Drilling fluid

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Driller pouring anti-foaming agent down the drilling string on a drilling rig DiamondRig-SuperFoam.jpg
Driller pouring anti-foaming agent down the drilling string on a drilling rig
Baryte powder used for preparation of water-based mud Barite powder A321.jpg
Baryte powder used for preparation of water-based mud

In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid, also known as drilling mud, is used to aid the drilling of boreholes into the earth. Used while drilling oil and natural gas wells and on exploration drilling rigs, drilling fluids are also used for much simpler boreholes, such as water wells.


The two main categories of drilling fluids are water-based muds (WBs), which can be dispersed and non-dispersed, and non-aqueous muds, usually called oil-based muds (OBs). Along with their formatives, these are used along with appropriate polymer and clay additives for drilling various oil and gas formations. Gaseous drilling fluids, typically utilizing air or natural gas, sometimes with the addition of foaming agents, can be used when downhole conditions permit.

The main functions of liquid drilling fluids are to exert hydrostatic pressure to prevent formation fluids from entering into the well bore, and carrying out drill cuttings as well as suspending the drill cuttings while drilling is paused such as when the drilling assembly is brought in and out of the hole. The drilling fluid also keeps the drill bit cool and clears out cuttings beneath it during drilling. The drilling fluid used for a particular job is selected to avoid formation damage and to limit corrosion.

Composition of drilling mud

Liquid fluids are composed of natural and synthetic material in a mixed state, [1] which can be of two types: [2]

Water-based drilling mud most commonly consists of bentonite clay (gel) with additives such as barium sulfate (baryte) to increase density, and calcium carbonate (chalk) or hematite. Various thickeners are used to influence the viscosity of the fluid, e.g. xanthan gum, guar gum, glycol, carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC), polyanionic cellulose (PAC), or starch. In turn, deflocculants are used to reduce viscosity of clay-based muds; anionic polyelectrolytes (e.g. acrylates, polyphosphates, lignosulfonates (Lig) or tannic acid derivates such as Quebracho) are frequently used. Red mud was the name for a Quebracho-based mixture, named after the color of the red tannic acid salts; it was commonly used in the 1940s to 1950s, then was made obsolete when lignosulfonates became available. Other components are added to provide various specific functional characteristics as listed above. Some other common additives include lubricants, shale inhibitors, fluid loss additives(CMC and PAC) (to control loss of drilling fluids into permeable formations). A weighting agent such as baryte is added to increase the overall density of the drilling fluid so that sufficient bottom hole pressure can be maintained thereby preventing an unwanted (and often dangerous) influx of formation fluids. [4]


Source: [5]

Many types of drilling fluids are used on a day-to-day basis. Some wells require different types to be used in different parts of the hole, or that some types be used in combination with others. The various types of fluid generally fall into broad categories: [6]

On a drilling rig, mud is pumped from the mud pits through the drill string, where it jets out of nozzles on the drill bit, thus clearing away cuttings and cooling the drill bit in the process. The mud then carries the crushed or cut rock ("cuttings") up the annular space ("annulus") between the drill string and the sides of the hole being drilled, up through the surface casing, where it emerges from the top. Cuttings are then filtered out with either a shale shaker or the newer shale conveyor technology, and the mud returns to the mud pits. The mud pits allow the drilled "fines" to settle and the mud to be treated by adding chemicals and other substances.

Fluid pit Fluid Pitts.JPG
Fluid pit

The returning mud may contain natural gases or other flammable materials which will collect in and around the shale shaker/conveyor area or in other work areas. Because of the risk of a fire or an explosion, special monitoring sensors and explosion-proof certified equipment are commonly installed, and workers are trained in safety precautions. The mud is then pumped back down the hole and further re-circulated. The mud properties are tested, with periodic treating in the mud pits to ensure it has desired properties to optimize drilling efficiency and provide borehole stability.


The functions of a drilling mud can be summarized as: [5]

Remove well cuttings

Mud Pit Mud Pitt.JPG
Mud Pit

Drilling fluid carries the rock excavated by the drill bit up to the surface. Its ability to do so depends on cutting size, shape, and density, and speed of fluid traveling up the well (annular velocity). These considerations are analogous to the ability of a stream to carry sediment. Large sand grains in a slow-moving stream settle to the stream bed, while small sand grains in a fast-moving stream are carried along with the water. The mud viscosity and gel strength are important properties, as cuttings will settle to the bottom of the well if the viscosity is too low.

