October (Whitacre)

Last updated
for Concert Band by Eric Whitacre
Catalogue UPC   073999309911
Year1998;26 years ago (1998)
Related https://ericwhitacre.com/music-catalog/alleluia
OccasionNebraska Wind Consortium
Commissioned byBrian Anderson
Based on Autumn
PerformedEric Whitacre Conducts:Live from Tokyo!, October (Nottingham Symphonic Winds)
PublisherBoosey & Hawkes
Date8 April 2000
Location Crete, Nebraska, USA
ConductorJay Gilbert
PerformersDoane College Band

October is a contemporary piece for concert band approximately six minutes in duration that was written by Eric Whitacre in 2000.


It has since had other arrangements written for Full Orchestra, String Orchestra with Percussion, [1] Brass Ensemble, Brass Band and Mallet Quartet. [2]


In 1998, Eric Whitacre received a commission to write a seven-minute piece for the Nebraska Wind Consortium. The result was the pastoral piece October. He wrote with the intention of evoking a peaceful musical representation of the month he has called his favorite, and the feelings this autumnal month evokes for him. [3] [4]

Whitacre writes in a programme note:

Something about the crisp autumn air and the subtle changes in light always make me a little sentimental, and as I started to sketch I felt the same quiet beauty in the writing. The simple, pastoral melodies and the subsequent harmonies are inspired by the great English Romantics (Vaughn Williams, Edward Elgar), as I felt this style was also perfectly suited to capture the natural and pastoral soul of the season. I'm happy with the end result, especially because I feel there just isn't enough lush, beautiful music written for winds. [2] [5]

October premiered on May 14, 2000, by a band composed of students from 30 Nebraska high school bands. [6] It is dedicated to Brian Anderson, the organizer of the Nebraska Wind Consortium.

Grading difficulty

October has been classified as a grade 5 wind band work (based on the guidelines as established by the authors of Teaching Music through Performance in Band) suited for mature high school through professional level ensembles. [7]


The instrumentation of October is standard for most high school concert bands, [8] with the exceptions that it requires two bass clarinets and two separate parts for both euphonium and tuba. Players can double up for the two flute parts, the three clarinet parts and the saxophone and trumpet parts. The oboe, E clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, French horn, trombone, euphonium and tuba parts will probably each be played by just one performer. Three percussionists are required to play timpani, suspended cymbal, wind chimes, bass drum, crash cymbal, and triangle. Two of the instruments that Whitacre used, the E clarinet and the bass trombone, are high school instruments, not middle school. [9] [10] The band should be about sixty-five members strong or a little more. This is a practical number for a high school band, although it will depend on the school district. With sixty-five players, some of them will be the only performer of their particular part.

There are thirty-three different parts:

Instrument ranges

In the table, pitches are the written pitches, not the sounding pitches.

FluteOboeClarinetBassoonSaxophoneFrench hornTrumpetTromboneEuphoniumTuba
(1) D4 – A6(1) D4 – D6(E) B3 – E6(1) C2 – E4(Alto 1) B3 – B5(1) A3 – F5(1) D4 – B5(1) C3 – E4(1) G2 – E4(1) G1 – D3
(2) C4 – A6(2) D4 – D6(1) A3 – E6(2) C2 – D4(Alto 2) B3 – G5(2) A3 – F5(2) B3 – G5(2) A2 – E4(2) G2 – E4(2) G1 – D3
(2) G3 – B5(Tenor) E4 – C6(3) A3 – F5(3) B3 – E5(Bass) F2 – E3
(3) E3 – B5(Bari) E4 – B5(4) A3 – F5
(Bass 1&2) E3 – A5

Rhythm and metric complexity

October is metrically complex, switching frequently between 2
, 3
, 4
, 5
and 6
times. While common time (4
) is the primary meter, many sections stay in the same metre for as little as one measure. This switching between metres is less difficult than it might be, because the division of the beat remains the same. [11]

Most of the rhythmic patterns used in October are manageable for high school students. For the most part, the piece uses simple divisions of duple rhythms, ranging from whole notes Figure rythmique ronde.svg to eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg . The last of these, the eighth note Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg , dominates the first half of the piece, occurring in at least one instrument in every measure. In the second half of the piece, quarter Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg and half notes Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg dominate, and there is a quarter-note triplet in one measure. One particularly difficult measure toward the end of the piece has a beat incorporating a complex cross-rhythm: the low brass instrument and low woodwinds play an eighth-note triplet with sixteenth notes Figure rythmique double croche hampe haut.svg on the last beat; the 3rd B clarinets play four sixteenth notes Figure rythmique double croche hampe haut.svg ; the 2nd B clarinets play five sixteenth notes Figure rythmique double croche hampe haut.svg ; the oboes play six sixteenth notes Figure rythmique double croche hampe haut.svg ; and the 1st B clarinets, the E clarinet and the flutes play seven sixteenth notes Figure rythmique double croche hampe haut.svg .

