Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

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Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
Author John von Neumann
Original titleMathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
Subject Quantum mechanics
Publisher Springer
Publication placeBerlin, Germany

Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (German : Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik) is a quantum mechanics book written by John von Neumann in 1932. It is an important early work in the development of the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics. [1] The book mainly summarizes results that von Neumann had published in earlier papers. [2]


Von Neumman formalized quantum mechanics using the concept of Hilbert spaces and linear operators. [3] He acknowledged the previous work by Paul Dirac on the mathematical formalization of quantum mechanics, but was skeptical of Dirac's use of delta functions. He wrote the book in an attempt to be even more mathematically rigorous than Dirac. [4] It was von Neumann's last book in German, afterwards he started publishing in English. [5]

Publication history

The book was originally published in German in 1932 by Springer. [2] It was translated into French by Alexandru Proca in 1946, [6] and into Spanish in 1949. [7] An English translation by Robert T. Beyer was published in 1955 by Princeton University Press. A Russian translation, edited by Nikolay Bogolyubov, was published by Nauka in 1964. A new English edition, edited by Nicholas A. Wheeler, was published in 2018 by Princeton University Press. [8]

Table of contents

According to the 2018 version, the main chapters are: [8]

  1. Introductory considerations
  2. Abstract Hilbert space
  3. The quantum statistics
  4. Deductive development of the theory
  5. General considerations
  6. The measuring process

No hidden variables proof

One significant passage is its mathematical argument against the idea of hidden variables. Von Neumann's claim rested on the assumption that any linear combination of Hermitian operators represents an observable and the expectation value of such combined operator follows the combination of the expectation values of the operators themselves. [9]

Von Neumann's makes the following assumptions: [10]

  1. For an observable , a function of that observable is represented by .
  2. For the sum of observables and is represented by the operation , independently of the mutual commutation relations.
  3. The correspondence between observables and Hermitian operators is one to one.
  4. If the observable is a non-negative operator, then its expected value .
  5. Additivity postulate: For arbitrary observables and , and real numbers and , we have for all possible ensembles.

Von Neumann then shows that one can write

for some , where and are the matrix elements in some basis. The proof concludes by noting that must be Hermitian and non-negative definite () by construction. [10] For von Neumann, this meant that the statistical operator representation of states could be deduced from the postulates. Consequently, there are no "dispersion-free" states: [a] it is impossible to prepare a system in such a way that all measurements have predictable results. But if hidden variables existed, then knowing the values of the hidden variables would make the results of all measurements predictable, and hence there can be no hidden variables. [10] Von Neumann's argues that if dispersion-free states were found, assumptions 1 to 3 should be modified. [11]

Von Neumann's concludes: [12]

if there existed other, as yet undiscovered, physical quantities, in addition to those represented by the operators in quantum mechanics, because the relations assumed by quantum mechanics would have to fail already for the by now known quantities, those that we discussed above. It is therefore not, as is often assumed, a question of a re-interpretation of quantum mechanics, the present system of quantum mechanics would have to be objectively false, in order that another description of the elementary processes than the statistical one be possible.

pp. 324-325


This proof was rejected as early as 1935 by Grete Hermann who found a flaw in the proof. [11] The additive postulate above holds for quantum states, but it does not need to apply for measurements of dispersion-free states, specifically when considering non-commuting observables. [10] [9] Dispersion-free states only require to recover additivity when averaging over the hidden parameters. [10] [9] For example, for a spin-1/2 system, measurements of can take values for a dispersion-free state, but independent measurements of and can only take values of (their sum can be or ). [13] Thus there still the possibility that a hidden variable theory could reproduce quantum mechanics statistically. [9] [10] [11]

However, Hermann's critique remained relatively unknown until 1974 when it was rediscovered by Max Jammer. [11] In 1952, David Bohm constructed the Bohmian interpretation of quantum mechanics in terms of statistical argument, suggesting a limit to the validity of von Neumann's proof. [10] [9] The problem was brought back to wider attention by John Stewart Bell in 1966. [9] [10] Bell showed that the consequences of that assumption are at odds with results of incompatible measurements, which are not explicitly taken into von Neumann's considerations. [10]


