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Prostitution in Paris, both in street form and in dedicated facilities has had a long history and remains present to this day.
Louis XI organised the profession by limiting the streets where prostitutes could operate. The king considered them "crazy or drunk with their bodies".
In 1446 new rules reinforced the measures being taken by prohibiting the wearing of certain outfits considered to be highly provocative; feather, fur and the infamous gold belts. [1]
Women who were guilty of "public debauchery, prostitution or scandalous behaviour" were locked in the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, which had been created by Louis XIV in 1656. [2]
Before the French Revolution in 1789, there were estimated to be 30,000 prostitutes in Paris, plus a further 10,000 high-class prostitutes. [3] In 1791, the French revolutionaries decriminalized prostitution. [note 1] [4] However, the population was worried about the increase of prostitutes and the threat of syphilis. On 4 October 1793, the Commune of Paris issued a regulatory order forbidding prostitutes to stand in public spaces to "incite to debauchery". [5] Although it led to the arrest and sanitary control of more than 400 prostitutes in 1794, this decree did not prevent the continued development of prostitution, particularly at the Palais-Royal, which became the first sex market in the capital. There were many "daughters" that crisscrossed the garden paths and galleries of the Palace, and erotic shows and shops dedicated to prostitution. [6]
Under the July Monarchy, a medical hygienist and sewer specialist, [note 2] Alexandre Parent du Châtelet published in 1836 the book Of the prostitution in the city of Paris, considered in terms of public hygiene, morality and administration: a book supported by statistical documents drawn from the archives of the Prefecture of Police, which will remain the reference study on prostitution for several decades. Parent du Châtelet considers that a certain tolerance of prostitution should be allowed to maintain the current order, but mentions its dangers and therefore the necessity for control. To do that he advocates maison-closes, a hospital to treat women with venereal diseases, a prison to punish those who break the law and houses of repentance. Female prostitutes must report to the police headquarters and undergo medical examinations. Infected women are to be treated in the infirmary of the Prison Saint-Lazare, which was opened 1836. They can not leave the establishment without being cured. [7] The overall purpose of this policy is to control and hide, as far as possible, prostitution, which was viewed as a necessary evil. Alexandre Parent du Châtelet submits: "It is important to hide death as much as sex, flesh decomposing as much as the flesh object of desire." [8]
Of men born between 1920 and 1925, one in five had experienced his first sexual relationship in a maison-close. [9]
Paris accommodated many brothels until their prohibition in 1946 following the introduction of the Loi Marthe Richard. 195 establishments were then closed in Paris. [note 3] Among the most famous are the One-Two-Two, Le Chabanais, Le Sphinx and La Fleur blanche. [10]
An exhibition about historical Paris brothels took place from November 2009 to January 2010 in an art gallery across the street from the former Le Chabanais. [11] [12]
Since 2016, the purchase of sex is illegal in France, and therefore in Paris. Before that, while prostitution was legal, certain activities related to prostitution were prohibited, such as brothel-keeping (since 1946), pimping and prostitution of minors.
In 2004, according to OCRTEH (Central Office for the Repression of Trafficking in Human Beings), there were between 7,000 and 7,500 prostitutes of all sexes in Paris. Marie-Elizabeth Handman and Janine Mossuz-Lavau argue that these figures do not take into account modes of prostitution whose participants have never had any involvement with the police, such as escorts who find clients on the internet or salaried women who are limited to a few liaisons a month. [13] In 2010, Brain Magazine published a map of prostitution in Paris by area of origin: South American transexuals in the Bois de Boulogne; African prostitutes in Barbès-Rochechouart as well as in vans known as "BMC" (Bordel militaire de campagne) in the Bois de Vincennes, French in Strasbourg – Saint-Denis; Chinese, Mongolian and Romanian at the Porte Saint-Martin; and finally, along the Boulevards of the Marshals, are Romanian, Maghreb and African prostitutes. [14]
Since the law to penalise the customers of prostitution, passed in April 2016, the conviction of more than 400 customers in Paris was recorded from 2016 - 2017. [note 4] Most of these lawbreakers were caught in the Boulevards of the Marshals, Bois de Boulogne, Bois de Vincennes or the 350 so-called massage parlours scattered around the capital. [15] Jean-Paul Mégret, head of the Brigade de répression du proxénétisme (BRP) of the Direction Régionale de Police Judiciaire de Paris, considers that this law has the effect of "Driving girls off of the streets and into hotels and apartments, everything is happening via cyberprostitution". [16]
Until the late 1980s, prostitution in the Rue Saint-Denis extended from the Les Halles to the Porte Saint-Denis. Once the hotels and studios were closed, the majority of the prostitutes left and the average age those who remained increased. In the past, the street has accommodated up to 2,000 women. [17]
The majority of prostitutes in the Bois de Boulogne are immigrants, and they group themselves in the woods by nationality. [18] Prostitution in the woods of Bois de Vincennes is different, it is carried out mainly in vans. Prostitutes protect each other and improve their security by consolidating the vehicles in the same locations. [19]
Chinese prostitution in Paris began in the late 1990s. Chinese prostitutes work mainly on the streets of some neighbourhoods, where they are nicknamed les marcheuses (the walkers). They also work in massage parlours or from the internet. In 2016, Médecins du Monde estimated that there were 1,450 Chinese prostitutes in Paris.
