List of members of the Parliament of Finland, 2003–2007

Last updated

This is a list of the members of the Parliament of Finland from 2003 to 2007. These members were elected at the 2003 Finnish parliamentary election and their term ended with the 2007 Finnish parliamentary election.

List of elected members

MemberPartyElectoral districtVotes
Matti Ahde Social Democratic Party Oulu 4,983
Esko Ahonen Centre Party Vaasa 8,420
Eero Akaan-Penttilä National Coalition Party Uusimaa 6,076
Olavi Ala-Nissilä Centre Party Finland Proper 7,381
Mikko Alatalo Centre Party Pirkanmaa 4,858
Arja Alho Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 7,041
Janina Andersson Green League Finland Proper 6,625
Sirkka-Liisa Anttila Centre Party Tavastia 10,656
Ulla Anttila Green League Uusimaa 4,189
Sirpa Asko-Seljavaara National Coalition Party Helsinki 6,982
Jouni Backman Social Democratic Party Southern Savonia 5,325
Eva Biaudet Swedish People's Party Helsinki 7,868
Tuija Brax Green League Helsinki 7,747
Arto Bryggare Social Democratic Party Helsinki 4,786
Tarja Cronberg Green League North Karelia 5,618
Kaarina Dromberg National Coalition Party Uusimaa 5,874
Mikko Elo Social Democratic Party Satakunta 4,893
Jan-Erik Enestam Swedish People's Party Finland Proper 6,450
Sari Essayah Christian Democrats Finland Proper 9,597
Tarja Filatov Social Democratic Party Tavastia 7,896
Merikukka Forsius Green League Uusimaa 2,676
Nils-Anders Granvik Swedish People's Party Vaasa 8,739
Jukka Gustafsson Social Democratic Party Pirkanmaa 8,498
Susanna Haapoja Centre Party Vaasa 6,135
Tuula Haatainen Social Democratic Party Helsinki 9,341
Tony Halme Finns Party Helsinki 16,390
Leena Harkimo National Coalition Party Helsinki 6,690
Satu Hassi Green League Pirkanmaa 8,781
Heidi Hautala Green League Uusimaa 12,675
Lasse Hautala Centre Party Vaasa 7,688
Eero Heinäluoma Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 7,003
Klaus Hellberg Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 6,151
Pertti Hemmilä National Coalition Party Finland Proper 6,473
Hanna-Leena Hemming National Coalition Party Uusimaa 6,676
Rakel Hiltunen Social Democratic Party Helsinki 7,788
Anne Holmlund National Coalition Party Satakunta 3,701
Hannu Hoskonen Centre Party North Karelia 5,462
Anne Huotari Left Alliance Oulu 6,771
Susanna Huovinen Social Democratic Party Central Finland 8,400
Sinikka Hurskainen Social Democratic Party Kymi 5,378
Liisa Hyssälä Centre Party Finland Proper 8,869
Jyri Häkämies National Coalition Party Kymi 6,985
Tuomo Hänninen Centre Party Oulu 6,780
Mikko Immonen Left Alliance Finland Proper 3,939
Ville Itälä National Coalition Party Finland Proper 21,422
Liisa Jaakonsaari Social Democratic Party Oulu 5,425
Roger Jansson Moderates of Åland Åland 3,125
Kauko Juhantalo Centre Party Satakunta 8,484
Anneli Jäätteenmäki Centre Party Helsinki 15,704
Antti Kaikkonen Centre Party Uusimaa 4,236
Timo Kalli Centre Party Satakunta 5,417
Reijo Kallio Social Democratic Party Satakunta 6,283
Antti Kalliomäki Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 14,917
Bjarne Kallis Christian Democrats Vaasa 8,400
Ilkka Kanerva National Coalition Party Finland Proper 7,203
Matti Kangas Left Alliance Central Finland 4,233
Toimi Kankaanniemi Christian Democrats Central Finland 6,435
Saara Karhu Social Democratic Party Pirkanmaa 14,281
Kyösti Karjula Centre Party Oulu 7,077
Tanja Karpela Centre Party Uusimaa 19,169
Marjukka Karttunen National Coalition Party Finland Proper 4,337
Jyrki Kasvi Green League Uusimaa 2,536
Jyrki Katainen National Coalition Party Northern Savonia 5,557
Matti Kauppila Left Alliance Tavastia 3,749
Antero Kekkonen Social Democratic Party Kymi 7,258
Inkeri Kerola Centre Party Oulu 6,923
Rauno Kettunen Centre Party Northern Savonia 4,946
Anneli Kiljunen Social Democratic Party Kymi 9,396
Kimmo Kiljunen Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 5,189
Mari Kiviniemi Centre Party Vaasa 6,781
Esko Kiviranta Centre Party Finland Proper 6,758
Katri Komi Centre Party Southern Savonia 6,666
Matti Korhonen Left Alliance Oulu 6,133
Juha Korkeaoja Centre Party Satakunta 5,820
Markku Koski Centre Party Oulu 6,547
Valto Koski Social Democratic Party Kymi 5,332
Jari Koskinen National Coalition Party Tavastia 6,037
Johannes Koskinen Social Democratic Party Tavastia 12,135
Marjaana Koskinen Social Democratic Party Finland Proper 9,367
Irina Krohn Green League Helsinki 4,698
Risto Kuisma Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 5,602
Miapetra Kumpula Social Democratic Party Vaasa 6,245
Mikko Kuoppa Left Alliance Pirkanmaa 6,286
Pekka Kuosmanen National Coalition Party Kymi 5,187
Esko Kurvinen National Coalition Party Oulu 4,805
Lauri Kähkönen Social Democratic Party North Karelia 4,453
Kari Kärkkäinen Christian Democrats Northern Savonia 5,496
Seppo Kääriäinen Centre Party Northern Savonia 9,121
Jaakko Laakso Left Alliance Uusimaa 5,003
Esa Lahtela Social Democratic Party North Karelia 11,283
Seppo Lahtela Centre Party (later