Scoring and texture

October requires a substantial amount of playing from each section of the band and has many tuttis, giving students practice in blending with other instruments and in matching the timbre across the ensemble. [12] October switches frequently between thin and thick textures. The most usual pattern is for a small group of woodwinds to play, then the whole ensemble, and then a small group of woodwinds once more. This progression will create the serene and expressive mood that Whitacre aims for and will allow individuals, as well as the ensemble, to play with emotion. [2] October includes no less than five potential climaxes, or moments when the full band is playing forte or louder. However there is only one true climax of the piece which doesn’t occur until rehearsal I, just moments from the end. [13]

Technical facility

The technical problems presented by October are not so much those of rhythm and speed as those that arise from the different keys, the key relationships, and the pianistic melodic line. [8] Whitacre uses four main key signatures: D major D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg , A major A-flat-major f-minor.svg , B major B-flat-major g-minor.svg and G major G-major e-minor.svg .

Form and structure

October has an introduction, four main themes, a short interlude and a final coda. [8] A new theme is heard in measures 19–30: the woodwinds continue to play, and the texture builds up progressively as the brass instruments enter. After the second theme, the first theme returns briefly, this time in tutti. The clarinets and horns play an alternating rhythm, and the bassoon and the trombone create a hocket as they play the transition to the next section. The third theme, in A major A-flat-major f-minor.svg , is heard in measures 40–65, beginning with a passage for solo euphonium accompanied by clarinets playing tremolo, muted trumpets and stopped horns. The section grows as more instruments enter, and the phrase reaches its climax with a metric modulation. Theme three is followed by a four-bar interlude in which the oboe solo that began the piece is heard once more, but this time in B major B-flat-major g-minor.svg . Measures 72–89 present the fourth and final theme in the key of G major G-major e-minor.svg , again with the upper woodwinds playing first and then growing until all the instruments have entered. The first theme returns in measures 73–97, played by the entire ensemble. The piece concludes with a coda from measure 98 to the end (m. 113). A six-measure melodic hocket is played by the horn, trombone, euphonium and trumpets, ending with a climax in G major G-major e-minor.svg . October concludes with the low brass and woodwinds playing a long diminuendo into silence.

Melodic material

The main theme begins with the solo oboe playing an introductory melody (I) in D major D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg , consisting of eighth and quarter notes embellished by grace notes, and has an overlapping counter-melody played by bassoon and euphonium. [14]

The next melody, played by all the upper woodwinds, the tenor saxophone and the horns (II), uses a variety of intervals  – fourths, fifths, sevenths and an octave – making it somewhat angular.

The melody of theme two, played by the upper woodwinds, also uses eighth and quarter notes (III). The motion of this melody is more stepwise than the previous one.

The next new melody, for solo euphonium, mixes many leaps with stepwise motion and repeated notes (IV). The melody of the interlude is a restatement of the opening melody in a different key.

The final theme presents a new melody played by the flutes, clarinets and alto saxophones; it is rhythmically simpler than previous material (V).

The melody in the coda is distributed among the saxophones, trombones, euphonium, and trumpet (VI).

Harmonic material

The piece begins in D major D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg with a single held note in the 1st clarinets and gentle wind chimes underneath. The remaining clarinets join the chimes to support the oboe melody. Proceeding to the first theme, the texture becomes thicker, and the bass clarinet, bassoons, euphoniums and tubas now play the accompaniment. In theme two, the whole brass section accompanies the melody of the upper woodwinds. In the transition to theme three, the bassoons play a harmony that sets up a modulation to A major A-major f-sharp-minor.svg . In this new key and new theme, the accompaniment returns to the clarinets, which play trills. The effect depends not so much on the notes as on the contrast between the sonority of the trills and the euphonium solo. The music modulates to B major B-flat-major g-minor.svg , and the bassoons, euphoniums and tubas play harmonic ostinatos. All of the brass play the harmony during the fourth theme, now in G Major G-major e-minor.svg . In the coda, all the woodwinds play trills above the melodic brass. The piece concludes with the brass quietly playing a final G major chord G-major e-minor.svg .

