List of candidates in the 2010 Belgian federal election

Last updated


Chamber of Representatives

Seat distributionAfter 2007 electionAfter 2010 election
1. CD&V
23 / 150
17 / 150
1. MR
23 / 150
18 / 150
3. PS
20 / 150
26 / 150
18 / 150
13 / 150
17 / 150
12 / 150
6. SP.A
14 / 150
13 / 150
7. CDH
10 / 150
9 / 150
8 / 150
8 / 150
9. N-VA
7 / 150
27 / 150
10. LDD
5 / 150
1 / 150
11. GROEN!
4 / 150
5 / 150
12. FN
1 / 150
0 / 150
13. PP
1 / 150


Antwerp (24 seats)

Major parties
  • 170,260 (15.53%)
  • 4 (—)
  • 84,314 (7.69%)
  • 2 (+1)
  • 9,907 (3.14%)
  • 0 (–1)
  • 336,631 (30.71%)
  • 8 (—)
  • 120,935 (11.03%)
  • 3 (–1)
1. Inge Vervotte [1] 78,951 Meyrem Almaci [1] — 25,100 Jan Jambon [1] — 61,100 Annemie Turtelboom [1] — 35,861
2. Servais Verherstraeten [2] — 22,353 Kristof Calvo [2] — 4,767 Sophie De Wit [2] — 26,918 Bart Somers [2] — 18,030
3. Nahima Lanjri [3] — 11,952 Flor Van Noppen [3] — 21,635 Willem-Frederik Schiltz [3] — 8,686
4. Jef Van den Bergh [4] — 13,092 Zuhal Demir [4] — 10,248
5. Reinilde Van Moer [5] — 8,956
6. Jan Van Esbroeck [6] — 6,527
8. Minneke De Ridder [8] — 9,404
24. Kris Van Dijck [7] — 15,607
  • 156,976 (14.32%)
  • 3 (=0)
  • 177,012 (16.15%)
  • 4 (–2)
1. Caroline Gennez [1] — 41,284 Gerolf Annemans [1] — 56,226
2. Patrick Janssens [2] — 32,104 Rita De Bont [2] — 9,870
3. Maya Detiège [3] — 18,901 Bruno Valkeniers [3] — 14,378
24. Alexandra Colen [4] — 6,806
Minor parties
  • 22,132 (2.02%)
  • 0 (=0)
1. Peter Mertens
2. Mie Branders
3. Wouter Van Damme
4. Mireille Govaerts
5. Mohamed Chebaa
6. Nadine Peeters
7. Jokke Schreurs
8. Erica De Meyer
9. Wout Schafraet
10. Ilona Van Looy
11. Sadiq Mazghani
12. Leen Swinnen
13. Erik Sontrop
14. Najat Beraich
15. Luc Van de Weyer
16. Jitske Eekman
17. Mazlum Kilic
18. Maya Van Dyck
19. Bert De Ryck
20. Julie Van Berlo
21. Marc Peeters
22. Sofie Sas
23. Lieve Pepermans
24. Dirk Tuypens

Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde (22 seats)

Major parties:
Minor parties:

East Flanders (20 seats)

Major parties
  • 147,151 (15.40%)
  • 3 (—)
  • 70,297 (7.36%)
  • 1 (=0)
  • 30,463 (3.19%)
  • 0 (–1)
  • 269,049 (28.15%)
  • 6 (—)
  • 166,278 (17.40%)
  • 4 (–1)
1. Pieter De Crem [1] — 39,666 Stefaan Van Hecke [1] — 10,283 Rudi De Kerpel — 4,157 Siegfried Bracke [1] 101,940 Mathias Declercq [1] — 60,291
  • 135,212 (14.15%)
  • 3 (—)
  • 117,817 (12.33%)
  • 3 (–1)
1. Dirk Van der Maelen [1] — 34,331 Guy D'Haeseleer [1] — 25,441

Hainaut (19 seats)

