List of post-nominal letters (Canada)

Last updated

This is a list of post-nominal letters used in Canada. The order in which they follow an individual's name is:


  1. Distinctions conferred directly by the Crown
  2. University degrees
  3. Memberships of societies and other distinctions

Normally no more than two are given, representing the highest award of each type. [1] For decorations and medals, the order of precedence is the same as the order of precedence for the wearing of order insignias, decorations, and medals, as laid out by the Department of Canadian Heritage. [2]

Awards and orders


Higher national decorations

VCRecipient of the Victoria Cross Currently there are no living Canadians permitted to use the post-nominal letters VC. Since its creation in 1993, the Canadian Victoria Cross has never been awarded. Historical Canadians with the post-nominals VC were Canadian recipients of the British Victoria Cross.
CVRecipient of the Cross of Valour

National orders and Commonwealth orders

OMMember of the Order of Merit Commonwealth order
CCCompanion of the Order of Canada The Order of Canada is awarded by the governor general for "the highest degree of merit, an outstanding level of talent and service, or an exceptional contribution to Canada and humanity".
OCOfficer of the Order of Canada
CMMember of the Order of Canada
CMMCommander of the Order of Military Merit
COMCommander of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
CVOCommander of the Royal Victorian Order Commonwealth order
OMMOfficer of the Order of Military Merit
OOMOfficer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
LVOLieutenant of the Royal Victorian OrderCommonwealth order
MMMMember of the Order of Military Merit
MOMMember of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces
MVOMember of the Royal Victorian OrderCommonwealth order

Obsolete National orders

CMRecipient of the Medal of Courage of the Order of CanadaThe Medal of Courage of the Order of Canada was never awarded and was abolished in 1972 when the Order of Canada was restructured into two levels and the Canadian Bravery Decorations were established.
SMRecipient of the Medal of Service of the Order of Canada The Medal of Service of the Order of Canada was awarded to 319 Canadians, and would be converted into the Officer level of the Order of Canada in 1972. Thirty recipients of the Medal of Service died prior to 1972 and thus were never converted to Officers of the Order of Canada.

Provincial orders

Note: Precedence of provincial orders are in order of when they were added to the national orders system at the request of the provincial orders system, not by the normal order of precedence for provinces.
GOQGrand officier de l'Ordre national du Québec English: Grand officer of the National Order of Quebec
OQOfficier de l'Ordre national du QuébecEnglish: Officer of the National Order of Quebec
CQChevalier de l'Ordre national du QuébecEnglish: Knight of the National Order of Quebec
SOMMember of the Saskatchewan Order of Merit
OOntMember of the Order of Ontario
OBCMember of the Order of British Columbia
AOEMember of the Alberta Order of Excellence
OPEIMember of the Order of Prince Edward Island
OMMember of the Order of Manitoba
ONBMember of the Order of New Brunswick
ONSMember of the Order of Nova Scotia
ONLMember of the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador

Territorial orders

Note: Precedence of territories orders are in order of when they were added to the national orders system, not by the normal order of precedence for territories.
ONuMember of the Order of Nunavut
French : OTN-O
Member of the Order of the Northwest Territories
OYMember of the Order of Yukon

National Decorations

SMVRecipient of the Star of Military Valour
SCRecipient of the Star of Courage
French : CSM
Recipient of the Meritorious Service Cross When awarded the Meritorious Service Cross, francophones use the post-nominal letters CSM for Croix du service méritoire, instead of MSC. [3]
MMVRecipient of the Medal of Military Valour
MBRecipient of the Medal of Bravery
MSMRecipient of the Meritorious Service Medal The post-nominal letters for the Meritorious Service Medal (MSM) are the same in both English and French. [3]
RVMRecipient of the Royal Victorian Medal
CDRecipient of the Canadian Forces' Decoration

Provincial Decorations

OMCRecipient of the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship
SVMRecipient of the Saskatchewan Volunteer Medal
MGCRecipient of the British Columbia Medal of Good Citizenship

Appointments to the monarch

ADC Aide-de-Camp to His Majesty
A de C Aide-de-Camp to Governor General, Lieutenant Governor or viceroy. [4]
KHSKing's Honorary Surgeon [5] During the reign of a female monarch, the K is replaced with a Q for "queen".
KHPKing's Honorary Physician
KHDSKing's Honorary Dental Surgeon
KHNS or KHNKing's Honorary Nursing Sister or King's Honorary Nurse
KHCKing's Honorary Chaplain
KPOKing's Police Officer
Note: King's Counsel is a civil distinction, and is listed with legal positions later in the list.