It was considered the most complete book written in quantum mechanics at the time of release. [2] [14] It was praised for its axiomatic approach. [2] A review by Jacob Tamarkin compared von Neumann's book to what the works on Niels Henrik Abel or Augustin-Louis Cauchy did for mathematical analysis in the 19th century, but for quantum mechanics. [15] [16]

Freeman Dyson said that he learned quantum mechanics from the book. [5] Dyson remarks that in the 1940s, von Neumann's work not so well cited in the English world, as the book was not translated into English until 1955, but also because the worlds of mathematics and physics were significantly distant at the time. [5]

Works adapted in the book

See also


  1. A dispersion-free state has the property for all (eigenstate or not).

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In quantum mechanics, a density matrix is a matrix that describes an ensemble of physical systems as quantum states. It allows for the calculation of the probabilities of the outcomes of any measurements performed upon the systems of the ensemble using the Born rule. It is a generalization of the more usual state vectors or wavefunctions: while those can only represent pure states, density matrices can also represent mixed ensembles. Mixed ensembles arise in quantum mechanics in two different situations:

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  2. when one wants to describe a physical system that is entangled with another, without describing their combined state; this case is typical for a system interacting with some environment. In this case, the density matrix of an entangled system differs from that of an ensemble of pure states that, combined, would give the same statistical results upon measurement.
<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wave function</span> Mathematical description of quantum state

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In quantum physics, a measurement is the testing or manipulation of a physical system to yield a numerical result. A fundamental feature of quantum theory is that the predictions it makes are probabilistic. The procedure for finding a probability involves combining a quantum state, which mathematically describes a quantum system, with a mathematical representation of the measurement to be performed on that system. The formula for this calculation is known as the Born rule. For example, a quantum particle like an electron can be described by a quantum state that associates to each point in space a complex number called a probability amplitude. Applying the Born rule to these amplitudes gives the probabilities that the electron will be found in one region or another when an experiment is performed to locate it. This is the best the theory can do; it cannot say for certain where the electron will be found. The same quantum state can also be used to make a prediction of how the electron will be moving, if an experiment is performed to measure its momentum instead of its position. The uncertainty principle implies that, whatever the quantum state, the range of predictions for the electron's position and the range of predictions for its momentum cannot both be narrow. Some quantum states imply a near-certain prediction of the result of a position measurement, but the result of a momentum measurement will be highly unpredictable, and vice versa. Furthermore, the fact that nature violates the statistical conditions known as Bell inequalities indicates that the unpredictability of quantum measurement results cannot be explained away as due to ignorance about "local hidden variables" within quantum systems.

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In quantum mechanics, the momentum operator is the operator associated with the linear momentum. The momentum operator is, in the position representation, an example of a differential operator. For the case of one particle in one spatial dimension, the definition is: where ħ is the reduced Planck constant, i the imaginary unit, x is the spatial coordinate, and a partial derivative is used instead of a total derivative since the wave function is also a function of time. The "hat" indicates an operator. The "application" of the operator on a differentiable wave function is as follows:

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The Born rule is a postulate of quantum mechanics that gives the probability that a measurement of a quantum system will yield a given result. In one commonly used application, it states that the probability density for finding a particle at a given position is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the system's wavefunction at that position. It was formulated and published by German physicist Max Born in July, 1926.

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In quantum mechanics, notably in quantum information theory, fidelity quantifies the "closeness" between two density matrices. It expresses the probability that one state will pass a test to identify as the other. It is not a metric on the space of density matrices, but it can be used to define the Bures metric on this space.

In quantum mechanics, the expectation value is the probabilistic expected value of the result (measurement) of an experiment. It can be thought of as an average of all the possible outcomes of a measurement as weighted by their likelihood, and as such it is not the most probable value of a measurement; indeed the expectation value may have zero probability of occurring. It is a fundamental concept in all areas of quantum physics.