Leuven (7 seats)

Major parties
  • 51,328 (16.26%)
  • 1 (—)
  • 30,905 (9.79%)
  • 1 (+1)
  • 9,907 (3.14%)
  • 0 (–1)
  • 85,399 (27.05%)
  • 2 (—)
  • 45,814 (14.51%)
  • 1 (–1)
1. Carl Devlies [1] — 16,980 Eva Brems [1] — 12,549 Stef Goris — 1,797 Theo Francken [1] — 13,164 Gwendolyn Rutten [1] — 14,874
2. Katrien Partyka — 10,057 Stijn Bex — 2,973 Natalie Theys — 1,045 Els Demol [2] — 7,933 Lorin Parys — 4,541
3. Manu Claes — 7,297 Bernadette Stassens — 2,175 Steven Bruffaerts — 311 Hubert Keyaerts — 3,588 Freddy Vranckx — 3,615
4. Izzy Van Aelst — 3,676 Paul De Troyer — 1,258 Sigrid Van Obbergen — 377 Hilde Kaspers — 5,299 Billy Reynders — 3,024
5. Koen Van Roey — 2,538 Heidi Vanheusden — 2,282 Herman Pelgrims — 390 Luk Bellens — 3,039 Caroline Vangoidsenhoven — 4,057
6. Wendy Colin — 2,871 Luc Robijns — 1,170 Ingrid Van Hoof — 501 Bart Nevens — 3,904 Paul Dams — 3,325
7. Monique Swinnen — 8,350 Hermes Sanctorum — 1,914 Peter Reekmans — 905 Tine Eerlingen — 6,120 Patricia Ceysens — 9,518
(1)   Ingrid Claes — 7,986   Tie Roefs — 2,193   Natalie Theys — 756   Sonia Van Laere — 4,664    Eddy Poffe — 4,022
(2)   Andy Vandevelde — 2,413   Stef Boogaerts — 972   Tom Aerts — 315   Arnout Coel — 2,482   Anne Vangoidsenhoven — 2.844
(3)   Jo Pierson — 2,152   Philippe Bossin — 810   Gerarda Van De Vondel — 290   Katleen D'Haese — 3,517   Bram Bartholomees — 1,605
(4)   Edmond Feyfer — 1,947   Mieke Matthijs — 1,725   Mark Binon — 276   Frank Vannetelbosch — 2,444   Chris Jamar — 1,967
(5)   An Hermans — 4,103   Fons Creuwels — 819   Leen Flamand — 403    Annemie Minten — 3,068   Inge Willems — 2,090
(6)   Jan Laurys — 6,567   Betty Kiesekoms — 1,671   Dirk Vijnck — 387   Jos Verstraeten — 3.226   Ann Schevenels — 3,959
  • 56,176 (17.79%)
  • 1 (—)
  • 30,338 (9.61%)
  • 1 (=0)
1. Bruno Tobback [1] 25,713 Hagen Goyvaerts [1] — 5,084
2. Karin Jiroflee — 5,692 Christine De Winter — 5,396
3. Gino Debroux — 3,403 Andy Bonnyns — 1,625
4. Nicole Van Emelen — 3,705 Odette Van Brusselen — 1,637
5. Gunther Janssens — 2,764 Annick Vanacken — 1,888
6. Martine Vanbever — 2,862 Jos Claes — 1,471
7. Mohamed Ridouani  [ nl ]— 4,806 Mark Moorhem — 1,439
(1)   Griet Vandewijngaerden — 4,472   Nico Creces — 2,414
(2)   Marc Florquin — 3,578   Anita Uyttebroek — 1,592
(3)   Griet Verhenneman — 1,915   Maria Van der Bruggen — 1,111
(4)   Fons Lemmens — 1,981   Maurice Elincx — 959
(5)   Sofie Coomans — 2,542   Anita Vermeylen — 1,154
(6)   Marcel Logist — 7,037   Felix Strackx — 1,459
Minor parties
No.  LSP
  • 600 (0.19%)
  • 0 (—)
  • 3,703 (1.17%)
  • 0 (=0)
  • 1,576 (0.50%)
  • 0 (—)
1.Jon Sneyers — 89 Wout Lootens — 609
2.Stefanie Deberdt — 69 Wiske Vingtcent — 299
3.Christophe De Brabanter — 56 Suzanne Luyten — 281
4.Miryam Mukandoli — 61 Lyvia Diser — 210
5.Giuseppe Raiselis — 42 Jimmy Crispeyn — 200
6.Irina Papadimitriou — 58 Danny Carleer — 198
7. Lies Busselen — 333

