Lords of Chaos and Order

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Lords of Chaos and Order
Avatars of the Lords of Order and Chaos from DC.jpg
The Avatars of the Lords of Chaos (right) and the Avatars of the Lords of Order as seen in Fate #22.
Publication information
Publisher DC Comics
First appearance
  • 1st Issue Special #9 (December 1975) (alluded to)
  • DC Special Series #10 (1978) (actual appearance)
Place of originRealm of Order
Realm of Chaos
Sphere of the Gods
Notable members Nabu
Doctor Fate (various)
Klarion the Witch Boy
Wizard Shazam
Phantom Stranger
Inherent abilitiesImmense magical powers and cosmic influence; representatives/embodiments of the concepts relating to of order and chaos and affiliated aspects.

The Lords of Chaos and Order are a fictional group of supernatural entities featured in American comic books published by DC Comics. Although alluded to in 1st Issue Special #9 (December 1975), their physical appearance was first showcased in DC Special Series #10 (1978). [1] While the group is commonly associated with Doctor Fate titles, they also hold prominent roles in various other comic book series.


Depicted as formidable beings of magic embodying the concepts of order and chaos, these groups engage in an eternal struggle for supremacy. The Lords of Chaos are known for their machinations to invoke kali yuga, a period characterized by the dominance of chaos in existence. Conversely, the Lords of Order strive to prevent this invocation and maintain balance. To achieve their goals, both respective groups empower various agents to carry out their will and influence in accordance to their agenda. [2] To prevent the destruction of one another, both groups are occasionally balanced by entities referred to as the Lords of Balance (or Lords of Eternal Balance). These entities ensure that neither side overwhelms the other. Similarly, they can empower agents to carry out their will and influence events according to their respective agenda.

The Lords of Chaos and Order have been adapted in various media, including the Young Justice animated series and the Injustice 2 video game. They play significant roles in these adaptations, with the Young Justice series featuring several characters affiliated with the group, and Injustice 2 heavily referencing their influence in the game's narrative.

Publication history

The Lords of Chaos and Order would first be alluded to in 1st Issue Special #9 (December 1975). [1] Later, the group would make a physical appearance in DC Special Series #10 (1978).

Fictional group history


Both elemental forces were born during the creation of the universe; those who affiliated with serving "order" are known as the Lord of Order and Light (or simply the Lords of Order) and those who affiliated with serving "chaos" being known as the Lords of Chaos and Darkness (or simply Lords of Chaos). Some respective early agents and lords originate from a myriad of places, including Darkworld and Cilia, the former being home to those who would later identify with the pantheon of ancient Atlantean deities. [3] [4] [5]

According to Hindu philosophy, the age of the universe and mankind is divided into four different cycles of ages in which the first age marks order ruling with perfection. In the second age, chaos begins to spread its subtle influence so that in the third age, chaos can go to war with order. In the final era, chaos triumphs and ushers in an age known as the "Kali Yuga". After this age, the cycle restarts when the age ends and the universe itself also ends, resulting in a rebirth of a new universe in which Order rules once more. [4] [5]


In 500,000 BC, long after the agents and Lords of Chaos and Order from Darkworld established themselves as a pantheon existing within Atlantis, demigods Arion and Garn Daanuth were born to Calculha and Dark Majistra, agents of order and chaos respectively. The pair would later create the Zodiac Crystals, powerful objects patterned after the zodiac signs in which directed and amplified the magic on Earth. With the pair suffering martial problems due to their conflicting divine natures and their children prophesied to eternally battle for the fate of Atlantis and end the Ice Age (caused by their family feud). Arion and Garn would eventually fulfill the prophecy thousands of years later around 45,000BC with Arion recognized as Atlantis's savior when he ended the Ice Age with his magic. Despite this, Arion was unable to ultimately save his iteration of Atlantis as its king in his later years, his city eventually suffering a decline due to a combination of events: the waning magic on Earth, Garn's alliance with the immortal Vandal Savage creating the proto-Illuminati, and its actual destruction by the Lord of Chaos and God of Evil, Chaon. Although the homo magi kingdom in which Arion ruled was destroyed, contrary to his belief, other remnants of Atlantis survived. [6] [7] [8]

