Regina Duarte

Last updated
Marcos Flávio Franco Cunha
(m. 1969;sep. 1975)
Daniel Filho
(m. 1978;div. 1979)
Del Rangel
(m. 1983;div. 1995)
Eduardo Lippincott
(m. 2002;div. 2019)
Regina Duarte
2024-06-24 Sessao solene de entrega do Titulo de Cidadao Honorario do Estado do Parana a Andre Mendonca 35 (Regina Duarte).jpg
Duarte in 2024
Special Secretary of Culture
In office
4 March 2020 10 June 2020
Children3 (including Gabriela)
Other names
  • A Namoradinha do Brasil ("Brazil's little girlfriend")
  • Regidu
Years active1965–2018
Notable work

Regina Blois Duarte (born 5 February 1947) is a Brazilian actress who briefly served as Special Secretary of Culture, a cabinet position in President Jair Bolsonaro's federal administration, from March to May 2020. [1] [2]


Political activities

Her efforts against former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (of the Workers' Party) in the 2002 elections caused considerable controversy. Duarte appeared in a TV advertisement saying that she was afraid of what could happen to Brazil if Lula won: [3] [4]

I'm afraid. It's been a long time since I had this feeling. Because I feel that Brazil in this election is at the risk of losing all the stability that has already been conquered.

She was also involved in the short-lived polemic organization Cansei . [5] [6]

Special Secretary of Culture

Following Roberto Alvim's controversy and subsequent removal from office in January 2020, Duarte was invited to be Special Secretary of Culture. [7] At first, she did not accept the job, [8] but on January 29, Duarte announced after a meeting that she had decided to accept the position. [9] On March 4, 2020, she took office as the fourth Special Secretary of Culture in Jair Bolsonaro's government. [10]

Duarte's time as secretary had no shortage of controversies, the most recent of which happened on May 7. [11] During an interview with CNN Brazil, Duarte minimized the negative aspects of the Military dictatorship in Brazil, such as assassination and torture. When questioned by a fellow actress, Maitê Proença, about her plans to help artists during the COVID-19 pandemic, Duarte abruptly ended the interview. [12] [13]

On May 20, 2020, Bolsonaro posted a video to Twitter in which, alongside Duarte, he announces her transfer from Special Secretary of Culture to president of Cinemateca Brasileira, [14] an institution in São Paulo responsible for the preservation of Brazilian audiovisual production. In the video, Duarte states that, while living in Brasília, she misses her family, and that a transfer to São Paulo would mean she could live with her relatives again. [15] Her successor as Special Secretary of Culture was Mário Frias, who took office on June 23, 2020. [16]



1965A Deusa VencidaMalu
1965A Grande ViagemIsabel
1966As Minas de PrataInesita
1966Anjo MarcadoLilian
1967 Os Fantoches Bete
1968Legião dos EsquecidosRegina
1968O Terceiro PecadoCarolina
1969Os EstranhosMelissa
1969Dez VidasPom Pom
1969 Véu de Noiva Andréa / Roberta / Maria Célia
1970 Irmãos Coragem Rita "Ritinha" de Cássia Maciel Coragem
1971 Minha Doce Namorada Patrícia
Caso EspecialRosana
Leah ben Henie
Episode: "1"
Episode: "Dibuk (O Demônio)"
1972 Selva de Pedra Simone Marques / Rosana Reis
1973 Carinhoso Cecília
1974 Fogo sobre Terra Bárbara
1977Despedida de CasadoEstela
1979–80 Malu Mulher Maria Lúcia "Malu" Fonseca
1979Mulher 80Presenter
1982 Sétimo Sentido Luana Camará / Priscila Capricce
1983 Guerra dos Sexos Alma
1984–85JoanaJoana Martins
1985 Roque Santeiro Widow Porcina da Silva
1986Caso EspecialEldest daughter of Negro Léo [17] Episode: "Negro Léo"
1988 Vale Tudo Raquel Accioli
1989 Top Model Florinda Kundaro
1990 Rainha da Sucata Maria do Carmo Pereira
1993Retrato de MulherVarious characters
1994Incidente em AntaresShirley Terezinha
1995Irmãos CoragemScarlett O'Hara
1995 História de Amor Helena Soares
1996Visita de NatalGirl with cold [18] Telefilm
1997–98 Por Amor Helena Viana
1999Chiquinha Gonzaga Chiquinha Gonzaga
1999O Belo e as FerasLídiaEpisode: "Só o Amor Destrói"
2002 Desejos de Mulher Andréa Vargas
2003 Kubanacan Maria Félix7 episodes
2005Sob Nova DireçãoDona IreneEpisódio "A Mensalista"
2006 Páginas da Vida Helena Camargo Varela
2008 Três Irmãs Waldete Maria de Nascimento Bezerra / Verônica Ramos
2010 Araguaia Antoninha Rangel [19] 2 episodes
2010 As Cariocas Maria ElisaEpisodes: "A Adúltera da Urca"
2011 O Astro Clotilde "Clô" Sampaio Hayalla
2012 A Grande Família Judge Noêmia [20] Episode: "Só Lineu Salva"
2014 Império Maria Joaquina Braga [21] 3 episodes
2015 Sete Vidas Esther Viana [22] [23]
2016 A Lei do Amor Suzana Rivera [24] 2 episodes
2017 Pega Pega Herself [25] 1 episode
Tempo de Amar Madame Lucerne
/ Catarina do Espírito Santo


