Robinson 2010

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Robinson 2010
Season 2010
Presented by Paolo Roberto
No. of days42
No. of castaways21 (3 jokers)
Winner Erik Svedberg
Runner-upHeléne Ekelund
Location Caramoan Peninsula, Philippines
No. of episodes13
Original network TV4
Original release7 October (2010-10-07) 
18 December 2010 (2010-12-18)
Additional information
Filming dates23 May 2010 
June 2010
Season chronology

Robinson 2010 is the thirteenth season of the Swedish version of Survivor, and premiered on TV4 on 7 October 2010. Paolo Roberto returned as host for this season.

The filming took place between 23 May and June 2010 in the Philippines. The very first received applications from the channel's website were lost, due to an error in the form. In this season, Paolo Roberto handpicked the contestants in the final process of the casting in order to minimize drop-outs during the season.

Unlike previous seasons, this season did not feature a jury vote to decide the winner. Instead, there was a final challenge in which Erik Svedberg won against Heléne Ekelund.


ContestantOriginal TribeEpisode
3–5 Tribes
vs. Kalis
Merged TribeFinishTotal
Moa Brismo
33, Åkersberga
Sarimanok1st Voted Out
Day 3
Josefin Bergqvist
Returned to Kalis
SarimanokLost Challenge
Day 6
Flavia Rydström
27, Skövde
Sarimanok2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Gökhan "Gurkan" Gasi
26, Västerås
SarimanokSarimanok3rd Voted Out
Day 10
Anders "Löken" Löfgren
51, Gustafs
BuwangaBuwanga4th Voted Out
Day 13
Kristina "Kinna" Karlsson
30, Motala
SarimanokSarimanokLeft Competition
Day 14
3 4
Elin Bjerre
Returned to Kalis
BuwangaBuwangaVoted Out to Kalis
Day 15
Josefin Bergqvist
22, Ängelholm
SarimanokKalis 3 Kalis5th Voted Out
Day 16
Peter Janeröd
53, Linköping
SarimanokSarimanokBuwanga 5 6th Voted Out
Day 19
Margareta Kingham
37, Copenhagen, Denmark
Buwanga 1 BuwangaBuwanga7th Voted Out
Day 22
Magdalena "Maggie" Divina
Returned to Charon
KalisKalisVoted Out to Charon
Day 24
Ozan Kilic
Returned to Charon
Sarimanok 1 SarimanokBuwanga 5 Voted Out to Charon
Day 24
Elin Bjerre
Returned to Charon
BuwangaBuwangaKalis 4 LubadVoted Out to Charon
Day 26
Daniel Sjökvist
Returned to Charon
BuwangaKalis 7 KalisVoted Out to Charon
Day 30
Magdalena "Maggie" Divina
27, Märsta
KalisKalisCharonEliminated on Charon
Day 32
Mats Juhlin
Returned to Charon
BuwangaBuwangaBuwangaLubadVoted Out to Charon
Day 33
Ozan Kilic
25, Sundbyberg
Sarimanok 1 SarimanokBuwanga 5 CharonEliminated on Charon
Day 34
Marcus Metsomäki
22, Stockholm
BuwangaBuwangaBuwangaLubad8th Voted Out
Day 35
15 E
Mikaela "Misha" Benes
37, Växjö
Buwanga 2 BuwangaKalis 4 Removed
Due To Illness
Day 37
Sara Shalabi
Returned to Charon
BuwangaBuwangaBuwangaLost Challenge
Day 39
Tommy Bang
Returned to Charon
KalisKalisVoted Out to Charon
Day 39
5 E
Elin Bjerre
24, Stockholm
BuwangaBuwangaKalis 4 CharonEliminated on Charon
Day 40
Daniel Sjökvist
36, Gotland
BuwangaKalis 7 KalisEliminated on Charon
Day 40
Sara Shalabi
31, Stockholm
BuwangaBuwangaBuwangaEliminated on Charon
Day 40
Tommy Bang
36, Hammarö
KalisKalisEliminated on Charon
Day 40
5 E
Mats Juhlin
Returned to Lubad
BuwangaBuwangaBuwangaWon on Charon
Day 40
Jukka Hedemäki
42, Dals Rostock
BuwangaBuwangaBuwangaLubadLost Challenge
Day 41
Kristoffer Ekberg
33, Varberg
KalisKalisLost Challenge
Day 41
Mats Juhlin
40, Åkersberga
BuwangaBuwangaBuwanga9th Voted Out
Day 42
Heléne Ekelund
47, Trollhättan
Sarimanok 1 SarimanokBuwanga 5 Runner-Up
Day 42
Erik Svedberg
27, Sundsvall
SarimanokKalis 7 KalisSole Survivor
Day 42
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaway has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game.

^1 Heléne, Margareta & Ozan were eliminated in a pre-season challenge. They were given a second chance, and were locked in a cage and moved to a lone beach. They was brought back into the game after the second Reward Challenge, in which Sarimanok chose Heléne & Ozan over fire, while Buwanga got the fire and Margareta.

