List of county routes in Schenectady County, New York

Last updated

County routes in Schenectady County, New York, are not signed with route markers; however, they are frequently posted on street blade signs.


Routes 1–100

(mi) [1]
CR 10.220.35 Albany County lineOld River Road in Niskayuna CR 158
CR 20.360.58 NY 7 Niskayuna Road in Niskayuna CR 158
CR 30.881.42 Albany County lineLisha Kill Road in Niskayuna NY 7
CR 40.220.35 Albany County lineFerris Road in Niskayuna CR 9
CR 50.691.11 NY 7 Mohawk Road in Niskayuna CR 158
CR 60.540.87 Schenectady city lineNott Street in Niskayuna NY 146
CR 71.242.00 Albany County linePearse Road in Niskayuna NY 7
CR 80.721.16 Schenectady city lineProvidence Road in Niskayuna NY 146  / CR 19
CR 91.632.62 Albany County lineConsaul Road in Niskayuna Schenectady city line
CR 101.652.66 Schenectady city lineAqueduct Road in Niskayuna NY 146
CR 111.742.80CR 9Saint Davids Lane in Niskayuna NY 7  / Union Avenue (NY 911G)
CR 120.751.21 NY 50 Sunnyside Road in Glenville Freeman Bridge Road (NY 911F)
CR 130.701.13 NY 5 Taurus Road in Niskayuna CR 9
CR 140.090.14CR 29Ronald Reagan Way in Glenville Stratton Air National Guard Base
CR 150.631.01 Albany County lineAlbany Street in Niskayuna Schenectady city line
CR 160.741.19CR 29Alplaus Avenue in Glenville Saratoga County line (becomes CR 88)
CR 170.200.32CR 1Tech Park Road in Glenville Dead end
CR 180.180.29 NY 50 Rudy Chase Drive in Glenville Dead end at Schenectady County Airport
CR 193.265.25CR 158River Road in Niskayuna NY 146  / CR 8
CR 200.951.53 NY 50 Pashley Road in Glenville CR 31
CR 212.033.27 Schenectady city lineVan Antwerp Road in Niskayuna CR 19
CR 220.360.58 NY 50 Gleason Road in Glenville CR 37
CR 230.500.80CR 21Grand Blvd in Niskayuna Schenectady city line
CR 240.941.51 Saratoga County line (becomes CR 53)Lake Hill Road in Glenville Saratoga County line (becomes CR 58)
CR 251.402.25 Schenectady city lineDean Street in Niskayuna CR 8
CR 260.310.50 NY 50  / Freemans Bridge Road (NY 911F)Worden Road in Glenville CR 43
CR 280.831.34CR 43Van Buren Road in Glenville NY 50  / Glenridge Road (NY 914V)
CR 293.024.86Freemans Bridge Road (NY 911F)Maple Avenue in Glenville CR 31
CR 302.403.86 NY 5  / NY 890 Vley Road in Glenville NY 50
CR 312.453.94Glenridge Road (NY 914V)Hetcheltown Road in Glenville NY 50
CR 321.302.09 NY 147 Snake Hill Road in Glenville CR 47
CR 330.911.46 NY 50 High Mills Road in Glenville Saratoga County line (becomes CR 56)
CR 341.081.74 NY 147 Bolt Road in Glenville CR 43
CR 350.580.93 NY 50  / Freemans Bridge Road (NY 911F)Airport Road in Glenville NY 50
CR 361.021.64CR 38 / CR 49Church Road in Glenville NY 147
CR 371.582.54 NY 50 Charlton Road in Glenville Saratoga County line (becomes CR 54)
CR 381.211.95CR 51Sanders Road in Glenville CR 36 / CR 49
CR 391.071.72CR 37Van Vorst Road in Glenville CR 24
CR 404.146.66CR 63 at Montgomery County line (becomes CR 1)West Glenville Road in Glenville NY 147
CR 411.542.48CR 43Droms Road in Glenville CR 37
CR 422.123.41CR 61 / CR 63Potter Road in Glenville CR 55
CR 434.296.90 NY 50 Swaggertown Road in Glenville Saratoga County line (becomes CR 52)
CR 440.180.29 Montgomery County lineFairbanks Road in Glenville CR 63
CR 451.111.79CR 43Baldwin Road in Glenville CR 47
CR 460.260.42 Montgomery County lineBronk Road in Glenville CR 63
CR 472.644.25 NY 147 Spring Road in Glenville CR 43
CR 480.971.56CR 67Highbridge Road in Rotterdam CR 65
CR 495.298.51 NY 147 Ridge Road in Glenville CR 40
