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Photon statistics is the theoretical and experimental study of the statistical distributions produced in photon counting experiments, which use photodetectors to analyze the intrinsic statistical nature of photons in a light source. In these experiments, light incident on the photodetector generates photoelectrons and a counter registers electrical pulses generating a statistical distribution of photon counts. Low intensity disparate light sources can be differentiated by the corresponding statistical distributions produced in the detection process.
Three regimes of statistical distributions can be obtained depending on the properties of the light source: Poissonian, super-Poissonian, and sub-Poissonian. [1] The regimes are defined by the relationship between the variance and average number of photon counts for the corresponding distribution. Both Poissonian and super-Poissonian light can be described by a semi-classical theory in which the light source is modeled as an electromagnetic wave and the atom is modeled according to quantum mechanics. In contrast, sub-Poissonian light requires the quantization of the electromagnetic field for a proper description and thus is a direct measure of the particle nature of light.
In classical electromagnetic theory, an ideal source of light with constant intensity can be modeled by a spatially and temporally coherent electromagnetic wave of a single frequency. Such a light source can be modeled by, [1]
where is the frequency of the field and is a time independent phase shift.
The analogue in quantum mechanics is the coherent state [1]
By projecting the coherent state onto the Fock state , we can find the probability of finding photons using the Born rule, which gives
The above result is a Poissonian distribution with which is a distinct feature of the coherent state.
Light that is governed by super-Poissonian statistics exhibits a statistical distribution with variance . An example of light that exhibits super-Poissonian statistics is thermal light. The intensity of thermal light fluctuates randomly and the fluctuations give rise to super-Poissonian statistics, as shown below by calculating the distribution of the intensity fluctuations. [2] Using the intensity distribution together with Mandel's formula [3] which describes the probability of the number of photon counts registered by a photodetector, the statistical distribution of photons in thermal light can be obtained.
Thermal light can be modeled as a collection of harmonic oscillators. Suppose the -th oscillator emits an electromagnetic field with phase . Using the theory of superposition of fields, the total field produced by the oscillators is
After pulling out all the variables that are independent of the summation index , a random complex amplitude can be defined by
where was rewritten in terms of its magnitude and its phase . Because the oscillators are uncorrelated, the phase of the superposed field will be random. Therefore, the complex amplitude is a stochastic variable. It represents the sum of the uncorrelated phases of the oscillators which models the intensity fluctuations in thermal light. On the complex plane, it represents a two dimensional random walker with representing the steps taken. For large a random walker has a Gaussian probability distribution. Thus, the joint probability distribution for the real and imaginary parts of the complex random variable can be represented as,
After steps, the expectation value of the radius squared is . The expectation value which can be thought of as all directions being equally likely. Rewriting the probability distribution in terms of results in
With the probability distribution above, we can now find the average intensity of the field (where several constants have been omitted for clarity)
The instantaneous intensity of the field is given by
Because the electric field and thus the intensity are dependent on the stochastic complex variable . The probability of obtaining an intensity in between and is
where is the infinitesimal element on the complex plane. This infinitesimal element can be rewritten as
The above intensity distribution can now be written as
This last expression represents the intensity distribution for thermal light. The last step in showing thermal light satisfies the variance condition for super-Poisson statistics is to use Mandel's formula. [3] The formula describes the probability of observing n photon counts and is given by
The factor where is the quantum efficiency describes the efficiency of the photon counter. A perfect detector would have . is the intensity incident on an area A of the photodetector and is given by [4]
On substituting the intensity probability distribution of thermal light for P(I), Mandel's formula becomes
Using the following formula to evaluate the integral
The probability distribution for n photon counts from a thermal light source is
where is the average number of counts. This last distribution is known as the Bose-Einstein distribution. The variance of the distribution can be shown to be
In contrast with the Poisson distribution for a coherent light source, the Bose-Einstein distribution has characteristic of thermal light.
