Monika Rinck

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Monika Rinck (born 29 April 1969) is a German writer. [1] [2]


Life and work

After graduating from high school, Monika Rinck studied religious studies, history, and comparative literature in Bochum, Berlin and Yale. She writes poetry, prose and essays, which she published in various publishing houses and numerous anthologies (including Der Große Conrady) and literary magazines (including BELLA triste, Edit, Poetenladen), and works as a translator. In addition, she wrote lyrics for the Italoberlin singer-songwriter Bruno Franceschini and the composers Franz Tröger and Bo Wiget. She is the sister of the sculptor Stefan Rinck. [3]

In 2008, the ORF broadcast her work AM APPARAT (your truth style) in the series literature as radio art. From 2008 to 2016, she performed together with Ann Cotten and Sabine Scho as Rotten Kinck Schow. She taught, amongst others, at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and curated POETICA III in Cologne in 2017. She is a member of the PEN Center Germany, the German Academy for Language and Poetry and the Berlin Academy of the Arts. From 1999 to 2017 she worked at rbb – Inforadio. In 2015, she gave the Munster Poetics Lecture, and in 2019 the Lichtenberg Poetics Lecture in Göttingen.





  1. Festspiele, Berliner. "Monika Rinck – Biography".
  2. "Monika Rinck | Days of Poetry and Wine".
  3. Der Wald des Zeichners Die Rheinpfalz . Retrieved 9 February 2021.
  4. Rezension von Meike Feßmann auf Deutschlandradio Kultur 25 June 2012: Poetik des Sammelns Monika Rinck: „Honigprotokolle", retrieved 25 June 2012.
  5. Kunst/Natur III – Künstlerische Interventionen im Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Presseinformation, Museum für Naturkunde, retrieved 26 April 2017.