Opinion polling on the Jair Bolsonaro presidency

Last updated

Opinion polling has been regularly conducted in Brazil since the start of Jair Bolsonaro's four-year term administration, gauging public support for the President of Brazil and his government. Typically, an approval rating is based on responses to a poll in which a sample of people are asked to evaluate the overall administration of the current president. Participants might also be asked whether they approve of the way president handles his job, if they trust him, to rate his personality, or to opine on various policies promoted by the government.


Overall administration evaluation

The public was asked to evaluate the performance of Bolsonaro's administration. A question might ask:

The administration of President Jair Bolsonaro has been excellent, good, regular, bad, or terrible? [1]

  plurality approval  neutral evaluation  plurality disapproval  majority disapproval

Good /
RegularBad /
Unsure /
No opinion
Net ±
Datafolha [2] December 19–20, 20222,02639%24%37%1%+2%
IPEC [3] August 26–28, 20222,00031%24%43%2%–12%
Poder360 [4] July 17–19, 20223,00034%14%50%2%–16%
Exame/Ideia [5] June 17–22, 20221,50033%21%44%1%–11%
Paraná Pesquisas [6] March 31–April 5, 20222,02032.4%20.8%45.8%1%–13.4%
Datafolha March 22–23, 20222,55625%28%46%1%–21%
Exame/Ideia March 18–23, 20221,50028%24%45%3%–17%
XP/Ipespe [7] March 7–9, 20221,00027%20%52%1%–25%
Paraná Pesquisas [6] March 3–8, 20222,02028.1%23.7%47%1,3%–18.9%
PoderData [8] February 27–March 1, 20223,00030%16%52%2%–22%
CNT/MDA [9] February 16–19, 20222,00225.9%30,4%42.7%1%–16.8%
XP/Ipespe [10] January 10–12, 20221,00024%21%54%7%−30%
IPEC [11] December 9–13, 20212,00219%25%55%1%−36%
Exame/Ideia [12] [13] November 18–22, 20211,27723%19%55%2%−32%
November 9–11, 20211,20023%20%54%3%−31%
PoderData [14] September 13–15, 20212,50027%14%56%3%−29%
Atlas Político [15] August 30–September 4, 20213,24624%14%61%1%−37%
PoderData [16] August 16–18, 20212,50028%13%56%3%−28%
XP/Ipespe [17] August 11–14, 20211,00020%23%54%2%−34%
Exame/Ideia [18] July 12–15, 20211,25826%20%51%1%−25%
Datafolha [19] July 7–8, 20212,07424%24%51%1%−27%
XP/Ipespe [20] July 5–7, 20211,00025%21%52%3%−27%
Exame/Ideia [21] June 28–July 1, 20211,24823%21%54%3%−31%
IPEC [22] June 17–21, 20212,00223%26%50%1%−27%
XP/Ipespe [23] June 7–10, 20211,00026%22%50%2%−24%
Datafolha [24] May 11–12, 20212,07124%30%45%1%−21%