Liège (15 seats)

Limburg (12 seats)

Major parties
No.  CD&V
  • 100,643 (18.81%)
  • 3 (—)
  • 25,754 (4.81%)
  • 0 (=0)
  • 15,474 (2.89%)
  • 0 (=0)
  • 154,230 (28.83%)
  • 4 (—)
  • 64,741 (12.10%)
  • 1 (–1)
1. Raf Terwingen [1] — 32,009Toon Hermans — 5,581 Lode Vereeck — 3,194 Frieda Brepoels [1] 43,729 Patrick Dewael [1] — 24,497
2. L. Van der Auwera [3] — 17,939 Mieke Biets — 3,534 Sylvia Nijs — 1,292 Steven Vandeput [3] — 13,373 Hilde Vautmans — 15,068
3. Gerald Kindermans — 15,506 Inan Asliyuce — 2,660
4. Ali Caglar — 12,980 Bert Stulens — 1,598
5. Katrien Timmers — 10,156 Kristien Kempeneers — 2,339
6. Rita Craenen — 9,089 Hugo Leroux — 1,594
7. Patrick Witters — 7,088 Riet Vanbillemont — 1,851
8. Lieve Vandeput — 8,623 Eddy Horions — 1,372
9. Nancy Bleys — 8,818 Lieve Vandeput — 2,190
10. Sonja Claes — 15,684 Annie Partyka — 1,957
11. Lode Ceyssens — 18,614 Marij Gabriels — 2,029
12. Ivo Belet [2] — 25,874 Ivo Thys — 1,672
(1) Gerald Kindermans — 11,176 Katrijn Conjaerts — 2,410
(2) An Christiaens — 9,900 Dirk Opsteyn — 1,156
(3) Raf Truyens — 8,584 Maarten Caubergh — 1,108
(4) Els Tiri — 6,209 Fermudiye Sagir — 1,319
(5) Nadja Vananroye — 6,789 Paul Driesen — 1,071
(6) Veerle Heeren — 15,624 Lieve Gelders — 1,687
(7) Jo Vandeurzen — 29,641 Derya Erdogan — 1,838
  • 97,011 (18.14%)
  • 2 (—)
  • 68,413 (12.79%)
  • 2 (=0)
1. Ingrid Lieten [1] — 23,205 Bert Schoofs [1] — 18,726
2. Peter Vanvelthoven [2] — 27,221 Annick Ponthier [2] — 7,682

Luxembourg (4 seats)