Fly Ash absorbent for fluids in mud pits FlyAsh Absorbant for fluids in Mud Pits.JPG
Fly Ash absorbent for fluids in mud pits

Other properties include:

Suspend and release cuttings

One of the functions of drilling mud is to carry cuttings out of the hole.

Source: [5]

Control formation pressures

Source: [5]

Seal permeable formations

Source: [5]

Maintain wellbore stability

Source: [5]

Minimizing formation damage

Source: [5]

Cool, lubricate, and support the bit and drilling assembly

Source: [5]

Transmit hydraulic energy to tools and bit

Source: [5]

Ensure adequate formation evaluation

Source: [5]

Control corrosion (in acceptable level)

Source: [5]

Facilitate cementing and completion

Source: [5]

Minimize impact on environment

Unlined drilling fluid sumps were commonplace before the environmental consequences were recognized. DrillingFluidSump.png
Unlined drilling fluid sumps were commonplace before the environmental consequences were recognized.

Source: [5]

Mud is, in varying degrees, toxic. It is also difficult and expensive to dispose of it in an environmentally friendly manner. A Vanity Fair article described the conditions at Lago Agrio, a large oil field in Ecuador where drillers were effectively unregulated. [8]

Water-based drilling fluid has very little toxicity, made from water, bentonite and baryte, all clay from mining operations, usually found in Wyoming and in Lunde, Telemark. There are specific chemicals that can be used in water-based drilling fluids that alone can be corrosive and toxic, such as hydrochloric acid. However, when mixed into water-based drilling fluids, hydrochloric acid only decreases the pH of the water to a more manageable level. Caustic (sodium hydroxide), anhydrous lime, soda ash, bentonite, baryte and polymers are the most common chemicals used in water-based drilling fluids. Oil Base Mud and synthetic drilling fluids can contain high levels of benzene, and other chemicals

Most common chemicals added to OBM Muds:

Factors influencing drilling fluid performance

Some factors affecting drilling fluid performance are: [9]

Drilling mud classification

They are classified based on their fluid phase, alkalinity, dispersion and the type of chemicals used.

Dispersed systems

Non-dispersed systems

Mud engineer

Mud pit with fly ash Mud Pitt with Fly Ash.JPG
Mud pit with fly ash

"Mud engineer" is the name given to an oil field service company individual who is charged with maintaining a drilling fluid or completion fluid system on an oil and/or gas drilling rig. [13] This individual typically works for the company selling the chemicals for the job and is specifically trained with those products, though independent mud engineers are still common. The role of the mud engineer, or more properly drilling fluids engineer, is critical to the entire drilling operation because even small problems with mud can stop the whole operations on rig. The internationally accepted shift pattern at off-shore drilling operations is personnel (including mud engineers) work on a 28-day shift pattern, where they work for 28 continuous days and rest the following 28 days. In Europe this is more commonly a 21-day shift pattern.

In offshore drilling, with new technology and high total day costs, wells are being drilled extremely fast. Having two mud engineers makes economic sense to prevent down time due to drilling fluid difficulties. Two mud engineers also reduce insurance costs to oil companies for environmental damage that oil companies are responsible for during drilling and production. A senior mud engineer typically works in the day, and a junior mud engineer at night.

The cost of the drilling fluid is typically about 10% (may vary greatly) of the total cost of drilling a well, and demands competent mud engineers. Large cost savings result when the mud engineer and fluid performs adequately.

The mud engineer is not to be confused with mudloggers, service personnel who monitor gas from the mud and collect well bore samples.

Compliance engineer

The compliance engineer is the most common name for a relatively new position in the oil field, emerging around 2002 due to new environmental regulations on synthetic mud in the United States. Previously, synthetic mud was regulated the same as water-based mud and could be disposed of in offshore waters due to low toxicity to marine organisms. New regulations restrict the amount of synthetic oil that can be discharged. These new regulations created a significant burden in the form of tests needed to determine the "ROC" or retention on cuttings, sampling to determine the percentage of crude oil in the drilling mud, and extensive documentation. No type of oil/synthetic based mud (or drilled cuttings contaminated with OBM/SBM) may be dumped in the North Sea. Contaminated mud must either be shipped back to shore in skips or processed on the rigs.

