In the branch of abstract algebra known as ring theory, a minimal right ideal of a ring R is a non-zero right ideal which contains no other non-zero right ideal. Likewise, a minimal left ideal is a non-zero left ideal of R containing no other non-zero left ideals of R, and a minimal ideal of R is a non-zero ideal containing no other non-zero two-sided ideal of R( Isaacs 2009 , p. 190).
In other words, minimal right ideals are minimal elements of the partially ordered set (poset) of non-zero right ideals of R ordered by inclusion. The reader is cautioned that outside of this context, some posets of ideals may admit the zero ideal, and so the zero ideal could potentially be a minimal element in that poset. This is the case for the poset of prime ideals of a ring, which may include the zero ideal as a minimal prime ideal.
The definition of a minimal right ideal N of a ring R is equivalent to the following conditions:
Minimal ideals are the dual notion to maximal ideals.
Many standard facts on minimal ideals can be found in standard texts such as ( Anderson & Fuller 1992 ), ( Isaacs 2009 ), ( Lam 2001 ), and ( Lam 1999 ).
A non-zero submodule N of a right module M is called a minimal submodule if it contains no other non-zero submodules of M. Equivalently, N is a non-zero submodule of M which is a simple module. This can also be extended to bimodules by calling a non-zero sub-bimodule N a minimal sub-bimodule of M if N contains no other non-zero sub-bimodules.
If the module M is taken to be the right R-module RR, then the minimal submodules are exactly the minimal right ideals of R. Likewise, the minimal left ideals of R are precisely the minimal submodules of the left module R R. In the case of two-sided ideals, we see that the minimal ideals of R are exactly the minimal sub-bimodules of the bimodule R RR.
Just as with rings, there is no guarantee that minimal submodules exist in a module. Minimal submodules can be used to define the socle of a module.
In algebra, a prime ideal is a subset of a ring that shares many important properties of a prime number in the ring of integers. The prime ideals for the integers are the sets that contain all the multiples of a given prime number, together with the zero ideal.
In mathematics, more specifically in ring theory, a maximal ideal is an ideal that is maximal amongst all proper ideals. In other words, I is a maximal ideal of a ring R if there are no other ideals contained between I and R.
In mathematics, more specifically ring theory, the Jacobson radical of a ring is the ideal consisting of those elements in that annihilate all simple right -modules. It happens that substituting "left" in place of "right" in the definition yields the same ideal, and so the notion is left-right symmetric. The Jacobson radical of a ring is frequently denoted by or ; the former notation will be preferred in this article, because it avoids confusion with other radicals of a ring. The Jacobson radical is named after Nathan Jacobson, who was the first to study it for arbitrary rings in.
In mathematics, a finitely generated module is a module that has a finite generating set. A finitely generated module over a ring R may also be called a finite R-module, finite over R, or a module of finite type.
In mathematics, the annihilator of a subset S of a module over a ring is the ideal formed by the elements of the ring that give always zero when multiplied by an element of S.
In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, an injective module is a module Q that shares certain desirable properties with the Z-module Q of all rational numbers. Specifically, if Q is a submodule of some other module, then it is already a direct summand of that module; also, given a submodule of a module Y, then any module homomorphism from this submodule to Q can be extended to a homomorphism from all of Y to Q. This concept is dual to that of projective modules. Injective modules were introduced in and are discussed in some detail in the textbook.
In the branch of abstract algebra known as ring theory, a left primitive ring is a ring which has a faithful simple left module. Well known examples include endomorphism rings of vector spaces and Weyl algebras over fields of characteristic zero.
In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, an Artinian module is a module that satisfies the descending chain condition on its poset of submodules. They are for modules what Artinian rings are for rings, and a ring is Artinian if and only if it is an Artinian module over itself. Both concepts are named for Emil Artin.
In mathematics, particularly in algebra, the injective hull of a module is both the smallest injective module containing it and the largest essential extension of it. Injective hulls were first described in.
In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, a semisimple module or completely reducible module is a type of module that can be understood easily from its parts. A ring that is a semisimple module over itself is known as an Artinian semisimple ring. Some important rings, such as group rings of finite groups over fields of characteristic zero, are semisimple rings. An Artinian ring is initially understood via its largest semisimple quotient. The structure of Artinian semisimple rings is well understood by the Artin–Wedderburn theorem, which exhibits these rings as finite direct products of matrix rings.
In mathematics, especially in the area of algebra known as ring theory, the Ore condition is a condition introduced by Øystein Ore, in connection with the question of extending beyond commutative rings the construction of a field of fractions, or more generally localization of a ring. The right Ore condition for a multiplicative subset S of a ring R is that for a ∈ R and s ∈ S, the intersection aS ∩ sR ≠ ∅. A (non-commutative) domain for which the set of non-zero elements satisfies the right Ore condition is called a right Ore domain. The left case is defined similarly.
In mathematics, the term socle has several related meanings.
In mathematics, specifically module theory, given a ring R and an R-module M with a submodule N, the module M is said to be an essential extension of N if for every submodule H of M,
In abstract algebra, an associated prime of a module M over a ring R is a type of prime ideal of R that arises as an annihilator of a (prime) submodule of M. The set of associated primes is usually denoted by and sometimes called the assassin or assassinator of M.
In the area of abstract algebra known as ring theory, a left perfect ring is a type of ring in which all left modules have projective covers. The right case is defined by analogy, and the condition is not left-right symmetric; that is, there exist rings which are perfect on one side but not the other. Perfect rings were introduced in Bass's book.
Module theory is the branch of mathematics in which modules are studied. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.
In abstract algebra, a module is called a uniform module if the intersection of any two nonzero submodules is nonzero. This is equivalent to saying that every nonzero submodule of M is an essential submodule. A ring may be called a right (left) uniform ring if it is uniform as a right (left) module over itself.
In the branches of abstract algebra known as ring theory and module theory, each right (resp. left) R-module M has a singular submodule consisting of elements whose annihilators are essential right (resp. left) ideals in R. In set notation it is usually denoted as . For general rings, is a good generalization of the torsion submodule tors(M) which is most often defined for domains. In the case that R is a commutative domain, .
In abstract algebra, specifically in module theory, a dense submodule of a module is a refinement of the notion of an essential submodule. If N is a dense submodule of M, it may alternatively be said that "N ⊆ M is a rational extension". Dense submodules are connected with rings of quotients in noncommutative ring theory. Most of the results appearing here were first established in, and.
In ring theory, a subfield of abstract algebra, a right Kasch ring is a ring R for which every simple right R module is isomorphic to a right ideal of R. Analogously the notion of a left Kasch ring is defined, and the two properties are independent of each other.