Later, the Gemworld dimension was once among the domains controlled and owned by the Lords of Chaos until a deal was struck with sorceress Citrina when magic began to fade due to an alignment of the stars. Intending to find and populate a land where homo magi, faerie, and other magical creatures alike can live and thrive in a magical rich environment, the deal was made and the arrangement was kept secret from the history of Gemworld. [9]

Modern age

In the 2005 Day of Vengeance crossover, Eclipso seduces the Spectre into slaughtering most of Earth's magic users after she claimed that magic was the source of all of Earth's evil. Nabu organizes a team of magical beings to stop the Spectre and seal the Seven Deadly Sins. Nabu confronts the Spectre, and the Presence (a Lord of Chaos) uses Spectre as a new host. Although Nabu dies, his helmet is left with its significant powers. The deaths of the Lords of Order and Chaos caused magic to break down into its basic raw state, which marks the end of the Ninth Age of Magic within the DC Universe, and the beginning of the Tenth. Amethyst and Mordru are the only known Lords to have survived into the Tenth Age. [10]

DC Rebirth

In 2016, DC Comics implemented another relaunch of its books called "DC Rebirth" which restored its continuity to a form much as it was prior to "The New 52". The Lords of Chaos and Order are presented with a new origin; they were among the first mages on Earth and stole magic from the goddess Hecate. Unlike the classical Greek mythology stories, Hecate was a primordial spirit of magic and predates most, if not, all other godly pantheons and once settled to be affiliated with the Greek pantheon. As their power rose, they ascended to a higher plane of existence and became the Lords of Chaos and Order and began controlling the magic in the known universe. [11] However, conflicting origins have risen within DC's canonical universe; while some stories utilize the newly revised origin, other stories utilize an origin similar to the previous one. In this origin, the Lords of Chaos and Order were created from the Source as one of the first cosmic forces in the universe before the likes of both Old Gods (gods of both fantasy and real-world inspired pantheons) and New Gods. [12] The Darkworld also exists in this revised universe, the entity and its body that makes up the dimension having been explained to be a piece of the Great Darkness, the true embodiment and source of evil and darkness in the universe. [13] [14]

Several Lords of Order appear in the Blue Beetle storyline "Hard Choices". Insane Arion battled Nabu thousands of years ago, having sought Khaji-Da to save Atlantis after receiving a vision from the future where he learns of the eventual destruction of Atlantis and the scarab falsely promised him the ability to save it. Nabu succeeds in sealing away Arion and sets him in a tomb located in a dimension parallel to what would be El Paso, Texas. Arion later frees himself through his lackey, Mordecai Cull, and he is initially successful in defeating Doctor Fate and overpowering Khaji-Da's will. Jaime Reyes narrowly defeats Arion by using his connection to the scarab against him, draining him of most of his magical power before Doctor Fate arrives and seals him away. [15] Although the initial story claimed that Arion was driven insane by exposure to Khaji-Da centuries ago, a later story clarified Arion was driven mad from being exposed to his Tear of Extinction and the Death Force as a side effect of using it against alien sea gods on Poseidon's behest. [16]

Both the Lords of Order and Chaos would make an appearance in the "Trials of Harley Quinn" storyline, seeking a new agent to act as a galactic angel of retribution, a title bestowed to a being to act as one of the balancing agents between order and chaos and tasked Mirand'r (the spirit of a dead Tamaranean from seventy years ago) to fill the position. She recommends the former supervillain, Harley Quinn, as she possesses traits associated with both order and chaos. While Harley eventually passes through all the trials, she betrays the Lords of Chaos and Order moments after receiving their power after mistakenly concluding her mother's death was among the trials they orchestrated. The Lord of Order and Chaos representatives explain that their trials are woven into events naturally occurring and thus her mother was destined to die. While Harley ultimate rejects the position, she appeals to the Lords of Chaos and Order by recommending Mirand'r, who understood the role. The Lords of Chaos and Order accepted her proposition and revived Mirand'r, making her an agent of balance. [17]