Light that is governed by sub-Poisson statistics cannot be described by classical electromagnetic theory and is defined by . [1] The advent of ultrafast photodetectors has made it possible to measure the sub-Poissonian nature of light. An example of light exhibiting sub-Poissonian statistics is squeezed light. Recently researchers have shown that sub-Poissonian light can be induced in a quantum dot exhibiting resonance fluorescence. [5] A technique used to measure the sub-Poissonian structure of light is a homodyne intensity correlation scheme. [6] In this scheme a local oscillator and signal field are superimposed via a beam splitter. The superimposed light is then split by another beam splitter and each signal is recorded by individual photodetectors connected to correlator from which the intensity correlation can be measured. Evidence of the sub-Poissonian nature of light is shown by obtaining a negative intensity correlation as was shown in. [5]
In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the accuracy with which the values for certain pairs of physical quantities of a particle, such as position, x, and momentum, p, can be predicted from initial conditions.
In quantum mechanics, a density matrix is a matrix that describes the quantum state of a physical system. It allows for the calculation of the probabilities of the outcomes of any measurement performed upon this system, using the Born rule. It is a generalization of the more usual state vectors or wavefunctions: while those can only represent pure states, density matrices can also represent mixed states. Mixed states arise in quantum mechanics in two different situations: first when the preparation of the system is not fully known, and thus one must deal with a statistical ensemble of possible preparations, and second when one wants to describe a physical system which is entangled with another, as its state can not be described by a pure state.
In thermodynamics, the Helmholtz free energy is a thermodynamic potential that measures the useful work obtainable from a closed thermodynamic system at a constant temperature (isothermal). The change in the Helmholtz energy during a process is equal to the maximum amount of work that the system can perform in a thermodynamic process in which temperature is held constant. At constant temperature, the Helmholtz free energy is minimized at equilibrium.
In physics, specifically in quantum mechanics, a coherent state is the specific quantum state of the quantum harmonic oscillator, often described as a state which has dynamics most closely resembling the oscillatory behavior of a classical harmonic oscillator. It was the first example of quantum dynamics when Erwin Schrödinger derived it in 1926, while searching for solutions of the Schrödinger equation that satisfy the correspondence principle. The quantum harmonic oscillator arise in the quantum theory of a wide range of physical systems. For instance, a coherent state describes the oscillating motion of a particle confined in a quadratic potential well. The coherent state describes a state in a system for which the ground-state wavepacket is displaced from the origin of the system. This state can be related to classical solutions by a particle oscillating with an amplitude equivalent to the displacement.
In physics, the S-matrix or scattering matrix relates the initial state and the final state of a physical system undergoing a scattering process. It is used in quantum mechanics, scattering theory and quantum field theory (QFT).
A granular material is a conglomeration of discrete solid, macroscopic particles characterized by a loss of energy whenever the particles interact. The constituents that compose granular material are large enough such that they are not subject to thermal motion fluctuations. Thus, the lower size limit for grains in granular material is about 1 μm. On the upper size limit, the physics of granular materials may be applied to ice floes where the individual grains are icebergs and to asteroid belts of the Solar System with individual grains being asteroids.
In quantum field theory, the LSZ reduction formula is a method to calculate S-matrix elements from the time-ordered correlation functions of a quantum field theory. It is a step of the path that starts from the Lagrangian of some quantum field theory and leads to prediction of measurable quantities. It is named after the three German physicists Harry Lehmann, Kurt Symanzik and Wolfhart Zimmermann.
In quantum mechanics, a two-state system is a quantum system that can exist in any quantum superposition of two independent quantum states. The Hilbert space describing such a system is two-dimensional. Therefore, a complete basis spanning the space will consist of two independent states. Any two-state system can also be seen as a qubit.
In mathematics, the Fubini–Study metric is a Kähler metric on projective Hilbert space, that is, on a complex projective space CPn endowed with a Hermitian form. This metric was originally described in 1904 and 1905 by Guido Fubini and Eduard Study.