A new monthly toxicity test is also now performed to determine sediment toxicity, using the amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus . Various concentrations of the drilling mud are added to the environment of captive L. plumulosus to determine its effect on the animals. [14] The test is controversial for two reasons:

  1. These animals are not native to many of the areas regulated by them, including the Gulf of Mexico
  2. The test has a very large standard deviation, and samples that fail badly may pass easily upon retesting [15]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Oil well</span> Well drilled to extract crude oil and/or gas

An oil well is a drillhole boring in Earth that is designed to bring petroleum oil hydrocarbons to the surface. Usually some natural gas is released as associated petroleum gas along with the oil. A well that is designed to produce only gas may be termed a gas well. Wells are created by drilling down into an oil or gas reserve and if necessary equipped with extraction devices such as pumpjacks. Creating the wells can be an expensive process, costing at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, and costing much more when in difficult-to-access locations, e.g., offshore. The process of modern drilling for wells first started in the 19th century but was made more efficient with advances to oil drilling rigs and technology during the 20th century.

In petroleum exploration and development, formation evaluation is used to determine the ability of a borehole to produce petroleum. Essentially, it is the process of "recognizing a commercial well when you drill one".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wireline (cabling)</span> Technology used in oil and gas wells

In the oil and gas industry, the term wireline usually refers to the use of multi-conductor, single conductor or slickline cable, or "wireline", as a conveyance for the acquisition of subsurface petrophysical and geophysical data and the delivery of well construction services such as pipe recovery, perforating, plug setting and well cleaning and fishing. The subsurface geophysical and petrophysical information results in the description and analysis of subsurface geology, reservoir properties and production characteristics.

Well logging, also known as borehole logging is the practice of making a detailed record of the geologic formations penetrated by a borehole. The log may be based either on visual inspection of samples brought to the surface or on physical measurements made by instruments lowered into the hole. Some types of geophysical well logs can be done during any phase of a well's history: drilling, completing, producing, or abandoning. Well logging is performed in boreholes drilled for the oil and gas, groundwater, mineral and geothermal exploration, as well as part of environmental and geotechnical studies.

A mud engineer works on an oil well or gas well drilling rig, and is responsible for ensuring the properties of the drilling fluid, also known as drilling mud, are within designed specifications.

Well control is the technique used in oil and gas operations such as drilling, well workover and well completion for maintaining the hydrostatic pressure and formation pressure to prevent the influx of formation fluids into the wellbore. This technique involves the estimation of formation fluid pressures, the strength of the subsurface formations and the use of casing and mud density to offset those pressures in a predictable fashion. Understanding pressure and pressure relationships is important in well control.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mud logging</span> Creation of a detailed record of a borehole

Mud logging is the creation of a detailed record of a borehole by examining the cuttings of rock brought to the surface by the circulating drilling medium. Mud logging is usually performed by a third-party mud logging company. This provides well owners and producers with information about the lithology and fluid content of the borehole while drilling. Historically it is the earliest type of well log. Under some circumstances compressed air is employed as a circulating fluid, rather than mud. Although most commonly used in petroleum exploration, mud logging is also sometimes used when drilling water wells and in other mineral exploration, where drilling fluid is the circulating medium used to lift cuttings out of the hole. In hydrocarbon exploration, hydrocarbon surface gas detectors record the level of natural gas brought up in the mud. A mobile laboratory is situated by the mud logging company near the drilling rig or on deck of an offshore drilling rig, or on a drill ship.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Derrickhand</span> Person who sits atop the derrick on a drilling rig

A derrickhand or derrickman is the person who sits atop the derrick on a drilling rig. Though the exact duties vary from rig to rig, they almost always report directly to the driller. Their job is to guide the stands of the drill pipe into the fingers at the top of the derrick. Other duties might include monitoring pH and calcium levels, viscosity and the mud weight (density), adding chemicals and oil based fluids, and being responsible for the shale shakers and mud pump.

Underbalanced drilling, or UBD, is a procedure used to drill oil and gas wells where the pressure in the wellbore is kept lower than the static pressure of the formation being drilled. As the well is being drilled, formation fluid flows into the wellbore and up to the surface. This is the opposite of the usual situation, where the wellbore is kept at a pressure above the formation to prevent formation fluid entering the well. In such a conventional "overbalanced" well, the invasion of fluid is considered a kick, and if the well is not shut-in it can lead to a blowout, a dangerous situation. In underbalanced drilling, however, there is a "rotating head" at the surface - essentially a seal that diverts produced fluids to a separator while allowing the drill string to continue rotating.

