RIT Observatory

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RIT Observatory
Rochester Institute of Technology observatory.jpg
Organization Rochester Institute of Technology
Observatory code 920
Location Henrietta, New York
Coordinates 43°04′33″N77°39′53″W / 43.0758°N 77.6647°W / 43.0758; -77.6647 Coordinates: 43°04′33″N77°39′53″W / 43.0758°N 77.6647°W / 43.0758; -77.6647
Altitude551 feet (168 m)
Established1992 (1992)
Website www.rit.edu/cos/observatory
Rolloff building telescope14-inch f/10 Celestron
Dome building telescope12-inch Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain
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Location of RIT Observatory

Rochester Institute of Technology Observatory is a small astronomical observatory owned and operated by Rochester Institute of Technology. It is located in Henrietta, New York, United States.


The observatory is primarily used to teach undergraduate astronomy labs, although some research relating to cataclysmic variables and asteroid occultations also takes place.

There are one telescope dome and one roll-off shed on the premises, both housing telescopes. RIT owns a 12" Meade telescope, a 16" telescope, and several smaller refracting telescopes. In addition, a two-element radio interferometer based on the SIMPLE design is being constructed and will be used as a teaching instrument to expose students in astronomy labs to observations at other wavelengths.

Dome controller student project at Imagine RIT 2017. ImagineRIT2017ObservatoryDomeControl.jpg
Dome controller student project at Imagine RIT 2017.

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