In the Justice League Dark storyline "Lords of Order", when the Source Wall cracked, the law and forces surrounding magic began to change. Nabu sensed the risks it would bring: a race of magical beings known the Otherkind would be unleashed. Nabu alongside the other Lords of Order plot to destroy the Sphere of the Gods, the source of magic. While this act would kill all magical beings, this radical plan would ensure the Multiverse's continual survival with many Lords of Order content with this plan. In doing so, they forced upon mystical objects to notable wizards and sorceresses including Madame Xanadu, Mark Merlin and Prince Ra-Man, and Extraño. Controlling Kent Nelson himself, Nabu would imprison both Kent's apprentice and nephew, Khalid Nassour, and later the Phantom Stranger. Coming into conflict with the Justice League Dark, the team sought out Mordru, who revealed more of their origin and his role as the one who tortured Hecate personally. Using an artifact known as the Ruby of Life, he would temporarily turn the members of Justice League Dark into Lords of Chaos to enable them to battle the Lords of Order. Eventually, both Nabu and the other Lords of Order are defeated and the team reverts to their original form. [18]


There's several notably sects within the Lords of Chaos and Order:

Atlantean Pantheon sect

The godly Atlantean pantheon played significant roles as both villains and supporting characters in the comic series "Arion, Lord of Atlantis" and "Arion the Immortal." The first series initially existed in a separate world connected to the "Warlord" comic title, but the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths merged the history of "Arion, Lord of Atlantis" with the mainstream DC Comics continuity. [19] It was clarified by editor James Owsley in 1991 that while there were similarities in concept and titles, many of the gods featured in both series were not considered the same as those prominently featured in "Doctor Fate" and "Sandman," as explained in a proposal for the "Arion the Immortal" series. [20] However, more recent reference books and storylines, such as the "Princes of Darkness" JSA storyline and the "Encyclopedia: All-New Edition," directly reference Lords and Agents of Order and Chaos originating from the "Arion" series.

Nabu's group

In "Justice League Dark" (volume 2), a group of new Lord of Order characters makes their debut, presenting a fresh origin for the group. These individuals are depicted as among the earliest mages on Earth who achieved their positions by subjecting Hecate, the primordial spirit of magic, to cruel acts of torture. In response, Hecate granted them the power they sought from the Dark Multiverse, a realm of darkness and evil. To counteract the corrosive effects of the magic they wielded, the Lords transferred their consciousnesses into enchanted objects reminiscent of the Helmet of Fate. This group, alongside Nabu, served as the primary antagonists in the "Justice League Dark: Lords of Order" storyline in 2016. They embarked on a plan to destroy the Sphere of the Gods, a source of magic, and sacrifice all magic and magical beings. Their objective was to starve off the Otherkind, a race of supernatural creatures who feed on magic and prey upon magical beings, draining them of their power for sustenance. The Lords sought to enforce order and balance in a world devoid of magic, viewing magic as a catalyst for chaos. Their actions were driven by a desire for stability and control in a new world without magic. [21]

Lords of Order

Agents for the Lords of Order

  • Calculha: Also known as the "Ancient One" ,he is an esteemed figure in the Atlantean pantheon who assumes the roles of father to both Arion and Garn Daanuth and the spouse of Dark Majistra, his cosmic counterpart and equal. Despite his designation as an Agent of Order, Calculha predates the creation of many other Lords of Order and Chaos, making him significantly older and powerful. He holds the prestigious positions of the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth and the chief deity of his pantheon, surpassing all others in power. As a wise and influential figure, Calculha serves as a mentor and guide to Arion on his path as a Lord of Order (originally an agent prior to subsequent revisions). However, in his old age, Calculha meets his demise at the hands of his eldest, Garn.
  • Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson, Eric and Linda Strauss, Khalid Nassour): The heroic sorcerer lineage of Doctor Fate consists of various incarnations who primarily act under the authority of the Lords of Order. They are widely acknowledged as some of the most formidable agents within the ranks of the Lords of Order. [32]
  • Lord Amethyst: The biological father of Amethyst, he had a crucial role as the conduit through which Pantagones possesses his body to safeguard the realm and combat the forces of evil. Although he harbors suspicions about his wife's close interactions with Pantagones, the influence of the Lord's power renders him unaware of the fact that Pantagones utilized his body to engage in an intimate relationship with Lady Amethyst.

