Obligate carrier

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An obligate carrier is an individual who may be clinically unaffected but who must carry a gene mutation based on analysis of the family history; usually applies to disorders inherited in an autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive manner. [1] [2]


X-linked Recessive


In X-linked recessive disorders, only females can be the carriers of the recessive mutation, making them obligate carriers of this type of disease. Females acquire one X-chromosome from their father and one from their mother, and this means they can either be heterozygous for the mutated allele or homozygous. If heterozygous, she is a carrier of the mutated allele because the disease is recessive. If homozygous, she has the disease. An affected father with an X-linked recessive trait will always pass the trait on to the daughter. Therefore, all daughters of an affected male are obligate carriers. On the other hand, a carrier mother has a 50% chance of passing her mutated X-chromosome to the daughter. [3] This makes all daughters of carrier mothers possible carriers but not necessarily obligate carriers. Males cannot be obligate or possible carriers of X-linked recessive traits because they only have one X-chromosome, and so are always phenotypically affected when receiving the mutated X-chromosome from their mother. [4]

Females that are heterozygous for X-linked recessive disorders are obligate carriers, but can never be phenotypically affected, and this is because of X-inactivation. Heterozygous females have an X-chromosome from each parent; one with a mutated gene and one with a functional copy of the same gene. When the mutated chromosome is randomly inactivated in order to maintain the copy number, presence of the functional copy results in a normal phenotype. [5] Males only have one copy of any gene on the X-chromosome, and because they do not undergo X-inactivation, they only have the mutated gene. As a result, these types of diseases most commonly phenotypically affect males and rarely females.


Hemophilia, or haemophilia, is an X-linked recessive disorder that impairs the body's control over blood clotting. Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B arise from mutations in the genes for factor VIII and factor IX, respectively. [6] Females with this disease are almost exclusively unaffected, obligate carriers. The mutations can be passed on to offspring by mothers and fathers, but the phenotype is only expressed in males that inherit the mutation. [7] All daughters of a hemophiliac father are obligate carriers of the disease.

Autosomal Recessive

In an autosomal recessive disease, if an individual is heterozygous for the mutant allele, they are a carrier because the disease is recessive. If homozygous, they have the disease. All offspring of an affected individual are either heterozygous or homozygous for the mutated allele. Consequently, all unaffected (heterozygous) offspring of an affected individual are obligate carriers of the disease because they will necessarily carry the mutated allele. [8]


Due to the predictable patterns of heritable disorders, techniques can be used to detect past, present, and future disease prevalence in individuals among a family. Specifically, pedigrees and laboratory methods are used to search for and predict obligate carriers for a specific disease such as hemophilia. After analysis of family history, one way to be completely sure that an individual is an obligate carrier is through genetic tests, such as mutational analysis. This allows professionals to see if the specific mutation exists in the chromosome of the individual. [9] [10] In potential hemophiliacs, factor assays are used to measure the amount of blood clotting in an individual. However, some carriers might have completely normal clotting levels and so this method is not always useful. [9] Genetic counselling informs patients that may have a family history of a certain disease about their risk of disease and potential risk in their children.

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An allele is one of two, or more, forms of a given gene variant. For example, the ABO blood grouping is controlled by the ABO gene, which has six common alleles. Nearly every living human's phenotype for the ABO gene is some combination of just these six alleles. An allele is one of two, or more, versions of the same gene at the same place on a chromosome. It can also refer to one of multiple different sequence variations of several-hundred base-pairs long or longer regions of the genome that code for proteins. Alleles can come in different extremes of size. At the lowest extreme, an allele can be a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). At higher extremes, it can be up to several thousand base-pairs long. Most alleles result in little or no observable change in the function of the protein the gene codes for.

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The genotype of an organism is its complete set of genetic material. Genotype can also be used to refer to the alleles or variants an individual carries in a particular gene or genetic location. The number of alleles an individual can have in a specific gene depends on the number of copies of each chromosome found in that species, also referred to as ploidy. In diploid species like humans, two full sets of chromosomes are present, meaning each individual has two alleles for any given gene. If both alleles are the same, the genotype is referred to as homozygous. If the alleles are different, the genotype is referred to as heterozygous.

Haemophilia Human genetic disease that impairs the bodys ability to make blood clots, a process needed to stop bleeding

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Mendelian inheritance Type of biological inheritance

Mendelian inheritance is a type of biological inheritance that follows the principles originally proposed by Gregor Mendel in 1865 and 1866, re-discovered in 1900 by Hugo de Vries and Carl Correns, and popularized by William Bateson. These principles were initially controversial. When Mendel's theories were integrated with the Boveri–Sutton chromosome theory of inheritance by Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1915, they became the core of classical genetics. Ronald Fisher combined these ideas with the theory of natural selection in his 1930 book The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, putting evolution onto a mathematical footing and forming the basis for population genetics within the modern evolutionary synthesis.

Dominance (genetics) One gene variant masking the effect of another in the other copy of the gene

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Haemophilia A Medical condition

Haemophilia A is a genetic deficiency in clotting factor VIII, which causes increased bleeding and usually affects males. In the majority of cases it is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait, though there are cases which arise from spontaneous mutations.

A heterozygote advantage describes the case in which the heterozygous genotype has a higher relative fitness than either the homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive genotype. The specific case of heterozygote advantage due to a single locus is known as overdominance. Overdominance is a condition in genetics where the phenotype of the heterozygote lies outside of the phenotypical range of both homozygote parents, and heterozygous individuals have a higher fitness than homozygous individuals.

X-linked recessive inheritance Mode of inheritance

X-linked recessive inheritance is a mode of inheritance in which a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome causes the phenotype to be always expressed in males and in females who are homozygous for the gene mutation, see zygosity. Females with one copy of the mutated gene are carriers.

Sex linkage Sex-specific patterns of inheritance and presentation when a gene mutation is present on a sex chromosome

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Haemophilia in European royalty Preponderance of a genetic disorder throughout Western European royalty

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X-linked dominant inheritance Mode of inheritance

X-linked dominant inheritance, sometimes referred to as X-linked dominance, is a mode of genetic inheritance by which a dominant gene is carried on the X chromosome. As an inheritance pattern, it is less common than the X-linked recessive type. In medicine, X-linked dominant inheritance indicates that a gene responsible for a genetic disorder is located on the X chromosome, and only one copy of the allele is sufficient to cause the disorder when inherited from a parent who has the disorder. In this case, someone who expresses an X-linked dominant allele will exhibit the disorder and be considered affected.

Pseudodominance is the situation in which the inheritance of a recessive trait mimics a dominant pattern.

Hereditary carrier

A hereditary carrier, is a person or other organism that has inherited a recessive allele for a genetic trait or mutation but usually does not display that trait or show symptoms of the disease. Carriers are, however, able to pass the allele onto their offspring, who may then express the genetic trait.

Kufor–Rakeb syndrome Medical condition

Kufor–Rakeb syndrome (KRS) is an autosomal recessive disorder of juvenile onset also known as Parkinson disease-9 (PARK9). It is named after Kufr Rakeb in Irbid, Jordan. Kufor–Rakeb syndrome was first identified in this region in Jordan with a Jordanian couple's 5 children who had rigidity, mask-like face, and bradykinesia. The disease was first described in 1994 by Najim Al-Din et al. The OMIM number is 606693.


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