Power system reliability

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The power system reliability (sometimes grid reliability) is the probability of a normal operation of the electrical grid at a given time. Reliability indices characterize the ability of the electrical system to supply customers with electricity as needed [1] by measuring the frequency, duration, and scale of supply interruptions. [2] Traditionally two interdependent components of the power system reliability are considered: [1]


Ability of the system to limit the scale and duration of an power interruptions is called resiliency. The same term is also used to describe the reaction of the system to the truly catastrophic events. [4]


Electric grid is an extremely important piece of infrastructure; a single daylong nationwide power outage can shave off 0.5% of the country's GDP. The cost of improvements is also high, so in practice a balance is sought to reach an "adequate level of reliability" at an acceptable cost. [2]


Resource adequacy (RA, also supply adequacy) is the ability of the electric grid to satisfy the end-user power demand at any time (typically this is an issue at the peak demand). [5] For example, a sufficient unused dispatchable generation capacity and demand response resources shall be available to the electrical grid at any time so that major equipment failures (e.g., a disconnection of a nuclear power unit or a high-voltage power line) and fluctuations of power from variable renewable energy sources (e.g., due to wind dying down) can be accommodated. [4]

A typical reliability index for the adequacy is the loss of load expectation (LOLE) of one event in 10 years (one-day-in-ten-years criterion). [5] Due to the possible need for the actual addition of physical capacity, adequacy planning is long term [5] (for example, PJM Interconnection requires capacity purchases to be 4 years in advance of delivery). [6]


Security is the ability of the system to keep the real-time balance of the supply and demand, in particular immediately after a contingency by automatically ramping up generation and shedding the interruptible loads. Security relies on the operating reserve. Historically, the ancillary services (e.g., the inertial response) were provided by the spinning machinery of the synchronous generators, provisioning of these services got more complicated with proliferation of the inverter-based resources (e.g., solar photovoltaics and grid batteries). [4]

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Resource adequacy in the field of electric power is the ability of the electric grid to satisfy the end-user power demand at any time. RA is a component of the electrical grid reliability. For example, sufficient unused generation capacity shall be available to the electrical grid at any time to accommodate major equipment failures and drops in variable renewable energy sources. The adequacy standard should satisfy the chosen reliability index, typically the loss of load expectation (LOLE) of 1 day in 10 years.

In an electrical grid, contingency is an unexpected failure of a single principal component that causes the change of the system state large enough to endanger the grid security. Some protective relays are set up in a way that multiple individual components are disconnected due to a single fault, in this case, taking out of all the units in a group counts as a single contingency. A scheduled outage is not a contingency.

Power resilience refers to a company's ability to adapt to power outages. Frequent outages have forced businesses to take into account the "cost of not having access to power" in addition to the traditional "cost of power". Climate-related issues have intensified the attention on energy sustainability and resilience. In the United States, electric utility firms have registered over 2500 significant power outages since 2002, with almost half of them attributed to weather events, including storms, hurricanes, and other unspecified severe weather occurrences. These incidents often lead to significant economic losses.

