List of law reports in Australia

Last updated

Law reports covering the decisions of Australian Courts are collections of decisions by particulars courts, subjects or jurisdictions. A widely used guide to case citation in Australia is the Australian Guide to Legal Citation , published jointly by the Melbourne University Law Review and the Melbourne Journal of International Law .

Court / subjectReportcitationYearsOnlinecomment
High Court Commonwealth Law Reports CLR1903- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report for High Court. Contains most but not all judgments of the High Court and of the Privy Council on appeal from the High Court.
1903-1959 Lock-green.svg Vols 1-100: High Court

Lock-green.svg Vols 1-100: BarNet JADE

Volumes 1 to 100 digitised by the High Court in the OpenLaw 1 to 100 project.
Australian Law Journal ReportsALJR1927- Lock-red.svg Thomson Reuters 2002-High Court and Privy Council decisions. Contains some decisions not reported in the Commonwealth Law Reports
Neutral citation HCA1903- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Federal Court Federal Court ReportsFCR1984- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report.
Neutral citation FCA1977- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Includes Full Court decisions 1977-2001
FCAFC2002- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Earlier Full Court decisions are available as part of the FCA Series
Federal Circuit Court of Australia Neutral citation FCCA2013- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Federal Magistrates Court of Australia Neutral citation FMCA2000-2013 Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Family law decisions are in the FMCAfam series
Family Court of Australia Neutral citation FamCA1976- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

FamCAFC2008- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Earlier Full Court decisions are available as part of the FamCA Series
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia, family law decisions Neutral citation FMCAfam2000-2013 Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

General law decisions are in the FMCA series
Family law Family Law CasesFLC1976- Lock-red.svg CCHSelected Australian family law decisions of the High Court of Australia, Family Court of Australia, Federal Circuit Court, Family Court of Western Australia and State and Territory Supreme Courts
Family Law ReportsFam LR1961- Lock-red.svg Lexis NexisSelected family law decisions from the High Court, Family Courts and State Supreme Courts and Federal Magistrates Court
Federal law Australian Law Reports ALR Lock-red.svg Lexis NexisSelected decisions of the High Court of Australia, Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Courts of the states and territories exercising federal jurisdiction
Federal Law ReportsFLR1961- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersSelected decisions from State and Territory Supreme Courts exercising Federal jurisdiction, the Family Court of Australia, the Federal Magistrates Court and Federal tribunals
Corporations Law Australian Company Law CasesACLC1990- Lock-red.svg CCHSelected decisions of the High Court, Federal Court, State and Territory Supreme Courts, and decisions of the Takeovers Panel
Australian Corporations and Securities ReportsACSR1989- Lock-red.svg Lexis NexisSelected decisions of the High Court, Federal Court, State and Territory Supreme Courts
Australian Company Law ReportsACLR1974-1989
Criminal law Australian Criminal ReportsA Crim R1979- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersSelected decisions on criminal law by the High Court of Australia, Federal Court of Australia and the Supreme Courts of the states and territories
Industrial law Commonwealth Arbitration ReportsCAR1905-1993 Lock-green.svg AustLII Arbitration decisions of the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation and Arbitration and the Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
Industrial ReportsIR1981 Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersSelected decisions of the High Court, Federal Court, State and Territory Supreme Courts, and Federal and State Industrial Courts and Tribunals
Administrative law Administrative Law DecisionsALD1976- Lock-red.svg Lexis NexisSelected decisions of the High Court, Federal Court, State and Territory Supreme Courts and administrative tribunals
Taxation law Australian Tax ReportsATR1969- Lock-red.svg WestLaw (Thomson Reuters)
Australasian Tax Reports1970-1990Butterworths
Property lawAustralian & New Zealand Conveyancing Reports ANZ Conv R1979–2008 Lock-red.svg CCH
NSW Conveyancing Reports NSW Conv R1980–2008 Lock-red.svg CCH
Butterworths Property Reports BPR1971- Lock-red.svg Butterworths
Supreme Court (ACT) ACT Law ReportsACTLR2008- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report.
Australian Capital Territory ReportsACTR1973- Lock-red.svg Lexis Nexis
Neutral citation ACTSC1986- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Supreme Court (NSW) NSW Law Reports NSWLR1970- Lock-green-gray-alt-5.svg New South Wales Law Reports Authorised report. Includes NSW Court of Appeal and NSW Court of Criminal Appeal
NSW Reports NSWR1960-1970 Lock-green-gray-alt-5.svg New South Wales Law Reports
State Reports NSW SR NSW1901-1970 Lock-green-gray-alt-5.svg New South Wales Law Reports
1901-1950 Lock-green.svg via AustLII
Law Reports (NSW) LR (NSW)1856–1900 Lock-green.svg via AustLII
Weekly Notes (New South Wales) WN (NSW)1884–1987
Neutral citation NSWSC1995- Lock-green.svg
Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Decisions of judges sitting alone
NSWCA1988 - Lock-green.svg
Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Appeal
NSWCCA1994- Lock-green.svg
Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Criminal Appeal
NSWSupC1788-1899 Lock-green.svg via AustLII Decisions of Superior Courts of NSW, includes Court of Civil Jurisdiction (1788-1814) & Supreme Court of Civil Judicature (1814-1823)
Supreme Court (NT) Northern Territory Law ReportsNTLR1991- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report
Neutral citation NTSC1986- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Supreme Court (Qld) Queensland ReportsQdR1958- Lock-red.svg Lexis Nexis 1974-