^2 Misha wasn't picked in the first Reward Challenge, but joined Buwanga after they had won the first Immunity challenge.

^3 Josefin were Sarimanok's sacrifice in the second Immunity Challenge, in which they lost and Josefin was eliminated. She were given a second chance and was moved to another lone beach to start the new tribe Kalis.

^4 Buwanga had a Tribal Council at their beach; in which Elin were eliminated. Elin were later instructed to pick one contestant she thought was the least deserving player to win; she chose Misha, who was also eliminated. But as it later turned out, they were both moved to Kalis instead of having been eliminated from the competition.

^5 The remaining contestants in Sarimanok were merged with Buwanga; keeping Buwangas name and tribe color.

Results Overview

In the first episode, a race to the top of a hill decided who would be leader of each tribe. Leaders would get permanent immunity in their tribe. Daniel finished first and Erik second. It remained that way throughout the game. Daniel's tribe kept winning while Erik's tribe finished just behind. Even after the merge, Erik often finished second in challenges, often behind Daniel. There were constant twists from the beginning to the end. For all sorts of reasons, players were moved back and forth between teams and locations. Step by step, a whole new team formed, which included both Daniel and Erik who lost their leadership positions in a challenge. The two of them formed a strong bond and their tribe came into the merge numerically superior. Daniel made a list of players from the other tribe which determined in which order they should be voted off. He tried to micromanage people. The other players found him overly bossy and most of his former tribe members turned against him. As a reaction against Daniel's alliance attempt, Helene, an older yet athletic woman, became puppet master of a four-person alliance. They stood against Daniel, Erik and their final remaining ally, Kristoffer. The remaining four players were free agents. They agreed to vote off Daniel as soon as he didn't win immunity. After that, Helene had complete grasp of the game. Players seemed afraid of her. If anyone heard any relevant information, they told her immediately. If she suspected anyone of gunning for her, she had them voted off. She became the godmother of the game. Erik had a good relationship with Helene. He told her about Daniel's list, inviting her to their alliance, but he left out the fact that her name was fourth on the list, hoping to use her for three votes. She didn't take the bait but it seemed to make her trust him. Once Daniel was out, Erik expected to go next. However, Helene invited him to her alliance and used his vote to blindside her own alliance member, Mats. Thus, Erik found himself in the core alliance which held strong to the end. The free agents never tried to make moves. In the final eight, there was even a twist where four people were voted off one by one, showing in which order Helene's alliance were voting. The twist was however all for show and the four people who were voted out were not actually eliminated. Nevertheless, they all accepted their fate and were indeed voted off later, although in a different order. They never considered joining up to make it a four-on-four. Elimination competitions began at final five. Mats became the fifth player by winning the return challenge, even defeating challenge beast Daniel. Helene and Erik won the two qualification challenges for the final. However, in yet another twist, Mats became the third finalist because he was the final five member with the most challenge wins throughout the game. Then, in a final twist, the jury didn't vote for a winner. Instead, they had to vote off one member and the remaining two battled it out in a multi-stage obstacle course. Mats was voted out and then Erik won the challenge against Helene.

#Episode quotesFirst air dateChallengesEliminatedVoteFinish
1"Om Paolo har samma krav på oss som han har på sig själv kommer vi att dö..."7 October 2010BuwangaDaniel,
The Tribal Council was aired
in the second episode
2"Jag fattar inte att jag är så dum i huvudet som vill utsätta mig för det här jävla helvetet..."14 October 2010SarimanokBuwangaMoa4–31st Voted Out
Day 3
Flavia4–2–12nd Voted Out
Day 6
3"Det är ett spel alltså. För vissa blir det game over... så enkelt är det. Packa väskan och åk hem..."21 October 2010BuwangaBuwangaGurkan4–2–2 6 3rd Voted Out
Day 10
4"Jag skulle inte säga att han är onormal, men han är inte stöpt i dalmasformen om man säger så..."28 October 2010Kalis 7 SarimanokLöken6–24th Voted Out
Day 13
5"Det är en 3-stjärnig resort det här så jag trivs som en björn i en myrstack..."4 November 2010BuwangaBuwangaKinnaNo voteLeft Competition
Day 14
4–2–1 4 Voted Out to Kalis
Day 15
The Tribal Council was aired
in the sixth episode
6"Vi känner ingen sympati för det andra laget överhuvudtaget...
Vi tycker riktigt illa om dom!"
11 November 2010KalisKalisJosefin7–15th Voted Out
Day 16
Peter6–1–16th Voted Out
Day 19
7"Jag är ingen skogsmulle.
Jag är ingen jävla djungeltjej. Men va fan man är ingen idiot bara för det."
18 November 2010BuwangaKalisMargareta6–17th Voted Out
Day 22
Marcus 8
8"Ja men alltså... Hur dum får man va. Han är ju kokt..."25 November 2010BuwangaDanielMaggie6–1Voted Out to Charon 9
Day 24
Elin8–3–1 E Voted Out to Charon 9
Day 26
9"Helt ärligt... det var det dummaste vi eller jag har gjort under Robinson"2 December 2010ErikMatsDaniel6–4–1 E Voted Out to Charon 9
Day 30
10"Jag har sagt det tusen gånger. Svik mig inte för då ryker man..."9 December 2010Heléne
ErikMaggieNo voteEliminated on Charon
Day 32
The Tribal Council was aired
in the eleventh episode
11"Man ska fan ha lite stake i sig liksom... och stå upp för sin sak..."16 December 2010Kristoffer,
ErikMats5–4–1 E Voted Out to Charon 9
Day 33
OzanNo voteEliminated on Charon
Day 34
Marcus8–1 E 8th Voted Out
Day 35
12"Ska jag överleva själv måste jag kanske ljuga någon rakt i ansiktet..."17 December 2010NoneKristoffer