French : CP
Privy Councillor A Privy Councillor is also entitled to be styled "The Honourable" or "L'honorable" for life. The post-nominal letters are necessary to denote that someone is a privy councillor because in Canada holding a certain office can also allow the use of The Honourable title. Unlike what is done in the United Kingdom, the post-nominals "PC" have precedence over all Crown honours with two notable exceptions: the Victoria Cross ("VC") and the Cross of Valour ("CV"). [6]

In practice, post-nominals are not usually translated from one language to another, but this is an exception.

ECNSMember of the Executive Council of Nova Scotia Used for members (including honorary members) of the Executive Council of Nova Scotia since 2007.
ECAMember of the Executive Council of Alberta Used for members (including honorary members) of the Executive Council of Alberta. Bill 1 was passed by the Legislative Assembly of Alberta on 24 March 2022. Section 7 stipulates that every member and honorary member of the Executive Council may use these postnominals. Section 6 states that every former living member as of 6 February 2022, and anybody who becomes a former member of the Executive Council, is designated as an honorary member. [7]
MPMember of House of Commons of Canada Letters are short for "Member of Parliament". This title is used in Canada and other Commonwealth nations to describe members of the lower house of Parliament only. The Senate of Canada is part of Parliament, but its members are not called MPs.
MPPMember of the Ontario Legislative Assembly after 1938Letters are short for "Member of Provincial Parliament". Before 1938, members used MLA.
MNAMember of the National Assembly of Quebec after 1968Before 1968, members used MLA.
MLA Member of the Legislative Assembly Used for members of provincial and territorial legislatures except Ontario, Quebec, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
MHAMember of the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly Only used for members of the Newfoundland and Labrador legislative assembly. Even though Nova Scotia's assembly is called the Nova Scotia House of Assembly, its members are styled MLAs.

Academic degrees

The exact hierarchy of professional degrees relative to academic degrees varies. For example, a Bachelor of Laws degree (LLB) from North American schools is treated as equivalent to a Juris Doctor degree (JD). On the other hand, a Bachelor of Applied Science degree (BASc) at many schools can be done straight out of highschool, and is treated as the same level as academic bachelor's degrees like a Bachelor of Arts degree.

In academic contexts, it is common to give an abbreviation of name of the school awarding the degree after the letters for the degree itself. The way school names are abbreviated can vary. For example, a PhD from Memorial University of Newfoundland can be found written as PhD (MUN) or PhD (Memorial). When a person has multiple degrees from the same school, the school name is only written once, after all degrees from that school.


Academic doctorates

PhD Doctor of Philosophy, Philosophiae Doctor, Doctorem PhilosophiaeAlso appears as DPhil.
DBA Doctor of Business Administration
DD Doctor of Divinity
DLitt Doctor of Letters
DSocSci Doctor of Social Science
DUDoctor of the UniversityAwarded only as an honorary degree.
EdD Doctor of Education
EngD Doctor of Engineering
JSD Doctor of Juridical Science Also appears as SJD.
LLD Legum Doctor

Professional doctorates

MD Doctor of Medicine
DMin Doctor of Ministry
DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery
DNP Doctor of Nursing Practice
DO Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
DSW Doctor of Social Work
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
JD Juris Doctor Considered to be equivalent to the older Bachelor of Laws (LLB). Does not allow use of the prefix "Dr.".
OD Doctor of Optometry
PharmD Doctor of Pharmacy
PsyD Doctor of Psychology

