Operation Dropshot

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Operation Dropshot
Part of the Cold War
Teapot Apple-2 001.jpg
Shot Apple-2, where the 723rd Tank Battalion participated in a tactical maneuver test as part of the nuclear test
Date1 January 1957 (projected).
  • To impose the national war objectives of the United States on the USSR and its allies
Status Never carried out

Flag of the United States (1912-1959).svg  United States

Flag of the USSR (1936-1955).svg  Soviet Union

Casualties and losses

Operation Dropshot was the United States Department of Defense code name for a contingency plan for a possible nuclear and conventional war with the Soviet Union and its allies in order to counter the anticipated Soviet takeover of Western Europe, the Near East and parts of Eastern Asia expected to begin about 1957. The plan was prepared in 1949 during the early stages of the Cold War and declassified during 1977. Although the scenario included the use of nuclear weapons, they were not expected to play a decisive role.


At the time, the US nuclear arsenal was limited in size, based mostly in the United States, and depended on bombers for delivery. Dropshot included mission profiles that would have used 300 nuclear bombs and 29,000 high-explosive bombs on 200 targets in 100 cities and towns to wipe out 85 percent of the Soviet Union's industrial potential in a single stroke. Between 75 and 100 of the 300 nuclear weapons were targeted to destroy Soviet combat aircraft on the ground.

The scenario was devised prior to the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles and included the note that the plan would be invalidated if rocketry became a cheap and effective means of delivering nuclear weapons. The documents were later declassified and published as Dropshot: The American Plan for World War III Against the Soviet Union in 1957. [1] Never approved, Dropshot was withdrawn in February 1951 and superseded by Reaper, a plan that anticipated a war in 1954. [2]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Canada and weapons of mass destruction</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nuclear close calls</span> List of incidents which could have led to a nuclear exchange

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">United States war plans (1945–1950)</span> Plans for a conflict with the Soviet Union

United States war plans for a conflict with the Soviet Union (USSR) were formulated and revised on a regular basis between 1945 and 1950. Although most were discarded as impractical, they nonetheless would have served as the basis for action had a conflict occurred. At no point was it considered likely that the Soviet Union or United States would resort to war, only that one could potentially occur as a result of a miscalculation. Planning was conducted by agencies of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in collaboration with planners from the United Kingdom and Canada.


  1. Dropshot: The United States Plan for War with the Soviet Union in 1957. Dial Press/J. Wade. 1978. ISBN   0-8037-2148-X.
  2. Rearden, Steven L., (2012). Council of War: History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, (Washington, D.C.: Joint Chiefs of Staff), p 111, https://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/History/Institutional/Council_of_War.pdf