Major parties:
Major parties
No.  CDH
  • 18,853 (11.71%)
  • 0 (=0)
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 31,459 (19.54%)
  • 1 (–1)
  • 45,869 (28.49%)
  • 1 (=0)
1. Benoît Lutgen [1] 33,038 Cécile Thibaut — 4.346 Philippe Collard [1] — 12,124 Philippe Courard [1] — 22,899
2. Isabelle Poncelet [2] — 11,466 Romain Gaudron — 2.342 Anne Laffut — 7,824 Véronique Biordi — 8,333
3. Christiane Kirsch — 6,200 Annick Boidron — 1,965 Marie-Claude Weber — 3,569 Anne Davreux — 6,016
4. André Bouchat — 11,024 François Rion — 1,776 Michel Jacquet — 5,025 Francis Steifer — 7,191
(1) Josy Arens — 15,972 Jérôme Petit — 1,662 Benoît Piedboeuf — 6,254 André Perpete — 8,053
(2) Thérèse Mahy — 8,023 Isabelle Servais — 1,995 Chantal Rasse — 3,298 Stéphanie Heyden — 4,841
(3) Annick Van den Ende — 4,482 Paul De Favereau — 1,300 Cédric Bavay — 3,091 Olivier Weyrich — 4,825
(4) Véronique Balthazard — 5,718 Annie Goffin — 1,751 Mélissa Aubry — 4,835 Malika Sonnet — 5,567
(5) Elie Deblire — 7,636 Nicolas Stilmant — 1,421 Marielle Noel — 2,973 Marie Neuberg — 4,991
(6) Dimitri Fourny — 10,670 Christina Dewart — 1,684 Yves Evrard — 4,794 Sébastian Pirlot — 13,015
Minor parties
1. Gérard Poncelet — 455 Nicole Cahen — 201 Olivier Califano — 28 Didier Vanderbiest — 874 Myriam Dulieu — 207
2. Gilberte Bovy — 176 Bernard Diez — 103 Claire Libioul — 22 Viviane Desvaux — 441 Rafik Rassaa — 100
3. Florence de Hemptinne — 240 Vittoria Del Debbio — 98 Eric Cuyx — 14 Luc Charlet — 415 Françoise Pasquier — 111
4. Jean-Marie Baltus — 218 Michel Donceel — 101 Edwige Gerard — 447 Christian Lekane — 90
(1) Daniel Zamora — 111
(2) Gertrude Roemans — 72
(3) Mathieu Wellens — 70
(4) Godelieve Vandamme — 72
(5) Kristiaan Hertogen — 57
(6) Guillemine Fillieux — 79

Namur (6 seats)

Walloon Brabant (5 seats)

West Flanders (16 seats)

Major parties
  • 180,702 (23.01%)
  • 4 (—)
  • 49,533 (6.31%)
  • 1 (=0)
  • 60,210 (7.67%)
  • 1 (–1)
  • 188,317 (23.98%)
  • 4 (—)
  • 106,265 (13.53%)
  • 2 (–1)
1. Yves Leterme [1] 101,830 Wouter De Vriendt [1] — 11,302 Jean-Marie Dedecker [1] — 32,514 Geert Bourgeois [1] — 45,848 V. Van Quickenborne [1] — 45,196
  • 118,803 (15.13%)
  • 3 (—)
  • 71,200 (9.07%)
  • 1 (–1)
1. Renaat Landuyt [1] — 38,216 Peter Logghe [1] — 10,563


Seat distributionAfter 2007 electionAfter 2010 election
1. CD&V
7 / 40
4 / 40
2. MR
6 / 40
4 / 40
5 / 40
4 / 40
5 / 40
3 / 40
5. PS
4 / 40
7 / 40
5. SP.A
4 / 40
4 / 40
7. CDH
2 / 40
2 / 40
2 / 40
2 / 40
7. N-VA
2 / 40
9 / 40
10. FN
1 / 40
0 / 40
10. GROEN!
1 / 40
1 / 40
10. LDD
1 / 40
0 / 40

Electoral colleges

Dutch-speaking (25 seats)