1968Lance MaiorCristina
1969A Compadecida Mary, mother of Jesus
1976Chão BrutoSinhana
1977Parada 88, o Limite de AlertaAna
1978Daniel, Capanga de DeusBeatriz / Sandra
1981El Hombre del SubsueloLuisa dos Santos
1982 O Homem do Pau-Brasil Lalá
1983O Cangaceiro TrapalhãoAninha
1984São BernardoMadalenaTelefilm
1985 Happily Ever After Fernanda
1995La LonaBoxerShort film
2000Um Anjo TrapalhãoGirl with cold
2012Astro - Uma Fábula Urbana em um Rio de Janeiro MágicoNeighbor
2014 Gata Velha Ainda Mia Glória Polk [26] [27]
2018As HerdeirasOdilia


As actress

1965 A Megera Domada
1969 Romeu e Julieta Julieta Capuleto
1971Dom Quixote Mula Manca e seu Fiel Companheiro
1975 Réveillon Janete
1978O Santo InquéritoBranca Dias
1986Miss BananaBela Vieira
1992 A Vida É Sonho Segismundo
1999–01 Honra Norah
2004–09Coração BazarVarious characters
2012–13Raimunda, RaimundaRaimunda
2013–16Bem vindo-estranhoJaki
2018O Leão no InvernoEleanor da Aquitânia

As director

2012–13Raimunda, Raimunda
2014A Volta para Casa
2017–18A Volta ao Lar

Awards and nominations

YearAwardsCategoryWork nominatedResultsRef.
1966Troféu ImprensaBest Female NewcomerA Deusa VencidaWon
1968Best Actress Os Fantoches
1971 Irmãos Coragem
Prêmio Globo Minha Doce Namorada
1972Troféu ImprensaNominated
1973 Selva de Pedra Won
1974 Carinhoso
1975 Fogo Sobre Terra Nominated
1976 Selva de Pedra
1979Prêmio APCABest Actress Malu Mulher won
1985 Roque Santeiro
1986Troféu ImprensaBest Actress
1989 Vale Tudo
1991 Rainha da Sucata [28]
1996 História de Amor
1998 Por Amor
1998Prêmio Contigo! de TVSet of Workwon [29]
2002Prêmio Qualidade Profissional
2003Prêmio Contigo! de TVBest Actress Desejos de Mulher Nominated
Best Romantic Couple
2006Prêmio IstoÉ GenteSet of WorkWon [30]
2011Prêmio Quem de TelevisãoBest Actress O Astro Nominated [31]
Prêmio Qualidade BrasilBest Supporting Actress [32]
Prêmio Melhores da Revista da TV - O Globo [33] Best ActressWon
Prêmio TV Press [34] Best ActressWon
Troféu Mário LagoSet of Workwon [35]
2014LA Indie Film FestBest Actress Gata Velha Ainda Mia
2015Prêmio Guarani de Cinema Brasileiro [36] Best ActressNominated
Prêmio Extra de TelevisãoBest Supporting Actress Sete Vidas [37]
2018Prêmio Shell de TeatroBest ActressO Leão no Inverno


