Relief well

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Relief wells are used both in the natural gas and petroleum industry and in flood control.


Fossil fuels

In the natural gas and petroleum industry, a relief well is drilled to intersect an oil or gas well that has experienced a blowout. Specialized liquid, such as heavy (dense) drilling mud followed by cement, can then be pumped down the relief well in order to stop the flow from the reservoir in the damaged well.

The first use of a relief well was in Texas in the mid-1930s when one was drilled to pump water into an oil well that had cratered and caught on fire. [1]

Flood control

In flood control, a different type of relief well is used adjacent to earthen levees to relieve the pressure on the lake or river side of the levee and thus to prevent the collapse of the levee. The greater flow of water in the water source, typically during a flood, creates a pressure gradient such that more water infiltrates the soil of the levee. Water may then flow through the soil towards the dry side of the levee, resulting in sand boil, liquefaction of the soil, and ultimately destruction of the levee. Relief wells act like valves to relieve the water pressure and allow excess water to be diverted safely, for example, to a canal. Relief wells can prevent sand boils from occurring by relieving the water pressure as described.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of the petroleum industry in Canada</span>

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The term separator in oilfield terminology designates a pressure vessel used for separating well fluids produced from oil and gas wells into gaseous and liquid components. A separator for petroleum production is a large vessel designed to separate production fluids into their constituent components of oil, gas and water. A separating vessel may be referred to in the following ways: Oil and gas separator, Separator, Stage separator, Trap, Knockout vessel, Flash chamber, Expansion separator or expansion vessel, Scrubber, Filter. These separating vessels are normally used on a producing lease or platform near the wellhead, manifold, or tank battery to separate fluids produced from oil and gas wells into oil and gas or liquid and gas. An oil and gas separator generally includes the following essential components and features:

  1. A vessel that includes (a) primary separation device and/or section, (b) secondary "gravity" settling (separating) section, (c) mist extractor to remove small liquid particles from the gas, (d) gas outlet, (e) liquid settling (separating) section to remove gas or vapor from oil, (f) oil outlet, and (g) water outlet.
  2. Adequate volumetric liquid capacity to handle liquid surges (slugs) from the wells and/or flowlines.
  3. Adequate vessel diameter and height or length to allow most of the liquid to separate from the gas so that the mist extractor will not be flooded.
  4. A means of controlling an oil level in the separator, which usually includes a liquid-level controller and a diaphragm motor valve on the oil outlet.
  5. A back pressure valve on the gas outlet to maintain a steady pressure in the vessel.
  6. Pressure relief devices.
<span class="mw-page-title-main">Completion (oil and gas wells)</span> Last operation for oil and gas wells

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Well stimulation</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">California oil and gas industry</span> Oil and gas industry of the US state of California

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