In quantum physics, a quantum state is a mathematical entity that embodies the knowledge of a quantum system. Quantum mechanics specifies the construction, evolution, and measurement of a quantum state. The result is a prediction for the system represented by the state. Knowledge of the quantum state, and the rules for the system's evolution in time, exhausts all that can be known about a quantum system.

This is a glossary for the terminology often encountered in undergraduate quantum mechanics courses.

The Koopman–von Neumann (KvN) theory is a description of classical mechanics as an operatorial theory similar to quantum mechanics, based on a Hilbert space of complex, square-integrable wavefunctions. As its name suggests, the KvN theory is loosely related to work by Bernard Koopman and John von Neumann in 1931 and 1932, respectively. As explained in this entry, however, the historical origins of the theory and its name are complicated.

In mathematical physics, the Dirac–von Neumann axioms give a mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics in terms of operators on a Hilbert space. They were introduced by Paul Dirac in 1930 and John von Neumann in 1932.


  1. Van Hove, Léon (1958). "Von Neumann's contributions to quantum theory". Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 64 (3): 95–100. doi: 10.1090/s0002-9904-1958-10206-2 .
  2. 1 2 3 4 Margenau, Henry (1933). "Book Review: Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 39 (7): 493–495. doi: 10.1090/S0002-9904-1933-05665-3 . MR   1562667.
  3. "John von Neumann | Biography, Accomplishments, Inventions, & Facts | Britannica". 2024-10-24. Retrieved 2024-12-04.
  4. Kronz, Fred; Lupher, Tracy (2024), "Quantum Theory and Mathematical Rigor", in Zalta, Edward N.; Nodelman, Uri (eds.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2024 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2024-12-04
  5. 1 2 3 Dyson, Freeman (2013-02-01). "A Walk through Johnny von Neumann's Garden". Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 60 (2): 154. doi:10.1090/noti942. ISSN   0002-9920.
  6. "NEUMANN (von) : Les fondements mathématiques de la Mécanique quantique, 1946". (in French). Retrieved 2024-12-04.
  7. Halmos, P. R. (1973). "The Legend of John Von Neumann". The American Mathematical Monthly. 80 (4): 382–394. doi:10.2307/2319080. ISSN   0002-9890. JSTOR   2319080.
  8. 1 2 John von Neumann (2018). Nicholas A. Wheeler (ed.). Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. New Edition. Translated by Robert T. Beyer. Princeton University Press. ISBN   9781400889921.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bell, John S. (1966-07-01). "On the Problem of Hidden Variables in Quantum Mechanics". Reviews of Modern Physics. 38 (3): 447–452. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.38.447. ISSN   0034-6861.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ballentine, L. E. (1970-10-01). "The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics". Reviews of Modern Physics. 42 (4): 358–381. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.42.358. ISSN   0034-6861.
  11. 1 2 3 4 Mermin, N. David; Schack, Rüdiger (2018). "Homer Nodded: Von Neumann's Surprising Oversight". Foundations of Physics. 48 (9): 1007–1020. doi: 10.1007/s10701-018-0197-5 . ISSN   0015-9018.
  12. Albertson, James (1961-08-01). "Von Neumann's Hidden-Parameter Proof". American Journal of Physics. 29 (8): 478–484. doi:10.1119/1.1937816. ISSN   0002-9505.
  13. Bub, Jeffrey (2010). "Von Neumann's 'No Hidden Variables' Proof: A Re-Appraisal". Foundations of Physics. 40 (9–10): 1333–1340. doi:10.1007/s10701-010-9480-9. ISSN   0015-9018.
  14. Hove, Léon van (1958). "Von Neumann's contributions to quantum theory". Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. 64 (3.P2): 95–99. ISSN   0002-9904.
  15. "John von Neumann books". Maths History. Retrieved 2024-12-04.
  16. Tamarkin, J. D. (1935). "Review of Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik". The American Mathematical Monthly. 42 (4): 237–239. doi:10.2307/2302105. ISSN   0002-9890. JSTOR   2302105.