Form and structure chart

IntroductionTheme 1Theme 2Theme 3InterludeTheme 4Coda
Form Homophony Homophony Polyphony Homophony-Polyphony Monophony PolyphonyHomophony
Measure Groupingsm. 1–9m. 10–18; 31–39; 90–97m. 19–30m. 40–65m. 66–71m. 72–89m. 98–113
TonalitiesD Major D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg / B Minor D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg D Major D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg / B Minor D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg D Major D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg / B Minor D-flat-major b-flat-minor.svg A Major A-flat-major f-minor.svg / F Minor A-flat-major f-minor.svg B Major B-flat-major g-minor.svg / G Minor B-flat-major g-minor.svg G Major G-major e-minor.svg / E Minor G-major e-minor.svg G Major G-major e-minor.svg / E Minor G-major e-minor.svg
Melodic MaterialsSolo oboeUpper woodwinds, tenor sax, hornsUpper woodwindsSolo euphonium; upper woodwinds and hornsSolo oboeAll woodwindsSaxes, horns, trombones, euphoniums
Harmonic MaterialsClarinetsBass clarinet, euphonium, tubaBrassClarinets; trumpets and low brassClarinets and brassBrassWoodwinds
Rhythmic MaterialWhole Figure rythmique ronde.svg , half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg , quarter Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg , eighth Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg , ties, and grace notesDotted half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg ., half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg , quarter Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg , and eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg Whole Figure rythmique ronde.svg , dotted half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg ., half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg , quarter Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg , and eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg Whole Figure rythmique ronde.svg , dotted half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg ., half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg , quarter Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg , and eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg Whole Figure rythmique ronde.svg , quarter Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg , and eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg Mostly whole Figure rythmique ronde.svg , half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg , and quarter notes Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg . A few eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg . One quarter note tripletWhole Figure rythmique ronde.svg , dotted half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg ., half Figure rythmique blanche hampe haut.svg , and quarter notes Figure rythmique noire hampe haut.svg . A few eighth notes Figure rythmique croche hampe haut.svg .
Texture 1st clarinets start alone, solo oboe with all clarinets accompaniment – thinThicker texture – almost all instruments playing. Most playing melody, only few on harmony.Starts thin with just upper woodwinds, becomes thick with tutti, thins out again now with brass playingVery thin in begin. With solo and only clarinet tremolo accompaniment. Instruments begin to enter and by m. 52, everyone is playing.Extremely thin spot with only two sections playing, yet still moves alongThick texture with most instruments playing whole time. Longer, legato phrasesFairly thin texture though woodwind whole notes will provide support. Melody switches between groups of brass instruments = hocket
Dynamics Begins pianissimo; hairpins in every measure; crescendo to next section Mezzo forte; hairpins in m. 11; small cresc. in m. 13 to forte; m. 18 decres. to mezzo piano Mp; brass enter m. 22 at mf; cresc in m. 24 to f; hairpins throughout to fMf solo, mp accomp.; entrances at mf; two bar cresc. to f at m. 53Mp solo, piano and pp accompanimentMp; two bar cresc. to mf in m. 78 followed by a slight decres. Hairpins throughout m. 79–84; f in m. 85; huge cresc. to fortissimo in m. 89 Fortepiano; melody at mf; accompaniment two-bar cresc. to f in m. 102; all cresc. to ff in m. 104; decres. To ending pp

Further reading

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  1. "Blog Post: October". ericwhitacre.com. February 10, 2010.
  2. 1 2 3 Whitacre, Eric. "Music Catalog: October". ericwhitacre.com. Retrieved July 3, 2024.
  3. Cooke, Nathanael (December 3, 2007). "Concert becomes a painting". The Gaffney Ledger. Retrieved April 20, 2010.
  4. "Folk-song inspired compositions highlight April 25 concert band performance". ASU News. Appalachian State University. April 20, 2010. Retrieved April 20, 2010.
  5. "October – Wind Repertory Project" . Retrieved July 20, 2012.
  6. Ragsdale, Christopher David (2006). A formal, historical, and interpretive analysis of 'Equus' and 'October' for wind ensemble by composer Eric Whitacre. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (DMA thesis). University of Miami. Retrieved April 20, 2010.
  7. Temple, Matt. "October(Whitacre) Teaching Guide" (PDF). Illinois Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance. New Trier High School. Retrieved July 3, 2024.
  8. 1 2 3 Blocher, Larry Migliaro; Corporon, Eugene; Lautzenheiser, Tim; Lisk, Edward S.; Miles, Richard (2007). Miles, Richard (ed.). Teaching Music Through Performance in Band. Vol. 6. Chicago: GIA Publications. p. 350.
  9. Griswold, Howard Gene (2005). Teaching Woodwinds. New Jersey: Routledge. p. 52.
  10. Johnson, Keith (2002). Brass and Performance Pedagogy. New Jersey: Pearson Education. p. 71.
  11. Bluestine, Eric M. (2000). The Way Children Learn Music: An Introduction and Practical Guide to Music Learning Theory. Chicago: GIA Publications. p. 186.
  12. National Standards for Arts Education: What Every Young American Should Know and Be Able to Do in the Arts. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2007. p.59
  13. Kinsey, Jordan E. (April 7, 2011). "Conductor Guides to Three Standard Works for Wind Band: Eric Whitacre's October, Gordon Jacob's An Original Suite, and Ottorino Respighi's Huntingtower: Ballad for Band" (pdf). Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Retrieved July 2, 2024.
  14. Berger, Danielle. "Eric Whitacre's October Conceptual Analysis" (PDF).
  15. Price, Glenn D. "October by Eric Whitacre". College Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati.