lt. P. Storie-Pugh
Unknown Dutch officer
British / DutchOver roofsDetected
October 7Lt. H. DesjobertFrenchAttempted to climb park fenceDetected
October 7 ???BritishTunnel in British wash houseDetected
October 14Lt. P. Odry
Lt. Navelet
FrenchEscaped from window at Elsterhorst Hospital Successful Escape
October 15Lt. J. Charvet
Lt. P. Levy
FrenchEscaped from window at Elsterhorst Hospital Recaptured
October 22Lt. G. DiedlerFrenchEscaped from window at Elsterhorst Hospital Recaptured
outside hospital
October ??? ???FrenchTunnel from quartersDetected
November 8Lt. M. Leroy
Lt. M. Lejeune
Lt. Verlaye
Belgian / FrenchCut wire of park fenceRecaptured
outside castle wall
November 22 Lt. G. Wardle
Lt. Wojchieckowski
British / PolishHidden inside wellDetected
November 23Flt. Lt. D. Donaldson
Flt. Lt. D. Thom
BritishOver roof of KellerhausDetected
November 23Capt. J. Rogers
Capt. C. Lewthwaite
Lt. G. Wardle
Lt. A. Neave
BritishDisguised as Polish orderliesDetected
November 25 ???BritishTunnel in British quartersDetected
November 25Lt. M. GirotFrenchThrough main gate dressed as orderlyRecaptured
November 28 Giles Romilly BritishDressed as orderlyDetected
December 12Lt. Charles Douw van der Krap
Sub Lt. Frits Kruimink
DutchPark under pile of leavesDetected
December 15Capt. E. Steenhouwer
Lt. J. baron van Lynden
DutchDressed as German officersDetected
December 17Lt. J. Durand-Hornus
Lt. J. Prot
Lt. G. de Frondeville
FrenchEscaped into fog on trip to dentist.
Prot KIA: 29 January 1944, Mount Belvedere
Successful Escape