Lords of Balance

Agents for the Lords of Balance

  • Doctor Fate / Fate (Jared Stevens, Hector Hall): Some iterations of the Doctor Fate lineage served primarily acted as agents of balance, their role being to prevent the conflict between these factions and their members from causing irreparable damage to the universe. [33]

Lords of Chaos

Agents for the Lords of Chaos

  • Dark Majistra: The cosmic counterpart and wife of Calculha in the Atlantean pantheon, she stands apart from the other deities as the only one not originating from Darkworld. Within the ancient sect of gods, she played a pivotal role in raising Garn as a Lord (originally an agent prior to subsequent revisions) of Chaos. Majistra harbored ambitions to seize control of Atlantis and the Earth's magical energies from Arion and Calculha. However, her plans were thwarted when Arion ultimately killed her, intensifying Garn's deep-seated animosity towards Arion.
  • Dark Opal: A devoted agent of the Lords of Chaos, he received assistance from Vandaemon in his rise to the throne years ago. This affiliation with the Lords of Chaos played a crucial role in facilitating Dark Opal's ascension. However, when Dark Opal ultimately fails in his attempt to secure the realm from Amethyst, he faces swift retribution from Child, a powerful entity aligned with the forces of Chaos.
  • Doctor Chaos : A malevolent counterpart of the Doctor Fate sorcerous lineage. The original incarnation of Doctor Chaos engaged in conflicts with Superboy (Clark Kent). [38] However, in the current continuity, the character has undergone a revamp, now portrayed as one of the guardians of the Chaos Realm, which serves as the central hub for the activities of the Lords of Chaos. [39]
  • Doctor Fate (Inza Cramer) : Inza, the fourth individual to assume the mantle of Doctor Fate, was unwittingly an agent of chaos. She possessed a unique power set primarily rooted in chaos magic, which remained unknown to both her and Kent for much of their tenure. However, despite this unconventional aspect, she valiantly took on the role of a heroic figure and dedicated her efforts to nurturing a small community within New York City. [30]
  • Doctor Hate - The demonic half of Raven who became its own being. [40]