Lock-green.svg Queensland Judgments

Authorised report.
State Reports QueenslandSt R Qd1902-57 Lock-red.svg Thomson Reuters
Neutral citation QSC1994- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

QCA1992- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Appeal
Supreme Court (SA) South Australian State Reports SASR1971- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report.
State Reports. South AustraliaSASR1920-71 Lock-red.svg Thomson Reuters
1920-1950 Lock-green.svg via AustLII
South Australian Law ReportsSALR1863-1920 Lock-green.svg via AustLII
Neutral citation SASC1989- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

SASCFC2010- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Criminal Appeal and Full Court of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court (Tas) Tasmanian ReportsTas R1978- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report.
1978-1991 Lock-green.svg AustLII
Tasmanian State Reports Tas SR1941-1978 Lock-green.svg AustLII
Tasmanian Law Reports TLR1897-1940 Lock-green.svg AustLII
Neutral citation TASSC1995- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Decisions of judges sitting alone
TASFC2010 - Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Full Court
TASCCA2010- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Criminal Appeal
TASSupC1824-1843 Lock-green.svg via AustLII Decisions of Superior Courts of Tasmania
Supreme Court (Vic) Victorian Reports VR1953- Lock-red.svg Little William Bourke

Lock-red.svg Thomson Reuters

Authorised report.
1953-1996 Lock-green.svg via AustLII
Victorian Law ReportsVLR1875-1956 Lock-red.svg Little William Bourke

Lock-green.svg via AustLII

Neutral citation VSC1994- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

VSCA1998 - Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Appeal
Supreme Court (WA) Western Australian ReportsWAR1961- Lock-red.svg Thomson ReutersAuthorised report.
Western Australian Law ReportsWALR1899-1959 Lock-green.svg via AustLII
Neutral citation WASC1996- Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

WASCA1998 - Lock-green.svg AustLII

Lock-green.svg BarNet JADE

Court of Appeal
DigestsAustralian Legal Monthly Digest ALMD1967-1993Summaries of significant reported decisions and recent legislative developments

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A law review or law journal is a scholarly journal or publication that focuses on legal issues. A law review is a type of legal periodical. Law reviews are a source of research, imbedded with analyzed and referenced legal topics; they also provide a scholarly analysis of emerging legal concepts from various topics. The primary function of a law review is to publish scholarship in the field of law. Law reviews publish lengthy, comprehensive treatments of subjects, that are generally written by law professors, and to a lesser extent judges, or legal practitioners. The shorter pieces, attached to the articles, commonly called "notes" and "comments", often are written by law student members of the law review. Law review articles often express the thinking of specialists or experts with regard to problems, in a legal setting, with potential solutions to those problems. Historically, law review articles have been influential in the development of the law; they have been frequently cited as persuasive authority by courts. Some law schools publish specialized reviews, dealing with a particular area of the law, such as civil rights and civil liberties, international law, environmental law, and human rights. Some specialized reviews focus on statutory, regulatory, and public policy issues.

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