A quasiprobability distribution is a mathematical object similar to a probability distribution but which relaxes some of Kolmogorov's axioms of probability theory. Quasiprobabilities share several of general features with ordinary probabilities, such as, crucially, the ability to yield expectation values with respect to the weights of the distribution. They can however violate the σ-additivity axiom: integrating them over does not necessarily yield probabilities of mutually exclusive states. Indeed, quasiprobability distributions also counterintuitively have regions of negative probability density, contradicting the first axiom. Quasiprobability distributions arise naturally in the study of quantum mechanics when treated in phase space formulation, commonly used in quantum optics, time-frequency analysis, and elsewhere.
In statistical mechanics, the two-dimensional square lattice Ising model is a simple lattice model of interacting magnetic spins. The model is notable for having nontrivial interactions, yet having an analytical solution. The model was solved by Lars Onsager for the special case that the external magnetic field H = 0. An analytical solution for the general case for has yet to be found.
The Sudarshan-Glauber P representation is a suggested way of writing down the phase space distribution of a quantum system in the phase space formulation of quantum mechanics. The P representation is the quasiprobability distribution in which observables are expressed in normal order. In quantum optics, this representation, formally equivalent to several other representations, is sometimes championed over alternative representations to describe light in optical phase space, because typical optical observables, such as the particle number operator, are naturally expressed in normal order. It is named after George Sudarshan and Roy J. Glauber, who worked on the topic in 1963. Despite many useful applications in laser theory and coherence theory, the Glauber–Sudarshan P representation has the drawback that it is not always positive, and is not a true probability function.
Monte Carlo in statistical physics refers to the application of the Monte Carlo method to problems in statistical physics, or statistical mechanics.
Resonance fluorescence is the process in which a two-level atom system interacts with the quantum electromagnetic field if the field is driven at a frequency near to the natural frequency of the atom.
Photon antibunching generally refers to a light field with photons more equally spaced than a coherent laser field, a signature being signals at appropriate detectors which are anticorrelated. More specifically, it can refer to sub-Poissonian photon statistics, that is a photon number distribution for which the variance is less than the mean. A coherent state, as output by a laser far above threshold, has Poissonian statistics yielding random photon spacing; while a thermal light field has super-Poissonian statistics and yields bunched photon spacing. In the thermal (bunched) case, the number of fluctuations is larger than a coherent state; for an antibunched source they are smaller.
In probability theory and directional statistics, a wrapped normal distribution is a wrapped probability distribution that results from the "wrapping" of the normal distribution around the unit circle. It finds application in the theory of Brownian motion and is a solution to the heat equation for periodic boundary conditions. It is closely approximated by the von Mises distribution, which, due to its mathematical simplicity and tractability, is the most commonly used distribution in directional statistics.
In statistical mechanics, thermal fluctuations are random deviations of a system from its average state, that occur in a system at equilibrium. All thermal fluctuations become larger and more frequent as the temperature increases, and likewise they decrease as temperature approaches absolute zero.
For many paramagnetic materials, the magnetization of the material is directly proportional to an applied magnetic field, for sufficiently high temperatures and small fields. However, if the material is heated, this proportionality is reduced. For a fixed value of the field, the magnetic susceptibility is inversely proportional to temperature, that is
The Mandel Q parameter measures the departure of the occupation number distribution from Poissonian statistics. It was introduced in quantum optics by Leonard Mandel. It is a convenient way to characterize non-classical states with negative values indicating a sub-Poissonian statistics, which have no classical analog. It is defined as the normalized variance of the boson distribution:
The Dolinar Receiver is a device based upon the Kennedy receiver that may be used to discriminate between two or more low-amplitude coherent states of light using displacements and adaptive measurements. The ability to discriminate signals encoded in coherent light has applications in communications where losses are unavoidable, such as transmission along fiber optics cable, through the atmosphere, or across deep space.