1942 escape attempts

January 5 Lt. A. Neave
Lt. A. Luteyn
British / DutchUnder theatre out of guardhouse as German officersSuccessful Escape
January 6 Lt. H. Donkers
Lt. J. Hyde-Thomson
Dutch / BritishUnder theatre out of guardhouse as German officersRecaptured
Ulm station
January 9Lt. de BykowitzFrenchJumped from train to Riesa Detected
January 14Flt. Lt. F. FlinnBritishBritish snow tunnel on canteen roofDetected
January 16Lt. R. Madin
Lt. J. Paille
Lt. B. Cazaumayou
Six other officers
FrenchThe "French Tunnel"Detected
January 20Capt. Dr. Le Guet
Padre Jean-Jean
FrenchRan away during private Sacrament of Confession Recaptured
Frankfurt & Saarbrücken
January 20Cadet Officer C. LinckDutchInside postal service sackDetected
January 21 Capt. P. Reid
Lt. A. Orr-Ewing
Lt. W. O'Hara
Lt. Mackinsie
Lt. J. Boustead
Lt. E. Harrison
BritishBritish snow tunnel on canteen roofDetected
January 27Flt. Lt. N. ForbesBritishDigging under stageDetected
February 27Capt. Gerrit Dames
Capt. J. Hageman
DutchTunnel under terraceDetected
March 2Flt. Lt. F. Flinn
Cadet Officer C. Linck
British / DutchEscaped on way to Arrest HouseRecaptured
March 18 ??? ???Tunnel in sick bayDetected
March 20Lt. H. Desjobert
Lt. A. Thibaud
FrenchHid in cart of rubbleRecaptured
April 4Flt. Lt. F. FlinnBritishTunnel in British quartersDetected
April 24Lt. P. ManheimerFrench ???Recaptured
April 26Lt. W. Wychodzew
Lt. J. Niestrzeba
PolishEscaped from military hospital in GnaschwitzRecaptured
Singen & Stuttgart
April 26 Sqn. Leader B. Paddon
Lt. J. Just
British / Polish ???Recaptured
April 26Captain L. RémyBelgianEscaped from train station, took boat to Algeciras Successful Escape
April ???Lt. J. baron van LyndenDutchBroke into German quarters to steal uniformDetected
April ??? ???DutchHid in pile of leaves in parkDetected
May 10Lt. D. Gill
British / PolishThrough the kitchenDetected
May 28Lt. M. GirotFrenchReplaced French orderly on working party. Girot KIA: Gestapo, May 1944Recaptured
May 28Lt. I. PriceBritish ???Detected
June 2Lt. M. SinclairBritishEscaped from Leipzig hospitalRecaptured
June 8Lt. M. SinclairBritishEscaped from holding cellRecaptured
June 9Capt. W. Lawton
Capt. R. Howe
Lt. W. O'Hara
Lt. E. Harrison
Lt. I. Dickinson
Lt. V. Parker
BritishIn attic above British quartersDetected
June 11 Sqn. Leader B. Paddon BritishSent for court martial at Thorn, escaped from work party there. Smuggled out through Gdańsk Successful Escape
June 45Lt. R. BouillezFrenchSent for court martial in Stuttgart, jumped train but found unconscious next to tracks, sent to hospital, escaped from hospital.Successful Escape
July 6 ???DutchDutch tunnelDetected
July 7Lt. J. TuckiPolishIn Polish orderly working partyDetected
July 15Flt. Lt. V. Parker
Lt. M. Keillar
British ???, Keillar transferred to Lamsdorf Detected
July 19 ???Polish / BelgianTunnel in SaalhausDetected
July 26 Capt. M. van den Heuvel
Lt. H. Vinkinbosch
Lt. Verleye
Lt. F. Kruimink
Lt. P. Storie-Pugh
Belgian / British / DutchScullery tunnelDetected
July 26 ???BritishTunnel in senior officers' quartersDetected
August 18Flt. Lt. J. DickinsonBritishJumped wall of exercise yard of Colditz town jail, stole bicycleRecaptured
August 19 Capt. P. Reid
Capt. R. Barry
British Delousing shed tunnelDetected
August 20Lt. DelarneFrenchPark walk disguised as painterDetected
August 25Flt. Lt. N. Forbes
Lt. K. Lee
BritishEscaped en route to Leipzig for court martial.Recaptured
August 28Flt. Lt. J. DickinsonBritishHid underneath bread delivery van.Detected
August 29Capt. R. Barry
Capt. P. Reid
BritishSolitary confinement: Barry cut through bars, Reid dug tunnelDetected
September 1Lt. W. ZelaźniewiczPolishEscaped on park walkRecaptured
September 2Lt. Cdr. W. StephensBritishEscaped from Colditz train station (returning from Lamsdorf)Recaptured
Outside Colditz
September 7 Flt. Lt. D. Bruce British Hid inside Red Cross tea chest, climbed down outer wall via bedsheet rope.Recaptured
September 8Flt. Lt. J. DickinsonBritishAttempted escape while on exercise in the parkDetected
September 9Capt. W. Lawton
Capt. T. Beets
Lt. Donkers
Lt. G. Wardle
British / DutchBroke into Kommandant's office, cut hole into storeroom, out of storeroom in German and Polish orderly uniforms.Recaptured
Commichau & Dobeln
September 9 Flt. Lt. H.N. Fowler
Lt. D. van Doorninck
British / DutchBroke into Kommandant's office, cut hole into storeroom, out of storeroom in German and Polish orderly uniforms. Fowler died March 1944Successful Escape
September 10 ???BritishSubaltern's tunnelDetected
October 14 Maj. R.B. Littledale
Lt. Cdr. W. Stephens
Capt. P. Reid
Flt. Lt. H. Wardle
BritishEscape through kitchen into German yard, across yard into Kommandantur cellar, out cellar into dry moat. Littledale KIA: August 1944Successful Escape
October 23 ???DutchAttempt at hole under theatreDetected
October ???Lt. P. Storie-Pugh
Lt. F. Kruimink
British / DutchOver roof of Kellerhaus. Discovered by dog on ground.Detected
November 26 Lt. M. Sinclair
Lt. C. Klein
British / FrenchThrough well in KommandanturRecaptured
Tuttlingen & Plauen
November 27Capt. R. Barry
Lt. Aulard
British / FrenchThrough well in KommandanturDetected
November ???Lt. M. BissellBritishTunnel under altar steps in chapelDetected
December 6Lt. Z. Kepa
Lt. T. Osiecki
Lt. A. Slipko
PolishOver orderlies' roofDetected
December 14 Lt. M. Sinclair BritishFrom Weinsberg after recaptureRecaptured
December 15Lt. van der Falk BoumanDutchDisguised as German soldierRecaptured
December 19 CPO W. Hammond.
CPO D. Lister
BritishTransferred to Lamsdorf since not officers, escaped from Breslau work partySuccessful Escape
December 28Lt. A. PerodeauFrenchImpersonated Willi PöhnertDetected

