Reek Sunday

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Pilgrims climbing Croagh Patrick on Reek Sunday Croagh Patrick - - 1773515.jpg
Pilgrims climbing Croagh Patrick on Reek Sunday

Reek Sunday (Irish : Domhnach na Cruaiche), Garland Sunday or Crom Dubh Sunday (Irish: Domhnach Crom Dubh) is an annual day of pilgrimage in Ireland.


On the last Sunday in July, thousands of pilgrims climb Ireland's holiest mountain, Croagh Patrick (764 metres) in County Mayo. It is held in honour of Saint Patrick who is said to have spent forty days fasting on the mountain in the 5th century. Masses are held at the summit, where there is a small chapel. Some climb the mountain barefoot, as an act of penance, [1] and some carry out 'rounding rituals', which were formerly a key part of the pilgrimage. This involves praying while walking sunwise around features on the mountain: seven times around the cairn of Leacht Benáin (Benan's grave), fifteen times around the circular perimeter of the summit, seven times around Leaba Phádraig (Patrick's bed), and then seven times around three ancient burial cairns known as Reilig Mhuire (Mary's cemetery). [2] Until 1970, it was traditional for pilgrims to climb the mountain after sunset. [3]

Croagh Patrick Croagh Patrick Irland@20160531 04.jpg
Croagh Patrick

The pilgrimage has been held yearly for at least 1,500 years. It is likely that it pre-dates Christianity and was originally a ritual associated with the festival of Lughnasadh. [4] [5]

The earliest surviving mention of a pilgrimage at Croagh Patrick is from the year 1113, when the Annals of Ulster record that "a ball of fire came on the night of the feast of Patrick on Cruacháin Aighle [Croagh Patrick] and destroyed thirty of those fasting". [3] Historically, pilgrimages were made to the mountaintop on Saint Patrick's Day, the Feast of the Assumption, and the last Friday in July (Crom Dubh's Friday). [3]

Today, most pilgrims climb Croagh Patrick from the direction of Murrisk Abbey to the north. Originally, most pilgrims climbed the mountain from the east, following the Togher Patrick (Tochár Phádraig) pilgrim path from Ballintubber Abbey. This route is dotted with prehistoric monuments. [3] The Tochár Phádraig may have originally been the main route to the mountain from Cruachan, seat of the Kings of Connacht. The Tochar Phadraig was revived and reopened by Pilgrim Paths of Ireland. [6]

Between 15,000 and 30,000 pilgrims participate, compared to a yearly climbing total of more than 100,000. The Archbishop of Tuam leads the climb each year. Up to 300 personnel from eleven mountain rescue teams from across Ireland are involved, including the local Mayo Mountain Rescue Team, for whom it is the busiest day of the year. Also involved is the Air Corps, Irish Cave Rescue Organisation (ICRO) the Order of Malta, Civil Defence Ireland and members of the Garda Síochána. Injuries ranging from cuts and broken bones to hypothermia and cardiac arrest occur each year. [7] [8] The climb takes two hours, on average, and one and a half hours to descend. [9]

Annual climbs

Groups of people climbing Croagh Patrick on Reek Sunday Croagh Patrick Pilgrim Sunday - - 1773481.jpg
Groups of people climbing Croagh Patrick on Reek Sunday


In 1999, 25,000 pilgrims took part in the climb in ideal conditions. Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam spoke on the mountain of the improving quality of life which Ireland was experiencing in the late 1990s. [10]


Michael Neary spoke of the fear created by banking and commerce as well as by the Church and state at a meeting with pilgrims in Westport prior to the 2002 climb. Pilgrims came from Australia, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Rain created difficult climbing conditions on the day. [11]


Around 20,000 people took part in 2006 during particularly bad weather of wind and rain. Archbishops Seán Brady and Michael Neary said Mass on top, with Neary appealing for kindness and goodwill to be shown to immigrant families. Twenty-three people were airlifted or stretchered off the mountain with illnesses and injuries; two of these were hospitalised. The first analytic survey was conducted when 11,000 pilgrims were interviewed. Two-thirds of them were men, one third were women, five percent came from outside Ireland, and two percent climbed in their bare feet. [12] [13]


Over 30,000 pilgrims climbed Croagh Patrick on Reek Sunday in 2007. There were some minor foot injuries, whilst one man had a suspected cardiac arrest on the mountain. [12]


Over 25,000 pilgrims took part in 2008. The Mass on the summit, celebrated by Michael Neary, was broadcast live worldwide for the first time by RTÉ. He spoke of consumer values that he felt were seducing society. Over 20 priests were involved in the event. Injuries were very few. [14]