Academic master's degrees

MA Master of Arts
LLM Master of Laws
MASc Master of Applied Science
MEd Master of Education
MEng Master of Engineering
MFA Master of Fine Arts
MLIS Master of Library and Information Science
MM Master of Management
MMath Master of Mathematics
MRes Master of Research
MSc Master of Science
MScN Master of Science in Nursing
MSci Master of Science
MTh Master of Theology
MJ Master of Journalism
MES Master of Environmental Studies

Professional master's degrees

MAcc Master of Accountancy
MArch Master of Architecture
MBA Master of Business Administration
MC Master of Counselling
MDiv Master of Divinity
MDS Master of Defence Studies
MFin Master of Finance
MMM Master of Management and Manufacturing
MMus Master of Music
MPA Master of Public Administration
MPH Master of Public Health
MSW Master of Social Work
MTS Master of Theological Studies

Academic bachelor's degrees

BA Bachelor of Arts A BA done with an extra year (four years instead of three) may be called an honours degree, and may be shown with the postnominals HBA, BAHons, BA(h) or BA4.
BFA Bachelor of Fine Arts
BMath Bachelor of Mathematics
BCS Bachelor of Computer Science
BMgmt Bachelor of Management
BSc Bachelor of Science
BScN Bachelor of Science in Nursing
BSocSc Bachelor of Social Science
BSW Bachelor of Social Work
BCYCBachelor of Child and Youth Care
BCom Bachelor of Commerce
BBA Bachelor of Business Administration
BMAScBachelor of Military Arts and Science
BMus Bachelor of Music
BJ Bachelor of Journalism
BPRBachelor of Public Relations [8]

Professional bachelor's degrees

BASc Bachelor of Applied Science Considered to be equivalent to Bachelor of Engineering (BEng). Some schools award the degree BSc for what is, in effect, a BASc.
BEng Bachelor of Engineering Considered to be equivalent to the Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc).
BTech Bachelor of Technology
BCL Bachelor of Civil Law Considered to be equivalent to Licentiate of Laws (LLL).
BEd Bachelor of Education
BSW Bachelor of Social Work
LLB Bachelor of Laws Considered to be equivalent to the Juris Doctor (JD).
LLL Licentiate of Laws Considered to be equivalent to the Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL).

Professional qualifications

CJC Chief Justice of Canada These letters are only employed (as a convenient short-form) within published law reports, and are not used in correspondence, announcements, etc.
CJChief Justice
French : c.r.
King's Counsel
French : conseillier du roi
During the reign of a female monarch, the English letters are QC for Queen's Counsel; the French letters remain unchanged (French : conseillier de la reine). Upon the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the accession of King Charles III on 8 September, all living Queen's Counsel became King's Counsel automatically. All new appointments will be as King's Counsel only. Both the federal government and all provincial governments (except the Government of Quebec) confer the title of King's Counsel.
CSCertified Specialist of The Law Society of Ontario Lawyers who are designated Certified Specialist are recognized and experienced in their field of law and have met high standards imposed by the Law Society of Ontario. [9] This is commonly identified as modern day replacement to the King's Counsel (KC) designation in the province of Ontario. [10] King's Counsel appointments have been restored in Ontario since the coronation of King Charles III.
Ad. E.Lawyer Emeritus Quebec Bar [11] This is the post-1975 replacement for the title of King's Counsel in Quebec.