Exame/Ideia [25] April 19–22, 20211,20025%20%54%1%−29%
PoderData [26] April 12–14, 20213,50026%18%55%1%−29%
XP/Ipespe [27] March 29–31, 20211,00027%24%48%1%−21%
PoderData [28] March 29–31, 20213,50026%19%53%2%−27%
Exame/Ideia [29] March 22−24, 20211,25525%22%49%2%−24%
Datafolha [30] March 15−16, 20212,02330%24%44%2%−14%
XP/Ipespe [31] March 9–11, 20211,00030%24%45%1%−15%
Exame/Ideia [32] March 8–11, 20211,20026%25%45%3%−19%
PoderData [33] March 1–3, 20212,50031%18%47%4%−16%
Paraná Pesquisas [1] February 25–March 1, 20212,08034%23.7%40.6%1.7%−6.6%
CNT/MDA [34] February 18–20, 20212,00232.9%30.2%35.5%1.4%−2.6%
Exame/Ideia [35] February 11, 20211,20031%24%43%2%−12%
PoderData [36] February 1–3, 20212,50033%22%41%4%−8%
Datafolha [37] January 20–21, 20212,03031%26%40%2%−9%
Paraná Pesquisas [1] January 22–26, 20212,00233.3%25.4%39.6%1.6%−6.3%
Exame/Ideia [38] January 18–21, 20211,20027%26%45%2%−8%
XP/Ipespe [39] January 11–14, 20211,00032%26%40%2%−8%
EXAME/IDEIA [40] January 11–14, 20211,20037%27%37%2%0%
PoderData [41] December 21–23, 20202,50039%17%42%2%−3%
Datafolha [42] December 8–10, 20202,01637%29%32%3%+5%
XP Investimentos [43] December 7–9, 20201,00038%25%35%2%+3%
CNI/Ibope [44] December 5–8, 20202,00035%30%33%2%+2%
Paraná Pesquisas [1] November 28–December 1, 20202,03637.2%24.4%37.3%1.2%−0.1%
PoderData [41] November 23–25, 20202,50036%19%40%5%−4%
CNT/MDA [34] October 21–24, 20202,00241%30%27%1,3%+14%
XP Investimentos [43] October 8–11, 20201,00039%28%31%2%+8%
Exame/IDEIA [45] October 5–8, 20201,20036%25%37%2%−1%
Band/PoderData [46] September 28–30, 20202,50038%27%30%5%+8%
CNI/Ibope [44] September 17–20, 20202,00040%29%29%2%+11%
Band/PoderData [47] September 14–16, 20202,50038%25%34%3%+4%
XP Investimentos [48] September 8–11, 20201,00039%24%36%2%+3%
Band/PoderData [49] August 31–September 2, 20202,50039%24%34%3%+5%
Exame/IDEIA [50] August 24–31, 20201,23539%20%39%2%0%
XP/Ipespe [51] August 13–15, 20201,00037%23%37%3%0%
Datafolha [52] August 11–12, 20202,06537%27%34%1%+3%
PoderData [53] August 3–5, 20202,50032%25%41%2%−9%
DataPoder360 [54] July 20–22, 20202,50030%23%43%4%−13%
Datafolha [55] June 23–24, 20202,01632%23%44%1%−12%
XP/Ipespe [56] June 9–11, 20201,00028%22%48%2%−20%
DataPoder360 [57] June 8–10, 20202,50028%20%47%5%−19%
XP/Ipespe [58] [56] May 26–27, 20201,00026%23%49%2%−23%
DataPoder360 [59] May 25–27, 20202,50028%23%44%5%−16%
Datafolha [60] May 25–26, 20202,06933%22%43%2%−10%
XP/Ipespe [61] May 16–18, 20201,00025%23%50%2%−25%