1943 escape attempts

January ???Lt. Gris Davies-Scourfield
BritishPulpit tunnel under chapelDetected
March 7Capt. B. MazumdarBritish (India)Hunger strike in order to receive transfer, escapes twice from new camp, reaches SwitzerlandSuccessful Escape
March 7Flt. Lt. J. DickinsonBritishJumps over wall of exercise area of Colditz town jail.Recaptured
April 5 Capt. D. Dufour
Flt. Lt. A. van Rood
British / DutchDressed as German officersDetected
April 8Capt. Pemberton-HowBritishSchützenhaus. In manhole after search.Detected
April 8Lt. E. Desbats
Lt. J. Caillaud
FrenchOver roof of castleDetected
April 28Capt. Ion Ferguson RAMCBritishTransfer order granted, Works as doctor at Stalag IV-D certifying prisoners insane. Convinces Germans he is himself insane, repatriated in January 1945.Successful Escape
April ??? ???BritishHole under dentist office chair.Detected
May 1Flt. Lt. V. Parker
Flt. Lt. N. Forbes
Lt. D. Wheeler
British"Revier" tunnelDetected
May 11Flt. Lt. D. ThomBritishVaults fence of parkRecaptured
outside wall
May ??? Lt. M. Sinclair
Lt. G. Davies-Scourfield
BritishCut hole in park fence wireDetected
May ???Flt. Lt. J. Best
Lt. M. Harvey
BritishAttempted to re-open "French Tunnel"Detected
June 7Lt. J.J.L. baron van Lynden DutchDuring Dutch transfer to StanislauSuccessful Escape
June 11Lt. A. PerrinFrenchThrough "witches' walk"Detected
July 8Lt. M. FahyFrenchEscapes from hospital in Hohenstein-Ernstthal Recaptured
July 12Lt. A. DarthenayFrenchEscapes from hospital in Hohenstein-Ernstthal. Joined French Resistance. KIA: Gestapo 7 April 1944Successful Escape
July 13Lt. C. Klein
Giles Romilly
Free French / BritishHidden in baggage pile at Colditz rail stationDetected
July 13Lt. T. Barrott
Lt. D. Hamilton
Lt. C. Sandbach
BritishExchanged identities with French officers in transit to Lübeck Detected
July ??? Lt. J. Best
Lt. M. Harvey
British"French Tunnel" re-opening attemptDetected
August 10Lt. P. Allan
Lt. A. Campbell
British"Whitechapel Deep" tunnelDetected
September 3Capt. L. Pope
Lt. M. Sinclair
Lt. J. Hyde-Thomson
British Attempted to impersonate a German sergeant Detected
September 11Lt. W. Miller
Lt. R. Boustead
BritishExchanged places with Lt. Stepninc and Lt. Jablonowski during Polish transferDetected
September 16Lt. A. Orr-EwingBritishAs French orderly on exerciseDetected
September 30Lt. G. Davies-ScourfieldBritishOut of yard in trash pileRecaptured
September ??? ???British"Mayfair Maggies" tunnelDetected
October 7Lt. A. Orr-EwingBritishOut of yard in trash pileDetected
November 3 ???BritishOrderlies who escaped from work party at Colditz train stationRecaptured
November 25Lt. J. RawsonBritish ???Detected

1944 escape attempts

January 19Lt. M. Sinclair
Lt. J. Best
BritishSixty second rope escape down west terraceRecaptured
January 28Lt. W. MillarCanadianBroke into German courtyard, hung from bottom of German truck. Believed killed by SS at Mauthausen in July 1944.Unknown
January 31Capt. C. LewthwaiteBritishHid under trash pileDetected
February 3Lt. A. Orr-EwingBritishJumps fence, swims across Mulde riverRecaptured
March 17 ???British"Crown Deep" tunnelDetected
March 26Flt. Lt. V. Parker
Lt. M. Harvey
BritishFrom air-raid shelterDetected
April 19Flt. Lt. D. BruceBritishCut bars on north side of castle, reached wire fenceDetected
April 29Lt. D. Moir
Lt. M. Edwards
Lt. D. Wheeler
Lt. P. Fergusson
BritishIntentionally sloppy escape attempt in hopes to be placed in town jail.Detected
April ??? ???BritishHexengang corridorDetected
April ???Lt. J. Hamilton-BaillieBritishInto sewers through shower drainDetected
May 2Lt. J. BeaumontBritishHidden under blanked sown with leavesRecaptured
3 km from Colditz
May 3 Lt. G. Wardle BritishEscape through orderlies quartersDetected
May 5Capt. H. Elliott
Flt. Lt. F. Flinn
Lt. J. Barnett
Lt. M. Wynn
BritishFaked illnesses, repatriatedSuccessful Escape
May 29Capt. F. Weldon
Lt. J. Hamilton-Baillie
BritishOut of POW yard into Kommandantur attics, into storeroom on south side of German yardDetected
June 1Maj. A. Anderson
BritishDentist chair tunnelDetected
June 13Lt. L. Pumphrey
Lt. M. Riviere
BritishTunnel through British kitchensDetected
June 16Maj. R. Lorraine
Flt. Lt. D. Bruce
"Bosun" J. Chrisp
BritishTunnel through sewers into German yardDetected
July 14Flt. Lt. D. ThomBritishEscaped from hospital at Schmorkau Recaptured
September 4 Lt. M. Sinclair BritishJumped fence in park, wearing civilian clothesDetected
September 18Capt. C. LewthwaiteBritishPark walk under pile of leavesDetected
September 25Lt. M. Sinclair BritishJumps over fence wire in parkShot dead
From 1/1 til 4/15/45 Flt. Lt. W. Goldfinch
Flt. Lt. J. Best
Lt. A. Rolt
Lt. G. Wardle
British The "Colditz Cock" Glider Unused (prison liberated by Allied forces prior to completion of glider)

1945 escape attempts

Lt.Col. M.B. ReidBritishThe oldest British prisoner. Feigned heart disease by smoking heavily and drinking concentrated black coffee prior to medical examination and was repatriated.Successful Escape

Further reading

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