  1. "Amid Jokes and Memes, Regina Duarte Assumes Role as Secretary of Culture" (in Portuguese). The Rio Times. March 7, 2020. Retrieved April 24, 2020.
  2. Rodrigues, Basília (May 20, 2020). "Regina Duarte deixa comando da Secretaria de Cultura" (in Portuguese). CNN Brasil. Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  3. "A trajetória de Regina Duarte na política, do 'estou com medo' ao convite para integrar governo Bolsonaro" [Regina Duarte's trajectory in politics, from 'I'm afraid' to invitation to participate in Bolsonaro's government]. BBC (in Brazilian Portuguese). 2020-01-20.
  4. Video on YouTube
  5. "Personalities involved with "Cansei"". Archived from the original on 2007-10-12. Retrieved 2007-10-02.
  6. "Supporters of "Cansei"". Archived from the original on 2007-10-12. Retrieved 2007-10-02.
  7. Lôbo, Cristiana (January 20, 2020). "Regina Duarte aceita convite para secretaria de Cultura de Bolsonaro, dizem interlocutores" (in Brazilian Portuguese). G1. Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  8. Rocha, Camilo (January 25, 2020). "A semana de Regina Duarte como quase secretária da Cultura" [The week of Regina Duarte as almost secretary of Culture]. Nexo Jornal  [ pt ] (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  9. "Regina Duarte aceita convite de Bolsonaro para Secretaria da Cultura" [Regina Duarte accepts Bolsonaro's invitation to Culture Secretary]. Exame (in Brazilian Portuguese). January 29, 2020. Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  10. Barbiéri, Luiz Felipe; Mazui, Guilherme (March 4, 2020). "Regina Duarte toma posse e diz que buscará 'pacificação e diálogo permanente' com o setor cultural" [Regina Duarte takes office and says she'll strive for 'pacification and permanent dialog' with cultural sector]. G1 (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  11. Moreira, João Almeida (May 20, 2020). "Dois meses de polémicas. Regina Duarte deixa Secretaria da Cultura" [Two months of controversies. Regina Duarte leaves Secretary of Culture]. Diário de Notícias (in Portuguese). Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  12. Fernandes, Talita (May 7, 2020). "Regina Duarte dá chilique ao vivo na TV ao ouvir críticas à sua gestão" [Regina Duarte freaks out on live television when her administration is criticized]. Folha de S.Paulo (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  13. "Em entrevista à CNN Brasil, Regina Duarte minimiza tortura durante ditadura militar" [During interview to CNN Brazil, Regina Duarte minimizes torture during military dictatorship]. Brasil de Fato (in Brazilian Portuguese). May 7, 2020. Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  14. Santos, Philipe; Teófilo, Sarah (May 20, 2020). "Bolsonaro anuncia saída de Regina Duarte da Secretaria de Cultura" [Bolsonaro announces Regina Duarte's departure from Secretary of Culture]. Correio Braziliense (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  15. Mazui, Guilherme; Krüger, Ana (May 20, 2020). "Regina Duarte deixa comando da secretaria de Cultura do governo Bolsonaro" [Regina Duarte leaves Bolsonaro's Secretary of Culture]. G1 (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved May 20, 2020.
  16. Ventura, Manoel (June 23, 2020). "Em ato fechado, Mario Frias toma posse como novo secretário de Cultura" [In closed ceremony, Mario Frias takes office as new secretary of Culture]. O Globo (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved June 23, 2020.
  17. "Rede Globo - Revirando o Baú". Acessado em 30 de agosto de 2012.
  18. Memória Globo. Acessado em 30 de agosto de 2017.
  19. Gshow (21 September 2010). "Regina Duarte vive Antoninha, personagem-chave na trama de Araguaia". Bastidores - Araguaia. Retrieved 14 July 2014.
  20. Ricco, Flávio (9 December 2012). "Regina Duarte grava "A Grande Família"". UOL Televisão. Retrieved 7 July 2014.
  21. Gshow (30 June 2014). "Com sotaque em cena, Regina Duarte segura a viúva Porcina que tem dentro dela". Extras - Império. Archived from the original on 7 July 2014. Retrieved 7 July 2014.
  22. Louise Soares (10 February 2015). "Regina Duarte fica incomodada com perguntas sobre sexualidade de personagem em 'Sete Vidas'". F5 - televisão. Retrieved 13 February 2015.
  23. Flávia Muniz (11 February 2015). "Regina Duarte se incomoda ao falar de personagem gay". O Dia . Retrieved 13 February 2015.
  24. ""A Lei do Amor": Suzana morre e Fausto fica em estado vegetativo após atentado". 10 October 2016.
  25. "Regina Duarte grava 'Pega Pega' e recebe homenagem do elenco". Gshow. 14 July 2017.
  26. "Regina Duarte tira a maquiagem para atuar em 'Gata Velha Ainda Mia'". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  27. ""Gata Velha Ainda Mia" traz Regina Duarte como ex-feminista". (in Brazilian Portuguese). Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  28. "TV-Pesquisa". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  29. "Prêmio Contigo :: TV - Premiações Artísticas". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  30.{{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  31. ""Prêmio QUEM 2011: Conheça os vencedores"".
  32. "Prêmio Arte Qualidade Brasil :: TV - Premiações Artísticas". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  33. "Melhores da Revista da TV :: TV - Premiações Artísticas". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  34. "TV Press :: TV - Premiações Artísticas". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  35. "Regina Duarte recebe o Troféu Mário Lago de Hebe Camargo, que brinca com a atriz: 'cala a boca' - Troféu Mário Lago - Domingão do Faustão - Rede Globo". Retrieved 2024-07-25.
  36.{{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  37. "Prêmio Extra de TV 2015 revela seus vencedores no dia 17 de novembro. Vote em seus preferidos!". 12 October 2015.
APCA Awards
Preceded by APCA Awards for Best Actress in Television
1980; 1985
Succeeded by
Preceded bySucceeded by
Troféu Imprensa
Preceded by Troféu Imprensa for Best Actress
1971; 1973–1974
Succeeded by
Preceded bySucceeded by
Political offices
Preceded by Special Secretary of Culture
Succeeded by