In other media



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  1. 1 2 The DC comics encyclopedia: the definitive guide to the characters of the DC universe. Matthew K. Manning, Stephen Wiacek, Melanie Scott, Nick Jones, Landry Q. Walker, Alan Cowsill (New ed.). New York, New York: DK Publishing. 2021. ISBN   978-0-7440-2056-4. OCLC   1253363543.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  2. 1 2 3 Darren Bulmer; Hal Mangold; Alex Ross (2013). DC adventures. [Book 4], Universe. Seattle, WA: Green Ronin. ISBN   978-1-934547-40-3. OCLC   751725150.
  3. Kupperberg, Paul (1992). Arion the Immortal (1992) #5 - It Was A Dark (world) and Stormy Night. DC Comics.
  4. 1 2 Who's Who: Update '88 #2. DC Comics. 1988. p. 13.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 Secret Origins (vol. 2) #24 (March 1988). DC Comics.
  6. Kupperburg, Paul (1982–1985). Arion, Lord of Atlantis (1982-1985) #1-35, Special #1. DC Comics.
  7. DC Adventures RPG Heroes & Villains Vol 1. Green Ronin Publishing. 2013. ISBN   978-1-934547-38-0.
  8. "Arion the Immortal". Who's Who In the DC Universe Update 1993 #2. DC Comics. January 1993.
  9. Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #9. DC Comics. 1985.
  10. Willingham, Bill (2005). Day of Vengeance. Jan Churchill, Justiniano. New York: DC Comics. ISBN   1-4012-0840-1. OCLC   62511503.
  11. Tynion, James IV (2019). Justice League Dark, Volume 2, #8-12, Lords of Order. Ram V, Alvaro Martinez, Guillem March, Daniel Sampere, Mark Buckingham, Miguel Mendonca. [United States]. ISBN   978-1-77950-374-9. OCLC   1158981075.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  12. Thorne, Geoffery (2021). Green Lantern (2021-) #8. DC Comics.
  13. Tynion, James IV (2019). Wonder Woman and Justice League Dark: The Witching Hour. Jesús Merino, Emanuela Lupacchino, Alvaro Martinez, Ray McCarthy, Raul Fernandez, Romulo Fajardo. [United States]. ISBN   978-1-77950-106-6. OCLC   1158983758.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  14. V, Ram (2021). Justice League (2018) #69 - Justice League Dark: A Knight Reborn. DC Comics.
  15. Giffen, Keith (2017). Hard Choices. J. M. DeMatteis, Scott Kolins, Romulo Fajardo, Josh Reed. Burbank, CA. ISBN   978-1-4012-7507-5. OCLC   837140933.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  16. Snyder, Scott (2019). Justice League/Aquaman: Drowned Earth. Dan Abnett, James, IV Tynion, Francis Manapul, Lan Medina, Clayton Henry, Vicente Cifuentes. Burbank, CA. ISBN   978-1-4012-9101-3. OCLC   1083185090.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  17. Humphries, Sam (2019). Harley Quinn, Volume 3, The Trials of Harley Quinn. John Timms, Otto Schmidt, Sami Basri, Alex Sinclair, Dave Sharpe, Guillem March. DC Comics. ISBN   978-1-4012-9192-1. OCLC   1158938958.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 Tynion, James IV (2019). Justice League Dark, Vol. 2, Lords of Order. Ram V, Alvaro Martinez, Guillem March, Daniel Sampere, Mark Buckingham, Miguel Mendonça. Burbank, CA. ISBN   978-1-4012-9460-1. OCLC   1110150328.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  19. Wolfman, Marv (2005). Crisis On Infinite Earths: The Absolute Edition. Marv Wolfman, George Pérez, Dick Giordano, Mike De Carlo, Jerry Ordway (2nd printing ed.). New York: DC Comics. ISBN   1-4012-0712-X. OCLC   144569970.
  20. "ARION THE IMMORTAL, The Proposal, Paul Kupperberg". Paul Kupperberg | And Then I Wrote... 2019-06-22. Retrieved 2021-12-17.
  21. Tynion, James IV (2019). Justice League Dark. Vol. 2, Lords of order. Ram V, Alvaro Martinez, Guillem March, Daniel Sampere, Mark Buckingham, Miguel Mendonça. Burbank, CA. ISBN   978-1-4012-9460-1. OCLC   1110150328.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  22. Scott Beatty; Daniel Wallace (2008). The DC Comics Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide To The Characters of the DC Universe (Updated and expanded ed.). New York: DK Pub. ISBN   978-0-7566-4119-1. OCLC   213309017.
  23. 1 2 Matthew K. Manning (2021). The DC comics encyclopedia: the definitive guide to the characters of the DC universe (New ed.). New York. ISBN   978-0-7440-2056-4. OCLC   1253363543.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  24. 1 2 3 4 All-Star Squadron #47 (July 1985)
  25. "Arion, Lord of Atlantis". DC Comics Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded. DC Comics. 2008.
