List of tourist attractions in Somogy County

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Somogy County SomogyCounty.gif
Somogy County

List of tourist attractions in Somogy County is a collection of main sights in Somogy County, Hungary.


Built environment


Kaposvar city centre, before the reconstruction Kaposvar.jpg
Kaposvár city centre, before the reconstruction

Churches, Chapels, Church ruins

Ruins of Somogyvar Abbey Somogyvar Szent Egyed apatsag.jpg
Ruins of Somogyvár Abbey
Koroshegy catholic church Koroshegyi katolikus templom.jpg
Kőröshegy catholic church
Somogyvamos medieval church ruins Somogyvamos - The temple in the puszta.jpg
Somogyvámos medieval church ruins


Nature habitat

Museums, Exhibitions, Galleries

See also

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