CR 513.415.49 NY 5 Washout Road in Glenville CR 49
CR 523.665.89CR 86 / CR 109 in Princetown Currybush Road NY 159 in Rotterdam
CR 533.515.65 NY 5 Johnson Road in Glenville CR 40
CR 544.597.39 NY 159  / CR 97Putnam Road in Rotterdam NY 337
CR 551.933.11CR 40North Road in Glenville NY 147
CR 562.774.46 NY 159 Gordon Road in Rotterdam CR 54 / CR 93
CR 582.754.43CR 97Crawford and Old Crawford roads in Rotterdam NY 5S
CR 592.143.44 NY 5 Wolf Hollow Road in Glenville CR 40 / CR 61
CR 600.400.64 NY 406 Parkers Corners Road in Princetown Albany County line
CR 611.452.33CR 42 / CR 63Green Corners Road in Glenville CR 40 / CR 59
CR 621.382.22CR 103Quackenbush Road in Princetown NY 406
CR 633.024.86CR 40Touareuna Road in Glenville Saratoga County line
CR 641.722.77 US 20 Suits Road in Duanesburg CR 76 / CR 110
CR 650.490.79 Albany County lineKings Road in Rotterdam Schenectady city line
CR 660.400.64 NY 7 Birchwood Drive in Princetown Dead end at I-88
CR 660.701.13Dead end at I-88 Birchwood Drive in Princetown CR 103 / CR 108
CR 670.430.69 NY 146 East Campbell Road in Rotterdam CR 48
CR 682.473.98CR 70 in Princetown Maben RoadCR 105 in Princetown
CR 690.500.80 Schenectady city lineChrisler Avenue in Rotterdam NY 915D at Towers Street
CR 706.6410.69CR 127 in Duanesburg Scotch Ridge RoadCR 52 in Rotterdam
CR 710.911.46 NY 7 Fort Hunter Road in Rotterdam NY 146
CR 721.201.93 NY 160 Muselbeck Road in Princetown CR 97
CR 730.210.34Altamont Avenue (NY 911H)Crane Street Extension in Rotterdam Schenectady city line
CR 746.149.88 NY 7  / NY 395  / CR 90 / CR 133Schoharie Turnpike in Duanesburg US 20  / CR 76
CR 752.283.67 Albany County lineHelderberg Avenue in Rotterdam Schenectady city line
CR 75A0.280.45CR 75Old Helderberg Avenue in Rotterdam Dead end at New York State Thruway
CR 760.631.01 US 20  / CR 74Mott Road in Duanesburg CR 64
CR 770.751.21 NY 406 South Westcott Road in Rotterdam Dead end at New York State Thruway
CR 781.121.80CR 135Salsburg Road in Duanesburg CR 133
CR 790.570.92Rensen StreetNorth Westcott Road in Rotterdam CR 161
CR 800.621.00 NY 7  / CR 131 in Duanesburg East Shore Road NY 395 in Delanson
CR 811.933.11 NY 406 Dunnsville Road in Rotterdam NY 7
CR 822.814.52CR 153Thousand Acre Road in Duanesburg Delanson village line
CR 831.943.12 NY 7  / NY 159  / CR 161Princetown Road in Rotterdam CR 54
CR 841.392.24 NY 395 Cole Road in Delanson NY 7
CR 850.470.76 NY 7 Keller Avenue in Rotterdam NY 159
CR 867.4211.94CR 143 in Duanesburg Skyline DriveCR 52 / CR 109 in Princetown
CR 870.681.09 NY 159 North Thompson Road in Rotterdam NY 337
CR 883.715.97CR 127Lake Road in Duanesburg NY 159
CR 890.500.80 Schenectady city lineWest Campbell Road in Rotterdam NY 337
CR 900.681.09 NY 7  / NY 395  / CR 74 / CR 133Quaker Lane in Duanesburg Dead end at I-88
CR 91 0.911.46 NY 914B Old Rice Road in Rotterdam Dead end at Erie Canal Lock 8Formerly part of NY 5S
CR 920.310.50 NY 159 Spring Road in Duanesburg Princetown town line
CR 931.131.82Dead end at NY 337 Schermerhorn Road in Rotterdam CR 91
CR 942.754.43CR 127Batter Street in Duanesburg NY 159
CR 950.831.34CR 52 in Princetown Currybush ConnectionCR 54 in Rotterdam
CR 960.671.08 NY 160 Dennison Road in Duanesburg CR 113 / CR 117
CR 975.258.45 NY 159  / CR 54 in Princetown Pattersonville–Rynex Corners Road NY 5S in Rotterdam
CR 990.250.40 Albany County lineWindy Hill Road in Princetown NY 406
CR 1001.792.88 NY 30 Hardin Road in Duanesburg CR 127