A well kill is the operation of placing a column of special fluids of the required density into a well bore in order to prevent the flow of reservoir fluids without the need for pressure control equipment at the surface. It works on the principle that the hydrostatic head of the "kill fluid" or "kill mud" will be enough to suppress the pressure of the formation fluids. Well kills may be planned in the case of advanced interventions such as workovers, or be contingency operations. The situation calling for a well kill will dictate the method taken.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Completion (oil and gas wells)</span> Last operation for oil and gas wells

Well completion is the process of making a well ready for production after drilling operations. This principally involves preparing the bottom of the hole to the required specifications, running in the production tubing and its associated down hole tools as well as perforating and stimulating as required. Sometimes, the process of running in and cementing the casing is also included. After a well has been drilled, should the drilling fluids be removed, the well would eventually close in upon itself. Casing ensures that this will not happen while also protecting the wellstream from outside incumbents, like water or sand.

Annular velocity is the speed of the drilling fluid's movement in a column called an annulus in oil wells. It is commonly measured in feet per minute (ft/min) or meters per minute (m/min). Annular velocity is often abbreviated as AV, though this is not exclusively so, as AV also refers to apparent viscosity which is calculated from rheometer readings from tests that the mud engineer performs.

Oilfield terminology refers to the jargon used by those working in fields within and related to the upstream segment of the petroleum industry. It includes words and phrases describing professions, equipment, and procedures specific to the industry. It may also include slang terms used by oilfield workers to describe the same.

In oil or gas well drilling, lost circulation occurs when drilling fluid, known commonly as "mud", flows into one or more geological formations instead of returning up the annulus. Lost circulation can be a serious problem during the drilling of an oil well or gas well.

Oil well cementing equipment are essential for oil and gas exploration and are required oilfield equipment when drilling a well.

Oil well control is the management of the dangerous effects caused by the unexpected release of formation fluid, such as natural gas and/or crude oil, upon surface equipment of oil or gas drilling rigs and escaping into the atmosphere. Technically, oil well control involves preventing the formation gas or fluid (hydrocarbons), usually referred to as kick, from entering into the wellbore during drilling or well interventions.

Oil-based mud is a drilling fluid used in drilling engineering. It is composed of oil as the continuous phase and water as the dispersed phase in conjunction with emulsifiers, wetting agents and gellants. The oil base can be diesel, kerosene, fuel oil, selected crude oil or mineral oil.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pipe recovery operations</span>

Pipe recovery is a specific wireline operation used in the oil and gas industry, when the drill string becomes stuck downhole. Stuck pipe prevents the drill rig from continuing operations. This results in costly downtime, ranging anywhere from $10,000-1,000,000 per day of downtime, therefore it is critical to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Pipe recovery is the process by which the location of the stuck pipe is identified, and the free pipe is separated from the stuck pipe either by a backoff or a chemical cut. This allows fishing tools to subsequently be run down hole to latch onto and remove the stuck pipe.


  1. 1 2 3 Fink, Johannes (2011). Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids. Elsevier Science. p. 1-2. ISBN   9780123838452.
  2. Caenn, Ryen; Darley, HCH; Gray, George R. (29 September 2011). Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids. Elsevier Science. ISBN   9780123838599.
  3. "Oilfield Review Spring 2013: 25, no. 1". www.slb.com. Schlumberger. 2013. Retrieved 27 June 2023.
  4. Rabia, Hussain (1986). Oilwell Drilling Engineering : Principles and Practice. Springer. pp. 106–111. ISBN   0860106616.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Volume II: Drilling Engineering. Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2007. pp. 90–95. ISBN   978-1-55563-114-7.
  6. Oilfield Glossary
  7. "drilling mud". asiagilsonite. Retrieved 2023-07-30.
  8. Langewiesche, William. "Jungle Law". The Hive. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  9. "According the change of drilling fluid to understand under well condition". Drilling Mud Cleaning System. 27 December 2012. Retrieved 26 September 2013.[ permanent dead link ]
  10. Clark, Peter E. (1995-01-01). "Drilling Mud Rheology and the API Recommended Measurements". SPE Production Operations Symposium. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/29543-MS. ISBN   9781555634483.
  11. CJWinter. "The Advantages Of Cold Root Rolling". www.cjwinter.com. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  12. "10 Tips To Improve Drilling Fluid Performance" (PDF). Drilling Contractor. Retrieved 2017-08-28.
  13. Moore, Rachel (2017-07-05). "How to become a mud engineer". Career Trend.
  14. "Methods for Assessing the Chronic Toxicity of Marine and Estuarine Sediment-associated Contaminants with the Amphipod Leptocheirus plumulosus—First Edition". U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Archived from the original on 15 April 2014. Retrieved 14 April 2014.
  15. Orszulik, Stefan (2016-01-26). Environmental Technology in the Oil Industry. Springer. ISBN   9783319243344.

Further reading