Lubbock (crater)

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Lubbock crater AS16-M-2932.jpg
Apollo 16 image at high sun angle
Coordinates 3°54′S41°48′E / 3.9°S 41.8°E / -3.9; 41.8
Diameter 13 km
Depth 0.6 km
Colongitude 318° at sunrise
Eponym Sir John Lubbock
Vicinity of Lubbock H crater with intersecting rilles, and Lubbock in upper right, from Apollo 11 Lubbock H crater AS11-42-6309.jpg
Vicinity of Lubbock H crater with intersecting rilles, and Lubbock in upper right, from Apollo 11

Lubbock is a small lunar impact crater on the western edge of Mare Fecunditatis. It was named after British astronomer John Lubbock. [1] It is located to the north of the crater Gutenberg and south of Secchi. Lubbock is circular, with a low rim and flat interior. There is a small break in the eastern wall.

On the mare to the south of the patch of highland containing Lubbock is the rille system designated Rimae Goclenius. The parallel rays from the crater pair of Messier and Messier A reaches the rim of Lubbock H to the north.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Lubbock.

C4.8° S39.8° E8 km
D4.5° S39.1° E13 km
G3.7° S39.2° E10 km
H2.6° S41.8° E10 km
K5.1° S38.3° E7 km
L4.9° S39.3° E7 km
M0.3° S38.6° E19 km
N1.5° S39.7° E26 km
P2.9° S39.5° E7 km
R0.1° S40.4° E24 km
S0.7° N41.2° E24 km

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  1. "Lubbock (crater)". Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature. USGS Astrogeology Research Program.