Major parties
  • 646,375 (16.15%)
  • 4 (—)
  • 251,546 (6.28%)
  • 1 (=0)
  • 130,779 (3.27%)
  • 0 (–1)
  • 1,268,780 (31.69%)
  • 9 (—)
  • 533,124 (13.32%)
  • 4 (–1)
1. Marianne Thyssen [1] — 322,540 Freya Piryns [1] — 52,719 Anne De Baetzelier — 37,939 Bart De Wever [1] 785,776 Alexander De Croo [1] — 301,917
2. Rik Torfs [2] — 143,603 Geert Lambert — 20,606 Kris Daels — 5,301 Helga Stevens [2] — 68,900 Nele Lijnen [2] — 37,641
3. Sabine de Bethune [3] — 59,484 Fatiha Dahmani — 22,073 Britt Vreysen — 4,107 Louis Ide [3] — 50,348 Rik Daems [3] — 42,267
4. Wouter Beke [4] — 44,810 Hugo Van Dienderen — 8,328 Jan Van Puyvelde — 3,717 Lieve Maes [4] — 47,737 Guido De Padt — 48,186
5. Hugo Vandenberghe — 50,724 Eva Lauwers — 14,791 Anne Van Hoof — 4,083 Danny Pieters [5] — 41,385 Katia Della Faille — 27,025
6. Els Schelfhout — 34,758 Arfan Saber — 8,124 Yves Andriessen — 2,907 Kim Geybels [7] — 42,618 Fons Borginon — 17,925
7. Elke Tindemans — 49,349 Nancy Mbuyi Elonga — 11,560 Gianni Boone — 3,036 Elke Sleurs [8] — 42,598 Peter Borner — 13,567
8. Peter Van Rompuy — 54,949 Paul Pataer — 5,873 Regina Vandenbroucke — 3,246 Bruno Vandicke — 28,080 Sabine Friederichs — 18,257
9. Ria Decoopman — 24,729 Klara Bulckens — 10,128 Lieve Van Gompel — 3,110 Inge Faes [9] — 36,870 Simon Dewulf — 15,417
10. Erik Gerits — 19,637 Bruno Lapauw — 5,742 Patrick Verduyckt — 2,672 Annemie Charlier — 33,145 Kristl Strubbe — 27,457
11. Petra De Wilde — 22,904 Francine De Prins — 9,145 Kris De Maere — 2,447 Marie-Pierre Romsée — 27,950 Anne Lefevre — 17,255
12. Dominique Dehaene — 42,407 Remi Heylen — 5,234 Suada Mulahasanovic — 2,538 Katleen Bury — 33,541 Björn Prasse — 14,048
13. Danny Van Melkebeke — 17,241 Anne Provoost — 14,242 Yves Muylle — 2,562 David Geens — 26,164 Frederick Vandeput — 14,750
14. Koen Van den Heuvel — 20,650 Tom Kestens — 7,659 Maria Leus — 2,620 Filip Daem — 24,773 Caroline Penders — 17,977
15. Mariette Mulders-Janssen — 21,158 Joke Devynck — 13,789 Ives Hansoul — 2,069 Koen Dillen — 26,509 Liesbeth Festjens — 16,013
16. Marc Wellens — 14,977 Toon Toelen — 5,149 Rudi Philtjens — 2,196 Bart Vandekerckhove — 24,272 Pinar Akbas — 13,538
17. Conny De Spiegelaere — 18,819 Gerda Schotte — 8,538 Linda Schiffeleers — 2,580 Goedele Vermeiren — 29,944 Elisabeth Schraepen — 14,644
18. Raf Drieskens — 18,223 Mike Van Acoleyen — 5,141 Sri Van Lishout — 2,080 Ine Tombeur — 29,222 Laurent De Meester — 12,969
19. Marleen Joris — 19.894 Seppe Santens — 5,453 Nico Harboort — 2,245 Georges Defreyne — 22,142 Eva De Bleeker — 15,127
20. Katrien Desomer — 21,298 Tilly Davidts — 7,236 Hugo Lammens — 2,276 Jos Van Elslande — 22,674 Koen Anciaux — 15,322
