Party lists in the 1979 European Parliament election in the Netherlands

Last updated

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Elections, candidates and members of the
European Parliament for the Netherlands
1952–1958 ECSC delegation
1958–1979 EP delegation
1979–1984 1st election, candidates and members
1984–1989 2nd election, candidates and members
1989–1994 3rd election, candidates and members
1994–1999 4th election, candidates and members
1999–2004 5th election, candidates and members
2004–2009 6th election, candidates and members
2009–2014 7th election, candidates and members
2014–2019 8th election, candidates and members
2019–2024 9th election, candidates and members
2024–2029 10th election, candidates and members

The 1979 European Parliament election for the election of the delegation from the Netherlands was held on 7 June 1979. This is the 1st time the elections have been held for the European elections in the Netherlands.



The official order and names of candidate lists:

Candidate lists for the European Parliament election in the Netherlands
 none1979 1984  
ListEnglish translationList name (Dutch)
1 list Labour Party/European Socialists Partij van de Arbeid/Europese Socialisten
2 list CDA European People's Party CDA Europese Volkspartij
3 list VVD - European Liberal-Democrats VVD - Europese Liberaal-Democraten
4 list D'66
5 list S.G.P.
6 list C.P.N.
7 list P.P.R.
8 list G.P.V.
9 list P.S.P.
10 list List LeschotLijst Leschot

Labour Party/European Socialists

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the PvdA
PvdA candidates 1979 (1979)
PvdA candidates 1984 (1984)
PvdA candidates 1989 (1989)
PvdA candidates 1994 (1994)
PvdA candidates 1999 (1999)
PvdA candidates 2004 (2004)
PvdA candidates 2009 (2009)
PvdA candidates 2014 (2014)
PvdA candidates 2019 (2019)
GL/PvdA candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Labour Party
1 Anne Vondeling 1,559,941Elected
2 Ien van den Heuvel-de Blank 65,447Elected
3 Pieter Dankert 14,164Elected
4 Johan van Minnen 26,484Elected
5 Wim Albers 5,194Elected
6 Annie Krouwel-Vlam 7,985Elected
7 Bob Cohen 1,684Elected
8 Hemmo Muntingh 1,816Elected
9 Eisso Woltjer 3,228Elected
10 Phili Viehoff 2,000Replacement
11Dick Toornstra968
12 Henk Hartmeijer 1,599
13Frans Oudejans2,975
14Elly Walter2,525
15Jacques van Esch1,720
16Griet Last-Elmendorp987
17Sam Rozemond938
18Bert Uri597
19 Nic Tummers 6,558
20Marie-José Grotenhuis2,807
21René Glaser751
22Hein Heering794
23Jan Wentink648
24Rob van de Water886
25Evert van Dijk1,479
26Riek Horeman-van Oorschot1,294
27Ferry Rondagh336
28 Bert Broekhuis 666
29Henk Aben334
30 Gaston Sporre 809
31 Willem Vermeend 523
32Frans Krips478
33André Verbaan1,265
34Aad Burger2,360

CDA European People's Party

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the CDA
CDA candidates 1979 (1979)
CDA candidates 1984 (1984)
CDA candidates 1989 (1989)
CDA candidates 1994 (1994)
CDA candidates 1999 (1999)
CDA candidates 2004 (2004)
CDA candidates 2009 (2009)
CDA candidates 2014 (2014)
CDA candidates 2019 (2019)
CDA candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Christian Democratic Appeal
1 Bouke Beumer 1,839,966Elected
2 Wim Vergeer 24,501Elected
3 Teun Tolman 14,587Elected
4 Elise Boot 9,745Elected
5 Harry Notenboom 53,792Elected
6 Sjouke Jonker 2,688Elected
7 Frans van der Gun 2,319Elected
8 Jean Penders 1,704Elected
9 Hanja Maij-Weggen 4,685Elected
10 Jim Janssen van Raaij 3,663Elected
11 Rob van den Toorn 1,623
12 Freek Piket 1,608
13 Arie Oostlander 945
14 Joep Mommersteeg 2,768Replacement
15Y. Schaaf5,317
16 Jan Reijnen 10,231
17 Jan de Koning 2,268
18A. Oliemans1,349
19 Gerrit Braks 4,495
20 Annemieke van Heel-Kasteel 1,489
21 Jan Nico Scholten 2,640
22 Joost van Iersel 640
23P.J. Blommestijn578
24M. van Ditmarsch574
25H.A. Strijd-Groenewegen1,386
26 Jan Hendriks 841
27W. van der Spek1,418
28 Hannie van Leeuwen 6,216
29 Ton Lückers-Bergmans 3,781
30N.M.M.L. Hameleers311
31R.A.E. Indemans328
32J. Hollander852
33J.A. Nijbakker262
34B. Funk1,472
35G.C. van Wijnbergen248
36C.C. Kakes-Veen687
37T.P.J.N. van Rijn298
38J.F.M. van Erp1,709
39H.W. van Heuven518
40J. Cornelissen3,241