Routes 101 and up

(mi) [1]
CR 1010.270.43 US 20 Settles Hill Road in Princetown Albany County line
CR 1021.983.19 Montgomery County line (becomes CR 160)Braman Corners Road in Duanesburg NY 30  / CR 135
CR 1033.365.41 NY 406 in Princetown Pangburn RoadCR 70 in Rotterdam
CR 1051.051.69CR 70Kelley Station Road in Princetown NY 7
CR 1062.433.91 Schoharie County line (becomes CR 46)Creek Road in Duanesburg US 20
CR 1071.462.35CR 86South Kelly Road in Princetown CR 70
CR 1080.220.35 NY 7  / CR 103Old Pangburn Road in Princetown CR 66 / CR 103
CR 1090.881.42CR 52 / CR 86North Kelley Road in Princetown NY 159  / CR 111
CR 1102.073.33CR 64 / CR 76 in Duanesburg Darrow RoadCR 103 in Princetown
CR 1112.544.09 NY 159  / CR 109 in Duanesburg Weast RoadNY 159 in Princetown
CR 1132.113.40CR 96 / CR 117 in Duanesburg Reynolds RoadCR 111 in Princetown
CR 1153.255.23CR 117Ennis Road in Princetown CR 97
CR 1171.893.04CR 96 / CR 113 in Duanesburg Sterling Road NY 160 in Princetown
CR 1190.460.74 NY 160 Florida Road in Princetown Montgomery County line (becomes CR 152)
CR 1211.562.51 US 20 North Mansion Road in Duanesburg CR 74
CR 1231.712.75 US 20  / NY 7 Depot Road in Duanesburg CR 70
CR 1251.011.63 NY 7 Weaver Road in Duanesburg CR 74
CR 1274.917.90 US 20 Duanesburg Chur in Duanesburg NY 30
CR 1292.103.38 Montgomery County lineLevey Road in Duanesburg NY 159
CR 1310.901.45 Albany County line (becomes CR 252)Chadwick Road in Duanesburg CR 74
CR 1331.121.80 Schoharie County lineDarby Hill Road in Duanesburg NY 7  / NY 395  / CR 74 / CR 90
CR 1351.983.19 Schoharie County line (becomes CR 26)Gallupville Road in Duanesburg CR 133
CR 1371.031.66 Schoharie County line (becomes CR 25)Barton Hill Road in Duanesburg CR 135
CR 1391.111.79 US 20 Knight Road in Duanesburg CR 86
CR 1412.403.86 US 20 Mcguire School in Duanesburg NY 30  / CR 147
CR 1431.792.88CR 86Herrick Road in Duanesburg NY 30
CR 1451.332.14 NY 30  / CR 102Millers Corners Road in Duanesburg Montgomery County line (becomes CR 142)
CR 1471.642.64 NY 30  / CR 141Eatons Corners in Duanesburg CR 102 / CR 149
CR 1490.801.29CR 102 / CR 147Mill Point Road in Duanesburg Montgomery County line (becomes CR 140)
CR 1510.610.98 Schoharie County line (becomes CR 54)Sheldon Road in Duanesburg NY 7  / CR 153
CR 1532.393.85 NY 7  / CR 151Youngs Road in Duanesburg US 20
CR 1552.053.30 NY 30 at Schoharie County line (becomes CR 65)Oak Hill Road in Duanesburg NY 30
CR 157 1.141.83 NY 30 Old Route 30 in Duanesburg US 20 Former routing of NY 30
CR 158 4.296.90 NY 7 Rosendale Road in Niskayuna NY 7 / Union Street (NY 911G)Formerly NY 7C
CR 159 0.440.71 Schenectady city lineUnion Street in Niskayuna NY 911G at Balltown Road (NY 914T)Entire length overlaps with NY 146
CR 160 0.290.47 NY 7  / NY 158 Guilderland Avenue in Rotterdam Schenectady city lineFormerly part of NY 158
CR 161 0.530.85 NY 7  / NY 159  / CR 83Broadway in Rotterdam Schenectady city lineFormer routing of NY 7

See also

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  1. 1 2 "County Roads Listing - Schenectady County" (PDF). New York State Department of Transportation. June 22, 2021. Retrieved August 13, 2021.