National Coalition Party)

Kymi 6,451
Jere Lahti National Coalition Party Helsinki 5,257
Reijo Laitinen Social Democratic Party Central Finland 7,158
Kalevi Lamminen National Coalition Party Satakunta 3,390
Eero Lankia Centre Party Uusimaa 1,940
Annika Lapintie Left Alliance Finland Proper 6,743
Markku Laukkanen Centre Party Kymi 7,201
Henrik Lax Swedish People's Party Uusimaa 4,922
Paula Lehtomäki Centre Party Oulu 11,063
Jari Leppä Centre Party Southern Savonia 6,819
Suvi Lindén National Coalition Party Oulu 3,208
Maija-Liisa Lindqvist Centre Party Tavastia 4,348
Mika Lintilä Centre Party Vaasa 10,127
Minna Lintonen Social Democratic Party Tavastia 4,719
Paavo Lipponen Social Democratic Party Helsinki 26,415
Leena Luhtanen Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 6,074
Eero Lämsä Centre Party Northern Savonia 4,315
Pehr Löv Swedish People's Party Vaasa 6,738
Hannes Manninen Centre Party Lapland 4,288
Marjo Matikainen-Kallström National Coalition Party Uusimaa 10,807
Rosa Meriläinen Green League Pirkanmaa 5,050
Riikka Moilanen-Savolainen Centre Party Oulu 7,073
Sinikka Mönkäre Social Democratic Party Kymi 7,555
Markus Mustajärvi Left Alliance Lapland 4,895
Petri Neittaanmäki Centre Party Central Finland 5,300
Olli Nepponen National Coalition Party Southern Savonia 4,500
Pekka Nousiainen Centre Party Southern Savonia 6,125
Tuija Nurmi National Coalition Party Tavastia 6,220
Mikaela Nylander Swedish People's Party Uusimaa 5,813
Lauri Oinonen Centre Party Central Finland 6,686
Outi Ojala Left Alliance Helsinki 6,658
Reino Ojala Social Democratic Party Pirkanmaa 4,929
Kirsi Ojansuu Green League Tavastia 3,328
Kalevi Olin Social Democratic Party Central Finland 4,750
Heikki A. Ollila National Coalition Party Pirkanmaa 3,825
Reijo Paajanen National Coalition Party Kymi 5,108
Heli Paasio Social Democratic Party Finland Proper 12,651
Aila Paloniemi Centre Party Central Finland 4,887
Mauri Pekkarinen Centre Party Central Finland 12,164
Pirkko Peltomo Social Democratic Party Satakunta 6,736
Klaus Pentti Centre Party Pirkanmaa 5,299
Maija Perho National Coalition Party Finland Proper 4,991
Iivo Polvi Left Alliance Northern Savonia 3,451
Veijo Puhjo Left Alliance Satakunta 5,687
Virpa Puisto Social Democratic Party Finland Proper 7,485
Erkki Pulliainen Green League Oulu 3,906
Susanna Rahkonen Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 5,200
Lyly Rajala Christian Democrats (later

