List of post-nominal letters (Pahang)

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This is a list of post-nominal letters used in Pahang. The order in which they follow an individual's name is the same as the order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations, and medals. When applicable, non-hereditary titles are indicated.

Grades [1] [2] Post-nominalTitleWife's titleRibbon
The Most Illustrious Royal Family Order of Pahang - Darjah Kerabat Yang Maha Mulia Utama Kerabat Diraja Pahang
Member or AhliDarjah Kerabat PahangD.K.P.---- MY-PAH Royal Family Order of Pahang - DKP.svg
The Most Esteemed Family Order of the Crown of Indra of Pahang - Darjah Kerabat Sri Indra Mahkota Pahang Yang Amat Dihormati
Member 1st classDarjah Kerabat Sri Indra Mahkota Pahang Yang Amat Dihormati Kelas ID.K. I---- MY-PAH Family Order of the Crown of Indra of Pahang - DK I.svg
Member 2nd classDarjah Kebesaran Mahkota Pahang Yang Amat Dihormati Kelas IID.K. II---- MY-PAH Family Order of the Crown of Indra of Pahang - DK II.svg
The Most Illustrious Order of Al-Sultan Abdullah of Pahang - Darjah Kebesaran Al-Sultan Abdullah Pahang Yang Amat Mulia
Knight Grand CompanionSri Setia Al-Sultan Abdullah Ahmad ShahS.A.A.S.Dato' Sri SetiaDatin Sri Setia MY-PAH Order of Al-Sultan Abdullah of Pahang - Knight Grand Companion - SAAS.svg
CompanionSetia Al-Sultan Abdullah PahangS.A.S.----
The Grand Royal Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - Darjah Sri Diraja Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang
Grand Royal KnightSri Diraja Sultan Ahmad Shah PahangS.D.S.A.Dato' Sri DirajaDatin Sri Diraja MY-PAH Grand Royal Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - SDSA.svg
The Most Illustrious Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - Darjah Kebesaran Sri Sultan Ahmad Shah Pahang Yang Amat Mulia
Grand KnightSri Sultan Ahmad Shah PahangS.S.A.P.Dato' SriDatin Sri MY-PAH Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - Grand Knight - SSAP.svg
Knight CompanionDarjah Sultan Ahmad Shah PahangD.S.A.P.Dato'Datin MY-PAH Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - Knight Companion - DSAP.svg
CompanionSetia Ahmad Shah PahangS.A.P.---- MY-PAH Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - Companion - SAP.svg
MemberAhli Ahmad Shah PahangA.A.P.---- MY-PAH Order of Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang - Member - AAP.svg
The Esteemed Order of the Crown of Pahang - Darjah Kebesaran Mahkota Pahang Yang Amat Mulia
Grand KnightSri Indera Mahkota PahangS.I.M.P.Dato' InderaDatin Indera MY-PAH Order of the Crown of Pahang - Grand Knight - SIMP.svg
Knight CompanionDarjah Indera Mahkota PahangD.I.M.P.Dato'Datin MY-PAH Order of the Crown of Pahang - Knight Companion - DIMP.svg
CompanionSetia Mahkota PahangS.M.P.---- MY-PAH Order of the Crown of Pahang - Companion - SMP.svg
MemberAhli Mahkota PahangA.M.P.---- MY-PAH Order of the Crown of Pahang - Member - AMP.svg
Distinguished Service Medal - Pingat Khidmat Cemerlang
Silver MedalPingat Khidmat CemerlangP.K.C.----
Gallantry Medal - Pingat Gagah Perwira
Silver MedalPingat Gagah PerwiraP.G.P.----
Justice of the Peace - Jaksa PendamaiDiscontinued 1985
Distinguished Conduct Medal - Pingat Kelakuan Terpuji
Bronze MedalPingat Kelakuan TerpujiP.K.T.----
Meritorious Service Medal - Pingat Jasa Kebaktian
Bronze MedalPingat Jasa KebaktianP.J.K.----
Exceptional Service Medal - Pingat Perkhidmatan Luar Biasa
Pingat Perkhidmatan Luar BiasaP.P.B.----
Silver Jubilee Medal - Pingat Jubli Perak Pahang
Silver MedalPingat Jubli Perak PahangP.J.P.---- Silver Jubilee Medal (Pahang).gif
Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Installation Medal - Pingat Pertabalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah
Gold MedalPingat Pertabalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah------
Silver MedalPingat Pertabalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah------
Bronze MedalPingat Pertabalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah------

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">John Chard Decoration</span> Award

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The following is a list of the orders, decorations, and medals given by the Sultan of Pahang, Malaysia. When applicable, post-nominal letters and non-hereditary titles are indicated.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cross for Bravery</span> Award

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Defence Force Merit Medal</span> Award

The Defence Force Merit Medal was instituted by the State President of the Republic of Bophuthatswana in 1982, for award to all ranks for extraordinarily excellent service and particular devotion to duty.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Defence Force Merit Decoration</span> Award

The Defence Force Merit Decoration was instituted by the State President of the Republic of Bophuthatswana in 1982, for award to officers for distinguished service of high quality and utmost devotion to duty.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Distinguished Gallantry Medal</span> Award

The Distinguished Gallantry Medal was instituted by the State President of the Republic of Bophuthatswana in 1982, for award to all ranks for extraordinary gallantry.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Distinguished Service Medal, Silver</span> Award

The Distinguished Service Medal, Silver was instituted by the President of the Republic of Venda in 1985, for award to all ranks for outstanding service and devotion to duty.

The State President's Medal for Shooting was instituted by the State President of the Republic of Bophuthatswana in 1990, for award to champion shots.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sandile Decoration</span> Award

The Sandile Decoration, post-nominal letters SD, was instituted by the President of the Republic of Ciskei in 1988, for award to all ranks for meritorious service.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chief C.D.F. Commendation Medal</span> Award

The Chief C.D.F. Commendation Medal was instituted by the President of the Republic of Ciskei in 1992, for award to all ranks for service commended by the Chief of the Ciskei Defence Force.


  1. Colecciones Militares, Ribbons of Pahang
  2. "Susunan Keutamaan Darjah Kebesaran, Bintang dan Pingat Pahang". Archived from the original on 2017-01-23. Retrieved 2016-06-11.