In mathematics, the residue field is a basic construction in commutative algebra. If is a commutative ring and is a maximal ideal, then the residue field is the quotient ring , which is a field. [1] Frequently, is a local ring and is then its unique maximal ideal.
In abstract algebra, the splitting field of a polynomial is constructed using residue fields. Residue fields also applied in algebraic geometry, where to every point of a scheme one associates its residue field . [2] One can say a little loosely that the residue field of a point of an abstract algebraic variety is the natural domain for the coordinates of the point.[ clarification needed ]
Suppose that is a commutative local ring, with maximal ideal . Then the residue field is the quotient ring .
Now suppose that is a scheme and is a point of . By the definition of a scheme, we may find an affine neighbourhood of , with some commutative ring . Considered in the neighbourhood , the point corresponds to a prime ideal (see Zariski topology). The local ring of at is by definition the localization of by , and has maximal ideal = . Applying the construction above, we obtain the residue field of the point :
One can prove that this definition does not depend on the choice of the affine neighbourhood . [3] Since localization is exact, is the field of fractions of (which is an integral domain as is a prime ideal). [4]
Consider the affine line over a field . If is algebraically closed, there are exactly two types of prime ideals, namely
The residue fields are
If is not algebraically closed, then more types arise from the irreducible polynomials of degree greater than 1. For example if , then the prime ideals generated by quadratic irreducible polynomials (such as ) all have residue field isomorphic to .