National Coalition Party)

Oulu 4,596
Kari Rajamäki Social Democratic Party Northern Savonia 8,675
Aulis Ranta-Muotio Centre Party Vaasa 6,940
Antti Rantakangas Centre Party Oulu 8,963
Maija Rask Social Democratic Party Lapland 7,030
Leena Rauhala Christian Democrats Pirkanmaa 5,250
Juha Rehula Centre Party Tavastia 5,428
Eero Reijonen Centre Party North Karelia 7,144
Paula Risikko National Coalition Party Vaasa 4,344
Jukka Roos Social Democratic Party Finland Proper 6,088
Markku Rossi Centre Party Northern Savonia 5,030
Simo Rundgren Centre Party Lapland 5,383
Päivi Räsänen Christian Democrats Tavastia 8,976
Tero Rönni Social Democratic Party Pirkanmaa 5,936
Martin Saarikangas National Coalition Party Uusimaa 10,303
Matti Saarinen Social Democratic Party Uusimaa 5,867
Petri Salo National Coalition Party Vaasa 9,114
Pertti Salovaara Centre Party Helsinki 1,600
Sari Sarkomaa National Coalition Party Helsinki 5,355
Kimmo Sasi National Coalition Party Pirkanmaa 9,718
Arto Satonen National Coalition Party Pirkanmaa 4,024
Arto Seppälä Social Democratic Party Southern Savonia 5,633
Timo Seppälä National Coalition Party Tavastia 4,667
Suvi-Anne Siimes Left Alliance Uusimaa 17,572
Anni Sinnemäki Green League Helsinki 4,154
Minna Sirnö Left Alliance Pirkanmaa 5,076
Juhani Sjöblom National Coalition Party Uusimaa 4,907
Jouko Skinnari Social Democratic Party Tavastia 6,997
Timo Soini Finns Party Uusimaa 4,397
Osmo Soininvaara Green League Helsinki 11,341
Seppo Särkiniemi Centre Party Uusimaa 3,104
Säde Tahvanainen Social Democratic Party North Karelia 4,721
Ilkka Taipale Social Democratic Party Helsinki 4,090
Satu Taiveaho Social Democratic Party Tavastia 4,903
Hannu Takkula Centre Party Lapland 10,938
Esko-Juhani Tennilä Left Alliance Lapland 10,580
Astrid Thors Swedish People's Party Uusimaa 5,311
Kimmo Tiilikainen Centre Party Kymi 7,866
Marja Tiura National Coalition Party Pirkanmaa 10,686
Pentti Tiusanen Left Alliance Kymi 7,176
Irja Tulonen National Coalition Party Pirkanmaa 5,781
Erkki Tuomioja Social Democratic Party Helsinki 9,548
Tapani Tölli Centre Party Oulu 6,476
Kari Uotila Left Alliance Uusimaa 3,454
Jutta Urpilainen Social Democratic Party Vaasa 5,365
Raija Vahasalo National Coalition Party Uusimaa 5,941
Unto Valpas Left Alliance Oulu 5,884
Matti Vanhanen Centre Party Uusimaa 6,917
Jan Vapaavuori National Coalition Party Helsinki 4,657
Ahti Vielma National Coalition Party Central Finland 4,272
Jukka Vihriälä Centre Party Vaasa 9,923
Pia Viitanen Social Democratic Party Pirkanmaa 8,828
Jari Vilén National Coalition Party Lapland 6,298
Pekka Vilkuna Centre Party Oulu 7,269
Lasse Virén National Coalition Party Uusimaa 4,838
Erkki Virtanen Left Alliance Northern Savonia 3,538
Raimo Vistbacka Finns Party Vaasa 8,366
Matti Väistö Centre Party North Karelia 5,346
Tuula Väätäinen Social Democratic Party Northern Savonia 3,960
Harry Wallin Social Democratic Party Vaasa 6,941
Ulla-Maj Wideroos Swedish People's Party Vaasa 6,630
Jaana Ylä-Mononen Centre Party Pirkanmaa 6,866
Ben Zyskowicz National Coalition Party Helsinki 12,780


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  1. Result Ministry of Justice of Finland. March 19, 2003. Retrieved January 15, 2017.