Following the solicitation law of 2003, prostitution on the internet developed strongly. In 2002, 108 sites covered Paris, then in 2003 the number of Paris sites increased to 482, in 2004 the figure almost doubled with 816 sites. [13]
Several street names refer to the prostitution activities they housed:
Charles Baudelaire is quoted as saying "What is art? - Prostitution." [24] In 2015, the Musée d'Orsay presented the exhibition Splendeurs et miseries. Images of Prostitution, 1850-1910. It was a collection of works in the fields of painting, sculpture and photography. [25]
Nicolas Sarkozy recognised that the traditional sex worker was part of France's national cultural heritage. [26] Paintings and drawings of maisons closes (brothels), and prostitution appear frequently in art over the centuries. Some of the best known are scenes in brothels produced by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Edgar Degas and Pablo Picasso, among others. Impressionist works depicting the prostitute often became the subject of scandal, and particularly venomous criticism. Some works showed her with considerable sympathy, while others attempted to impart an agency to her; likewise some work showed high-class courtesans, and others prostitutes awaiting clients on the streets.
In the novel Nana, Émile Zola dealt with the theme of female prostitution through the journey of a lorette to a cocotte, whose charms bewitched the highest dignitaries of the Second Empire. He was inspired by Blanche d'Antigny and his first love, Berthe. The novelist also included elements of Valtesse de La Bigne and Delphine de Lizy.
In Quiet Days in Clichy, the writer Henry Miller recounts his bohemian life in Paris during the 1930s. [27] He treasures "the impression of a little paradise on earth," detailing his sexual adventures with prostitutes, [28] [29] "On a gray day, when it was cold everywhere except in large cafes, I tasted in advance the pleasure of spending an hour or two at Wepler before going to dinner. The pink glow that surrounded the whole room came from the whores who usually gathered near the entrance ... The corner where they met was like the Stock Exchange where the sex market, which had its ups and downs, like any market. As the saying goes, there are only two things to do when it rains and whores never waste their time playing cards". [30]
Amongst writers depicting the life of women in prostitution in France are Honoré de Balzac and Victor Hugo.
In the early 1930s, the film Faubourg Montmartre retraces the dramatic story of two sisters. One of them seeks to lead the other into a life of lust. While one loses her job, the other sinks into prostitution and drugs. However love still offers a second chance... [8]
The Musée de l'Erotisme in Paris devotes one floor to the maisons closes. It exhibits Polissons et galipettes , a collection of short erotic silent movies that were used to entertain brothel visitors, and copies of Le Guide Rose, a contemporary brothel guide that also carried advertising. [31] The 2003 BBC Four documentary Storyville - Paris Brothel describes the maisons closes.
Documentary photographer Eugène Atget photographed street scenes and architecture in Paris between 1897 and 1927. Many of these street scenes included prostitutes. [32]
Brassaï published photographs of brothels in his 1935 book Voluptés de Paris. [33] A voluminous illustrated work on the phenomenon is Maisons closes. L'histoire, l'art, la littérature, les moeurs by Romi (Robert Miquet), first published in 1952.
In 1971, photographer Jane Evelyn Atwood moved to Paris. She began to photograph the world of prostitution in Paris in 1976, especially in the Rue des Lombards and Quartier Pigalle. [34]
The 16th arrondissement of Paris is the westernmost of the 20 arrondissements of Paris, the capital city of France. Located on its Right Bank, it is adjacent to the 17th and 8th arrondissements to the northeast, as well as to the suburb of Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine to the southwest. Opposite the Seine are the 7th and 15th arrondissements.
The 4th arrondissement of Paris is one of the twenty arrondissements of the capital city of France. In spoken French, this arrondissement is referred to as quatrième. Along with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd arrondissements, it is in the first sector of Paris, which maintains a single local government rather than four separate ones.