Academic orders, societies, academicians

FCANFellow of the Canadian Academy of NursingFCAN has Canadian Nurses Association-Association des infirmières et Infirmiers de Canada (CNA-AIIC) Trademark and is awarded by the Canadian Academy of Nursing (CAN). [12]
FCICFellow of the Chemical Institute of CanadaAwarded by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC). [13] Associate members are individuals who supports the objectives of the CIC and are not able to meet the requirements of membership.
MCICMember of the Chemical Institute of Canada
ACICAssociate Member of the Chemical Institute of Canada
FCISFellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and AdministratorsAwarded by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
ACISAssociate of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
ARCTAssociate of the Royal Conservatory of TorontoAwarded by the Royal Conservatory of Music
ARIDOMember of the Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario
CAHPMember of the Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals
BCSLAMember of the British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects
FCFPFellow of the College of Family Physicians of CanadaAwarded by The College of Family Physicians of Canada.
MCFPMember of the College of Family Physicians of Canada
CCFPCertificant of the College of Family Physicians of Canada
CSLAMember of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
C.PsychMember of the College of Psychologists of Ontario [14]
CPMHN(C)Certified in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing by the Canadian Nurses Association [15]
DCAPMDiplomate of the Canadian Academy of Pain Management
DipSportMedDiplomate of the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine
FRCPCFellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Division of Medicine)Awarded by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
FRCSCFellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Division of Surgery)
DRCPSCDiplomate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
FCAEFellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering
FCAHSFellow of Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
FCAMPTFellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physical Therapists
FCASIFellow of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
FCGmAFellow of the Canadian Gemmological Association
FCIMFellow of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
FCIPFellow of the Canadian Institute of PlannersAwarded by the Canadian Institute of Planners.
MCIPMember of the Canadian Institute of Planners
FCMSFellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society
FCSIFellow of the Canadian Securities Institute
FECFellow of Engineers Canada
FEICFellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada [16]
FIAMFellow of the Institute of Asset ManagementAwarded by the Institute of Asset Management.
MIAMMember of the Institute of Asset Management
FONAFellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association [17]
FRCAFellow of the Royal Canadian Academy of ArtsAwarded by the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts established 1880 [18]
RCAMember of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
FRAICFellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of CanadaAwarded by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.
MRAICMember of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada
FRASCFellow of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
FRCCOFellow of the Royal Canadian College of Organists
FRCDCFellow of the Royal College of Dentists of Canada
FRCGSFellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society
FRCNAFellow of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
FRHSCFellow of the Royal Heraldry Society of CanadaAwarded by the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada
LRHSCLicentiate of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada
FRSAFellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
French : MSRC
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
MAIBCMember of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia
OAAMember of the Ontario Association of Architects
rmcGraduate of the Royal Military College of Canada Students who graduate from the Royal Military College of Canada, the Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean (CMR), or the Royal Roads Military College (RRMC) having successfully completed the four interlocking components merit the "rmc" post nominal. [19]

This post nominal is presented by the Minister of National Defence to individuals upon successful completion of the four components, which are academics (undergraduate degree), leadership, athletics, and bilingualism. [20] [21]

FNIFellow of The Nautical Institute Awarded by The Nautical Institute
AFNIAssociate Fellow of The Nautical Institute
MNIMember of The Nautical Institute
AMNIAssociate Member of The Nautical Institute

Professional qualifications

Art and graphic design

CCEMember of the Canadian Cinema Editors [22]
CSCMember of the Canadian Society of Cinematographers [23]
CDCMember of the Casting Directors Society of Canada [24]
CDPCertified Member of the Design Professionals of Canada [25]
RGDCertified Member of the Association of Registered Graphic Designers [26]

Teaching, counseling, and dispute resolution

CMedChartered MediatorAwarded by the ADR Institute of Canada. [27]
QMedQualified Mediator
CArbChartered Arbitrator
QArbQualified Arbitrator
RRMRegistered Roster MediatorRegistered Roster Mediators or RRMs are mediators and med-arbitrators who have met the stringent knowledge, skills, experience, and ethics standards for admission to one of Mediate BC's rosters. [28] Mediate BC [29] exists to serve the public: the RRM allows the public to identify mediators who are committed to Mediate BC's Standards of Conduct [30] and meet ongoing requirements for continuing professional development. [31]
RCICRegulated Canadian Immigration ConsultantAwarded by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants
RISIARegulated International Student Immigration Advisor
OCT Ontario Certified Teacher
OCELTOntario Certified English Language Teacher [32] The designation was granted in early 2017, and is automatically applied to accredited members of TESL Ontario.
FEACertified Family Enterprise Advisor and Member of the Institute of Family Enterprise Advisors [33]
RSW Registered Social Worker
RECERegistered Early Childhood Educator [34]
CTC Certified Travel Councillor [35]
CTM Certified Travel Manager [35]