  26. Snyder, Scott (2019). Justice League, Aquaman: Drowned Earth, issue #1. Dan Abnett, James, IV Tynion, Francis Manapul, Lan Medina, Clayton Henry, Vicente Cifuentes. [United States]. ISBN   978-1-77950-062-5. OCLC   1158913809.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  27. Paul, Kuppenburg (1992). Arion the Immortal (1992) #1-6. DC Comics.
  28. 1 2 Gaiman, Neil; Mike Dringenberg; Malcolm Jones III; Kelley Jones; Matt Wagner; Dick Giordano; George Pratt (2010). The Sandman, Volume 4, Season of Mists (Fully remastered ed.). New York. ISBN   978-1-4012-3042-5. OCLC   639163076.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  29. The DC comics encyclopedia: the definitive guide to the characters of the DC universe. Matthew K. Manning, Stephen Wiacek, Melanie Scott, Nick Jones, Landry Q. Walker, Alan Cowsill (New ed.). New York, New York: DK Publishing. 2021. ISBN   978-0-7440-2056-4. OCLC   1253363543.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  30. 1 2 3 Messner-Loebs, William (1988–1992). Doctor Fate v2 #25–41. DC Comics.
  31. 1 2 Secret Origins (vol. 2) #43 (August 1989)
  32. "DC Universe Infinite Encyclopedia: Doctor Fate". 2021-03-07. Archived from the original on 2021-03-07. Retrieved 2022-02-24.
  33. Geoff Johns, Geoff; Beard, Jim (2002). Hawkman Secret Files and Origins #1. DC Comics.
  34. Paul, Kuppenburg (1992). Arion the Immortal (1992) #1-6. DC Comics.
  35. Pasko, Martin; Giffen, Keith; Simonson, Walt (1985). The Immortal Doctor Fate #1-#3. DC Comics.
  36. Paul, Kuppenburg (1992). Arion the Immortal (1992) #1-6. DC Comics.
  37. Bendis, Brian Michael; Ivan Reis; Danny Miki; Alex Sinclair (2021). Mythological. Burbank, CA. ISBN   978-1-77950-572-9. OCLC   1238130236.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  38. The New Adventures of Superboy #25 (January 1982)
  39. Orlando, Steve (2018). Justice League of America. Vol. 4, Surgical strike. Kelley Jones, Hugo Petrus, Stephen Byrne, Michelle Madsen, Clayton Cowles, Josh Reed. Burbank, CA. ISBN   978-1-4012-8058-1. OCLC   1014090846.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  40. Knight Terrors: Night's End #1. DC Comics.
  41. "Nabu (Order) Voice - Batman: The Brave and the Bold (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved May 24, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  42. "Equinox Voice - Batman: The Brave and the Bold (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved May 24, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  43. "Dr. Fate / Nabu Voice - Young Justice (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved May 24, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  44. 1 2 Matadeen, Renaldo (December 19, 2021). "Young Justice: Phantoms: Doctor Fate's Origin Is Tied To a Sinister DCEU Villain". CBR. Retrieved May 24, 2024.
  45. "Klarion the Witch Boy Voice - Young Justice (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved May 24, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  46. Shaunette, Morgan (December 15, 2021). "Young Justice: Phantoms Reveals How Vandal Savage Sank Atlantis". CBR. Retrieved May 24, 2024.
  47. Erika Ishii [@erikaishii] (December 2, 2021). "Wondercon 2013, I attended an unofficial meetup for Young Justice. Creator Greg Weisman was there! I was too shy to say hi. 2021 I've joined #YoungJusticePhantoms as a Big Bad villain, Child. AND as Mary Bromfield aka Sergeant. I've been waiting so long to say this: ⚡️SHAZAM⚡️!!! [Images]" (Tweet). Retrieved May 24, 2024 via Twitter.
  48. "Child Voice - Young Justice (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved May 24, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  49. Matadeen, Renaldo (December 5, 2021). "Young Justice's New Mystical Threat Might Be Its Deadliest Yet". CBR. Retrieved May 24, 2024.
  50. "Arion Voice - Young Justice (TV Show)". Behind The Voice Actors. Retrieved May 24, 2024. A green check mark indicates that a role has been confirmed using a screenshot (or collage of screenshots) of a title's list of voice actors and their respective characters found in its opening and/or closing credits and/or other reliable sources of information.
  51. Matadeen, Renaldo (April 10, 2022). "Young Justice: How Vandal Savage's Latest Project Broke Him". CBR. Retrieved May 24, 2024.