21. Filip Lehoucq — 16,419 Steven Vromman — 7,130 Kathy De Wilde — 2,908 Herman Geyskens — 22,708 Fanny Decock — 14,576
22. Annemie Deckers — 21,656 Lotte Scholiers — 9,059 Nicole Heirwegh — 2,410 Ingrid Reubens — 29,465 Anne Pede — 16,826
23. Joachim Coens — 33,598 Luckas Van der Taelen — 10,827 Diane Geens — 2,427 Mia De Brouwer — 29,336 Jaak Gabriëls — 24,228
24. Marie De Clerck — 35,181 Magda Aelvoet — 13,733 Jan Vandenbussche — 2,364 David Manaigre — 22,157 Roland Duchâtelet — 31,777
25. Etienne Schouppe — 69,769 Wouter Van Besien — 19,022 Henk Dierendonck — 3,105 Philippe Muyters [6] — 44,282 Dirk Sterckx [4] — 55,676
(1) Dirk Claes — 35,756 Johan Danen — 6,810 Noëlla Appermans — 3,917 Patrick De Groote — 33,008 Martine Taelman — 25,119
(2) Els Van Hoof — 24,088 Annemie Vermeylen — 7,399 Willy Moors — 2,071 Liesbeth Homans — 25,536 Yoeri Vastersavendts — 12,822
(3) Pieter Marechal — 14,221 Anne Dedrij — 5,922 Lut Everaert-De Bisschop — 1,808 Frank Boogaerts — 17,272 Ann Somers — 19,934
(4) Caroline Van Gutschoven — 17,092 Tobias Ceulemans — 3,964 Eric Vanderperre — 1,666 Luc Sevenhans — 15,734 Laurent Hoornaert — 10,655
(5) Joris Billen — 15,191 Sara Matthieu — 6,778 Walter Van Peeterssen — 1,548 Piet De Bruyn — 17,023 Yvonne Van Dooren — 11,198
(6) Kristof Callens — 13,825 Herman Lodewyckx — 3,415 Jacqueline Deschrijvere — 1,762 Sabine Vermeulen — 21,561 Marie-Jeanne Herremans — 10,536
(7) Kathleen Helsen — 19,462 Katrien Stynen — 6,530 Rony Kyndt — 1,618 Dirk Rochtus — 15,213 Chris Gaethofs — 9,439
(8) Karen Kelchtermans — 17,752 Dirk Vanstinjan — 3,897 Dorine Demeulemeester — 1,984 Hilde Lefere — 18,286 Ruth Vandewalle — 10,634
(9) Piet Buyse — 16,046 Liesbet De Weder — 6,055 Francisca Smets — 1,725 Erna Scheerlinck — 18,037 Frederic Convent — 9,168
(10) Griet Coppe — 18,729 Philippe Mingels — 3,366 Jean-Paul Reekmans — 1,602 Veerle Stassijns — 19,837 Tom Ryken — 8,932
(11) G. Vandermeersch — 14,863 Inge Jooris — 6,518 Leen Vanbrabant — 1,701 Anneleen Remans — 19,056 Elise Vermeiren — 12,071
(12) Ludwig Caluwé — 19,254 Ummü Gülsüm Almaci — 9,461 Carine Mestdagh — 1,808 Monica Bruylandt — 17,947 Niki De Boeck — 11,424
(13) Wivina Demeester — 34,564 Eddy Boutmans — 4,740 Bruno Vermeeren — 1,647 Guy Thys — 16,449 Norbert De Mey — 10,403
(14) Jean-Luc Dehaene — 105,310 Bruno De Lille — 5,942 Thierry Vinck — 2,118 Bart De Nijn — 19,873 Jean-Luc Vanraes — 13,494
  • 613,079 (15.31%)
  • 4 (—)
  • 491,547 (12.28%)
  • 3 (–2)
1. Johan Vande Lanotte [1] — 188,811 Filip Dewinter [1] — 200,024
2. Marleen Temmerman [3] — 66,226 Anke Van dermeersch [2] — 49,336
3. Bert Anciaux [4] — 54,752 Jurgen Ceder [3] — 18,981
