This is a list of notable conferences that promote or practice scientific skepticism .
Event | Established | City | Country | Notes |
Apostacon | 2009 | Various | ![]() | 450+ attendees (2014). [1] |
Australian Skeptics National Convention | 1985 | Various | ![]() | Organised by the Australian Skeptics. [2] [3] 320 attendees (2012). [4] |
CSICon / CFI Summit | 1983 | Various | ![]() | Sponsored by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and the Center for Inquiry. [5] [6] [7] |
European Skeptics Congress (ESC) | 1989 | Various | ![]() | Sponsored by the European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO) since 1994. [8] |
Freethought Festival | 2012 | Madison, Wisconsin | ![]() | Organized by Atheists, Humanists, & Agnostics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. [9] |
Het Denkgelag | 2012 | Ghent/Antwerp, Flanders | ![]() | Independent. [10] [11] 1,000 attendees (Ghent 2013), [12] 2,000 attendees (Antwerp 2015). [13] |
New Zealand Skeptics Conference | 1986 | Various | ![]() | Organised by the New Zealand Skeptics. [14] 120 attendees (2007). [15] |
Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism (NECSS) | 2009 | New York City | ![]() | Organised by New York City Skeptics, New England Skeptical Society & Society for Science-Based Medicine. [16] [17] 400 attendees. [16] |
QED: Question, Explore, Discover | 2011 | Manchester, England | ![]() | Organised by the Merseyside Skeptics Society and the Greater Manchester Skeptics Society. 650 attendees (2016). [18] |
SkepchickCON | 2009 [19] | Bloomington, Minnesota | ![]() | The scientific skepticism track at CONvergence, a 4-day science fiction and fantasy conference held annually in Bloomington Minnesota on the first full weekend in July. |
SkepKon (GWUP-Konferenz) | 1987 | Various [20] | ![]() | Organised by the Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften. [21] [22] |
Skepsis Congres | 1987 | Utrecht [23] | ![]() | Sponsored by Stichting Skepsis. [24] 400 attendees (2011). [25] |
Skeptic's Toolbox | 1992 | Eugene, Oregon | ![]() | Founded by Ray Hyman, sponsored by the Center for Inquiry. |
SkeptiCamp | 2007 | Various | Various | Organised by various local groups. |
Skepticon | 2008 | Springfield, Missouri | ![]() | Founded as a student-run event at the Missouri State University. Later became independent. 1,500 attendees (2012). [26] |
Skeptics in the Pub (SitP) | 1999 | Various | Various | Organised by various local groups. |
Skeptics on the Fringe (SotF) | 2010 | Edinburgh, Scotland | ![]() | Sponsored by the Edinburgh Skeptics. [27] |
SkepTrack | 2008 | Atlanta | ![]() | Part of the science fiction / fantasy conference Dragon Con. [28] |
SSAcon | 2000 | Columbus, Ohio | ![]() | The annual student conference of the Secular Student Alliance. |
The Amaz!ng Meeting (TAM) | 2003 | Las Vegas, Nevada | ![]() | Sponsored by the James Randi Educational Foundation. 1,000+ attendees (2014). [29] |
The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), formerly known as the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), is a program within the U.S. non-profit organization Center for Inquiry (CFI), which seeks to "promote scientific inquiry, critical investigation, and the use of reason in examining controversial and extraordinary claims." Paul Kurtz proposed the establishment of CSICOP in 1976 as an independent non-profit organization, to counter what he regarded as an uncritical acceptance of, and support for, paranormal claims by both the media and society in general. Its philosophical position is one of scientific skepticism. CSI's fellows have included notable scientists, Nobel laureates, philosophers, psychologists, educators, and authors. It is headquartered in Amherst, New York.
