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Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
96747 Crespodasilva | 1999 QQ2 | Lucy D. Crespo da Silva (1978–2000), Brazilian-American astronomer and the object's discoverer, who died in 2000 at age 22. She was a promising student in planetary sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As an observer of light curves of minor planets, she contributed data toward the discovery of spin-vector alignment in the Koronis family. The name was suggested by Richard P. Binzel. This is one of the very rare cases where a minor planet is named after its own discoverer (Src). | JPL · 96747 |
96765 Poznańuni | 1999 RS34 | The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (UAM), Poland, named for the 100-year anniversary of its founding. It is now one of the three top universities in Poland, with about 40 thousand students each year. The teaching and research at UAM includes astronomy, with a strong emphasis on asteroid studies. | IAU · 96765 IAU |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
96876 Andreamanna | 1999 TY10 | Andrea Manna (born 1964) is a Swiss journalist. He is also a guitar player and amateur astronomer. He observes variable stars and occultations by minor planets from his home town of Cugnasco. He also collaborates with the Specola Solare in Locarno. | JPL · 96876 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
There are no named minor planets in this number range |