Only 18,000 pilgrims climbed the mountain in 2009. Weather conditions were particularly bad with many choosing to climb the mountain the previous day. Between five and six children contracted hypothermia. Some participants sustained minor cuts, others complained of coronary problems, whilst one woman was airlifted off the mountain after breaking her ankle the day before, and a man was airlifted to hospital after having a suspected cardiac arrest on the mountain. Prior to the climb, Mayo Mountain Rescue Team advised pilgrims to carry some sort of footwear but not flip-flops, sandals, stiletto heels or wellingtons; it was the first time they had issued such advice. Pilgrims were also told to use a stick for walking, wear multiple layers of clothing and to scale the mountain at a slow pace. Archbishop Michael Neary said before the 2009 climb that people were "searching desperately" for hope in the "menacing desert" of the recession. In his homily on the mountain, Neary talked of the effects the recession had on family life. [7] [8] [15]


Michael Neary led the 2010 National Pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick involving about 20,000 people. [16] The Mayo Mountain Rescue Team, which responds to about 50 emergency calls to the mountain annually, called for safety maintenance work to be carried out in an area where the increased number of climbers, all year round, has caused significant erosion. [17]


The climb on 28 July 2013 took place in sunny weather and was undertaken by between 15,000 and 20,000 people. Ash and blackthorn sticks were for sale at €3 each, or for rent at €1.50. Drought conditions during July made it unusually dry underfoot on the day of the climb. Nearly 300 volunteers with Mayo Mountain Rescue, the Irish Cave Rescue Organisation, the Order of Malta Ambulance Corps, Civil Defence Ireland, and an Air Corps helicopter were in attendance and on standby. There were 17 reported injuries, including two which required airlifts. A woman who suffered a head injury on the peak was treated by Mayo Mountain Rescue and a 67-year-old tourist who suffered suspected cardiac problems mid-descent was treated by Order of Malta Ambulance Rescue and First aid teams, before being winched into a helicopter by Irish Air Corps and transported to hospital. The weather for the day was very good, with winds being very mild in comparison to other years. [18]


The climb on 26 July 2015 was cancelled. Met Éireann issued a yellow weather alert for the day until 3pm forecasting heavy rain. Hundreds ignored that warning and traversed up the peak regardless. Locally it was estimated to be as many as 10,000 attempted.

Many are believed to have been forced to turn back and Mayo Mountain Rescue Team confirmed to [19] that ten people have been treated for hypothermia.


Twenty to twenty five thousand people participated in the 2016 Reek Sunday pilgrimage, which was led by the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary, with the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles John Brown. Volunteers from all twelve Irish mountain rescue teams, including 120 members of the Order of Malta, were present as part of a safety plan coordinated by members of the Mayo Mountain Rescue team. [20] [21] A detachment from the Air Corps was on duty with a helicopter to rescue any casualties from the mountain.


At least 25,000 people took part in the 2017 Reek Sunday pilgrimage. One of the first to climb the mountain, beginning the climb at 7 am, was the Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary, accompanied by Bishop Fintan Monahan, Bishop of Killaloe, and Gearóid Dullea, executive secretary of the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference. Archbishop Neary celebrated Mass in the mountaintop oratory at 11 am. Thirteen people were injured, three of whom were airlifted off the mountain. [22] [23] [24]


An estimated 5,000 people took part in the 2018 Reek Sunday. Archbishop of Tuam Michael Neary led the pilgrimage up the mountain. Hourly masses were also celebrated at the summit. Mayo Mountain Rescue Team organised and co-ordinated rescue and emergency care services. Good weather conditions kept casualties to a minimum, although one 46-year-old man had to be airlifted to hospital in Galway with chest pains. [25]


Thousands of people have taken part in the 2019 pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick. Rescue teams assisting just over 20 people for mostly minor injuries. Misty weather at the summit early in the day gave way to clear conditions as the afternoon progressed. The Archbishop of Tuam, Dr Michael Neary celebrated mass on the summit in the morning. Afterwards he spoke of the appeal of the climb for generations of people. Dr Neary said there was something of a parable in the manner in which people approached the day, assisting others and ensuring that those in difficulty were given support on their journey. A range of agencies spent the day on standby to assist with the treatment of those with injuries. The Irish Air Corps airlifted a small number of people from the mountain, while Order of Malta, Mountain Rescue and Civil Defence teams patrolled the route to cater for all incidents that arose. [26]

Pilgrimages across Ireland

The annual pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick parallels numerous smaller local pilgrimages across the Island of Ireland on the last Sunday of July. These pilgrimages typically involve the climbing of a local mountain, visitation to a local Holy Well, or both. The status of these pilgrimages varies across the country, with some having been continuously practiced, some having ceased, and some being revived.