Engineering and skilled trades

P.Eng. Professional engineer [36] By law, can only be used by members of a provincial or territorial engineering regulator. See Canadian Council of Professional Engineers.
EIT Engineer in training/engineering intern [37]
StrucEng Structural engineer
CTech Certified engineering technician In most parts of the country, membership in a regulatory organization is needed to use the title, but is not needed to practice. See Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists.
CET Certified engineering technologist [38]
AScT Applied science technologist [38]
PTech Professional technologist [39] Exact meaning varies considerably across the country.
LET Licensed engineering technologist Used only in Ontario.
RET Registered engineering technologist Used only in Alberta. No longer being issued since October 2009, and replaced by PTech.
GSCGold Seal Certification [40] Organized by the Canadian Construction Association
GSIGold Seal Intern [40]
P.GSCProfessional Gold Seal Certification
MEMaster Electrician [41] Provincially regulated license. In Ontario, it is regulated by the Electrical Safety Authority, previously known as Ontario Hydro, through the Electricity Act of 1998, O.Reg 570/05. [42]
RSE Red Seal Endorsement Interprovincial qualification endorsement for skilled trade professionals in Canada. Awarded by provincial associations in coordination with Canadian Council of Directors of Apprenticeship. In Ontario, the program is facilitated by The Ontario College of Trades.
ISP Information Systems Professional [43]
PQS Professional Quantity Surveyor [44]
CEC Construction Estimator Certified [44]


CGA Certified General Accountant
CCPCertified Credit ProfessionalIn 1928, the Government of Canada created the Credit Institute of Canada (CIC) through a Special Act of Parliament. The mandate of the CIC is to provide rigorous training, examination and continuous learning to credit professionals who protect the wealth of Canada's companies and institutions. The institute is the only government-recognized body in Canada to issue the CCP designation in the field of Commercial Credit.
CIRP Chartered Insolvency and Restructuring Professional [45]
CFA Chartered Financial Analyst
CFP Certified Financial Planner [46]
CIM Chartered Investment Manager
CMA Certified Management Accountant
CA Chartered Accountant
CPA Chartered Professional Accountant [47]
CFF Certified in Financial Forensics [48]
CBV Chartered Business Valuator
CPMCertified Payroll ManagerAwarded by the Canadian Payroll Association.
PCPPayroll Compliance Practitioner
(F)CIP (Fellow) Chartered Insurance Professional
CRMCanadian Risk Management
CIACertified Internal Auditor
TEPTrust and Estate Practitioner

Land surveying and urban planning

ALS Alberta Land Surveyor [49]
BCLS British Columbia Land Surveyor [50]
CLS Canada Lands Surveyor [51]
MLS Manitoba Land Surveyor
OLS Ontario Land Surveyor
SLS Saskatchewan Land Surveyor [52]
GISPGeographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional [53]
RPP Registered Professional Planner

Medical practice

CCPE Canadian certified physician executive
PHN Public health nurse
RM Registered midwife
RN Registered nurse Required to pass the National Council Licensure Examination, except for in Quebec, which has its own exam.
RO Registered optician
RRT Registered respiratory therapist
CCCCertified Canadian counsellor
CCPACanadian certified physician assistant
CTClinical Traumatologist
CWTCommunity and Workplace Traumatologist
NP Nurse practitioner [54]
LPN Licensed practical nurse [55]
RPN Registered psychiatric nurse [56] Registered practical nurse
RPh Registered pharmacist [57]
R.Kin [58] On June 4, 2007, the Kinesiology Act was enacted making the designation "kinesiologist" a legal and protected designation in Ontario.
RDH Registered dental hygienist [59]
DD Denturism degree [60]

