Programming with Big Data in R

Last updated
Paradigm SPMD and MPMD
Designed by Wei-Chen Chen, George Ostrouchov, Pragneshkumar Patel, and Drew Schmidt
Developer pbdR Core Team
First appearedSeptember 2012;11 years ago (2012-09)
Preview release
Through GitHub at RBigData
Typing discipline Dynamic
OS Cross-platform
License General Public License and Mozilla Public License
Influenced by
R, C, Fortran, MPI, and ØMQ

Programming with Big Data in R (pbdR) [1] is a series of R packages and an environment for statistical computing with big data by using high-performance statistical computation. [2] [3] The pbdR uses the same programming language as R with S3/S4 classes and methods which is used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software. The significant difference between pbdR and R code is that pbdR mainly focuses on distributed memory systems, where data are distributed across several processors and analyzed in a batch mode, while communications between processors are based on MPI that is easily used in large high-performance computing (HPC) systems. R system mainly focuses[ citation needed ] on single multi-core machines for data analysis via an interactive mode such as GUI interface.


Two main implementations in R using MPI are Rmpi [4] and pbdMPI of pbdR.

The idea of SPMD parallelism is to let every processor do the same amount of work, but on different parts of a large data set. For example, a modern GPU is a large collection of slower co-processors that can simply apply the same computation on different parts of relatively smaller data, but the SPMD parallelism ends up with an efficient way to obtain final solutions (i.e. time to solution is shorter). [5]

Package design

Programming with pbdR requires usage of various packages developed by pbdR core team. Packages developed are the following.

The images describes how various pbdr packages are correlated. Pbd overview.png
The images describes how various pbdr packages are correlated.

Among these packages, pbdMPI provides wrapper functions to MPI library, and it also produces a shared library and a configuration file for MPI environments. All other packages rely on this configuration for installation and library loading that avoids difficulty of library linking and compiling. All other packages can directly use MPI functions easily.

Among those packages, the pbdDEMO package is a collection of 20+ package demos which offer example uses of the various pbdR packages, and contains a vignette that offers detailed explanations for the demos and provides some mathematical or statistical insight.


Example 1

Hello World! Save the following code in a file called "demo.r"

### Initial MPIlibrary(pbdMPI,quiet=TRUE)init()"Hello World!\n")### Finishfinalize()

and use the command


to execute the code where Rscript is one of command line executable program.

Example 2

The following example modified from pbdMPI illustrates the basic syntax of the language of pbdR. Since pbdR is designed in SPMD, all the R scripts are stored in files and executed from the command line via mpiexec, mpirun, etc. Save the following code in a file called "demo.r"

### Initial MPIlibrary(pbdMPI,quiet=TRUE)init().comm.size<-comm.size().comm.rank<-comm.rank()### Set a vector x on all processors with different valuesN<-5x<-(1:N)+N*.comm.rank### All reduce x using summation operationy<-allreduce(as.integer(x),op="sum")comm.print(y)y<-allreduce(as.double(x),op="sum")comm.print(y)### Finishfinalize()

and use the command


to execute the code where Rscript is one of command line executable program.

Example 3

The following example modified from pbdDEMO illustrates the basic ddmatrix computation of pbdR which performs singular value decomposition on a given matrix. Save the following code in a file called "demo.r"

# Initialize process gridlibrary(pbdDMAT,quiet=T)if(comm.size()!=2)comm.stop("Exactly 2 processors are required for this demo.")init.grid()# Setup for the remaindercomm.set.seed(diff=TRUE)M<-N<-16BL<-2# blocking --- passing single value BL assumes BLxBL blockingdA<-ddmatrix("rnorm",nrow=M,ncol=N,mean=100,sd=10)# LA SVDsvd1<-La.svd(dA)comm.print(svd1$d)# Finishfinalize()

and use the command


to execute the code where Rscript is one of command line executable program.

Further reading

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  1. Ostrouchov, G., Chen, W.-C., Schmidt, D., Patel, P. (2012). "Programming with Big Data in R".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. Chen, W.-C. & Ostrouchov, G. (2011). "HPSC -- High Performance Statistical Computing for Data Intensive Research". Archived from the original on 2013-07-19. Retrieved 2013-06-25.
  3. "Basic Tutorials for R to Start Analyzing Data". 3 November 2022.
  4. 1 2 Yu, H. (2002). "Rmpi: Parallel Statistical Computing in R". R News.
  5. Mike Houston. "Folding@Home - GPGPU" . Retrieved 2007-10-04.
  6. "100 most read R posts in 2012 (stats from R-bloggers) – big data, visualization, data manipulation, and other languages".