In Keash, County Sligo, during the early 20th century Garland Sunday procedures involved the visiting of the local holy well, King Cormac's Well, before ascending Keash Hill, the local hill which houses the Caves of Kesh. This was followed by sports and the picking of bilberries. [27] This pilgrimage is still preformed however overtime practice has shifted. In the pilgrimage done today the Holy Well visited before climbing Keash Hill is now Tobernalt Holy Well. [28]

The Máméan pass on Binn Chaonaigh, County Galway was also climbed on this day. The practice ended in the 19th century but was revived in 1979 and occurs annually. [29]

Until the 19th century Slieve Donard in County Down was climbed on the last Sunday of July. The earliest known date of such a pilgrimage was dated to 1645, though the practice is believed to extend even further into the past. [30]

Slievecallan in County Clare was once visited on the last Sunday of July, known locally as Domhnach Crom Dubh. On the top of the mountain there is a lawn called Buaile na Gréine On this lawn is supposed to have stood Altóir na Gréine. Local legends say on this altar sacrifices were supposedly offered to Pagan Gods and that the practice was then Christianized. [31]

Drung Hill, County Kerry was, until 1880, visited on Garland Sunday. This was a day of public celebration, with a cattle fair held by the hill and singing, dancing and games played at the summit followed by an evening meal. The practice of baking a cake to be cut buy the best dancers in the celebration or by an engaged couple was a distinct characteristic of this event. The Holy Well at the peak of the mountain is also believed to have had ritual significance on this date. This festival has been connected to Lughnasa. [32]

Similar practices can be found in Knocknadobar, County Kerry. Where on the last Sunday of July, festivities such as games and singing took placer at the base of the mountain. The pilgrimage to the peak briefly ceased but was revived in 1885. [32]

Pilgrimages were made to numerous other locations at at this time of year, such as to the peaks of Mount Brandon, and Church Mountain and to a Holy Well in Ballyfa, County Galway [33]

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  1. "The History of Croagh Patrick from the Croagh Patrick Visitor Centre - Teach na Miasa". Archived from the original on 16 August 2020. Retrieved 30 November 2016.
  2. Carroll, Michael. Irish Pilgrimage: Holy Wells and Popular Catholic Devotion. JHU Press, 1999. p.38
  3. 1 2 3 4 Corlett, Christiaan. "The Prehistoric Ritual Landscape of Croagh Patrick, Co Mayo". The Journal of Irish Archaeology, Vol. 9. Wordwell, 1998. p.17
  4. Harbison, Peter. Pilgrimage in Ireland: The Monuments and the People. Syracuse University Press, 1995. p.70
  5. Monaghan, Patricia. The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore. Infobase Publishing, 2014. p.104
  6. "Tóchar Phádraig Pilgrim Passport". Pilgrim Paths of Ireland . Retrieved 2 June 2019.
  7. 1 2 "20,000 to take part in annual Croagh Patrick pilgrimage". Irish Independent . 26 July 2009.
  8. 1 2 "Pilgrims to Croagh Patrick are urged to save their soles". Irish Independent . 23 July 2009.
  9. How long does the climb take? Teach na Miasa, 2012.
  10. "25,000 take part in Croagh Patrick pilgrimage". RTÉ. 25 July 1999.
  11. "Archbishop says people feel let down". RTÉ. 28 July 2002.
  12. 1 2 "Pilgrims flock to Croagh Patrick". RTÉ. 29 July 2007.
  13. "Tough conditions for Croagh Patrick pilgrimage". RTÉ. 30 July 2006.
  14. "Archbishop's appeal on Croagh Patrick". RTÉ. 27 July 2008.
  15. "Dismal forecast heightens alert for Croagh Patrick pilgrims". The Irish Times . 25 July 2009. Archived from the original on 22 October 2012. The pilgrimage has been taking place on the last Sunday of July for over 1,500 years. Usually between 20,000 and 30,000 people take part. Over 100,000 people climb Croagh Patrick annually.
  16. "National Pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick".
  17. "The Mayo News".
  18. Sunshine on summit for Reek Sunday Irish Times, 29 July 2013.
  19. The Sunday 26 July 2015
  20. Quann, Jack (31 July 2016). "Some 25,000 people take part in Reek Sunday pilgrimage on Croagh Patrick". Newstalk . Retrieved 1 August 2016.
  21. "Up to 20,000 pilgrims climb Croagh Patrick". Raidió Teilifís Éireann. 31 July 2016. Retrieved 1 August 2016.
  22. "Croagh Patrick: Casualties at County Mayo pilgrimage". 31 July 2017 via
  23. Burns, Sarah. "Boy (10) among 13 rescued from Croagh Patrick climb in Mayo". The Irish Times.
  24. Shanahan, Catherine (31 July 2017). "Croagh Patrick pilgrimage set to continue despite dangers". Irish Examiner.
  25. "Thousands make Croagh Patrick climb for Reek Sunday". 29 July 2018 via
  26. McGrath, Pat (28 July 2019). "Thousands on Croagh Patrick for Reek Sunday pilgrimage" via
  27. "Ráth Maoláin · The Schools' Collection". dú Retrieved 1 May 2024.
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  33. "Holy Wells · Cnoc Breac · The Schools' Collection". dú Retrieved 1 May 2024.