Martin Faulstich

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Martin Faulstich Martin Faulstich 2022.jpg
Martin Faulstich

Martin Faulstich (born 13 July 1957 in Hagen, Germany) is a German research scientist. He is a professor at the Clausthal University of Technology, chairman of the German Advisory Council on the Environment and the managing director of the Clausthal Institute of Environmental Technology (CUTEC) in Clausthal-Zellerfeld.


Academic career

After studying Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering in Düsseldorf and Aachen, Martin Faulstich earned his doctorate in Environmental Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin in 1992. In 1994 he was appointed as Professor of Waste Management at the Technical University of Munich in Garching. During 2003 to 2012, Martin Faulstich was the chair holder for Resource and Energy Technology. At the same time he was the founding director of the Science Center Straubing.

During 2000 to 2012 he served as the executive and scientific director of the ATZ Development Center in Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Since 2013 he is the chair professor at the Environmental and Energy Engineering Department of Clausthal University of Technology and the managing director of the Clausthal Institute of Environmental Technology (CUTEC). In 2014, Faulstich was appointed as the research coordinator for Energy Systems and Process Energy Technology at the Energy Research Centre of Niedersachsen.

Martin Faulstich has been the chairman of the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) since 2008 in which, he is a member since 2006. He is also a member of several other boards of trustees and advisory boards including the Ifo Institute for Economic Research, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the International Sakharov Environmental University, the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), the Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI, Nanyang Technological University Singapore) and the International Scientific Board of the AdMas Center (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic).


The focus of Faulstich’s work is on strategies and policies for sustainable industrial society. His faculty is involved with analysis of technical value chains, development of processes targeting at the generation and use of renewable raw materials and energy (such as hydrogen, methane, methanol) and also with focus on investigations on recycling processes of secondary raw materials from residues of fermentation and combustion processes (metals, phosphorus).

Current positions

Most important awards

Publications (selection)


  2. "Urban Mining Kongress: HOME".