VVD - European Liberal-Democrats

Candidates for the European Parliament
from the VVD
VVD candidates 1979 (1979)
VVD candidates 1984 (1984)
VVD candidates 1989 (1989)
VVD candidates 1994 (1994)
VVD candidates 1999 (1999)
VVD candidates 2004 (2004)
VVD candidates 2009 (2009)
VVD candidates 2014 (2014)
VVD candidates 2019 (2019)
VVD candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
1 Cornelis Berkhouwer 822,713Elected
2 Hans Nord 6,109Elected
3 Hendrik Jan Louwes 6,770Elected
4 Aart Geurtsen 5,570Elected
5J.C.W. Taselaar echtgenote van Bogaards13,578
6 Florus Wijsenbeek 1,820
7 Frits Bolkestein 2,691
8C. Trojan977
9Hélène van Leuven-Ederveen3,193
10J.G. Bruggeman987
11 Theo Joekes 2,039
12Angelina Fr.M. Hamm-Tonnaer1,475
13P. Alberti1,057
14 Cees Goekoop 1,665
15 Johan Schlingemann 662
16A.C.A. Dake478
17M. van den Bos860
18 Roelf Hofstee Holtrop 911
19J.H. Vrijlandt-Krijnen962
20Joh.D. van Dijk638
21Sch. Overwater643
22D.H. Kok1,095
23H.P. Varenhorst330
24 Broos van Erp 1,199
25G.J. Selman171
26 Max Tripels 4,289
27J. Drijber725
28Cees A.J. van Beukering1,060
29J. Stork612
30 Lien Vos-van Gortel 426
31 Nicoline van den Broek-Laman Trip 849
32 Jaap Scherpenhuizen 404
33 Govert van Tets 373
34 Albert-Jan Evenhuis 780
35Bokke Algra599
36E. Maris geb. Koster428
37 Henk Vonhoff 4,942
38 Frits Korthals Altes 1,456
39 Haya van Someren-Downer 12,290
40 Koos Rietkerk 6,961


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the D66
D66 candidates 1979 (1979)
D66 candidates 1984 (1984)
D66 candidates 1989 (1989)
D66 candidates 1994 (1994)
D66 candidates 1999 (1999)
D66 candidates 2004 (2004)
D66 candidates 2009 (2009)
D66 candidates 2014 (2014)
D66 candidates 2019 (2019)
D66 candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Democrats 66
1 Aar de Goede 392,304Elected
2 Suzanne Dekker 91,949Elected
3 Herman Schaper 3,180
4 Doeke Eisma 2,186Replacement
5Werner Uerz1,490
6Anton de Man2,042
7Arend Meerburg1,059
8Arie Manten1,952
9Nico Wegter463
10Jan Fokko Wegter1,203
11 Hein van Oorschot 941
12Bert van Wijk2,618
13Arjen Meij1,504
14Emar Vogelaar602
15Henk Potman544
16Frank Baas948
17Joop Coorengel2,165
18 Rik Kuethe 276
19Jan van Berkom1,596
20Henk de Goede1,086
21Arnold Balfoort473
22Johan Juurlink1,386


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the CU-SGP
SGP candidates 1979 (1979)
GPV candidates 1979 (1979)
SGP, RPF and GPV candidates 1984 (1984)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1989 (1989)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1994 (1994)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1999 (1999)
CU-SGP candidates 2004 (2004)
CU-SGP candidates 2009 (2009)
CU-SGP candidates 2014 (2014)
CU-SGP candidates 2019 (2019)
CU candidates 2024 (2024)
SGP candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Reformed Political Party
1 Henk van Rossum
2 Leen van der Waal
3P.H.D. van Ree
4F.W.J. den Ottolander
5A.K. van der Staaij
6J. Slagboom


