Platylomia viridimaculata

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Platylomia viridimaculata
Platylomia viridimaculata 2.jpg
Platylomia viridimaculata, male
Scientific classification
P. viridimaculata
Binomial name
Platylomia viridimaculata
(Distant, 1889)
Platylomia viridimaculata at Zoologische Staatssammlung Munchen Platylomia viridimaculata TPopp.jpg
Platylomia viridimaculata at Zoologische Staatssammlung München

Platylomia viridimaculata is a cicada species from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. [1]

Cicada superfamily of insects

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  1. Beuk, Paul L. Th. (1999). "Revision of the cicadas of the Platylomia spinosa group (Homoptera: Cicadidae)". Oriental Insects. 33 (1): 1–84. doi:10.1080/00305316.1999.10433784.