Prostitution in France was legal until April 2016, but several surrounding activities were illegal, like operating a brothel, living off the avails (pimping), and paying for sex with someone under the age of 18.
Bordels Mobiles de Campagne or Bordel Militaire de Campagne were mobile brothels used during World War I, World War II and the First Indochina War to supply prostitution services to French soldiers fighting in areas where brothels were unusual, such as at the front line or in isolated garrisons. The BMCs were significant drivers towards the creation of prostitution regulations within the French army.
Marthe Richard was a French prostitute and spy. She later became a politician, and worked towards the closing of brothels in France in 1946.
Le Chabanais was one of the best known and most luxurious brothels in Paris, operating near the Louvre at 12 rue Chabanais from 1878 until 1946, when brothels were outlawed in France. It was founded by the Irish-born Madame Kelly, who was closely acquainted with several members at the Jockey-Club de Paris. Among the habitués were Albert, Prince of Wales ; Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec; Cary Grant; Humphrey Bogart, Mae West and diplomatic guests of the French government.
Marguerite Gourdan, née Marguerite Alexandrine Ernestine Stock was a French brothel owner and procurer in 18th-century Paris. Her brothel was the most exclusive in Paris during that age, and Gourdan was arguably the most famous of her profession.
Loi Marthe Richard of 13 April 1946 abolished the regime of regulated prostitution in France that had been in force since 1804. It required the closure of brothels. The law bears the name of Marthe Richard, who was a municipal councillor of Paris but not a parliamentary representative.
La Fleur blanche was a famous maison close (brothel) in the city of Paris, located at 6 rue des Moulins in the 1st Arrondissement. The property was also known as rue des Moulins and was famous for its torture room.
Sidi Abdallah Guech street, officially known as "Impasse Sidi Abdallah Gueche", is the legal red light district in Tunis. It is located in the medina and consists of three narrow winding alleys. There are rooms on both sides of the alleys where girls try to attract clients. Only men are allowed in the alleys.
The authorities of medieval Paris attempted to confine prostitution to a particular district. Louis IX (1226–1270) designated nine streets in the Beaubourg Quartier where it would be permitted. In the early part of the 19th century, state-controlled legal brothels started to appear in several French cities. By law, they had to be run by a woman, and their external appearance had to be discreet. The maisons were required to light a red lantern when they were open, and the prostitutes were only permitted to leave the maisons on certain days and only if accompanied by its head. By 1810, Paris alone had 180 officially approved brothels.
Prostitution is legal in Belgium, but related activities such as organising prostitution and other forms of pimping are illegal. Enforcement varies, and in some areas brothels are unofficially tolerated.
Prostitution in Overseas France varies from area to area with regard to extent, law enforcement and legality.
Sexe de rue is a 2003 Canadian documentary film about the history and current conditions of street prostitutes in the Centre-Sud of Montreal, written, directed and co-produced by Richard Boutet, who died of a heart attack on 29 August 2003, a few days before the film's premiere at the Montreal World Film Festival. The largely first person documentary gives a voice to street workers, allowing them to tell their own stories in their own words. Prostitution is discussed as labour and in the context of local history and relevant sociological factors, including dangers.
The Palais Oriental, known locally as the PO, was a luxury maison close (brothel) in Reims, France. It opened in 1926 and closed in 1946, following the introduction of the Loi Marthe Richard, which abolished brothels in France. It was located on the corner of the rue de la Magdeleine and rue Bacquenoi. The prestige of the Palais Oriental rivalled that of Paris's most luxurious maison closes, the One-Two-Two and Le Chabanais.
The occupation of Saint-Nizier Church by Lyon prostitutes refers to the ten-day occupation of Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon by more than a hundred prostitutes on 2 June 1975 to draw attention to their inhumane working conditions. The occupation lasted eight days until the women were removed by the police on 10 June. Sympathetic occupations of churches by prostitutes followed in Paris, Marseille, Grenoble, Saint-Étienne and Montpellier.
The history of prostitution in France has similarities with the history of prostitution in other countries in Europe, namely a succession of periods of tolerance and repression, but with certain distinct features such as a relatively long period of tolerance of brothels.
Morgane Merteuil is the pseudonym of a French sex worker and feminist activist known for her commitment to the rights of sex workers. She was the secretary general and spokesperson of the French sex work union STRASS from 2011 to 2016.
Vanesa Campos was a trans sex worker and an undocumented migrant from Peru living in Paris. She was 36 when she was murdered at the Bois de Boulogne during the night of 16 to 17 August 2018. Her murder occurred after she resisted a group of men armed with a gun stolen from a police officer.