McClure (crater)

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McClure crater 4060 h2.jpg
Coordinates 15°18′S50°18′E / 15.3°S 50.3°E / -15.3; 50.3
Diameter 24 km
Depth 1.5 km
Colongitude 310° at sunrise
Eponym Robert le M. McClure
The crater area in selenochromatic format (Si). More infos here : Petavius Si Barbero Zetta Ferruggia.jpg
The crater area in selenochromatic format (Si). More infos here :
Oblique view facing south from Apollo 8 McClure crater AS08-13-2219.jpg
Oblique view facing south from Apollo 8

McClure is a small lunar impact crater. It is located along the western edge of the Mare Fecunditatis, due east of the prominent crater Colombo. To the north of McClure is the similar Crozier, and to the southwest is the larger Cook. The outer rim is nearly circular and not significantly worn. The inner walls slope down to a somewhat irregular interior floor. McClure C is attached to the exterior of the northwest rim.

Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to McClure.

A15.7° S49.1° E6 km
B15.4° S49.3° E9 km
C14.7° S49.8° E27 km
D14.8° S51.8° E22 km
M14.2° S51.3° E21 km
N14.2° S52.7° E9 km
P14.8° S53.5° E16 km
S13.8° S53.4° E4 km

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