Richard Zach

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Richard Zach
Alma mater University of California, Berkeley
Scientific career
Institutions University of Calgary
Thesis Hilbert's Finitism: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives  (2001)
Doctoral advisors Paolo Mancosu, Jack Silver

Richard Zach is a Canadian logician, philosopher of mathematics, and historian of logic and analytic philosophy. He is currently Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calgary.



Zach's research interests include the development of formal logic and historical figures (Hilbert, Gödel, and Carnap) associated with this development. In the philosophy of mathematics Zach has worked on Hilbert's program and the philosophical relevance of proof theory. In mathematical logic, he has made contributions to proof theory (epsilon calculus, proof complexity) and to modal and many-valued logic, especially Gödel logic. [1]


Zach received his undergraduate education at the Vienna University of Technology and his Ph.D. at the Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science at the University of California, Berkeley. His dissertation, Hilbert's Program: Historical, Philosophical, and Metamathematical Perspectives, was jointly supervised by Paolo Mancosu and Jack Silver. [2]

He has taught at the University of Calgary since 2001, and holds the rank of Professor. He has held visiting appointments at the University of California, Irvine [3] and McGill University. [4] Zach is a founding editor of the Review of Symbolic Logic and the Journal for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy , and is also associate editor of Studia Logica , and a subject editor for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (History of Modern Logic). [5] He serves on the editorial boards of the Bernays edition [6] and the Carnap edition. [7] He was elected to the Council of the Association for Symbolic Logic in 2008 [8] (ASL) and he has served on the ASL Committee on Logic Education [9] and the executive committee of the Kurt Gödel Society. [10]

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  1. Richard Zach. "Research and Publications" . Retrieved 2014-12-10.
  2. Richard Zach at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  3. UC Irvine LPS. "Logic and Philosophy of Science Visitors" . Retrieved 2014-12-12.
  4. McGill Philosophy Department. "Visiting Scholars" . Retrieved 2014-12-12.
  5. "Richard Zach". University of Calgary Department of Philosophy. Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  6. Carnegie Mellon University. "The Bernays Project" . Retrieved 2014-12-11.
  7. Carnegie Mellon University. "The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap" . Retrieved 2012-12-11.
  8. Association for Symbolic Logic (January 2008). "ASL Newsletter" (PDF).,
  9. ASL Committee on Logic Education. "Members" . Retrieved 2014-12-12.
  10. Kurt Gödel Society. "Organization" . Retrieved 2014-12-12.