4. Selahattin Kocak — 42,290 Nele Jansegers — 18,998
5. Monica De Coninck — 22,562 Karim Van Overmeire — 18,856
6. Liesbet Stevens — 19,236 Linda Vissers — 17,709
7. Jos Digneffe — 16,031 Frank Creyelman — 13,631
8. Annick Lambrecht — 20,668 Jan Laeremans — 15,448
9. Dylan Casaer — 14,022 An Braem — 14,146
10. Erik De Bruyn — 21,300 Annemie Peeters — 13,332
11. Freija Dhondt — 18,215 Koen Ooms — 12,102
12. Griet Lissens — 16,005 Barbara Bonte — 15,120
13. Angelo Bruno — 15,631 Wim Van Dijck — 12,429
14. Ans Persoons — 13,900 Johan Deckmyn — 11,349
15. Charly Boda — 10,749 Wim Wienen — 10,261
16. Andree Fosse — 11,025 Sonja Warpy — 11,251
17. Ives Goudeseune — 11,467 Katty Tournoij — 11,010
18. Sara De Potter — 15,810 Hilde Raman — 11,360
19. David Gelade — 10,828 Geert Smets — 10,282
20. Eefje Van Wortswinkel — 14,535 Christel Heylen — 11,163
21. Dirk De Wulf — 10,923 Patsy Durnez — 10,515
22. Sofie Van Tendeloo — 13,643 Karel Indeherberge — 9,621
23. Saïd El Khadraoui — 24,971 Hilde De Lobel — 11,490
24. Freya Van den Bossche — 52,195 Freddy De Gaever — 13,056
25. Frank Vandenbroucke [2] — 177,663 Hugo Coveliers — 20,315
(1) Fauzaya Talhaoui — 26,861 Yves Buysse — 18,634
(2) Guy Swennen — 19,582 Nele Jansegers — 12,585
(3) Dalila Douifi — 16,406 Frédéric Erens — 8,452
(4) Sam Van de Putte — 11,728 Werner Somers — 9,695
(5) Tom Germonpré — 11,393 Hilde Van Echelpoel — 9,308
(6) Gilbert Lambrechts — 10,143 Goedele Van Haelst — 8,377
(7) Bram De Geeter — 9,472 Veronique Doucet — 8,395
(8) Cris Rutten — 9,449 Roland Pannecoucke — 7,788
(9) Saban Gök — 12,809 Peter Pauwels — 7,518
(10) Moreen Dewolf — 10,519 Martine Decannière — 7,648
(11) Kelly Linsen — 11,102 Nadia Van Beughem — 7,691
(12) Fadoua El Ouakili — 12,517 Etienne Vlaminck — 7,565
(13) Jo De Clercq — 11,249 Reddy De Mey — 9,119
(14) Leona Detiège — 30,660 Marijke Dillen — 17,334
Minor parties
  • 6,254 (0.16%)
  • 0 (=0)
  • 7,841 (0.20%)
  • 0 (—)
  • 53,995 (1.35%)
  • 0 (=0)
1. Manuel Chiguero Galindo — 479 Bart Vandersteene — 791Tine Van Rompuy — 12,501
2. Tiny Mast — 289 Els Deschoemacker — 398 Luc Vandenhoeck — 2,239
3. Frank Lambrechts — 162 Geert Cool — 356 Nicole Naert — 2,409
4. Fabienne Albrechts — 143 Laura Gilles — 341 Frans Van Acoleyen — 2,402
5. Dirk Goegebeur — 111 Peter Delsing — 236 Zohra Othman — 3,623
6. Marie-Claire Bruggeman — 150 Liesbeth Delafaille — 262 Dirk Tricot — 1,522
7. Raf Verbeke — 168 Bart Van der Biest — 232 Lieve Franssen — 1,941
8. Sabine Dick — 197 Isabel Nuyttens — 243 Bert De Belder — 1,492
9. Elias Vlerick — 125 Amaury Vanhooren — 233 Lucie Van Crombrugge — 1,643
10. Rita Maes — 139 Soo Ra Vergeylen — 225 Ivo Flachet — 1,457
