Lohse (lunar crater)

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Lohse crater 4184 h1.jpg
Oblique Lunar Orbiter 4 image
Coordinates 13°42′S60°12′E / 13.7°S 60.2°E / -13.7; 60.2
Diameter 42 km
Depth 2.2 km
Colongitude 300° at sunrise
Eponym Oswald Lohse
The crater area(at the top of the image) in selenochromatic format (Si). More infos here : https://www.gawh.it/main/selenocromatica Petavius Si Barbero Zetta Ferruggia.jpg
The crater area(at the top of the image) in selenochromatic format (Si). More infos here : https://www.gawh.it/main/selenocromatica
Oblique view from Apollo 15 Lohse crater AS15-M-2529.jpg
Oblique view from Apollo 15

Lohse is a lunar impact crater on the eastern edge of Mare Fecunditatis. It is attached to the north rim of the larger crater Vendelinus. To the north is the prominent Langrenus. The interior of Lohse is rough, being partially covered by ejecta from Langrenus. It has a small central peak. An older impact is attached to the north rim, designated Langrenus E.

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