Medical technology and inspection

French : PSAC
Canadian Registered Safety Professional Awarded by the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals
CRSTCanadian Registered Safety Technician
CPHI(C) Certificate in Public Health Inspection (Canada) [61]
CIC Certification in Infection Control
ROH Registered Occupational Hygienist Awarded by Canadian Registered Board of Occupational Hygienists.
ROHT [62]
MLT Medical Laboratory Technologist [63]
RDRegistered Dietitian
RMT Registered Massage Therapist
CHE Certified health executive [64]
MRT Medical radiation technologist
RPSGT Registered polysomnographic technologist
CBET(c)Certified biomedical engineering technologist/technician [65] On April 8, 1982, The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians was approved by the International Certification Commission (ICC) to certify Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians in Canada.
cdtCertified dialysis technologist/technician [66] On June 8, 2009, at the annual meeting of the International Certification Commission (ICC) in Baltimore, Maryland, a revised certification program of The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians (BMET Board) that include a "cdt" designation for Certified Dialysis Technologists and Technicians was approved. The BMET Board changed its name to The Canadian Board of Examiners for Biomedical Engineering and Dialysis Technologists and Technicians, (Le Jury Canadien D'Accréditation en Génie Biomédical Pour Les Technologues et Les Techniciens) to reflect the addition of dialysis certification to the program.
RDTRegistered dental technician [67]


C.ChemChartered Chemist [68] The Association of the Chemical Profession of Ontario (ACPO), legally constituted in 1963 by a provincial Act, sets strict academic standards for its members and monitors their professional and ethical conduct. These members are "Chartered Chemists", permitted to use the designation "C.Chem" after their names.
PGeo Professional Geoscientist [36] In some provinces, use of this title is restricted by law to members of the provincial regulatory body.
PGeol Professional Geologist [36]
PGeoph Professional Geophysicist [36]
PPhys Professional Physicist
RPBio Registered Professional Biologist
P.Ag Professional Agrologist In some provinces, professionals practicing agrology must register with a provincial regulatory body. [69] In Quebec agr is used instead of P. Ag. [70]
EP Environmental Professional [71]
RPFRegistered Professional Forester

Business and management

Acc.Dir.Accredited Director of The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada [72] The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada is the Canadian division of the Chartered Governance Institute.
ACGAssociate Member of The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada with Chartered status.
FCGFellow Member of The Chartered Governance Institute of Canada with Chartered status.
CAMACertified Asset Management Assessor [73] Asset management qualifications are awarded by the PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada. WPiAM administers CAMA through the association. CTAM, CPAM, and CSAM are part of the Global Certification Scheme developed to ensure international alignment of competencies in the Asset Management practice.
CAMPCertified Asset Management Professional. [74]
CTAM Certified Technical Specialist in Asset Management
CPAM Certified Practitioner in Asset Management
CSAM Certified Senior Principal in Asset Management
MMP Maintenance Management Professional [75]
CECredentialed Evaluator [76] Awarded by the Canadian Evaluation Society
PMP Project Management Professional Awarded by the Project Management Institute.
CAPM Certified Associate in Project Management
CBHFCompanion of the Canadian Business Hall of FamePart of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame.
OBHFOfficer of the Canadian Business Hall of Fame
CAECertified Association Executive
CPHR Chartered Professional in Human Resources [77]
C.Dir Chartered Director [78]
C. Mgr. Chartered Manager [79]
CCLPCITT-Certified Logistics Professional [80]
CMC Certified Management Consultant [81]
ICD.D Institute of Corporate Directors, Director [82]
OLCMOntario Licensed Condominium Manager [83] Completion of necessary education and experience requirements to be licensed by the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO).
PLogProfessional Logistician [84]
RPRegistered ParliamentarianAwarded by the National Association of Parliamentarians.
PRPProfessional Registered Parliamentarian
CCSCertified Customs Specialist [85]

Hereditary titles

Baronet or BaronetessA small number of baronetcies were created for Canadians, such as the Tupper baronetcy, and some still have living heirs. When used, it comes before all other Canadian honours. For more information, see Canadian peers and baronets.
UE United Empire Loyalists U.E. is based on Lord Dorchester's Order in Council in 1789, which was meant to differentiate loyalists from later settlers. Entitled to use these letters are descendants of:
  • Either male or female, as of 19 April 1775, a resident of the American colonies, and joined the Royal Standard prior to the Treaty of Separation of 1783, or otherwise demonstrated loyalty to the Crown, and settled in territory remaining under the rule of the Crown; or
  • a soldier who served in an American Loyalist Regiment and was disbanded in Canada; or
  • a member of the Six Nations of either the Grand River or the Bay of Quinte Reserve who is descended from one whose migration was similar to that of other Loyalists. (Dorchester Proclamation is found on [86]

British post-nominals used alongside Canadian ones

Any person who, prior to 1 June 1972, was a member of a British order or the recipient of a British decoration or medal may use the post-nominal letters for the decoration or medal together with those of any Canadian order, decoration or medal.