11. Frank Eggermont — 89 François De Brabanter — 246 Ilke Cabus — 1,671
12. Corinna Gielen — 155 Josiane David — 247 Dirk Cosyns — 1,481
13. Patrick Verweire — 109 Sven Dedeken — 278 Christiana Holsbeeks — 1,699
14. Kristien Laeremans — 163 Eline Ledent — 240 Mohamed Ali — 4,060
15. Marc De Smet — 132 Luc Wendelen — 215 Jef Bossuyt — 1,320
16. Mie Bode — 145 Tamara Saccasyn — 222 Samira Doukkali — 2,412
17. Theo Mewis — 116 Benoît Douchy — 202 Willem De Witte — 1,504
18. Sarah Vlerick — 175 Goedele Landuyt — 252 Milly Thoolen — 1,601
19. Abdelmajid Mahmoudi — 204 Kristof Bruyland — 227 Staf Henderickx — 1,749
20. Sylvie Degre — 132 Elisa Jansen — 236 Annemie Mels — 1,659
21. Bjorn Van Driessche — 115 Jan Vlegels — 241 Koen Hostyn — 1,337
22. Lies Merckx — 194 Lien Van Vossole — 266 Miriam D'Eer — 1,506
23. Guy De Jaeger — 129 François Bliki — 252 Peter Vanderleyden — 1,229
24. Gitte Peetermans — 165 Laura Bracke — 314 Angèle Weetjens — 1,692
25. Leon Vercruyssen — 245 Eric Byl — 399 Kris Merckx — 3,390
(1) Dirk Pauwels — 217Els Deschoemacker — 334 Lydie Neufcourt — 2,218
(2)Kristien Laeremans — 120Geert Cool — 216 Jan Vandeputte — 1,341
(3)Sabine Dick — 120Laura Gilles — 212 Lily Trips — 1,348
(4)Guy De Jaeger — 102Peter Delsing — 161 Ward Coenegrachts — 1,091
(5)Rita Maes — 127Liesbeth Delafaille — 169 Gerda Verlinde — 1,233
(6)Bjorn Van Driessche — 93Bart Van der Biest — 156 Romain Dierickx — 1,042
(7)Mie Bode — 120Elisa Jansen — 200 Ella Wagemans — 1,284
(8) Michaël Termont — 92Jan Vlegels — 163 Stan Vanhulle — 1,031
(9)Corinna Gielen — 124Lien Van Vossole — 182 Riet Verspreet — 1,257
(10) Fred Guldentops — 101François Bliki — 176 Urbain Camerlynck — 908
(11)Sarah Vlerick — 160Laura Bracke — 203 Jozefine De Prins — 1,199
(12)Leon Vercruyssen — 113Eric Byl — 204 Raf Jespers — 1,128
(13)Lies Merckx — 283Eline Ledent — 275 Elly Van Reusel — 1,502
(14) Arne Reynaert — 564Bart Vandersteene — 513 Jan Fermon — 2,166

French-speaking (15 seats)

Major parties
No.  CDH
  • 331,870 (13.46%)
  • 2 (=0)
  • 353,111 (14.32%)
  • 2 (=0)
  • N/A
  • 0 (–1)
  • 599,618 (24.32%)
  • 4 (–2)
  • 880,828 (35.72%)
  • 7 (+3)
1. Francis Delpérée [1] — 107,589 Jacky Morael [1] — 60,327 Armand De Decker [1] — 148,673 Paul Magnette [1] — 264,167
2. Vanessa Matz [2] — 27,169 Claudia Niessen [2] — 24,416 Dominique Tilmans [3] — 36,930 Marie Arena [2] — 77,706
3. François Bellot [4] — 34,280 Philippe Moureaux [3] — 80,418
4. Hassan Bousetta [4] — 37,817
5. Fabienne Winckel [5] — 28,033
9. Fatiha Saïdi [7] — 38,187
15. Louis Michel [2] — 127,878 Willy Demeyer [6] — 55,860

Reference list

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