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the GL
CPN candidates 1979 (1979)
PSP candidates 1979 (1979)
PPR candidates 1979 (1979)
GPA candidates 1984 (1984)
RBW candidates 1989 (1989)
GL candidates 1994 (1994)
GL candidates 1999 (1999)
GL candidates 2004 (2004)
GL candidates 2009 (2009)
GL candidates 2014 (2014)
GL candidates 2019 (2019)
GL/PvdA candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Communist Party of the Netherlands
1Rinus Haks
2Tineke van den Klinkenberg
3 Frits Dragstra
4 Gijs Schreuders
5Heiltje de Vos-Krul
6Willem Kremer
7 Wim van het Schip
8Elli Izeboud
9Harm Leeman
10Trijnie Ahlers geb. Luppens
11Hans Geleijnse
12Truus Divendal geb. Klok
13Johan Bosma
14Cor van der Zanden
15Cilia Galesloot
16Wim Nieuwenhuijse
17 Rinze Visser
18Garl Splinter
19Siem van der Helm
20Carla Boxma-Viallé
21Frans Aarts
22Joop Stout
23Joop Mantel
24Ton van Hoek
25Claartje Visser-de Jong
26 Rudi van der Velde
27 Joop Schepers
28Jan Berghuis
29Bep Grave-Spa
30Jos de Keijzer
31Bob Vrins
32 Hanneke Jagersma
33Laurens Meerten
34Arend Luppens
35Jaap Janissen
36Gerrit Out
37Simon Korper
38Bertus Faber
39Jan van de Meulenhof
40Jannie Jongeneel-Ketzer


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the GL
CPN candidates 1979 (1979)
PSP candidates 1979 (1979)
PPR candidates 1979 (1979)
GPA candidates 1984 (1984)
RBW candidates 1989 (1989)
GL candidates 1994 (1994)
GL candidates 1999 (1999)
GL candidates 2004 (2004)
GL candidates 2009 (2009)
GL candidates 2014 (2014)
GL candidates 2019 (2019)
GL/PvdA candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Political Party of Radicals
1 Leo Jansen
2 Dilia van der Heem-Wagemakers
3 Ad Melkert
4 Constant van Waterschoot
5Wouter van Doorn
6 Henk Waltmans
7Tine Jager-Lonkhuyzen
8 Gerritjan van Oven
9 Boy Trip
10 Herman Verbeek
11Maurits Blanson Henkemans
12Egbert Bocker
13 Marlies ter Borg-Neervoort
14Eric-Jan Tuininga
15Theo Potma
16Michiel van de Kasteelen
17Karel van Kesteren
18Grietje Pasma
19 Erik Jurgens
20 Bas de Gaaij Fortman


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the CU-SGP
SGP candidates 1979 (1979)
GPV candidates 1979 (1979)
SGP, RPF and GPV candidates 1984 (1984)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1989 (1989)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1994 (1994)
SGP, GPV and RPF candidates 1999 (1999)
CU-SGP candidates 2004 (2004)
CU-SGP candidates 2009 (2009)
CU-SGP candidates 2014 (2014)
CU-SGP candidates 2019 (2019)
CU candidates 2024 (2024)
SGP candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Reformed Political League
1 Hans Blokland
2 Gert Schutte
3 Bart Verbrugh
4 Jan van der Jagt
5W. Haitsma
6 Jurn de Vries
7L. Feijen
8P. Cnossen
9J.C. Nieuwlaat
10S. de Vries
11J.A. Knepper
12H. van den Berg


Candidates for the European Parliament
from the GL
CPN candidates 1979 (1979)
PSP candidates 1979 (1979)
PPR candidates 1979 (1979)
GPA candidates 1984 (1984)
RBW candidates 1989 (1989)
GL candidates 1994 (1994)
GL candidates 1999 (1999)
GL candidates 2004 (2004)
GL candidates 2009 (2009)
GL candidates 2014 (2014)
GL candidates 2019 (2019)
GL/PvdA candidates 2024 (2024)
Candidate list for the Pacifist Socialist Party
1 Bouwe Kalma
2Titia M. Bos
3 Joop Vogt
4 Erik Meijer
5 Bram van der Lek
6 Andrée van Es
7Rudi Boon
8Wim Combrink
9 Frank Köhler
10 Fred van der Spek
11Jan Muytjens
12Pieternel Rol
13Jan Bos
14 Gied ten Berge
15 Hein van Wijk
16Ben Evers
17 Wilbert Willems
18Els Agtsteribbe
19Kees Walle
20Kees van Laren
21 Lambert Meertens
22Ed van Dalsem
23To van Albada
24Rob Steinbuch
25Sander J. Doeve
26Pieterjan Hendriks
27Lex Spaans
28Jan Knottnerus
29Jos Noordhuizen
30 Hubert Smeets
31Peter Korzelius
32Wilbert N.H.M. Dekker
33Alex Wassenaar
34Eric Köhler
35 Tom Pitstra
36Do Kester
37Frans A. Kamphuis
38Felix O de Vroomen
39Rob Scharrenborg
40Frans Janssen

List Leschot

Candidate list for List Leschot
1Winand Leschot24,903


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