Canadians can still be awarded British medals, as well as those from other countries, but this must first be approved by the Government of Canada. (See Nickle Resolution)


British higher decorations

VC Victoria Cross The letters VC can also refer to the Canadian Victoria Cross, but that decoration has never been awarded.
GC George Cross

British orders

CH Order of the Companions of Honour
CBCompanion of the Order of the Bath
CMGCompanion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
CBECommander of the Order of the British Empire
DSO Distinguished Service Order
OBEOfficer of the Order of the British Empire
ISO Imperial Service Order
MBEMember of the Order of the British Empire

British decorations

RRCMember of the Royal Red Cross
DSC Distinguished Service Cross
MCMilitary Cross
DFC Distinguished Flying Cross
AFC Air Force Cross
SMV Star of Military Valour
SC Star of Courage
MSC Meritorious Service Cross
MMV Medal of Military Valour
MB Medal of Bravery
MSM Meritorious Service Medal
ARRCAssociate of the Royal Red Cross
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
CGM Conspicuous Gallantry Medal
GM George Medal
DSM Distinguished Service Medal
MM Military Medal
DFM Distinguished Flying Medal
AFM Air Force Medal
QGM Queen's Gallantry Medal
BEM British Empire Medal

The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem

GCStJBailiff or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem External use of post-nominals is currently under review by Rideau Hall. Presently, St. John post-nominals can only be used within the order itself. The sequence to wear modern Canadian orders, decorations, and medals can be found at the Government of Canada, Department of National Defence website. [87] Listed at each order, decoration, and medal is whether or not a post-nominal is authorized.

Often shortened to the Most Venerable Order of St. John.

Serving Member was formerly "SBStJ/SSStJ" for Serving Brother / Sister of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.

Knight or Dame of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
CStJCommander of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
OStJOfficer of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem
MStJServing Member of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem.

See also

Notes and references

  1. "1.08 University degrees, professional designations, military decorations, honours, awards and memberships". The Canadian Style. Public Works and Government Services Canada. 2017. Archived from the original on 27 March 2017. Retrieved 26 March 2017.
  2. "Order of Precedence". Governor General of Canada. 9 February 2017. Archived from the original on 27 March 2017. Retrieved 26 March 2017.
  3. 1 2 "Décorations pour service méritoire". Archived from the original on 2007-09-30. Retrieved 2008-06-25.
  4. Canada Gazette, February 9, 1974
  5. Department of National Defence, Canadian Forces Dress Instructions (PDF), Queen's Printer for Canada, pp. 3–7–3, archived from the original (PDF) on 21 July 2011, retrieved 15 November 2010
  6. The Chancellery of Honours, Rideau Hall, Guide for the Wearing of Orders, Decorations and Medals (PDF), Queen's Printer for Canada, p. 23, archived (PDF) from the original on 4 March 2016, retrieved 1 December 2015
  7. "Bill 1: Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Recognition Act ($)". Legislative Assembly of Alberta. Retrieved 31 March 2022.
  8. "Bachelor of Public Relations" . Retrieved 2024-03-17.
  9. "About the Certified Specialists Program". The Law Society of Ontario. 13 February 2019. Archived from the original on 14 February 2019.
  10. Alnaji, Yassir (2018). "Bill 203:The Legal Profession Amendment Act (Queen's Counsel Appointments)". Manitoba Law Journal. 41 (1): 461. doi:10.29173/mlj1080.
  11. Québec, Barreau du. "Lawyer Emeritus Distinction - Recognitions and Tributes - About the Barreau - Barreau du Québec". Barreau du Québec. Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2014-11-27.
  12. "Categories". The Canadian Nurses Association. Retrieved 2025-01-02.
  13. "Categories". The Chemical Institute of Canada. Retrieved 2020-08-17.
  14. "About Psychology". The College of Psychologists of Ontario. Archived from the original on 6 July 2020. Retrieved 6 July 2020.
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