Fórum/Offerwise [62] [63] May 14–17, 20201,00032.0%24.9%39.5%3.6%−7.5%
DataPoder360 [64] May 11–13, 20202,50030%27%39%4%−9%
CNT/MDA [65] [66] May 7–10, 20202,00232.0%22.9%43.4%1.7%−11.4%
XP/Ipespe [67] April 28–30, 20201,00027%24%49%1%−22%
Paraná Pesquisas [1] April 27–29, 20202,00631.8%27.3%39.4%1.6%−7.6%
DataPoder360 [68] April 27–29, 20202,50029%26%40%5%−11%
Datafolha [69] [70] April 27, 20201,50333%26%38%3%−5%
XP/Ipespe [71] April 23–24, 202080031%24%42%3%−11%
XP/Ipespe [71] April 20–22, 20201,00031%26%42%2%−11%
XP/Ipespe [71] April 13–15, 20201,00030%26%40%3%−10%
DataPoder360 [72] April 13–15, 20202,50036%28%33%3%+3%
XP/Ipespe [73] March 30–April 1, 20201,00028%27%42%3%−14%
XP/Ipespe [74] March 16–18, 20201,00030%31%36%3%−6%
XP/Ipespe [75] [76] February 17–19, 20201,00034%29%36%2%−2%
CNT/MDA [77] [78] January 15–18, 20202,00234.5%32.1%31.0%2.4%+3.5%
XP/Ipespe [79] January 13–15, 20201,00032%28%39%1%−7%
XP/Ipespe [80] December 9–11, 20191,00035%25%39%1%−4%
Ibope [81] December 5–8, 20192,00029%31%38%3%−9%
Datafolha [82] December 5–6, 20192,94830%32%36%1%−6%
XP/Ipespe [83] November 6–8, 20191,00035%25%39%2%−4%
XP/Ipespe [84] October 9–11, 20191,00033%27%38%1%−5%
Ibope [85] September 19–22, 20192,00031%32%34%3%−3%
Datafolha [86] August 29–30, 20192,87829%30%38%2%−9%
XP/Ipespe [87] August 27–29, 20191,00030%27%41%2%−11%
CNT/MDA [88] [89] August 22–25, 20192,00229.4%29.1%39.5%2.0%−10.1%
XP/Ipespe [90] August 5–7, 20191,00033%27%38%2%−5%
Datafolha [91] July 4–5, 20192,08633%31%33%2%0%
XP/Ipespe [92] July 1–3, 20191,00034%28%35%4%−1%
Paraná Pesquisas [93] June 20–25, 20192,10230.1%26.9%40.8%2.2%−10.7%
Ibope [94] [95] June 20–23, 20192,00032%32%32%3%0%
XP/Ipespe [96] June 11–13, 20191,00034%28%35%3%−1%
XP/Ipespe [97] May 20–21, 20191,00034%26%36%4%−2%
XP/Ipespe [98] May 6–8, 20191,00035%31%31%3%+4%
Ibope [99] [100] [101] April 12–15, 20192,00035%31%27%7%+8%
Datafolha [102] April 2–3, 20192,08632%33%30%4%+1%
XP/Ipespe [103] April 1–3, 20191,00035%32%26%7%+9%
Ibope [104] [105] [106] March 16–19, 20192,00234%34%24%8%0%
XP/Ipespe [107] March 11–13, 20191,00037%32%24%8%+13%
Ibope [108] [105] February 22–25, 20192,00239%30%19%12%+20%
CNT/MDA [109] [110] February 21–23, 20192,00238.9%29.0%19.0%13.1%+19.9%
XP/Ipespe [111] February 11–13, 20191,00040%32%17%11%+23%
Ibope [112] [105] January 24–28, 20192,00249%26%11%14%+38%
XP/Ipespe [113] January 9–11, 20191,00040%29%20%11%+20%