MishaNo voteRemoved Due To Illness
Day 37
SaraNo voteEliminated to Charon 9
Day 39
Tommy3–1–1Voted Out to Charon 9
Day 39
13"Köööööööööör"18 December 2010MatsDaniel,
No voteEliminated on Charon
Day 40
No voteLost Challenge
Day 41
Jury VoteMats7–39th Voted Out
Day 42
Final ChallengeHeléneNo voteRunner-Up
ErikSole Survivor
In the case of multiple tribes or castaways who win reward or immunity, they are listed in order of finish, or alphabetically where it was a team effort; where one castaway won and invited others, the invitees are in brackets.

^6 Kinna received two extra votes against her (from the previous Tribal Council) in order to get a fire striker for her tribe, Sarimanok.

^7 The team leaders of Buwanga and Sarimanok (Daniel & Erik respectively) faced the men of Kalis (Kristoffer & Tommy). If they'd lost, they would be new members of Kalis.

^8 Kalis had the opportunity to save one contestant in Buwanga's Tribal Council from elimination. They chose Marcus.

^9 He/She were voted/eliminated out of the competition; but joined the new Charon tribe where only one contestant would come back later to the game.

^E He/She came in last in the Immunity Challenge, and received one vote extra in the Tribal Council.

Episode Quotes

Translation of the original Swedish episode quotes and who that said it is listed here:

  1. "If Paolo has the same demands on us as he has on himself, we will die..." – Ozan Kilic
  2. "I can't believe I'm so stupid as to expose me for this fucking hell..." – Josefin Bergqvist
  3. "It's a game. To some it is game over... as simple as that. Pack your bags and go home..." – Gökhan "Gurkan" Gasi
  4. "I wouldn't say he's abnormal, but he isn't casted in the "Dalmas-shape" so to speak..." – Anders "Löken" Löfgren
  5. "This is a 3-star resort so I enjoy it like a bear in an anthill..." – Peter Janeröd
  6. "We feel no sympathy for the other team whatsoever... We don't like them at all!" – Mats Juhlin
  7. "I'm no "skogsmulle". I'm no bloody jungle girl. But what the hell, I aren't an idiot just because of that." – Magdalena "Maggie" Divina
  8. "Yeah but... How stupid can you be? He's toast..." – Heléne Ekelund
  9. "Honestly... That was the dumbest thing we or I have ever done during Robinson" – Mats Juhlin
  10. "I've said it a thousand times. Do not betray me or else..." – Heléne Ekelund
  11. "You got to have some damn balls... and stand up for your cause..." – Marcus Metsomäki
  12. "If I should survive myself, I might have to lie right to someone's face..." – Erik Svedberg
  13. "Goooooooooo" – Paolo Roberto

Voting history

Original TribesEpisode 3–5 TribesBuwanga vs. KalisMerged Tribe
Episode #:23456789111213
4/7 votes
4/7 votes
4/8 votes 6
6/8 votes
No vote
4/7 votes 4
7/8 votes
6/8 votes
6/7 votes
Maggie 9
6/7 votes
Ozan 9
4/6 votes
Elin 9
8/12 votes
Daniel 9
6/11 votes
Mats 9
5/10 votes
8/9 votes
No vote
Tommy 9
3/5 votes
No vote
7/10 votes
ErikGurkanFlaviaGurkanJosefinMaggieMatsMarcusMatsMarcusTommyFinal Challenge
HeléneCaged 1 FlaviaGurkanPeterMargaretaMarcusElinDanielMatsMarcusTommy
KristofferNot in gameJosefinMaggieElinMarcusMatsMarcusTommyMats
TommyNot in gameJosefinMaggieElin E KristofferMatsMarcusJukkaMats
MishaLökenElinJosefinMaggieElinDanielMats E MarcusMats
MarcusLökenElinPeterMargaretaOzanElinDaniel E KristofferTommy E Erik
OzanCaged 1 FlaviaGurkanPeterMargaretaMarcusMats
MaggieNot in gameJosefinMishaErik
MargaretaCaged 1 LökenMishaPeterOzan

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