List of intestinal stem cell marker genes

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The following is a list of intestinal stem cell marker genes, including their name and known function.


Intestinal stem cells

In the adult intestine, the crypts of Lieberkühn are the niche for epithelial stem cells and contain all proliferative stem and progenitor cells. Differentiating cells exit the cell cycle and migrate out of the crypts and onto the surface epithelium of the intestine, where they perform their physiological role (e.g., nutrient absorption by enterocytes; mucous secretion by goblet cells) and are eventually shed into the lumen. [1] Intestinal stem cells were first identified as such in the 1970s. Cheng and Leblond used autoradiography of phagosomes to track the fate of cells at the base of the crypts, and determined that slender cells interspersed among Paneth cells at the crypt base could give rise to all of the other cell types that constituted the intestinal epithelium. [2] Due to their narrow shape and location, these cells were called crypt base columnar cells (CBCs). Potten and colleagues used a combination of DNA labeling and assessment of the response of the epithelium to high-dose radiation to identify label-retaining cells (LRCs) as putative stem cells, which were typically located around four cell positions above the bottom of the crypt, and were therefore also called "+4 cells". [3] [4] Later work suggested that these "+4 cells" may function as reserve or back-up stem cells, and further suggested that they divide slowly relative to the other progenitor cells in the crypt. Thus, these cells are also called quiescent stem cells. [5]

The stem cell zone model states that the CBC stem cells reside in a stem-cell-permissive environment. These cycling stem cells regularly generate progeny, which subsequently exit the niche and pass through the “common origin of differentiation” around position +5, where they commit toward the various individual lineages. Progenitors mature as they migrate upward onto the villus. Maturing Paneth cell progenitors migrate downward, with the oldest Paneth cells residing at the very base of the crypt. [6] In accordance with the stem cell zone model proposing that, during their upward migration, CBC stem cells would only gradually lose their self-renewal capacity, it was shown in vivo that transient amplifying cells can revert to Lgr5+ CBC stem cells after damage, presumably by direct contact with Paneth cells. [6]

Molecular markers of intestinal stem cells

More recently modern genetics techniques, primarily using transgenic mice, have been used to identify genes that are specifically expressed or highly enriched in the intestinal stem cells. Below, a table of intestinal stem cell "marker" genes is given, along with a notation if this marks active of CBC stem cells, or quiescent/reserve/+4 stem cells.

Gene NameAliasesNameFunctional DescriptionActive vs. QuiescentReference (PMID)
ALCAM CD166, MEMDactivated leukocyte cell adhesion moleculetransmembrane glycoproteinActive20826154 [7]
ASCL2 ASH2, HASH2, MASH2, bHLHa45achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 2basic helix loop helix transcription factorActive19269367 [8]
BMI1 RP11-573G6.1, FLVI2/BMI1, PCGF4, RNF51polycomb ring finger oncogenepolycomb transcription repressor complexQuiescent18536716 [9] 22190486 [10] 21927002 [11]
DCLK1 RP11-113P14.1, CL1, CLICK1, DCAMKL1, DCDC3A, DCLKDoublecortin and CaM kinase-like-1microtubule-associated protein kinaseQuiescent?16464855 [12] 18055444 [13] 24487592 [14]
EPHB2 CAPB, DRT, EK5, EPHT3, ERK, Hek5, PCBC, Tyro5Ephrin type-B receptor 2ephrin receptorActive21419747 [15]
HOPX CAMEO, HOD, HOP, LAGY, NECC1, OB1, SMAP31, TOTOHomeodomain-only proteinatypical homeobox proteinQuiescent22075725 [16]
Igfbp4 BP-4, HT29-IGFBP, IBP4, IGFBP-4insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4Inhibitor of the Igf pathwayActive21419747 [15]
Itgb1 RP11-479G22.2, CD29, FNRB, GPIIA, MDF2, MSK12, VLA-BETA, VLABβ1 integrinfibronectin receptor betaActive16285956 [17]
LGR5 FEX, GPR49, GPR67, GRP49, HG38 Luciene-rich repeat containing G-protein-coupled receptorR-spondin receptorActive17934449 [18] 22473993 [19]
Lrig1 LIG-1, LIG1Leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains protein 1ErbB inhibitorActive, Quiescent22464327 [20] 22388892 [21]
mTert CMM9, DKCA2, DKCB4, EST2, PFBMFT1, TCS1, TP2, TRT, hEST2, hTRTMouse telomerase reverse transcriptaseenzymatic catalytic subunit of mouse telomeraseQuiescent21173232 [22]
Musashi-1 MSI1 Musashi RNA-binding protein 1translational repressor and regulator Notch signalingActive17122772 [23]
OLFM4 UNQ362/PRO698, GC1, GW112, OLM4, OlfD, UNQ362, bA209J19.1, hGC-1, hOLfDOlfactomedin 4glycoproteinActive19450592 [24]
PHLDA1 DT1P1B11, PHRIP, TDAG51pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 1regulation of apoptosisActive, Quiescent21558389 [25]
Prom1 MSTP061, AC133, CD133, CORD12, MCDR2, PROML1, RP41, STGD4Prominin1glycoproteinActive19092805 [26]
PW1 PEG3, hCG_1685807, ZKSCAN22, ZNF904, ZSCAN24Paternally expressed gene 3unknownActive21709251 [27]
Smoc2 RP11-270C4__A.1, DTDP1, MST117, MSTP117, MSTP140, SMAP2, bA270C4A.1, bA37D8.1, dJ421D16.1SPARC-related modular calcium-binding protein 2BMP signaling inhibitorActive21419747 [15] 22692129 [28]
Sox9 CMD1, CMPD1, SRA1SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9transcription factorActive19228882 [29]
TNFRSF19 UNQ1888/PRO4333, TAJ, TAJ-alpha, TRADE, TROYtumor necrosis factor receptor family membertransmembrane receptorActive23142137 [30]

Additional possible markers: CD24 CD44v6 Active beta-catenin Pcdh8 21419747

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