Results may not always add to 100% due rounding methodology employed by various polling groups.

Polling aggregates
Government evaluation
  Unsure/No opinion

Presidential approval ratings

The public was asked whether they approved or disapproved of the way Jair Bolsonaro governs Brazil. [95]

Polling groupDateSample sizeApprovesDisapprovesUnsure / No opinionNet ±
IPEC [3] August 26–28, 20222,00038%57%2%-19%
Poder360 [4] July 17–19, 20223,00041%55%4%-14%
Paraná Pesquisas March 31-April 5, 20222,02041.8%54.4%3.8%-12.6%
Exame/Ideia March 18–23, 20221,50032%44%22%-12%
Paraná Pesquisas March 3–8, 20222,02039.3%56.0%4.7%-18.9%
XP/Ipespe March 7–9, 20221,00032%63%5%-31%
CNT/MDA February 16–19, 20222,00233.9%61.4%1%-27.5%
PoderData [8] February 27–March 1, 20223,00037%53%11%−16%
XP/Ipespe [10] January 10–12, 20221,00030%64%7%−34%
IPEC [11] December 9–13, 20212,00227%68%4%−41%
XP/Ipespe [114] October 25–28, 20211,00030%64%6%−34%
PoderData [14] September 13–15, 20212,50029%62%9%−33%
Atlas Político [15] August 30–September 4, 20213,24635%64%1%−29%
PoderData [16] August 16–18, 20212,50031%64%5%−33%
XP/Ipespe [20] July 5–7, 20211,00031%63%6%−32%
CNT/MDA [115] July 1–3, 20212,00233,8%62.5%3,7%−28.7%
Poder360 [116] May 24–26, 20212,50035%59%6%−24%
PoderData [26] April 12–14, 20213,50034%56%10%−22%
XP/Ipespe [27] March 29–31, 20211,00033%60%7%−27%
PoderData/Poder360 [117] March 29–31, 20213,50033%59%8%−26%
Atlas Político [118] March 8–10, 20213,72135%60%5%−25%
PoderData [36] March 1–3, 20212,50040%51%9%−11%
PoderData [36] February 1–3, 20212,50040%48%12%−8%
PoderData August 3–5, 20202,50045%45%5%
DataPoder360 [57] June 8–10, 20202,50041%50%9%−9%
CNT/MDA [66] May 7–10, 20202,00239.2%55.4%5.4%−16.2%
Paraná Pesquisas [1] April 27–29, 20202,00644.0%51.7%4.3%−7.7%
CNT/MDA [78] January 15–18, 20202,00247.8%47.0%5.2%+0.8%
Ibope [81] December 5–8, 20192,00041%53%6%−12%
Ibope [85] September 19–22, 20192,00044%50%6%−6%
CNT/MDA [89] August 22–25, 20192,00241.0%53.7%5.3%−12.7%
Paraná Pesquisas [93] June 20–25, 20192,10243.7%51.0%5.3%−7.3%
Ibope [95] June 20–23, 20192,00046%48%5%−2%
Ibope [95] April 12–15, 20192,00051%40%9%+11%
Ibope [95] March 16–19, 20192,00251%38%9%+13%
Ibope [95] February 22–25, 20192,00257%31%12%+26%
CNT/MDA [110] February 21–23, 20192,00257.5%28.2%14.3%+29.3%
Ibope [95] January 24–28, 20192,00267%21%12%+46%

  majority approval  plurality approval  majority disapproval  plurality disapproval

Results may not always add to 100% due rounding methodology employed by various polling groups.

Polling aggregates
Government evaluation
  Unsure/No opinion

Public trust in Bolsonaro

The public was asked whether they trusted Jair Bolsonaro. [95]

Polling groupDateSample sizeTrustsDoes not trustUnsure / No opinionNet ±
Datafolha [119] December 17, 20213,66639%60%1%−21%
Ibope [120] December 5–8, 20202,00044%53%3%−9%
Ibope [44] September 17–20, 20202,00046%51%3%−5%
Ibope [81] December 5–8, 20192,00041%56%4%−15%
Ibope [85] September 19–22, 20192,00042%55%3%−13%
Ibope [95] June 20–23, 20192,00046%51%3%−5%
Ibope [95] April 12–15, 20192,00051%45%4%+6%
Ibope [95] March 16–19, 20192,00249%44%6%+5%
Ibope [95] February 22–25, 20192,00255%38%7%+17%
Ibope [95] January 24–28, 20192,00262%30%7%+32%

  majority approval  plurality approval  majority disapproval  plurality disapproval

Results may not always add to 100% due rounding methodology employed by various polling groups.

Polling aggregates
Public trust
  Doesn't trust
  Unsure/No opinion

Issue-specific support


The public was asked to evaluate the performance of Jair Bolsonaro in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. A question might ask:

How do you evaluate the performance of President Jair Bolsonaro in relation to the coronavirus outbreak: excellent, good, regular, bad, or terrible? [70]

  plurality approval  neutral evaluation  plurality disapproval  majority disapproval