Scientific skepticism or rational skepticism, sometimes referred to as skeptical inquiry, is a position in which one questions the veracity of claims lacking empirical evidence. In practice, the term most commonly references the examination of claims and theories that appear to be beyond mainstream science, rather than the routine discussions and challenges among scientists. Scientific skepticism differs from philosophical skepticism, which questions humans' ability to claim any knowledge about the nature of the world and how they perceive it, and the similar but distinct methodological skepticism, which is a systematic process of being skeptical about the truth of one's beliefs.
Stichting Skepsis is a Dutch organisation dedicated to the promotion and practice of scientific skepticism. It is a member of the European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO).
Apostacon, before 2013 known as Midwest Humanist Conference, Midwest Humanist and Freethought Conference and Midwest Freethought Conference, is an annual event about atheism, freethought, humanism, secularism and skepticism in the (Midwestern) United States. The conference, which embraces the parody religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, is aimed at "atheists, humanists, agnostics, skeptics, apostates, freethinkers, rationalists and pastafarians."
Desiree Schell is the host of the live Canadian call-in radio talk show and podcast, "Science for the People". An advocate for scientific skepticism, Schell is a strong advocate of critical thinking and is strongly interested in the promotion of skepticism publicly. In her work as a labour organizer Schell creates curricula and teaches courses on effective activism, drawing on the experience of other social movements.
Cornelis "Kees" de Jager was a Dutch astronomer who specialized in predicting solar variation to assess the Sun's impact on future climate. He was the General Secretary of the IAU from 1967 to 1973 and former director of the observatory at Utrecht. He was a fellow with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and played an important role in the European skeptical movement as the first chairman of both Stichting Skepsis and the European Council of Skeptical Organisations.
SKEPP is an independent Belgian organization which promotes scientific skepticism. The organization’s name is a backronym for Studiekring voor de Kritische Evaluatie van Pseudowetenschap en het Paranormale.
The Comité Para, in full Comité belge pour l'Analyse Critique des parasciences, is a Francophone Belgian skeptical non-profit organisation. Founded in 1949, the Comité Para regards itself as the originator of the modern skeptical movement. The group's motto is Ne rien nier a priori, ne rien affirmer sans preuve.
The European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO) is an umbrella of organisations defending scientific skepticism in Europe.
Tim Trachet is a Belgian writer, publicist, journalist and skeptic. He studied mathematics, astronomy and philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and is a reporter at the VRT, where he produces history television documentaries.
European Skeptics Congresses (ESCs) – a series of congresses now supported by the European Council of Skeptical Organisations (ECSO), in which skeptical organisations from many different European countries participate. They have been held ever since 1989. The conferences are often held in the month of September, and may last from two up to four days. The ECSO was formed at the 6th ESC on 25 September 1994 in Ostend, Belgium. Since its foundation, the ECSO co-ordinates in the organisation of new ESCs that take place every other year, and is hosted by a different member organisation each time. Skeptical organisations that are non-ECSO members may also send their delegations. Past ESCs are enumerated below.
Jan Willem Nienhuys is a Dutch mathematician, book translator and skeptic. He taught mathematics at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He is also a board member and secretary of Stichting Skepsis and an editor of its magazine Skepter.
Julia Galef is an American writer, speaker and co-founder of the Center for Applied Rationality. She hosts Rationally Speaking, the official podcast of New York City Skeptics, which she has done since its inception in 2010, sharing the show with co-host and philosopher Massimo Pigliucci and produced by Benny Pollak until 2015.
Het Denkgelag is a Belgian association without lucrative purpose that organises skeptical conferences in Flanders. Het Denkgelag started out in 2012 as a series of discussion evenings of the skeptical organisation SKEPP, but nowadays functions financially and legally independent from SKEPP. The mission of Het Denkgelag is to popularise scientific topics and to promote critical thinking for a broad audience. It has been described as “laid-back discussion evenings on philosophical, skeptical and scientific topics, in an informal atmosphere, with a crowd of interesting speakers and the audience as the central guest”.
CSICon or CSIConference is an annual skeptical conference typically held in the United States. CSICon is hosted by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), which is a program of the Center for Inquiry (CFI). CSI publishes the magazine Skeptical Inquirer.