Good /
RegularBad /
Unsure /
No opinion
Net ±
Datafolha [121] September 13–15, 20211,00022%22%54%2%−32%
XP/Ipespe [27] March 29–31, 20211,00021%19%58%3%−37%
Datafolha [30] March 15–16, 20212,02322%24%54%1%−32%
XP/Ipespe [31] March 9–11, 20211,00018%18%61%3%−43%
XP/Ipespe [122] February 2–4, 20211,00022%22%53%2%−31%
XP/Ipespe [123] January 11–14, 20211,00023%21%52%3%−29%
XP/Ipespe [124] July 13–15, 20201,00025%21%52%3%−27%
XP/Ipespe [56] June 9–11, 20201,00023%20%55%3%−32%
XP/Ipespe [58] May 26–27, 20201,00020%22%55%3%−35%
Datafolha [125] May 25–26, 20202,06927%22%50%1%−23%
XP/Ipespe [61] May 16–18, 20201,00021%19%58%3%−37%
Fórum/Offerwise [126] [63] May 14–17, 20201,00028.5%22.3%46.3%3.0%−17.8%
XP/Ipespe [67] April 28–30, 20201,00023%22%54%1%−31%
DataPoder360 [68] April 27–29, 20202,50024%29%43%4%−19%
Datafolha [69] [70] April 27, 20201,50327%25%45%3%−18%
XP/Ipespe [67] April 20–22, 20201,00030%20%48%2%−18%
Datafolha [127] [128] April 17, 20201,60636%23%38%3%−2%
XP/Ipespe [67] April 13–15, 20201,00029%25%44%2%−15%
DataPoder360 [72] April 13–15, 20202,50034%27%37%2%−3%
Fórum/Offerwise [129] [126] April 8–11, 202095638.9%23.0%35.4%2.7%+3.5%
Datafolha [130] April 1–3, 20201,51133%25%39%2%−6%
XP/Ipespe [73] March 30–April 1, 20201,00029%21%44%6%−15%
Datafolha [131] March 18–20, 20201,55835%26%33%5%+2%
XP/Ipespe [74] [67] March 16–18, 20201,00041%33%18%8%+23%

Results may not always add to 100% due rounding methodology employed by various polling groups.

Polling aggregates
Government evaluation
  Unsure/No opinion

Gun control

Loosening gun control laws was one of Bolsonaro's major campaign promises during the 2018 Brazilian general election. [132] [133] The changes were first signed it into a decree in May. [134] In March 2019, an Ibope survey asked the public whether they approved of the policy and related questions. [135] Polls conducted by Datafolha and Paraná Pesquisas presented similar findings. [136] [137]

Should gun control laws be loosened?

Are you favorable to (any kind of) carry a ?

Does having a gun at home make it safer?

Does carrying a gun make someone safer?

Does increasing the number of armed people make society safer?

See also


a. ^ The question does not distinguish between open and concealed carry, as Brazilian laws at the time of the research made no distinction between them, [138] only asking if participant is favorable to people carrying guns in their daily lives.

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Auxílio Brasil was the social welfare program of the Government of Brazil, created during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro. Announced in October 2021, the provisional measure was sanctioned by Bolsonaro after passing through both legislative houses on 30 December 2021, replacing Bolsa Família. However, after Lula's reelection as president of Brazil in 2022, he declared that he would rename the program to Bolsa Família, putting an end to Auxílio Brasil.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2022 Minas Gerais gubernatorial election</span> 2022 Minas Gerais gubernatorial election

The 2022 Minas Gerais state elections took place in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil on 2 October 2022. Voters elected a governor, vice governor, one senator, 53 representatives for the Chamber of Deputies, and 77 Legislative Assembly members. The incumbent governor, Romeu Zema, a member of the New Party, was eligible for a second term, and intended to run for reelection.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Inteligência em Pesquisa e Consultoria Estratégica</span> Brazilian institute of market and opinion research

Inteligência em Pesquisa e Consultoria Estratégica, or Ipec, is a Brazilian market research and public opinion polling institute founded in January 2021. It was founded by IBOPE's founders and directors after that institute was sold to Kantar Group and ceased its operations in opinion polling.


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